class Standard # @!group ThermalZone # Calculates the zone outdoor airflow requirement (Voz) # based on the inputs in the DesignSpecification:OutdoorAir objects in all spaces in the zone. # # @param thermal_zone [OpenStudio::Model::ThermalZone] thermal zone # @return [Double] the zone outdoor air flow rate in cubic meters per second (m^3/s) def thermal_zone_outdoor_airflow_rate(thermal_zone) tot_oa_flow_rate = 0.0 spaces = thermal_zone.spaces.sort sum_floor_area = 0.0 sum_number_of_people = 0.0 sum_volume = 0.0 # Variables for merging outdoor air any_max_oa_method = false sum_oa_for_people = 0.0 sum_oa_for_floor_area = 0.0 sum_oa_rate = 0.0 sum_oa_for_volume = 0.0 # Find common variables for the new space spaces.each do |space| floor_area = space.floorArea sum_floor_area += floor_area number_of_people = space.numberOfPeople sum_number_of_people += number_of_people volume = space.volume sum_volume += volume dsn_oa = space.designSpecificationOutdoorAir next if dsn_oa.empty? dsn_oa = dsn_oa.get # compute outdoor air rates in case we need them oa_for_people = number_of_people * dsn_oa.outdoorAirFlowperPerson oa_for_floor_area = floor_area * dsn_oa.outdoorAirFlowperFloorArea oa_rate = dsn_oa.outdoorAirFlowRate oa_for_volume = volume * dsn_oa.outdoorAirFlowAirChangesperHour / 3600 # First check if this space uses the Maximum method and other spaces do not if dsn_oa.outdoorAirMethod == 'Maximum' sum_oa_rate += [oa_for_people, oa_for_floor_area, oa_rate, oa_for_volume].max elsif dsn_oa.outdoorAirMethod == 'Sum' sum_oa_for_people += oa_for_people sum_oa_for_floor_area += oa_for_floor_area sum_oa_rate += oa_rate sum_oa_for_volume += oa_for_volume end end tot_oa_flow_rate += sum_oa_for_people tot_oa_flow_rate += sum_oa_for_floor_area tot_oa_flow_rate += sum_oa_rate tot_oa_flow_rate += sum_oa_for_volume # Convert to cfm tot_oa_flow_rate_cfm = OpenStudio.convert(tot_oa_flow_rate, 'm^3/s', 'cfm').get OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Debug, 'openstudio.Standards.ThermalZone', "For #{}, design min OA = #{tot_oa_flow_rate_cfm.round} cfm.") return tot_oa_flow_rate end # Calculates the zone outdoor airflow requirement and # divides by the zone area. # # @param thermal_zone [OpenStudio::Model::ThermalZone] thermal zone # @return [Double] the zone outdoor air flow rate per area in cubic meters per second (m^3/s) def thermal_zone_outdoor_airflow_rate_per_area(thermal_zone) tot_oa_flow_rate_per_area = 0.0 # Find total area of the zone sum_floor_area = 0.0 thermal_zone.spaces.sort.each do |space| sum_floor_area += space.floorArea end # Get the OA flow rate tot_oa_flow_rate = thermal_zone_outdoor_airflow_rate(thermal_zone) # Calculate the per-area value tot_oa_flow_rate_per_area = tot_oa_flow_rate / sum_floor_area # OpenStudio::logFree(OpenStudio::Debug, "openstudio.Standards.Model", "For #{}, OA per area = #{tot_oa_flow_rate_per_area.round(8)} m^3/s*m^2.") return tot_oa_flow_rate_per_area end # Convert total minimum OA requirement to a per-area value. # # @param thermal_zone [OpenStudio::Model::ThermalZone] thermal zone # @return [Bool] returns true if successful, false if not def thermal_zone_convert_oa_req_to_per_area(thermal_zone) # For each space in the zone, convert # all design OA to per-area # unless the "Outdoor Air Method" is "Maximum" thermal_zone.spaces.each do |space| # Find the design OA, which may be assigned at either the # SpaceType or directly at the Space dsn_oa = space.designSpecificationOutdoorAir next if dsn_oa.empty? dsn_oa = dsn_oa.get next if dsn_oa.outdoorAirMethod == 'Maximum' # Get the space properties floor_area = space.floorArea number_of_people = space.numberOfPeople volume = space.volume # Sum up the total OA from all sources oa_for_people = number_of_people * dsn_oa.outdoorAirFlowperPerson oa_for_floor_area = floor_area * dsn_oa.outdoorAirFlowperFloorArea oa_rate = dsn_oa.outdoorAirFlowRate oa_for_volume = volume * dsn_oa.outdoorAirFlowAirChangesperHour / 3600 tot_oa = oa_for_people + oa_for_floor_area + oa_rate + oa_for_volume # Convert total to per-area tot_oa_per_area = tot_oa / floor_area # Check if there is another design OA object that has already # been converted from per-person to per-area that matches. # If so, reuse that instead of creating a duplicate. new_dsn_oa_name = "#{} to per-area" if thermal_zone.model.getDesignSpecificationOutdoorAirByName(new_dsn_oa_name).is_initialized new_dsn_oa = thermal_zone.model.getDesignSpecificationOutdoorAirByName(new_dsn_oa_name).get else new_dsn_oa = new_dsn_oa.setName(new_dsn_oa_name) end # Assign this new design OA to the space space.setDesignSpecificationOutdoorAir(new_dsn_oa) # Set the method new_dsn_oa.setOutdoorAirMethod('Sum') # Set the per-area requirement new_dsn_oa.setOutdoorAirFlowperFloorArea(tot_oa_per_area) # Zero-out the per-person, ACH, and flow requirements new_dsn_oa.setOutdoorAirFlowperPerson(0.0) new_dsn_oa.setOutdoorAirFlowAirChangesperHour(0.0) new_dsn_oa.setOutdoorAirFlowRate(0.0) # Copy the orignal OA schedule, if any if dsn_oa.outdoorAirFlowRateFractionSchedule.is_initialized oa_sch = dsn_oa.outdoorAirFlowRateFractionSchedule.get new_dsn_oa.setOutdoorAirFlowRateFractionSchedule(oa_sch) end OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.Standards.ThermalZone', "For #{}: Converted total ventilation requirements to per-area value.") end return true end # This method creates a new fractional schedule ruleset. # If occupied_percentage_threshold is set, this method will return a discrete on/off fractional schedule # with a value of one when occupancy across all spaces is greater than or equal to the occupied_percentage_threshold, # and zero all other times. Otherwise the method will return the weighted fractional occupancy schedule. # # @param thermal_zone [OpenStudio::Model::ThermalZone] thermal zone # @param sch_name [String] the name of the generated occupancy schedule # @param occupied_percentage_threshold [Double] the minimum fraction (0 to 1) that counts as occupied # if this parameter is set, the returned ScheduleRuleset will be 0 = unoccupied, 1 = occupied # otherwise the ScheduleRuleset will be the weighted fractional occupancy schedule # @return [<OpenStudio::Model::ScheduleRuleset>] a ScheduleRuleset of fractional or discrete occupancy def thermal_zone_get_occupancy_schedule(thermal_zone, sch_name: nil, occupied_percentage_threshold: nil) if sch_name.nil? sch_name = "#{} Occ Sch" end # Get the occupancy schedule for all spaces in thermal_zone sch_ruleset = spaces_get_occupancy_schedule(thermal_zone.spaces, sch_name: sch_name, occupied_percentage_threshold: occupied_percentage_threshold) return sch_ruleset end # This method creates a new fractional schedule ruleset. # If occupied_percentage_threshold is set, this method will return a discrete on/off fractional schedule # with a value of one when occupancy across all spaces is greater than or equal to the