module Relaton module Cli class SubcommandDb < Thor include Relaton::Cli class_option :verbose, aliases: :v, type: :boolean, desc: "Output warnings" desc "create DIR", "Create new cache DB. Default DIR is " \ "/home/user/.relaon/cache/" def create(dir = nil) db = Relaton.db (dir && File.expand_path(dir)) path = db.instance_variable_get(:@db).dir warn "Cache DB is in \"#{path}\"" end desc "mv DIR", "Move cache DB to a new directory" def mv(dir) new_path = File.expand_path dir path = new_path if path File.write Cli::RelatonDb::DBCONF, path, encoding: "UTF-8" warn "Cache DB is moved to \"#{path}\"" end end desc "clear", "Clear cache DB" def clear db = Relaton.db db.clear warn "Cache DB is cleared" end desc "fetch CODE", "Fetch Relaton XML for Standard identifier CODE " \ "from cache DB" option :type, aliases: :t, desc: "Type of standard to " \ "get bibliographic entry for" option :format, aliases: :f, desc: "Output format (xml, yaml, bibtex). " \ "Default xml." option :year, aliases: :y, type: :numeric, desc: "Year the standard " \ "was published" def fetch(code) io =$stdout.fcntl(::Fcntl::F_DUPFD), mode: "w:UTF-8") opts = options.merge(fetch_db: true) io.puts(fetch_document(code, opts) || supported_type_message) end desc "fetch_all TEXT", "Query for all documents in a cache DB for a " \ "certain string" option :edition, aliases: :e, desc: "Filter entries by edition" option :year, aliases: :y, desc: "Filter entries by year" option :format, aliases: :f, desc: "Output format (xml, yaml, bibtex). " \ "Default xml." def fetch_all(text = nil) # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize io =$stdout.fcntl(::Fcntl::F_DUPFD), mode: "w:UTF-8") opts = options.each_with_object({}) do |(k, v), o| o[k.to_sym] = v unless k == "format" end Relaton.db.fetch_all(text, **opts).each do |doc| io.puts serialize(doc, options[:format]) end end desc "doctype REF", "Detect document type from REF" def doctype(ref) io =$stdout.fcntl(::Fcntl::F_DUPFD), mode: "w:UTF-8") io.puts Relaton.db.docid_type(ref) end end end end