eating at bubba gumps. :) :) it's ok you still made me laugh and you still win a cookie :) hope that means you managed to give her something :) ladies 4 ladies chaooo :) tonight in the 818 "girl spot" & next saturday lmao..@youngcam makes my heart melt.. n gives me butterflies a sweet man..<- aww..i luv ya fa tht :-) can you come be my nurse this week when i'm stuck in the hospital? i trust you to stick me with needles :) waving right back at you, buddy! :) no blue for me. think i'll stick to pinks :) hi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how are you boo??!?!??! i'm good, thanks for asking! i miss you :-) i know :) -- thankz :) hahaha that is adorable!! :) #shoutouts2dadudez who can appreciate a good female like myself . i fucks with you guys the long way :) this time in 3 days ill be in melboure :) this time next week i'll be in melbourne ^_^ never mind fisher only scored a 2..w/e he just scored again were up 3 :) ha! even smaller drawings? soon you'll want us on a grain of rice. :) happy birthday to and :) next time you think "it's not in the cards for me", remember, you get to shuffle the deck. :) #imt well when you try please send me the video :) thanks :) #ff these cool tweeps bout to get it in in btown tonite! lol shocker :-) i need my belly rubbedddd :) lol nvm i'm too ticklish 4 that shit.. get the right person q:reema or mihir? a:reemz :) well for one thing in business don't give away copies, your works and time are worth money :-) awwwn...then go to dominican republic!!! :d if i'd never used twitter and judged it by the "top tweets" scrolling on the new home page, i'm not sure i'd sign up. just sayin'. :) toys 'r thus'? sounds like toys 'r us so yaaaaay!!! i love that store!!! so many fun things!!! :d :d a fire!? :) we're watching a movie outside tonight. i forget that you're still cold up there! yesterday u had me abt ready to high five your grin. :) first ten people to tweet me saying they followed gets put on a list of people justin/christian need to follow/dm!! :) shower flow.....steammmyyyyyyyy :) you know you like the way jb rolls! :) so ask us a question! :) i am checking out very cool extension for chrome. like it already :) #allinonesocialsharing watching tv with my wife :) hey there! :) just wanted to say hi... just started following you. i love my bestfriends :) go follow all of them <3 lmfaoo i wasnt mad i was joking :) lol really? you're hanging your cap on *first* half of *last* season? wow..hope really does spring eternal for red sox fans. :) #furiouslytweetingawaymygloomymood :( ------> :d follow me back? please :d yessssir oooh wee!!! : ) you're welcome thanks for organizing great conference :) iget em thoe.all the fame & shyt but like we talk on aim alot.dats why was like what.watever idc :) who ignored you thoeee? i'm going to kick back and relax. hang out with the family. : ) if you should be in bed go there :-) ....thank you for your email i am in holiday mode so shall reply next week.... talk to me twitter :) oh sweetie i 100% agree with you. now what are you going to do about it? :-) lets keep #jonasbrothers trending forever and ever :) you obviously haven't watched true blood :) q:ur fav. color? :) a:blackk && hot pink; yourss.? [: helloooooo kelly :) we missed u too there's the #bluejays i up the game in the bottom of the 9th. doesn't matter. i'll still watch anyway :) dude it's dope, i saw it this week and i couldnt stop laughing :d i reccomend. how's miami? thanks so much for the follow friday! have a great weekend. =) you need to relax and enjoy the game. :) then we are going to see clash of the titans. he is planning it all. that is nice for a change. =) good morning! feel great here :) lol! just saw your tweet! thank u so much! :-) congratulations on your 4yr anniversary, i know i'm one of many who think you've done a great deal to open up the company :) don't feel pressure from me i will take you as you are :) look fwd to seeing you this summer yep... but he got to choose... i got lucky on the in-law/friend front! :) ahha u btr be sorry! :) imma unfollow u now ;) jk... and nothing eating honeycomb cereal! :) btw u should make a tinychat! :p we interview alot of la's celebrities! our site is for exclusive celebrity interviews! :) lmao! i was acting a fool at the hospital! me and couldnt stop laughing! we're high off life :) congrats to kathryn for pickin up that rm 100.. dont worry, next hour you will have anotha chance to pick up some cash :) ha! that's the former bag =) you are very welcome. the story is excellent so far. :) 20 for 20 anyone ??? (900+) :) mine is a rat, what that means? fyi: if your avatar is your ass and not your face, i'm blocking you. :) wooooooo the fuck hoooooooo!!! 