occupied_percentage_threshold, # and zero all other times. Otherwise the method will return the weighted fractional occupancy schedule. # # @param thermal_zones [Array<OpenStudio::Model::ThermalZone>] array of thermal_zones to create occupancy schedule # @param sch_name [String] the name of the generated occupancy schedule # @param occupied_percentage_threshold [Double] the minimum fraction (0 to 1) that counts as occupied # if this parameter is set, the returned ScheduleRuleset will be 0 = unoccupied, 1 = occupied # otherwise the ScheduleRuleset will be the weighted fractional occupancy schedule # @return [<OpenStudio::Model::ScheduleRuleset>] a ScheduleRuleset of fractional or discrete occupancy def thermal_zones_get_occupancy_schedule(thermal_zones, sch_name: nil, occupied_percentage_threshold: nil) if sch_name.nil? sch_name = "#{thermal_zones.size} zone Occ Sch" end # Get the occupancy schedule for all spaces in thermal_zones spaces = [] thermal_zones.each do |thermal_zone| thermal_zone.spaces.each do |space| spaces << space end end sch_ruleset = spaces_get_occupancy_schedule(spaces, sch_name: sch_name, occupied_percentage_threshold: occupied_percentage_threshold) return sch_ruleset end # This method creates a new fractional schedule ruleset. # If occupied_percentage_threshold is set, this method will return a discrete on/off fractional schedule # with a value of one when occupancy across all spaces is greater than or equal to the occupied_percentage_threshold, # and zero all other times. Otherwise the method will return the weighted fractional occupancy schedule. # # @param spaces [Array<OpenStudio::Model::Space>] array of spaces to generate occupancy schedule from # @param sch_name [String] the name of the generated occupancy schedule # @param occupied_percentage_threshold [Double] the minimum fraction (0 to 1) that counts as occupied # if this parameter is set, the returned ScheduleRuleset will be 0 = unoccupied, 1 = occupied # otherwise the ScheduleRuleset will be the weighted fractional occupancy schedule based on threshold_calc_method # @param threshold_calc_method [String] customizes behavior of occupied_percentage_threshold # fractional passes raw value through, # normalized_annual_range evaluates each value against the min/max range for the year # normalized_daily_range evaluates each value against the min/max range for the day. # The goal is a dynamic threshold that calibrates each day. # @return [<OpenStudio::Model::ScheduleRuleset>] a ScheduleRuleset of fractional or discrete occupancy # @todo Speed up this method. Bottleneck is ScheduleRule.getDaySchedules def spaces_get_occupancy_schedule(spaces, sch_name: nil, occupied_percentage_threshold: nil, threshold_calc_method: 'value') unless !spaces.empty? OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.Standards.ThermalZone', 'Empty spaces array passed to spaces_get_occupancy_schedule method.') return false end annual_normalized_tol = nil if threshold_calc_method == 'normalized_annual_range' # run this method without threshold to get annual min and max temp_merged = spaces_get_occupancy_schedule(spaces) tem_min_max = schedule_ruleset_annual_min_max_value(temp_merged) annual_normalized_tol = tem_min_max['min'] + (tem_min_max['max'] - tem_min_max['min']) * occupied_percentage_threshold temp_merged.remove end # Get all the occupancy schedules in spaces. # Include people added via the SpaceType and hard-assigned to the Space itself. occ_schedules_num_occ = {} max_occ_in_spaces = 0 spaces.each do |space| # From the space type if space.spaceType.is_initialized space.spaceType.get.people.each do |people| num_ppl_sch = people.numberofPeopleSchedule if num_ppl_sch.is_initialized num_ppl_sch = num_ppl_sch.get num_ppl_sch = num_ppl_sch.to_ScheduleRuleset next if num_ppl_sch.empty? # Skip non-ruleset schedules num_ppl_sch = num_ppl_sch.get num_ppl = people.getNumberOfPeople(space.floorArea) if occ_schedules_num_occ[num_ppl_sch].nil? occ_schedules_num_occ[num_ppl_sch] = num_ppl else occ_schedules_num_occ[num_ppl_sch] += num_ppl end max_occ_in_spaces += num_ppl end end end # From the space space.people.each do |people| num_ppl_sch = people.numberofPeopleSchedule if num_ppl_sch.is_initialized num_ppl_sch = num_ppl_sch.get num_ppl_sch = num_ppl_sch.to_ScheduleRuleset next if num_ppl_sch.empty? # Skip non-ruleset schedules num_ppl_sch = num_ppl_sch.get num_ppl = people.getNumberOfPeople(space.floorArea) if occ_schedules_num_occ[num_ppl_sch].nil? occ_schedules_num_occ[num_ppl_sch] = num_ppl else occ_schedules_num_occ[num_ppl_sch] += num_ppl end max_occ_in_spaces += num_ppl end end end unless sch_name.nil? OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Debug, 'openstudio.Standards.ThermalZone', "Finding space schedules for #{sch_name}.") end OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Debug, 'openstudio.Standards.ThermalZone', "The #{spaces.size} spaces have #{occ_schedules_num_occ.size} unique occ schedules.") occ_schedules_num_occ.each do |occ_sch, num_occ| OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Debug, 'openstudio.Standards.ThermalZone', "...#{} - #{num_occ.round} people") end OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Debug, 'openstudio.Standards.ThermalZone', " Total #{max_occ_in_spaces.round} people in #{spaces.size} spaces.") # Store arrays of 365 day schedules used by each occ schedule once for later # Store arrays of day schedule times for later occ_schedules_day_schedules = {} day_schedule_times = {} year = spaces[0].model.getYearDescription first_date_of_year = year.makeDate(1) end_date_of_year = year.makeDate(365) occ_schedules_num_occ.each do |occ_sch, num_occ| day_schedules = occ_sch.getDaySchedules(first_date_of_year, end_date_of_year) # Store array of day schedules occ_schedules_day_schedules[occ_sch] = day_schedules day_schedules.uniq.each do |day_sch| # Skip schedules that have been stored previously next unless day_schedule_times[day_sch].nil? # Store times times = [] day_sch.times.each do |time| times << time.toString end day_schedule_times[day_sch] = times end end # For each day of the year, determine time_value_pairs = [] yearly_data = [] (1..365).each do |i| times_on_this_day = [] os_date = year.makeDate(i) day_of_week = os_date.dayOfWeek.valueName # Get the unique time indices and corresponding day schedules day_sch_num_occ = {} occ_schedules_num_occ.each do |occ_sch, num_occ| daily_sch = occ_schedules_day_schedules[occ_sch][i - 1] times_on_this_day += day_schedule_times[daily_sch] day_sch_num_occ[daily_sch] = num_occ end daily_normalized_tol = nil if threshold_calc_method == 'normalized_daily_range' # pre-process day to get daily min and max daily_spaces_occ_frac = [] times_on_this_day.uniq.sort.each do |time| os_time = # Total number of people at each time tot_occ_at_time = 0 day_sch_num_occ.each do |day_sch, num_occ| occ_frac = day_sch.getValue(os_time) tot_occ_at_time += occ_frac * num_occ end # Total fraction for the spaces at each time daily_spaces_occ_frac << tot_occ_at_time / max_occ_in_spaces daily_normalized_tol = daily_spaces_occ_frac.min + (daily_spaces_occ_frac.max - daily_spaces_occ_frac.min) * occupied_percentage_threshold end end # Determine the total fraction for the spaces at each time daily_times = [] daily_os_times = [] daily_values = [] daily_occs = [] times_on_this_day.uniq.sort.each do |time| os_time = # Total number of people at each time tot_occ_at_time = 0 day_sch_num_occ.each do |day_sch, num_occ| occ_frac = day_sch.getValue(os_time) tot_occ_at_time += occ_frac * num_occ end # Total fraction for the spaces at each time, # rounded to avoid decimal precision issues spaces_occ_frac = (tot_occ_at_time / max_occ_in_spaces).round(3) # If occupied_percentage_threshold is specified, schedule values are boolean # Otherwise use the actual spaces_occ_frac if occupied_percentage_threshold.nil? occ_status = spaces_occ_frac elsif threshold_calc_method == 'normalized_annual_range' occ_status = 0 # unoccupied if spaces_occ_frac >= annual_normalized_tol occ_status = 1 end elsif threshold_calc_method == 'normalized_daily_range' occ_status = 0 # unoccupied if spaces_occ_frac > daily_normalized_tol occ_status = 1 end else occ_status = 0 # unoccupied if spaces_occ_frac >= occupied_percentage_threshold occ_status = 1 end end # Add this data to the daily arrays daily_times << time daily_os_times << os_time daily_values << occ_status daily_occs << spaces_occ_frac.round(2) end # Simplify the daily times to eliminate intermediate points with the same value as the following point simple_daily_times = [] simple_daily_os_times = [] simple_daily_values = [] simple_daily_occs = [] daily_values.each_with_index do |value, j| next if value == daily_values[j + 1] simple_daily_times << daily_times[j] simple_daily_os_times << daily_os_times[j] simple_daily_values << daily_values[j] simple_daily_occs << daily_occs[j] end # Store the daily values yearly_data << { 'date' => os_date, 'day_of_week' => day_of_week, 'times' => simple_daily_times, 'values' => simple_daily_values, 'daily_os_times' => simple_daily_os_times, 'daily_occs' => simple_daily_occs } end # Create a TimeSeries from the data # time_series =, values, 'unitless') # Make a schedule ruleset if sch_name.nil? sch_name = "#{spaces.size} space(s) Occ Sch" end sch_ruleset =[0].model) sch_ruleset.setName(sch_name.to_s) # add properties to schedule props = sch_ruleset.additionalProperties props.setFeature('max_occ_in_spaces', max_occ_in_spaces) props.setFeature('number_of_spaces_included', spaces.size) # nothing uses this but can make user be aware if this may be out of sync with current state of occupancy profiles props.setFeature('date_parent_object_last_edited', props.setFeature('date_parent_object_created', # Default - All Occupied day_sch = sch_ruleset.defaultDaySchedule day_sch.setName("#{sch_name} Default") day_sch.addValue(, 24, 0, 0), 1) # Winter Design Day - All Occupied day_sch =[0].model) sch_ruleset.setWinterDesignDaySchedule(day_sch) day_sch = sch_ruleset.winterDesignDaySchedule day_sch.setName("#{sch_name} Winter Design Day") day_sch.addValue(, 24, 0, 0), 1) # Summer Design Day - All Occupied day_sch =[0].model) sch_ruleset.setSummerDesignDaySchedule(day_sch) day_sch = sch_ruleset.summerDesignDaySchedule day_sch.setName("#{sch_name} Summer Design Day") day_sch.addValue(, 24, 0, 0), 1) # Create ruleset schedules, attempting to create the minimum number of unique rules ['Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday', 'Sunday'].each do |weekday| end_of_prev_rule = yearly_data[0]['date'] yearly_data.each_with_index do |daily_data, k| # Skip unless it is the day of week # currently under inspection day = daily_data['day_of_week'] next unless day == weekday date = daily_data['date'] times = daily_data['times'] values = daily_data['values'] daily_os_times = daily_data['daily_os_times'] # If the next (Monday, Tuesday, etc.) is the same as today, keep going # If the next is different, or if we've reached the end of the year, create a new rule unless yearly_data[k + 7].nil? next_day_times = yearly_data[k + 7]['times'] next_day_values = yearly_data[k + 7]['values'] next if times == next_day_times && values == next_day_values end # If here, we need to make a rule to cover from the previous rule to today OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Debug, 'openstudio.Standards.ThermalZone', "Making a new rule for #{weekday} from #{end_of_prev_rule} to #{date}") sch_rule = sch_rule.setName("#{sch_name} #{weekday} Rule") day_sch = sch_rule.daySchedule day_sch.setName("#{sch_name} #{weekday}") daily_os_times.each_with_index do |time, t| value = values[t] next if value == values[t + 1] # Don't add breaks if same value day_sch.addValue(time, value) end # Set the dates when the rule applies sch_rule.setStartDate(end_of_prev_rule) # for end dates in last week of year force it to use 12/31. Avoids issues if year or start day of week changes start_of_last_week ='December'), 25, year.assumedYear) if date >= start_of_last_week year_end_date ='December'), 31, year.assumedYear) sch_rule.setEndDate(year_end_date) else sch_rule.setEndDate(date) end # Individual Days sch_rule.setApplyMonday(true) if weekday == 'Monday' sch_rule.setApplyTuesday(true) if weekday == 'Tuesday' sch_rule.setApplyWednesday(true) if weekday == 'Wednesday' sch_rule.setApplyThursday(true) if weekday == 'Thursday' sch_rule.setApplyFriday(true) if weekday == 'Friday' sch_rule.setApplySaturday(true) if weekday == 'Saturday' sch_rule.setApplySunday(true) if weekday == 'Sunday' # Reset the previous rule end date end_of_prev_rule = date +, 24, 0, 0) end end # utilize default profile and common similar days of week for same date range # todo - if move to method in Standards.ScheduleRuleset.rb udpate code to check if default profile is used before replacing it with lowest priority rule. # todo - also merging non adjacent priority rules without getting rid of any rules between the two could create unexpected reults prior_rules = [] sch_ruleset.scheduleRules.each do |rule| if prior_rules.empty? prior_rules << rule next else rules_combined = false prior_rules.each do |prior_rule| # see if they are similar next if rules_combined # @todo update to combine adjacent date ranges vs. just matching date ranges next if prior_rule.startDate.get != rule.startDate.get next if prior_rule.endDate.get != rule.endDate.get next if prior_rule.daySchedule.times.to_a != rule.daySchedule.times.to_a next if prior_rule.daySchedule.values.to_a != rule.daySchedule.values.to_a # combine dates of week if rule.applyMonday then prior_rule.setApplyMonday(true) && rules_combined = true end if rule.applyTuesday then prior_rule.setApplyTuesday(true) && rules_combined = true end if rule.applyWednesday then prior_rule.setApplyWednesday(true) && rules_combined = true