require 'rails' require 'rails/railtie' require 'action_controller/railtie' require 'active_support/core_ext/module/remove_method' require 'active_support/core_ext/numeric/bytes' require 'sprockets' require 'sprockets/rails/asset_url_processor' require 'sprockets/rails/sourcemapping_url_processor' require 'sprockets/rails/context' require 'sprockets/rails/helper' require 'sprockets/rails/quiet_assets' require 'sprockets/rails/route_wrapper' require 'sprockets/rails/version' require 'set' module Rails class Application # Hack: We need to remove Rails' built in config.assets so we can # do our own thing. class Configuration remove_possible_method :assets end # Undefine Rails' assets method before redefining it, to avoid warnings. remove_possible_method :assets remove_possible_method :assets= # Returns Sprockets::Environment for app config. attr_accessor :assets # Returns Sprockets::Manifest for app config. attr_accessor :assets_manifest # Called from asset helpers to alert you if you reference an asset URL that # isn't precompiled and hence won't be available in production. def asset_precompiled?(logical_path) if precompiled_assets.include?(logical_path) true elsif !config.cache_classes # Check to see if precompile list has been updated precompiled_assets(true).include?(logical_path) else false end end # Lazy-load the precompile list so we don't cause asset compilation at app # boot time, but ensure we cache the list so we don't recompute it for each # request or test case. def precompiled_assets(clear_cache = false) @precompiled_assets = nil if clear_cache @precompiled_assets ||= assets_manifest.find(config.assets.precompile).map(&:logical_path).to_set end end class Engine < Railtie # Skip defining append_assets_path on Rails <= 4.2 unless initializers.find { |init| == :append_assets_path } initializer :append_assets_path, :group => :all do |app| app.config.assets.paths.unshift(*paths["vendor/assets"].existent_directories) app.config.assets.paths.unshift(*paths["lib/assets"].existent_directories) app.config.assets.paths.unshift(*paths["app/assets"].existent_directories) end end end end module Sprockets class Railtie < ::Rails::Railtie include Sprockets::Rails::Utils class ManifestNeededError < StandardError def initialize msg = "Expected to find a manifest file in `app/assets/config/manifest.js`\n" + "But did not, please create this file and use it to link any assets that need\n" + "to be rendered by your app:\n\n" + "Example:\n" + " //= link_tree ../images\n" + " //= link_directory ../javascripts .js\n" + " //= link_directory ../stylesheets .css\n" + "and restart your server\n\n" + "For more information see:" super msg end end LOOSE_APP_ASSETS = lambda do |logical_path, filename| filename.start_with?(::Rails.root.join("app/assets").to_s) && !['.js', '.css', ''].include?(File.extname(logical_path)) end class OrderedOptions < ActiveSupport::OrderedOptions def configure(&block) self._blocks << block end end config.assets = config.assets._blocks = [] config.assets.paths = [] config.assets.precompile = [] config.assets.prefix = "/assets" config.assets.manifest = nil config.assets.quiet = false config.assets.resolve_assets_in_css_urls = true initializer :set_default_precompile do |app| if using_sprockets4? raise ManifestNeededError unless ::Rails.root.join("app/assets/config/manifest.js").exist? app.config.assets.precompile += %w( manifest.js ) else app.config.assets.precompile += [LOOSE_APP_ASSETS, /(?:\/|\\|\A)application\.(css|js)$/] end end initializer :quiet_assets do |app| if app.config.assets.quiet app.middleware.insert_before ::Rails::Rack::Logger, ::Sprockets::Rails::QuietAssets end end initializer :asset_url_processor do |app| if app.config.assets.resolve_assets_in_css_urls Sprockets.register_postprocessor "text/css", ::Sprockets::Rails::AssetUrlProcessor end end initializer :asset_sourcemap_url_processor do |app| Sprockets.register_postprocessor "application/javascript", ::Sprockets::Rails::SourcemappingUrlProcessor end config.assets.version = "" config.assets.debug = false config.assets.compile = true config.assets.digest = true config.assets.cache_limit = 50.megabytes config.assets.gzip = true config.assets.check_precompiled_asset = true config.assets.unknown_asset_fallback = true config.assets.configure do |env| config.assets.paths.each { |path| env.append_path(path) } end config.assets.configure do |env| env.context_class.send :include, ::Sprockets::Rails::Context env.context_class.assets_prefix = config.assets.prefix env.context_class.digest_assets = config.assets.digest env.context_class.config = config.action_controller end config.assets.configure do |env| env.cache = "#{env.root}/tmp/cache/assets", config.assets.cache_limit, env.logger ) end Sprockets.register_dependency_resolver 'rails-env' do ::Rails.env.to_s end config.assets.configure do |env| env.depend_on 'rails-env' end config.assets.configure do |env| env.version = config.assets.version end config.assets.configure do |env| env.gzip = config.assets.gzip if env.respond_to?(:gzip=) end rake_tasks do |app| require 'sprockets/rails/task' end def build_environment(app, initialized = nil) initialized = app.initialized? if initialized.nil? unless initialized ::Rails.logger.warn "Application uninitialized: Try calling YourApp::Application.initialize!" end env = config = app.config # Run app.assets.configure blocks config.assets._blocks.each do |block| end # Set compressors after the configure blocks since they can # define new compressors and we only accept existent compressors. env.js_compressor = config.assets.js_compressor env.css_compressor = config.assets.css_compressor # No more configuration changes at this point. # With cache classes on, Sprockets won't check the FS when files # change. Preferable in production when the FS only changes on # deploys when the app restarts. if config.cache_classes env = env.cached end env end def self.build_manifest(app) config = app.config path = File.join(config.paths['public'].first, config.assets.prefix), path, config.assets.manifest) end config.after_initialize do |app| config = app.config if config.assets.compile app.assets = self.build_environment(app, true) app.routes.prepend do mount app.assets => config.assets.prefix end end app.assets_manifest = build_manifest(app) if config.assets.resolve_with.nil? config.assets.resolve_with = [] config.assets.resolve_with << :manifest if config.assets.digest && !config.assets.debug config.assets.resolve_with << :environment if config.assets.compile end ActionDispatch::Routing::RouteWrapper.class_eval do class_attribute :assets_prefix if defined?(prepend) && ::Rails.version >= '4' prepend Sprockets::Rails::RouteWrapper else include Sprockets::Rails::RouteWrapper end self.assets_prefix = config.assets.prefix end ActiveSupport.on_load(:action_view) do include Sprockets::Rails::Helper # Copy relevant config to AV context self.debug_assets = config.assets.debug self.digest_assets = config.assets.digest self.assets_prefix = config.assets.prefix self.assets_precompile = config.assets.precompile self.assets_environment = app.assets self.assets_manifest = app.assets_manifest self.resolve_assets_with = config.assets.resolve_with self.check_precompiled_asset = config.assets.check_precompiled_asset self.unknown_asset_fallback = config.assets.unknown_asset_fallback # Expose the app precompiled asset check to the view self.precompiled_asset_checker = -> logical_path { app.asset_precompiled? logical_path } end end end end