'bout time bro! :) cheers! haha yeah i was sorta expecting that from the trailer. still it might be good for mindless fun :) i am writing an ode. :) a serious ode. this is my evening devotion. :) ^_^ ohh nice :) get #wearefearless trending because we are well, fearless :d thankz :) oweeee im cumin in =) #jonasbrothers fans are awesome :) first person to follow will get listed 20 times + huge shoutieee :) blasting skylark album while i cook =) cause they're awesome :) aka young donald trump #muuuuuuah xoxo =) first person to follow will get listed 20 times + huge shoutieee :d #justsayin :) from a sony event. do you see what i see? :d (with the drink) ...really? thats cool but to much work lmfao i gave everryone my email and was like search me :d awesome friends, appreciate your : ) well get s0me rest l0vebug =) by all ways and means, woz never did quit working for apple. :-) i loved that movie so much :) only one more hour until i get to my mom's...whoooooooo!!!! :) i love going home. thanks ash :) updated fye sales chart for the interested i guess what i been sayin is ther ain't no better reason to rid urself of vanity and just go wit da seasons :) that's cool! i thought about it, but as i didn't finish nanowrimo, well... motivation...! :d thanks :) and it's okay :) chillen buddy :) thinking bout calling it a night a lil early. you? :d a lot actually :) im already following you silly :) uh not really sir. youre the only person on my timeline that threw shade at my love for spongebob. f*ck your life :d money comes to me freely and easily, coz we're best friends like that :) shawty im out<3 :d i just took "you are walking down the street of a..." and got: you need to freakin read ur story! :) lol! try it: iya dong. hahaha. ayo bersepeda shen. wah mantafff kaliii :) selamat pagi!!! harini ngegowes ke kampus lmao! why thank you!! =) #thanx 4 all the #ff mentions.. i appreciate you =) xoxo (= so i'm going now every weekend just to see my boo again... at night i think of you, i want to be your lady baby! yeah you. :-) please follow they will follow you back :) always good to see you in the stream! :) ~ thanks. always great to see you too. : ) thanks so much for the follow friday (even though you're not following me haha)! have a great weekend. =) so....i'mma have go in and get me my food :) they will boozerrrrrrrr/williams and that other team! // :d jazz better win! wake up son o mine mama's got something to tell you all about growing pains life will have its way with your pride son . beautiful song :) hi sooooo ... <sup you :) congrats on making it to finals!!!!!! i will have my fingers crossed for you that day :) heeey :) good morning tweeps :-) its a bright saturday morning , rise and shine! first ten people to tweet me saying they followed gets put on a list of people justin/christian need to follow/dm! :) the first 3 people to this tweet gets, a free shoutout! :) i like that you call them sunnies. stealing that :) omg. this is amazingg! :) justin, tayor swift, jason derulo and ludacris #ff my friend :) •• aww thanks luv!! everybody follow this fly guy right neowww!!!!! ;) yes i did!!! :d #jonasbrothers does that mean no? :( you see.. those photographers are not me!!! :d thanks for all the #ff luv today :) my followers are the best... sorry i'm already following her :) hi sky :) jay said show tommorrow nite. lmao. your so right. ahahah :) that's always good! i'll have that for sun and mon hopefully. :) :-) we all can thanks nb for that from malaysia :) what's your fav song an mv by tswift?? #wearefearless okay, i will :) yay for dr mmmelle day. shit bout to get off work and burn wit ma trainer :) wut bout u