# encoding: UTF-8 require 'test_helper' module Elasticsearch module Test class UtilsTest < ::Test::Unit::TestCase include Elasticsearch::API::Utils context "Utils" do context "__escape" do should "encode Unicode characters" do assert_equal '%E4%B8%AD%E6%96%87', __escape('中文') end should "encode special characters" do assert_equal 'foo+bar', __escape('foo bar') assert_equal 'foo%2Fbar', __escape('foo/bar') assert_equal 'foo%5Ebar', __escape('foo^bar') end should "not encode asterisks" do assert_equal '*', __escape('*') end should "use CGI.escape by default" do CGI.expects(:escape) __escape('foo bar') end should "use the escape_utils gem when available" do require 'escape_utils' CGI.expects(:escape).never EscapeUtils.expects(:escape_url) __escape('foo bar') end unless RUBY_1_8 || JRUBY end context "__listify" do should "create a list from single value" do assert_equal 'foo', __listify('foo') end should "create a list from an array" do assert_equal 'foo,bar', __listify(['foo', 'bar']) end should "create a list from multiple arguments" do assert_equal 'foo,bar', __listify('foo', 'bar') end should "ignore nil values" do assert_equal 'foo,bar', __listify(['foo', nil, 'bar']) end should "encode special characters" do assert_equal 'foo,bar%5Ebam', __listify(['foo', 'bar^bam']) end should "not encode special characters when the :escape option is set" do assert_equal 'foo,bar^bam', __listify(['foo', 'bar^bam'], :escape => false) end end context "__pathify" do should "create a path from single value" do assert_equal 'foo', __pathify('foo') end should "create a path from an array" do assert_equal 'foo/bar', __pathify(['foo', 'bar']) end should "ignore nil values" do assert_equal 'foo/bar', __pathify(['foo', nil, 'bar']) end should "ignore empty string values" do assert_equal 'foo/bar', __pathify(['foo', '', 'bar']) end end context "__bulkify" do should "serialize array of hashes" do result = Elasticsearch::API::Utils.__bulkify [ { :index => { :_index => 'myindexA', :_type => 'mytype', :_id => '1', :data => { :title => 'Test' } } }, { :update => { :_index => 'myindexB', :_type => 'mytype', :_id => '2', :data => { :doc => { :title => 'Update' } } } }, { :delete => { :_index => 'myindexC', :_type => 'mytypeC', :_id => '3' } } ] if RUBY_1_8 lines = result.split("\n") assert_equal 5, lines.size assert_match /\{"index"\:\{/, lines[0] assert_match /\{"title"\:"Test"/, lines[1] assert_match /\{"update"\:\{/, lines[2] assert_match /\{"doc"\:\{"title"/, lines[3] else assert_equal <<-PAYLOAD.gsub(/^\s+/, ''), result {"index":{"_index":"myindexA","_type":"mytype","_id":"1"}} {"title":"Test"} {"update":{"_index":"myindexB","_type":"mytype","_id":"2"}} {"doc":{"title":"Update"}} {"delete":{"_index":"myindexC","_type":"mytypeC","_id":"3"}} PAYLOAD end end should "serialize arrays of strings" do result = Elasticsearch::API::Utils.__bulkify ['{"foo":"bar"}','{"moo":"bam"}'] assert_equal <<-PAYLOAD.gsub(/^\s+/, ''), result {"foo":"bar"} {"moo":"bam"} PAYLOAD end should "serialize arrays of header/data pairs" do result = Elasticsearch::API::Utils.__bulkify [{:foo => "bar"},{:moo => "bam"},{:foo => "baz"}] assert_equal <<-PAYLOAD.gsub(/^\s+/, ''), result {"foo":"bar"} {"moo":"bam"} {"foo":"baz"} PAYLOAD end should "not modify the original payload with the data option" do original = [ { :index => {:foo => 'bar', :data => {:moo => 'bam'} } } ] result = Elasticsearch::API::Utils.__bulkify original assert_not_nil original.first[:index][:data], "Deleted :data from #{original}" assert_equal <<-PAYLOAD.gsub(/^\s+/, ''), result {"index":{"foo":"bar"}} {"moo":"bam"} PAYLOAD end should "not modify the original payload with meta/data pairs" do original = [ { :index => {:foo => 'bar'} }, { :data => {:a => 'b', :data => {:c => 'd'} } } ] result = Elasticsearch::API::Utils.