end if rule.applyThursday then prior_rule.setApplyThursday(true) && rules_combined = true end if rule.applyFriday then prior_rule.setApplyFriday(true) && rules_combined = true end if rule.applySaturday then prior_rule.setApplySaturday(true) && rules_combined = true end if rule.applySunday then prior_rule.setApplySunday(true) && rules_combined = true end end rules_combined ? rule.remove : prior_rules << rule end end # replace unused default profile with lowest priority rule values = prior_rules.last.daySchedule.values times = prior_rules.last.daySchedule.times prior_rules.last.remove sch_ruleset.defaultDaySchedule.clearValues values.size.times do |i| sch_ruleset.defaultDaySchedule.addValue(times[i], values[i]) end OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Debug, 'openstudio.Standards.ThermalZone', "Created #{} with #{schedule_ruleset_annual_equivalent_full_load_hrs(sch_ruleset)} annual EFLH.") return sch_ruleset end # Determine if the thermal zone is residential based on the space type properties for the spaces in the zone. # If there are both residential and nonresidential spaces in the zone, # the result will be whichever type has more floor area. # In the event that they are equal, it will be assumed nonresidential. # # @param thermal_zone [OpenStudio::Model::ThermalZone] thermal zone # return [Bool] true if residential, false if nonresidential def thermal_zone_residential?(thermal_zone) # Determine the respective areas res_area_m2 = 0 nonres_area_m2 = 0 thermal_zone.spaces.each do |space| # Ignore space if not part of total area next unless space.partofTotalFloorArea if space_residential?(space) res_area_m2 += space.floorArea else nonres_area_m2 += space.floorArea end end # Determine which is larger is_res = false if res_area_m2 > nonres_area_m2 is_res = true end return is_res end # Determine if the thermal zone is a Fossil Fuel, Fossil/Electric Hybrid, and Purchased Heat zone. # If not, it is an Electric or Other Zone. # This is as-defined by 90.1 Appendix G. # # @param thermal_zone [OpenStudio::Model::ThermalZone] thermal zone # @return [Bool] true if Fossil Fuel, Fossil/Electric Hybrid, and Purchased Heat zone, # false if Electric or Other. # @todo It's not doing it properly right now. # If you have a zone with a VRF + a DOAS (via an ATU SingleDUct Uncontrolled) # it'll pick up both natural gas and electricity and classify it as fossil fuel, # when I would definitely classify it as electricity def thermal_zone_fossil_hybrid_or_purchased_heat?(thermal_zone) is_fossil = false # Get an array of the heating fuels # used by the zone. Possible values are # Electricity, NaturalGas, Propane, PropaneGas, FuelOilNo1, FuelOilNo2, # Coal, Diesel, Gasoline, DistrictHeating, # and SolarEnergy. htg_fuels = thermal_zone.heating_fuels if htg_fuels.include?('NaturalGas') || htg_fuels.include?('Propane') || htg_fuels.include?('PropaneGas') || htg_fuels.include?('FuelOilNo1') || htg_fuels.include?('FuelOilNo2') || htg_fuels.include?('Coal') || htg_fuels.include?('Diesel') || htg_fuels.include?('Gasoline') || htg_fuels.include?('DistrictHeating') is_fossil = true end # OpenStudio::logFree(OpenStudio::Debug, "openstudio.Standards.Model", "For #{}, heating fuels = #{htg_fuels.join(', ')}; thermal_zone_fossil_hybrid_or_purchased_heat?(thermal_zone) = #{is_fossil}.") return is_fossil end # Determine if the thermal zone's fuel type category. # Options are: # fossil, electric, unconditioned # If a customization is passed, additional categories may be returned. # If 'Xcel Energy CO EDA', the type fossilandelectric is added. # DistrictHeating is considered a fossil fuel since it is typically created by natural gas boilers. # # @param thermal_zone [OpenStudio::Model::ThermalZone] thermal zone # @param custom [String] string for custom case statement # @return [String] the fuel type category def thermal_zone_fossil_or_electric_type(thermal_zone, custom) fossil = false electric = false # Fossil heating htg_fuels = thermal_zone.heating_fuels if htg_fuels.include?('NaturalGas') || htg_fuels.include?('Propane') || htg_fuels.include?('PropaneGas') || htg_fuels.include?('FuelOilNo1') || htg_fuels.include?('FuelOilNo2') || htg_fuels.include?('Coal') || htg_fuels.include?('Diesel') || htg_fuels.include?('Gasoline') || htg_fuels.include?('DistrictHeating') fossil = true end # Electric heating if htg_fuels.include?('Electricity') electric = true end # Cooling fuels, for determining # unconditioned zones clg_fuels = thermal_zone.cooling_fuels # Categorize fuel_type = nil if fossil # If uses any fossil, counts as fossil even if electric is present too fuel_type = 'fossil' elsif electric fuel_type = 'electric' elsif && fuel_type = 'unconditioned' else OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.Standards.ThermalZone', "For #{}, could not determine fuel type, assuming fossil. Heating fuels = #{htg_fuels.join(', ')}; cooling fuels = #{clg_fuels.join(', ')}.") fuel_type = 'fossil' end # Customization for Xcel. # Likely useful for other utility # programs where fuel switching is important. # This is primarily for systems where Gas is # used at the central AHU and electric is # used at the terminals/zones. Examples # include zone VRF/PTHP with gas-heated DOAS, # and gas VAV with electric reheat case custom when 'Xcel Energy CO EDA' if fossil && electric fuel_type = 'fossilandelectric' end end # OpenStudio::logFree(OpenStudio::Info, "openstudio.Standards.Model", "For #{}, fuel type = #{fuel_type}.") return fuel_type end # Determine if the thermal zone is Fossil/Purchased Heat/Electric Hybrid # # @param thermal_zone [OpenStudio::Model::ThermalZone] thermal zone # @return [Bool] true if mixed Fossil/Electric Hybrid, and Purchased Heat zone, false if not def thermal_zone_mixed_heating_fuel?(thermal_zone) is_mixed = false # Get an array of the heating fuels # used by the zone. Possible values are # Electricity, NaturalGas, Propane, PropaneGas, FuelOilNo1, FuelOilNo2, # Coal, Diesel, Gasoline, DistrictHeating, # and SolarEnergy. htg_fuels = thermal_zone.heating_fuels # Includes fossil fossil = false if htg_fuels.include?('NaturalGas') || htg_fuels.include?('Propane') || htg_fuels.include?('PropaneGas') || htg_fuels.include?('FuelOilNo1') || htg_fuels.include?('FuelOilNo2') || htg_fuels.include?('Coal') || htg_fuels.include?('Diesel') || htg_fuels.include?('Gasoline') fossil = true end # Electric and fossil and district if htg_fuels.include?('Electricity') && htg_fuels.include?('DistrictHeating') && fossil is_mixed = true OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Debug, 'openstudio.Standards.ThermalZone', "For #{}, heating mixed electricity, fossil, and district.") end # Electric and fossil if htg_fuels.include?('Electricity') && fossil is_mixed = true OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Debug, 'openstudio.Standards.ThermalZone', "For #{}, heating mixed electricity and fossil.") end # Electric and district if htg_fuels.include?