yaay found someone whos 17 :d 5000th tweet goes to \\ yay!!!! lol ^_^ thunda is my ally :d we go way back you're truly welcome, larry! : ) #liberty #freedomfighters procura "who's the cutest?" e põe no estou com sorte... fofo :) i'm way, way late to pc gaming in general. :) i have decided, you can all refer to me as little helper :] or #little8er :d i wrote to you :) haha. i'm just a fundraiser thankful/hopeful that he will never see another stretch like this in my lifetime. :) you've got disneyland :-) except for me. i'm not that great. :) #ff listening to gospel music && sipping on 4lokos lol #random but that's how we do he's able :) ur welcome sist ;) thank you dear :) go follow now!! she's my 1st follower!! go go go!! 5 flag me when yu td! murda val ca! • i shall be there for good in june ^_^ 24 guests... someone's gotta register :) lol he's purging his bad juju. trust me. when he's enraged find a computer immediately cuz his best shit comes out :-) okay i need to do somthing fun. :) any ideas. did you make them? =) i understand that :) get your entire school to come its for an amazing cause! we really need to raise money! the picture you posted?? :-) hehe i gotta go check on my cupcakes!! bbs!! ;-) i iz. i'm going to reunite with my daughter :) the first 3 people to this tweet gets, a free shoutout! :) "thank ya, easter bunny...bauk ( i am reallly silly today) do the same! : ) yes yes oh yes :-) #shoutouts2dadudez with jay-z lips . . bet ya'll eat a mean pussy ! :) jammin' to pushplay. :) thanks to all who joined me in my chat :) #jonasbrothers should be there every single day!!! it is true!! :d lol sorry i missed ur tweets earlier! yeah, i've been pretty lucky this past month. so so thankful :) lmao tweeting queen.. thank you! good news. :) q:hey its me :) lets have some talk... a:hi. do you want to date justin?!!! then follow if you do :) ((* 0ff t0 the m0viez, b0ut t0 g0 see "why did i get married t00" *)) yay! talk t0 ya later twiggas =) house special chicken, wonton soup and cream cheese wontons to go =) mhmmm, a beast of a machine she'll be if you've got coverage. sprint is a no go here. :) oh yeah we will! hope we get a warm day soon. this was still quite fun though! :d retweet if you are an alien from neptune named corneilious that likes to bust out mad gangsta raps & jerks all the time :d hello, lovelies, i'm communing with the corporate mouse in orlando :-) lol! we love that book around here! :) easter vaca with the besties :) we have several banners. what size would you like? we would also like to add a banner from your site :-) #fringe for reals. got my xtra large bottle of kiehls creme de le corp for palm springs :) u got ya wish :) hello fachzsa, nice to meet you.. im 18.. lol.. :) what are u doing now??? good :) if you plan to go to a #jonasbrothers concert this year :) ty so much, i followed for u :) bye a todos =) twitter off thank you :) now that i'm done with all these shoots, i have 2 get in touch with so that she can suck my dick..err i mean, work with me :) so glad you enjoyed! thanks for the reblip! :-) umm idk how to play that yo what's ur lucky num? i'm goin to ac :) craps. i win i'm splitin moola wit you friend yes i did!!! gonna respond and send mp3s tonight :) wow is it chika's introduction into university?? :) sounds like you are in downtown vegas : ) was thinking of a cup of tea w baileys but the tea will keep me awake. guess i should just have the baileys then :) plz follow us were bieber & jonas fans who want the fighting to stop! :) #jonasbieberpeace all my dawgs better get in here..i might start my live show early :d :d lol it's all that working out and stuff. don't want to stop though, right?! :) goodnight :) <3 and i love you too friend! :d #jonasbrothers scared of u!! i got ur message this morning too lady! :) gotta check the funds!!lol i'll be the other host!!! :-) bigz presents b*tches for beginners might have to start a show lmao oh ok...we were at phipps...just thought it would be crazy if we were at the same place! :) be careful :) i'm at sing sing. come join the party! i just told a stranger about our show w/ and she's coming! awesome! you should too. :) shoutout for shoutout ? :d