module Origen module Chips autoload :Chip, 'origen/chips/chip.rb' autoload :Design_Entry, 'origen/chips/design_entry.rb' autoload :Doc_Entry, 'origen/chips/doc_entry.rb' autoload :RSS_Note, 'origen/chips/note.rb' attr_accessor :_chips, :_designs, :_docs, :_notes SPEC_TYPES = [:dc, :ac, :temperature, :supply] NOTE_TYPES = [:spec, :doc, :mode, :feature, :sighting] SpecTableAttr =, :show, :padding) # A regular Array but print specs to the console via their ID for brevity and # consistency with other APIs (e.g. $dut.regs # => [:reg1, :reg2]) class ChipArray < Array def inspect map(&:name).inspect end end # Returns a hash of hash containing all specs/modes # If no spec is specified then all specs are returned via inspect # If a spec is specified, a spec object will be returned if found # in the current mode. If a mode option is passed and no spec # is passed it will filter the specs inspect display by the mode # and visa-versa def chips(s = nil, options = {}) options = { group: nil, family: nil, performance: nil, part: nil, chip: nil }.update(options || {}) _chips if s.nil? show_chips(options) elsif s.is_a? Hash options.update(s) show_chips(options) else options[:chip] = s show_chips(options) end end # Define and instantiate a Spec object def chip(name, description, selector = {}, options = {}, &block) # return chips(name, group) unless block_given? _chips name = name_audit(name) group = selector[:group] family = selector[:family] performance = selector[:performance] previous_parts = selector[:previous_parts] power = selector[:power] chip_holder =, description, previous_parts, power, options) if has_chip?(name, group: group, family: family, performance: performance, creating_chip: true) fail "Chip already exists for chip: #{name}, group: #{group}, family: #{family} for object #{self}" end @_chips[group][family][performance][name] = chip_holder end # Returns Boolean based on whether the calling object has any defined specs # If the mode option is selected then the search is narrowed def has_chips?(options = {}) _chips options = { group: nil, family: nil, performance: nil, chip: nil, creating_chip: false }.update(options) if @_chips.nil? || @_chips == {} false else !!show_chips(options) end end # Check if the current IP has a spec def has_chip?(s, options = {}) _chips options = { group: nil, family: nil, performance: nil, chip: nil, creating_spec: false }.update(options) options[:chip] = s !!show_chips(options) end # Define and instantiate a Note object def note(id, type, feature) _notes @_notes[id][type] =, type, feature) end def doc(date, type, revision, description, options = {}) _docs @_docs[type][revision] =, type, revision, description, options) end def design(date, type, revision, description, options = {}) _designs @_designs[type][revision] =, type, revision, description, options) end # Returns a Note object from the notes hash def notes(options = {}) options = { id: nil, type: nil }.update(options) notes_found = do |h, k| h[k] = {} end _notes.filter(options[:id]).each do |id, hash| hash.filter(options[:type]).each do |type, note| notes_found[id][type] = note end end if notes_found.empty? nil elsif notes_found.size == 1 notes_found.values.first.values.first else notes_found end end def docs(options = {}) options = { type: nil, rev: nil }.update(options) docs_to_be_shown = [] filter_hash(_docs, options[:type]).each do |type, hash| filter_hash(hash, options[:rev]).each do |revision, hash_| docs_to_be_shown << hash_ end end docs_to_be_shown end def designs(options = {}) options = { type: nil, rev: nil }.update(options) designs_to_be_shown = [] filter_hash(_designs, options[:type]).each do |type, hash| filter_hash(hash, options[:rev]).each do |revision, hash_| designs_to_be_shown << hash_ end end designs_to_be_shown end # Delete all specs def delete_all_chips @_chips = nil end # Delete all notes def delete_all_notes @_notes = nil end # Delete all doc def delete_all_docs @_docs = nil end def delete_all_designs @_designs = nil end private # rubocop:disable Lint/DuplicateMethods def _chips # 4D hash with group, family, and performance @_chips ||= do |h, k| h[k] = do |hh, kk| hh[kk] = do |hhh, kkk| hhh[kkk] = {} end end end end # Two-dimensional hash with note id and type as the keys def _notes @_notes ||= do |h, k| h[k] = {} end end # Document Type and Revision Number :: 2-D Hash def _docs @_docs ||= do |h, k| h[k] = {} end end # Document Type and Revision Number :: 2-D Hash def _designs @_designs ||= do |h, k| h[k] = {} end end # rubocop:enable Lint/DuplicateMethods # Return a hash based on the filter provided def filter_hash(hash, filter) fail 'Hash argument is not a Hash!' unless hash.is_a? Hash filtered_hash = {} select_logic = case filter when String then 'k[]' when (Fixnum || Integer || Float || Numeric) then "k['#{filter}')]" when Regexp then 'k[filter]' when Symbol then 'k == filter' when NilClass then true # Return all specs if a filter is set to nil (i.e. user doesn't care about this filter) else true end filtered_hash = do |k, v| [TrueClass, FalseClass].include?(select_logic.class) ? select_logic : eval(select_logic) end filtered_hash end # Filters the 4D hash to find specs for all user visible API def show_chips(options = {}) options = { group: nil, family: nil, performance: nil, part: nil, chips_to_be_shown:, creating_chip: false }.update(options) chips_to_be_shown = options[:chips_to_be_shown] filter_hash(_chips, options[:group]).each do |_group, hash| filter_hash(hash, options[:family]).each do |_family, hash_| filter_hash(hash_, options[:performance]).each do |_performance, hash__| filter_hash(hash__, options[:part]).each do |_part, chip| chips_to_be_shown << chip end end end end # If no specs were found must check the possibility another search # should be started with mode set to :local or :global if chips_to_be_shown.empty? # Don't want to re-call this method if the callee is trying to create a spec and just wants to know # if there is a spec with the exact same options if options[:creating_chip] == false # Doesn't make sense to recall the method however if the mode is already set to :global or :local options[:chips_to_be_shown] = chips_to_be_shown Origen.log.debug "re-calling show_chips with options #{options}" return show_chips(options) end Origen.log.debug "Returning no chips for options #{options}" nil elsif chips_to_be_shown.size == 1 Origen.log.debug "returning one spec #{chips_to_be_shown.first.part_name}" chips_to_be_shown.first else Origen.log.debug "returning an array of specs during initial search: #{chips_to_be_shown}" chips_to_be_shown end end end end