__bulkify original assert_not_nil original.last[:data], "Deleted :data from #{original}" assert_not_nil original.last[:data][:data], "Deleted :data from #{original}" lines = result.split("\n") assert_equal 2, lines.size header = MultiJson.load(lines.first) data = MultiJson.load(lines.last) assert_equal 'bar', header['index']['foo'] assert_equal 'b', data['data']['a'] assert_equal 'd', data['data']['data']['c'] end end context "__validate_and_extract_params" do teardown do Elasticsearch::API.settings.clear end should "extract valid params from a Hash" do assert_equal( {:foo => 'qux'}, __validate_and_extract_params({ :foo => 'qux' }, [:foo, :bar]) ) end should "raise an exception when invalid keys present" do assert_raise ArgumentError do __validate_and_extract_params({ :foo => 'qux', :bam => 'mux' }, [:foo, :bar]) end end should "not raise an exception for COMMON_PARAMS" do assert_nothing_raised do __validate_and_extract_params({ :index => 'foo'}, [:foo]) end end should "extract COMMON_QUERY_PARAMS" do assert_equal( { :format => 'yaml' }, __validate_and_extract_params( { :format => 'yaml' } ) ) end should "not validate parameters when the option is set" do assert_nothing_raised do result = __validate_and_extract_params( { :foo => 'q', :bam => 'm' }, [:foo, :bar], { :skip_parameter_validation => true } ) assert_equal( { :foo => 'q', :bam => 'm' }, result ) end end should "not validate parameters when the module setting is set" do assert_nothing_raised do Elasticsearch::API.settings[:skip_parameter_validation] = true result = __validate_and_extract_params( { :foo => 'q', :bam => 'm' }, [:foo, :bar] ) assert_equal( { :foo => 'q', :bam => 'm' }, result ) end end should "listify Arrays" do result = __validate_and_extract_params( { :foo => ['a', 'b'] }, [:foo] ) assert_equal( { :foo => 'a,b'}, result ) end should "not escape the parameters" do result = __validate_and_extract_params( { :foo => ['a.*', 'b.*'] }, [:foo] ) assert_equal( { :foo => 'a.*,b.*'}, result ) end end context "__extract_parts" do should "extract parts with true value from a Hash" do assert_equal( ['foo'], __extract_parts({ :foo => true, :moo => 'blah' }, [:foo, :bar]) ) end should "extract parts with string value from a Hash" do assert_equal( ['qux'], __extract_parts({ :foo => 'qux', :moo => 'blah' }, [:foo, :bar]) ) end end context "__rescue_from_not_found" do should "return false if exception class name contains 'NotFound'" do assert_equal( false, __rescue_from_not_found { raise NotFound }) end should "return false if exception message contains 'Not Found'" do assert_equal( false, __rescue_from_not_found { raise Exception.new "Not Found" }) end should "return false if exception message contains '404'" do assert_equal( false, __rescue_from_not_found { raise Exception.new "404" }) end should "raise exception if exception class name and message do not contain NotFound/404" do assert_raise Exception do __rescue_from_not_found { raise Exception.new "Any other exception" } end end end context "__report_unsupported_parameters" do should "print used unsupported parameters passed as Symbols" do arguments = { :foo => 'bar', :moo => 'bam', :baz => 'qux' } unsupported_params = [:foo, :moo] STDERR.expects(:puts).with do |message| assert_equal 2, message.split("\n").size true end __report_unsupported_parameters(arguments, unsupported_params) end should "print used unsupported parameters passed as Hashes" do arguments = { :foo => 'bar', :moo => 'bam', :baz => 'qux' } unsupported_params = [ { :foo => { :explanation => 'NOT_SUPPORTED' } } ] STDERR.expects(:puts).with do |message| assert_match /NOT_SUPPORTED/, message assert_equal 1, message.split("\n").size true end __report_unsupported_parameters(arguments, unsupported_params) end should "print used unsupported parameters passed as a mix of Symbols and Hashes" do arguments = { :foo => 'bar', :moo => 'bam', :baz => 'qux' } unsupported_params = [ { :foo => { :explanation => 'NOT_SUPPORTED'} }, :moo ] STDERR.expects(:puts).with do |message| assert_match /NOT_SUPPORTED/, message assert_equal 2, message.split("\n").size true end __report_unsupported_parameters(arguments, unsupported_params) end should "not print unused unsupported parameters" do arguments = { :moo => 'bam', :baz => 'qux' } unsupported_params = [:foo] STDERR.expects(:puts).never __report_unsupported_parameters(arguments, unsupported_params) end end context "__report_unsupported_method" do should "print the warning" do STDERR.expects(:puts).with do |message| assert_match /foo/, message true end __report_unsupported_method(:foo) end end end end end end