('Electricity') && htg_fuels.include?('DistrictHeating') is_mixed = true OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Debug, 'openstudio.Standards.ThermalZone', "For #{}, heating mixed electricity and district.") end # Fossil and district if fossil && htg_fuels.include?('DistrictHeating') is_mixed = true OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Debug, 'openstudio.Standards.ThermalZone', "For #{}, heating mixed fossil and district.") end return is_mixed end # Determine the net area of the zone # Loops on each space, and checks if part of total floor area or not # If not part of total floor area, it is not added to the zone floor area # Will multiply it by the ZONE MULTIPLIER as well! # # @param thermal_zone [OpenStudio::Model::ThermalZone] thermal zone # @return [Double] the zone net floor area in m^2 (with multiplier taken into account) def thermal_zone_floor_area_with_zone_multipliers(thermal_zone) area_m2 = 0 thermal_zone.spaces.each do |space| # If space is not part of floor area, we don't add it next unless space.partofTotalFloorArea area_m2 += space.floorArea end return area_m2 * thermal_zone.multiplier end # Determine the net area of the zone # Loops on each space, and checks if part of total floor area or not # If not part of total floor area, it is not added to the zone floor area # # @return [Double] the zone net floor area in m^2 def thermal_zone_floor_area(thermal_zone) area_m2 = 0 thermal_zone.spaces.each do |space| # If space is not part of floor area, we don't add it next unless space.partofTotalFloorArea area_m2 += space.floorArea end return area_m2 end # Infers the baseline system type based on the equipment serving the zone and their heating/cooling fuels. # Only does a high-level inference; does not look for the presence/absence of required controls, etc. # # @param thermal_zone [OpenStudio::Model::ThermalZone] thermal zone # @return [String] system type. Possible system types are: # PTHP, PTAC, PSZ_AC, PSZ_HP, PVAV_Reheat, PVAV_PFP_Boxes, # VAV_Reheat, VAV_PFP_Boxes, Gas_Furnace, Electric_Furnace def thermal_zone_infer_system_type(thermal_zone) # Determine the characteristics # of the equipment serving the zone has_air_loop = false air_loop_num_zones = 0 air_loop_is_vav = false air_loop_has_chw = false has_ptac = false has_pthp = false has_unitheater = false do |equip| # Skip HVAC components next unless equip.to_HVACComponent.is_initialized equip = equip.to_HVACComponent.get if equip.airLoopHVAC.is_initialized has_air_loop = true air_loop = equip.airLoopHVAC.get air_loop_num_zones = air_loop.thermalZones.size air_loop.supplyComponents.each do |sc| if sc.to_FanVariableVolume.is_initialized air_loop_is_vav = true elsif sc.to_CoilCoolingWater.is_initialized air_loop_has_chw = true end end elsif equip.to_ZoneHVACPackagedTerminalAirConditioner.is_initialized has_ptac = true elsif equip.to_ZoneHVACPackagedTerminalHeatPump.is_initialized has_pthp = true elsif equip.to_ZoneHVACUnitHeater.is_initialized has_unitheater = true end end # Get the zone heating and cooling fuels htg_fuels = thermal_zone.heating_fuels clg_fuels = thermal_zone.cooling_fuels is_fossil = thermal_zone_fossil_hybrid_or_purchased_heat?(thermal_zone) # Infer the HVAC type sys_type = 'Unknown' # Single zone if air_loop_num_zones < 2 # Gas if is_fossil # Air Loop if has_air_loop # Gas_Furnace (as air loop) sys_type = if 'Gas_Furnace' # PSZ_AC else 'PSZ_AC' end # Zone Equipment else # Gas_Furnace (as unit heater) if has_unitheater sys_type = 'Gas_Furnace' end # PTAC if has_ptac sys_type = 'PTAC' end end # Electric else # Air Loop if has_air_loop # Electric_Furnace (as air loop) sys_type = if 'Electric_Furnace' # PSZ_HP else 'PSZ_HP' end # Zone Equipment else # Electric_Furnace (as unit heater) if has_unitheater sys_type = 'Electric_Furnace' end # PTHP if has_pthp sys_type = 'PTHP' end end end # Multi-zone else # Gas if is_fossil # VAV_Reheat if air_loop_has_chw && air_loop_is_vav sys_type = 'VAV_Reheat' end # PVAV_Reheat if !air_loop_has_chw && air_loop_is_vav sys_type = 'PVAV_Reheat' end # Electric else # VAV_PFP_Boxes if air_loop_has_chw && air_loop_is_vav sys_type = 'VAV_PFP_Boxes' end # PVAV_PFP_Boxes if !air_loop_has_chw && air_loop_is_vav sys_type = 'PVAV_PFP_Boxes' end end end # Report out the characteristics for debugging if # the system type cannot be inferred. if sys_type == 'Unknown' OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.Standards.ThermalZone', "For #{}, the baseline system type could not be inferred.") OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Debug, 'openstudio.Standards.ThermalZone', "***#{}***") OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Debug, 'openstudio.Standards.ThermalZone', "system type = #{sys_type}") OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Debug, 'openstudio.Standards.ThermalZone', "has_air_loop = #{has_air_loop}") OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Debug, 'openstudio.Standards.ThermalZone', "air_loop_num_zones = #{air_loop_num_zones}") OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Debug, 'openstudio.Standards.ThermalZone', "air_loop_is_vav = #{air_loop_is_vav}") OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Debug, 'openstudio.Standards.ThermalZone', "air_loop_has_chw = #{air_loop_has_chw}") OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Debug, 'openstudio.Standards.ThermalZone', "has_ptac = #{has_ptac}") OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Debug, 'openstudio.Standards.ThermalZone', "has_pthp = #{has_pthp}") OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Debug, 'openstudio.Standards.ThermalZone', "has_unitheater = #{has_unitheater}") OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Debug, 'openstudio.Standards.ThermalZone', "htg_fuels = #{htg_fuels}") OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Debug, 'openstudio.Standards.ThermalZone', "clg_fuels = #{clg_fuels}") OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Debug, 'openstudio.Standards.ThermalZone', "is_fossil = #{is_fossil}") end return sys_type end # Determines heating status. # If the zone has a thermostat with a maximum heating setpoint above 5C (41F), counts as heated. # Plenums are also assumed to be heated. # # @author Andrew Parker, Julien Marrec # @param thermal_zone [OpenStudio::Model::ThermalZone] thermal zone # @return [Bool] returns true if heated, false if not def thermal_zone_heated?(thermal_zone) temp_f = 41 temp_c = OpenStudio.convert(temp_f, 'F', 'C').get htd = false # Consider plenum zones heated area_plenum = 0 area_non_plenum = 0 thermal_zone.spaces.each do |space| if space_plenum?