require "chamber" module PushyDaemon class ConfigMissingParameter < StandardError; end class ConfigParseError < StandardError; end class Conf extend Chamber class << self attr_reader :name attr_reader :spec attr_reader :files attr_reader :version attr_reader :env end def self.prepare args = {} # Context parameters raise PushyDaemon::ConfigMissingParameter, "missing root" unless (@root = args[:root]) raise PushyDaemon::ConfigMissingParameter, "missing env" unless (@env = args[:env]) # Gemspec parameter gemspec_path = "#{args[:root]}/#{args[:gemspec]}.gemspec" raise PushyDaemon::ConfigMissingParameter, "missing gemspec" unless args[:gemspec] raise PushyDaemon::ConfigMissingParameter, "gemspec file not found: #{gemspec_path}" unless File.exist?(gemspec_path) # Load Gemspec @spec = Gem::Specification::load gemspec_path @name = @version = @spec.version raise PushyDaemon::ConfigMissingParameter, "missing name" unless @name # Init Chamber (defaults, etc, cmdline) @files = ["#{args[:root]}/defaults.yml"] @files << File.expand_path("/etc/#{@name}.yml") @files << args[:config].to_s if args[:config] # Load configuration files load files: @files, namespaces: { environment: @env } # Try to access any key to force parsing of the files self[:dummy] # Override some values self[:log] = args[:log].to_s if args[:log] rescue Psych::SyntaxError => e raise PushyDaemon::ConfigParseError, e.message rescue Exception => e raise PushyDaemon::ConfigParseError, e.message end def self.dump self.to_hash.to_yaml end end end