describe 'Loaders CollectionLoader', -> loader = opts = null fakeNestedInclude = ['parent', { project: ['participants'] }, { assignees: ['something_else'] }] loaderClass = Brainstem.CollectionLoader defaultLoadOptions = -> name: 'tasks' createLoader = (opts = {}) -> storageManager = new Brainstem.StorageManager() storageManager.addCollection('tasks', App.Collections.Tasks) defaults = storageManager: storageManager loader = new loaderClass(_.extend {}, defaults, opts) loader # It should keep the AbstractLoader behavior. itShouldBehaveLike "AbstractLoaderSharedBehavior", loaderClass: loaderClass describe 'CollectionLoader behavior', -> beforeEach -> loader = createLoader() opts = defaultLoadOptions() describe '#getCollection', -> it 'should return the externalObject', -> loader.setup(opts) expect(loader.getCollection()).toEqual loader.externalObject describe '#_getCollectionName', -> it 'should return the name from loadOptions', -> loader.setup(opts) expect(loader._getCollectionName()).toEqual 'tasks' describe '#_createObjects', -> collection = null beforeEach -> collection = new App.Collections.Tasks() spyOn(loader.storageManager, 'createNewCollection').andReturn collection it 'creates a new collection from the name in loadOptions', -> loader.setup(opts) expect(loader.storageManager.createNewCollection.callCount).toEqual 2 expect(loader.internalObject).toEqual collection context 'collection is passed in to loadOptions', -> it 'uses the collection that is passed in', -> opts.collection ?= new App.Collections.Tasks() loader.setup(opts) expect(loader.externalObject).toEqual opts.collection context 'collection is not passed in to loadOptions', -> it 'creates a new collection from the name in loadOptions', -> loader.setup(opts) expect(loader.storageManager.createNewCollection.callCount).toEqual 2 expect(loader.externalObject).toEqual collection it 'sets the collection to not loaded', -> spyOn(collection, 'setLoaded') loader.setup(opts) expect(collection.setLoaded).toHaveBeenCalledWith false describe 'resetting the collection', -> context 'loadOptions.reset is true', -> beforeEach -> opts.reset = true it 'calls reset on the collection', -> spyOn(collection, 'reset') loader.setup(opts) expect(collection.reset).toHaveBeenCalled() context 'loadOptions.reset is false', -> it 'does not reset the collection', -> spyOn(collection, 'reset') loader.setup(opts) expect(collection.reset).not.toHaveBeenCalled() it 'sets lastFetchOptions on the collection', -> list = ['filters', 'page', 'perPage', 'limit', 'offset', 'order', 'search'] for e in list opts[e] = true opts.include = 'parent' loader.setup(opts) expect( 'tasks' expect(loader.externalObject.lastFetchOptions.include).toEqual 'parent' for e in list expect(loader.externalObject.lastFetchOptions[e]).toEqual true # describe '#_updateStorageManagerFromResponse', -> # TODO: test this, it's tested right now through integration tests. describe '#_updateObject', -> it 'triggers loaded on the object after the attributes have been set', -> loadedSpy = jasmine.createSpy().andCallFake -> expect(this.length).toEqual 1 # make sure that the spy is called after the models have been added (tests the trigger: false) loader.setup(opts) loader.internalObject.listenTo loader.internalObject, 'loaded', loadedSpy loader._updateObjects(loader.internalObject, [{foo: 'bar'}]) expect(loadedSpy).toHaveBeenCalled() it 'works with a Backbone.Collection', -> loader.setup(opts) loader._updateObjects(loader.internalObject, new Backbone.Collection([new Backbone.Model(name: 'foo')])) expect(loader.internalObject.length).toEqual 1 it 'works with an array of models', -> loader.setup(opts) loader._updateObjects(loader.internalObject, [new Backbone.Model(name: 'foo'), new Backbone.Model(name: 'test')]) expect(loader.internalObject.length).toEqual 2 it 'works with a single model', -> loader.setup(opts) spy = jasmine.createSpy() loader.internalObject.listenTo loader.internalObject, 'reset', spy loader._updateObjects(loader.internalObject, new Backbone.Model(name: 'foo')) expect(loader.internalObject.length).toEqual 1 expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled() describe '#_getModel', -> it 'returns the model from the internal collection', -> loader.setup(opts) expect(loader._getModel()).toEqual App.Models.Task describe '#_getModelsForAssociation', -> it 'returns the models for a given association from all of the models in the internal collection', -> loader.setup(opts) user = buildAndCacheUser() user2 = buildAndCacheUser() loader.internalObject.add(new App.Models.Task(assignee_ids: [])) loader.internalObject.add(new App.Models.Task(assignee_ids: [])) expect(loader._getModelsForAssociation('assignees')).toEqual [[user], [user2]] # Association with a model in it expect(loader._getModelsForAssociation('parent')).toEqual [[], []] # Association without any models expect(loader._getModelsForAssociation('adfasfa')).toEqual [[], []] # Association that does not exist