(space) area_plenum += space.floorArea else area_non_plenum += space.floorArea end end # Majority if area_plenum > area_non_plenum htd = true return htd end # Check if the zone has radiant heating, # and if it does, get heating setpoint schedule # directly from the radiant system to check. do |equip| htg_sch = nil if equip.to_ZoneHVACHighTemperatureRadiant.is_initialized equip = equip.to_ZoneHVACHighTemperatureRadiant.get if equip.heatingSetpointTemperatureSchedule.is_initialized htg_sch = equip.heatingSetpointTemperatureSchedule.get end elsif equip.to_ZoneHVACLowTemperatureRadiantElectric.is_initialized equip = equip.to_ZoneHVACLowTemperatureRadiantElectric.get htg_sch = equip.heatingSetpointTemperatureSchedule.get elsif equip.to_ZoneHVACLowTempRadiantConstFlow.is_initialized equip = equip.to_ZoneHVACLowTempRadiantConstFlow.get htg_coil = equip.heatingCoil if htg_coil.to_CoilHeatingLowTempRadiantConstFlow.is_initialized htg_coil = htg_coil.to_CoilHeatingLowTempRadiantConstFlow.get if htg_coil.heatingHighControlTemperatureSchedule.is_initialized htg_sch = htg_coil.heatingHighControlTemperatureSchedule.get end end elsif equip.to_ZoneHVACLowTempRadiantVarFlow.is_initialized equip = equip.to_ZoneHVACLowTempRadiantVarFlow.get htg_coil = equip.heatingCoil if equip.model.version >'3.1.0') if htg_coil.is_initialized htg_coil = htg_coil.get else htg_coil = nil end end if !htg_coil.nil? && htg_coil.to_CoilHeatingLowTempRadiantVarFlow.is_initialized htg_coil = htg_coil.to_CoilHeatingLowTempRadiantVarFlow.get if htg_coil.heatingControlTemperatureSchedule.is_initialized htg_sch = htg_coil.heatingControlTemperatureSchedule.get end end end # Move on if no heating schedule was found next if htg_sch.nil? # Get the setpoint from the schedule if htg_sch.to_ScheduleRuleset.is_initialized htg_sch = htg_sch.to_ScheduleRuleset.get max_c = schedule_ruleset_annual_min_max_value(htg_sch)['max'] if max_c > temp_c htd = true end elsif htg_sch.to_ScheduleConstant.is_initialized htg_sch = htg_sch.to_ScheduleConstant.get max_c = schedule_constant_annual_min_max_value(htg_sch)['max'] if max_c > temp_c htd = true end elsif htg_sch.to_ScheduleCompact.is_initialized htg_sch = htg_sch.to_ScheduleCompact.get max_c = schedule_compact_annual_min_max_value(htg_sch)['max'] if max_c > temp_c htd = true end else OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Debug, 'openstudio.Standards.ThermalZone', "Zone #{} used an unknown schedule type for the heating setpoint; assuming heated.") htd = true end end # Unheated if no thermostat present if thermal_zone.thermostat.empty? return htd end # Check the heating setpoint tstat = thermal_zone.thermostat.get if tstat.to_ThermostatSetpointDualSetpoint tstat = tstat.to_ThermostatSetpointDualSetpoint.get htg_sch = tstat.getHeatingSchedule if htg_sch.is_initialized htg_sch = htg_sch.get if htg_sch.to_ScheduleRuleset.is_initialized htg_sch = htg_sch.to_ScheduleRuleset.get max_c = schedule_ruleset_annual_min_max_value(htg_sch)['max'] if max_c > temp_c htd = true end elsif htg_sch.to_ScheduleConstant.is_initialized htg_sch = htg_sch.to_ScheduleConstant.get max_c = schedule_constant_annual_min_max_value(htg_sch)['max'] if max_c > temp_c htd = true end elsif htg_sch.to_ScheduleCompact.is_initialized htg_sch = htg_sch.to_ScheduleCompact.get max_c = schedule_compact_annual_min_max_value(htg_sch)['max'] if max_c > temp_c htd = true end else OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Debug, 'openstudio.Standards.ThermalZone', "Zone #{} used an unknown schedule type for the heating setpoint; assuming heated.") htd = true end end elsif tstat.to_ZoneControlThermostatStagedDualSetpoint tstat = tstat.to_ZoneControlThermostatStagedDualSetpoint.get htg_sch = tstat.heatingTemperatureSetpointSchedule if htg_sch.is_initialized htg_sch = htg_sch.get if htg_sch.to_ScheduleRuleset.is_initialized htg_sch = htg_sch.to_ScheduleRuleset.get max_c = schedule_ruleset_annual_min_max_value(htg_sch)['max'] if max_c > temp_c htd = true end end end end return htd end # Determines cooling status. # If the zone has a thermostat with a minimum cooling setpoint below 33C (91F), counts as cooled. # Plenums are also assumed to be cooled. # # @author Andrew Parker, Julien Marrec # @param thermal_zone [OpenStudio::Model::ThermalZone] thermal zone # @return [Bool] returns true if cooled, false if not def thermal_zone_cooled?(thermal_zone) temp_f = 91 temp_c = OpenStudio.convert(temp_f, 'F', 'C').get cld = false # Consider plenum zones cooled area_plenum = 0 area_non_plenum = 0 thermal_zone.spaces.each do |space| if space_plenum?(space) area_plenum += space.floorArea else area_non_plenum += space.floorArea end end # Majority if area_plenum > area_non_plenum cld = true return cld end # Check if the zone has radiant cooling, # and if it does, get cooling setpoint schedule # directly from the radiant system to check. do |equip| clg_sch = nil if equip.to_ZoneHVACLowTempRadiantConstFlow.is_initialized equip = equip.to_ZoneHVACLowTempRadiantConstFlow.get clg_coil = equip.coolingCoil if clg_coil.to_CoilCoolingLowTempRadiantConstFlow.is_initialized clg_coil = clg_coil.to_CoilCoolingLowTempRadiantConstFlow.get if clg_coil.coolingLowControlTemperatureSchedule.is_initialized clg_sch = clg_coil.coolingLowControlTemperatureSchedule.get end end elsif equip.to_ZoneHVACLowTempRadiantVarFlow.is_initialized equip = equip.to_ZoneHVACLowTempRadiantVarFlow.get clg_coil = equip.coolingCoil if equip.model.version >'3.1.0') if clg_coil.is_initialized clg_coil = clg_coil.get else clg_coil = nil end end if !clg_coil.nil? && clg_coil.to_CoilCoolingLowTempRadiantVarFlow.is_initialized clg_coil = clg_coil.to_CoilCoolingLowTempRadiantVarFlow.get if clg_coil.coolingControlTemperatureSchedule.is_initialized clg_sch = clg_coil.coolingControlTemperatureSchedule.get end end end # Move on if no cooling schedule was found next if clg_sch.nil? # Get the setpoint from the schedule if clg_sch.to_ScheduleRuleset.is_initialized clg_sch = clg_sch.to_ScheduleRuleset.get min_c = schedule_ruleset_annual_min_max_value(clg_sch)['min'] if min_c < temp_c cld = true end elsif clg_sch.to_ScheduleConstant.is_initialized clg_sch = clg_sch.to_ScheduleConstant.get min_c = schedule_constant_annual_min_max_value(clg_sch)['min'] if min_c < temp_c cld = true end elsif clg_sch.to_ScheduleCompact.is_initialized clg_sch = clg_sch.to_ScheduleCompact.get min_c = schedule_compact_annual_min_max_value(clg_sch)['min'] if min_c < temp_c cld = true end else OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Debug, 'openstudio.Standards.ThermalZone', "Zone #{} used an unknown schedule type for the cooling setpoint; assuming cooled.") cld = true end end # Unheated if no thermostat present if thermal_zone.thermostat.empty? return cld end # Check the cooling setpoint tstat = thermal_zone.thermostat.get if tstat.to_ThermostatSetpointDualSetpoint tstat = tstat.to_ThermostatSetpointDualSetpoint.get clg_sch = tstat.getCoolingSchedule if clg_sch.is_initialized clg_sch = clg_sch.get if clg_sch.to_ScheduleRuleset.is_initialized clg_sch = clg_sch.to_ScheduleRuleset.get min_c = schedule_ruleset_annual_min_max_value(clg_sch)['min'] if min_c < temp_c cld = true end elsif clg_sch.to_ScheduleConstant.is_initialized clg_sch = clg_sch.to_ScheduleConstant.get min_c = schedule_constant_annual_min_max_value(clg_sch)['min'] if min_c < temp_c cld = true end elsif clg_sch.to_ScheduleCompact.is_initialized clg_sch = clg_sch.to_ScheduleCompact.get min_c = schedule_compact_annual_min_max_value(clg_sch)['min'] if min_c < temp_c cld = true end else OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Debug, 'openstudio.Standards.ThermalZone', "Zone #{} used an unknown schedule type for the cooling setpoint; assuming cooled.") cld = true end end elsif tstat.to_ZoneControlThermostatStagedDualSetpoint tstat = tstat.to_ZoneControlThermostatStagedDualSetpoint.get clg_sch = tstat.coolingTemperatureSetpointSchedule if clg_sch.is_initialized clg_sch = clg_sch.get if clg_sch.to_ScheduleRuleset.is_initialized clg_sch = clg_sch.to_ScheduleRuleset.get min_c = schedule_ruleset_annual_min_max_value(clg_sch)['min'] if min_c < temp_c cld = true end end end end return cld end # Determine if the thermal zone is a plenum based on whether a majority of the spaces in the zone are plenums or not. # # @param thermal_zone [OpenStudio::Model::ThermalZone] thermal zone # @return [Bool] returns true if majority plenum, false if not def thermal_zone_plenum?(thermal_zone) plenum_status = false area_plenum = 0 area_non_plenum = 0 thermal_zone.spaces.each do |space| if space_plenum?(space) area_plenum += space.floorArea else area_non_plenum += space.floorArea end end # Majority if area_plenum > area_non_plenum plenum_status = true end return plenum_status end # Determine if this zone is a vestibule. # Zone must be less than 200 ft^2 and also have an infiltration object specified using Flow/Zone. # # @param thermal_zone [OpenStudio::Model::ThermalZone] thermal zone # @return [Bool] returns true if vestibule, false if not def thermal_zone_vestibule?(thermal_zone) is_vest = false # Check area return is_vest if thermal_zone.floorArea < OpenStudio.convert(200, 'ft^2', 'm^2').get # Check presence of infiltration thermal_zone.spaces.each do |space| space.spaceInfiltrationDesignFlowRates.each do |infil| if infil.designFlowRate.is_initialized is_vest = true OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.ThermalZone', "For #{}: This zone is considered a vestibule.") break end end end return is_vest end # Determines whether the zone is conditioned per 90.1, which is based on heating and cooling loads. # # @param thermal_zone [OpenStudio::Model::ThermalZone] thermal zone # @param climate_zone [String] ASHRAE climate zone, e.g. 'ASHRAE 169-2013-4A' # @return [String] NonResConditioned, ResConditioned, Semiheated, Unconditioned # @todo add logic to detect indirectly-conditioned spaces def thermal_zone_conditioning_category(thermal_zone, climate_zone) # Get the heating load htg_load_btu_per_ft2 = 0.0 htg_load_w_per_m2 = thermal_zone.heatingDesignLoad if htg_load_w_per_m2.is_initialized htg_load_btu_per_ft2 = OpenStudio.convert(htg_load_w_per_m2.get, 'W/m^2', 'Btu/hr*ft^2').get end # Get the cooling load clg_load_btu_per_ft2 = 0.0 clg_load_w_per_m2 = thermal_zone.coolingDesignLoad if clg_load_w_per_m2.is_initialized clg_load_btu_per_ft2 = OpenStudio.convert(clg_load_w_per_m2.get, 'W/m^2', 'Btu/hr*ft^2').get end # Determine the heating limit based on climate zone # From Table 3.1 Heated Space Criteria htg_lim_btu_per_ft2 = 0.0 case climate_zone when 'ASHRAE 169-2006-0A', 'ASHRAE 169-2006-0B', 'ASHRAE 169-2006-1A', 'ASHRAE 169-2006-1B', 'ASHRAE 169-2006-2A', 'ASHRAE 169-2006-2B', 'ASHRAE 169-2013-0A', 'ASHRAE 169-2013-0B', 'ASHRAE 169-2013-1A', 'ASHRAE 169-2013-1B', 'ASHRAE 169-2013-2A', 'ASHRAE 169-2013-2B' htg_lim_btu_per_ft2 = 5 when 'ASHRAE 169-2006-3A', 'ASHRAE 169-2006-3B', 'ASHRAE 169-2006-3C', 'ASHRAE 169-2013-3A', 'ASHRAE 169-2013-3B', 'ASHRAE 169-2013-3C' htg_lim_btu_per_ft2 = 10 when 'ASHRAE 169-2006-4A', 'ASHRAE 169-2006-4B', 'ASHRAE 169-2006-4C', 'ASHRAE 169-2006-5A', 'ASHRAE 169-2006-5B', 'ASHRAE 169-2006-5C', 'ASHRAE 169-2013-4A', 'ASHRAE 169-2013-4B', 'ASHRAE 169-2013-4C', 'ASHRAE 169-2013-5A', 'ASHRAE 169-2013-5B', 'ASHRAE 169-2013-5C' htg_lim_btu_per_ft2 = 15 when 'ASHRAE 169-2006-6A', 'ASHRAE 169-2006-6B', 'ASHRAE 169-2006-7A', 'ASHRAE 169-2006-7B', 'ASHRAE 169-2013-6A', 'ASHRAE 169-2013-6B', 'ASHRAE 169-2013-7A', 'ASHRAE 169-2013-7B' htg_lim_btu_per_ft2 = 20 when 'ASHRAE 169-2006-8A', 'ASHRAE 169-2006-8B', 'ASHRAE 169-2013-8A', 'ASHRAE 169-2013-8B' htg_lim_btu_per_ft2 = 25 end # Cooling limit is climate-independent clg_lim_btu_per_ft2 = 5 # Semiheated limit is climate-independent semihtd_lim_btu_per_ft2 = 3.4 # Determine if residential res = false if thermal_zone_residential?(thermal_zone) res = true end cond_cat = 'Unconditioned' if htg_load_btu_per_ft2 > htg_lim_btu_per_ft2 OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Debug, 'openstudio.Standards.ThermalZone', "Zone #{} is conditioned because heating load of #{htg_load_btu_per_ft2.round} Btu/hr*ft^2 exceeds minimum of #{htg_lim_btu_per_ft2.round} Btu/hr*ft^2.") cond_cat = if res 'ResConditioned' else 'NonResConditioned' end elsif clg_load_btu_per_ft2 > clg_lim_btu_per_ft2 OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Debug, 'openstudio.Standards.ThermalZone', "Zone #{} is conditioned because cooling load of #{clg_load_btu_per_ft2.round} Btu/hr*ft^2 exceeds minimum of #{clg_lim_btu_per_ft2.round} Btu/hr*ft^2.") cond_cat = if res 'ResConditioned' else 'NonResConditioned' end elsif htg_load_btu_per_ft2 > semihtd_lim_btu_per_ft2 cond_cat = 'Semiheated' OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Debug, 'openstudio.Standards.ThermalZone', "Zone #{} is semiheated because heating load of #{htg_load_btu_per_ft2.round} Btu/hr*ft^2 exceeds minimum of #{semihtd_lim_btu_per_ft2.round} Btu/hr*ft^2.") end return cond_cat end # Calculate the heating supply temperature based on the# specified delta-T. # Delta-T is calculated based on the highest value found in the heating setpoint schedule. # # @param thermal_zone [OpenStudio::Model::ThermalZone] thermal zone # @return [Double] the design heating supply temperature, in degrees Celsius # @todo Exception: 17F delta-T for labs def thermal_zone_prm_baseline_heating_design_supply_temperature(thermal_zone) setpoint_c = nil # Setpoint schedule tstat = thermal_zone.thermostatSetpointDualSetpoint if tstat.is_initialized tstat = tstat.get setpoint_sch = tstat.heatingSetpointTemperatureSchedule if setpoint_sch.is_initialized setpoint_sch = setpoint_sch.get if setpoint_sch.to_ScheduleRuleset.is_initialized setpoint_sch = setpoint_sch.to_ScheduleRuleset.get setpoint_c = schedule_ruleset_annual_min_max_value(setpoint_sch)['max'] elsif setpoint_sch.to_ScheduleConstant.is_initialized setpoint_sch = setpoint_sch.to_ScheduleConstant.get setpoint_c = schedule_constant_annual_min_max_value(setpoint_sch)['max'] elsif setpoint_sch.to_ScheduleCompact.is_initialized setpoint_sch = setpoint_sch.to_ScheduleCompact.get setpoint_c = schedule_compact_annual_min_max_value(setpoint_sch)['max'] end end end # If the heating setpoint could not be determined # return the current design heating temperature if setpoint_c.nil? setpoint_c = thermal_zone.sizingZone.zoneHeatingDesignSupplyAirTemperature OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.Standards.ThermalZone', "For #{}: could not determine max heating setpoint. Design heating SAT will be #{OpenStudio.convert(setpoint_c, 'C', 'F').get.round} F from proposed model.") return setpoint_c end # If the heating setpoint was set very low so that # heating equipment never comes on # return the current design heating temperature if setpoint_c < OpenStudio.convert(41, 'F', 'C').get setpoint_f = OpenStudio.convert(setpoint_c, 'C', 'F').get new_setpoint_c = thermal_zone.sizingZone.zoneHeatingDesignSupplyAirTemperature new_setpoint_f = OpenStudio.convert(new_setpoint_c, 'C', 'F').get OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.Standards.ThermalZone', "For #{}: max heating setpoint in proposed model was #{setpoint_f.round} F. 20 F SAT delta-T from this point is unreasonable. Design heating SAT will be #{new_setpoint_f.round} F from proposed model.") return new_setpoint_c end # Add 20F delta-T delta_t_r = 20 delta_t_k = OpenStudio.convert(delta_t_r, 'R', 'K').get sat_c = setpoint_c + delta_t_k # Add for heating return sat_c end # Calculate the cooling supply temperature based on the specified delta-T. # Delta-T is calculated based on the highest value found in the cooling setpoint schedule. # # @param thermal_zone [OpenStudio::Model::ThermalZone] thermal zone # @return [Double] the design heating supply temperature, in degrees Celsius # @todo Exception: 17F delta-T for labs def thermal_zone_prm_baseline_cooling_design_supply_temperature(thermal_zone) setpoint_c = nil # Setpoint schedule tstat = thermal_zone.thermostatSetpointDualSetpoint if tstat.is_initialized tstat = tstat.get setpoint_sch = tstat.coolingSetpointTemperatureSchedule if setpoint_sch.is_initialized setpoint_sch = setpoint_sch.get if setpoint_sch.to_ScheduleRuleset.is_initialized setpoint_sch = setpoint_sch.to_ScheduleRuleset.get setpoint_c = schedule_ruleset_annual_min_max_value(setpoint_sch)['min'] elsif setpoint_sch.to_ScheduleConstant.is_initialized setpoint_sch = setpoint_sch.to_ScheduleConstant.get setpoint_c = schedule_constant_annual_min_max_value(setpoint_sch)['min'] elsif setpoint_sch.to_ScheduleCompact.is_initialized setpoint_sch = setpoint_sch.to_ScheduleCompact.get setpoint_c = schedule_compact_annual_min_max_value(setpoint_sch)['min'] end end end # If the cooling setpoint could not be determined # return the current design cooling temperature if setpoint_c.nil? setpoint_c = thermal_zone.sizingZone.zoneCoolingDesignSupplyAirTemperature OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.Standards.ThermalZone', "For #{}: could not determine min cooling setpoint. Design cooling SAT will be #{OpenStudio.convert(setpoint_c, 'C', 'F').get.round} F from proposed model.") return setpoint_c end # If the cooling setpoint was set very high so that # cooling equipment never comes on # return the current design cooling temperature if setpoint_c > OpenStudio.convert(91, 'F', 'C').get setpoint_f = OpenStudio.convert(setpoint_c, 'C', 'F').get new_setpoint_c = thermal_zone.sizingZone.zoneCoolingDesignSupplyAirTemperature new_setpoint_f = OpenStudio.convert(new_setpoint_c, 'C', 'F').get OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.Standards.ThermalZone', "For #{}: max cooling setpoint in proposed model was #{setpoint_f.round} F. 20 F SAT delta-T from this point is unreasonable. Design cooling SAT will be #{new_setpoint_f.round} F from proposed model.") return new_setpoint_c end # Subtract 20F delta-T delta_t_r = 20 delta_t_k = OpenStudio.convert(delta_t_r, 'R', 'K').get sat_c = setpoint_c - delta_t_k # Subtract for cooling return sat_c end # Set the design delta-T for zone heating and cooling sizing supply air temperatures. # This value determines zone air flows, which will be summed during system design airflow calculation. # # @param thermal_zone [OpenStudio::Model::ThermalZone] thermal zone # @return [Bool] returns true if successful, false if not def thermal_zone_apply_prm_baseline_supply_temperatures(thermal_zone) # Skip spaces that aren't heated or cooled return true unless thermal_zone_heated?(thermal_zone) || thermal_zone_cooled?(thermal_zone) # Heating htg_sat_c = thermal_zone_prm_baseline_heating_design_supply_temperature(thermal_zone) htg_success = thermal_zone.sizingZone.setZoneHeatingDesignSupplyAirTemperature(htg_sat_c) # Cooling clg_sat_c = thermal_zone_prm_baseline_cooling_design_supply_temperature(thermal_zone) clg_success = thermal_zone.sizingZone.setZoneCoolingDesignSupplyAirTemperature(clg_sat_c) htg_sat_f = OpenStudio.convert(htg_sat_c, 'C', 'F').get clg_sat_f = OpenStudio.convert(clg_sat_c, 'C', 'F').get OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Debug, 'openstudio.Standards.ThermalZone', "For #{}, Htg SAT = #{htg_sat_f.round(1)}F, Clg SAT = #{clg_sat_f.round(1)}F.") result = false if htg_success && clg_success result = true end return result end # Adds a thermostat that heats the space to 0 F and cools to 120 F. # These numbers are outside of the threshold that is considered heated # or cooled by thermal_zone_cooled?() and thermal_zone_heated?() # # @param thermal_zone [OpenStudio::Model::ThermalZone] thermal zone # @return [Bool] returns true if successful, false if not def thermal_zone_add_unconditioned_thermostat(thermal_zone) # Heated to 0F (below thermal_zone_heated?(thermal_zone) threshold) htg_t_f = 0 htg_t_c = OpenStudio.convert(htg_t_f, 'F', 'C').get htg_stpt_sch = htg_stpt_sch.setName('Unconditioned Minimal Heating') htg_stpt_sch.defaultDaySchedule.setName('Unconditioned Minimal Heating Default') htg_stpt_sch.defaultDaySchedule.addValue(, 24, 0, 0), htg_t_c) # Cooled to 120F (above thermal_zone_cooled?(thermal_zone) threshold) clg_t_f = 120 clg_t_c = OpenStudio.convert(clg_t_f, 'F', 'C').get clg_stpt_sch = clg_stpt_sch.setName('Unconditioned Minimal Heating') clg_stpt_sch.defaultDaySchedule.setName('Unconditioned Minimal Heating Default') clg_stpt_sch.defaultDaySchedule.addValue(, 24, 0, 0), clg_t_c) # Thermostat thermostat = thermostat.setName("#{} Unconditioned Thermostat") thermostat.setHeatingSetpointTemperatureSchedule(htg_stpt_sch) thermostat.setCoolingSetpointTemperatureSchedule(clg_stpt_sch) return true end # Determine the design internal load (W) for this zone without space multipliers. # This include People, Lights, Electric Equipment, and Gas Equipment in all spaces in this zone. # It assumes 100% of the wattage is converted to heat, and that the design peak schedule value is 1 (100%). # # @param thermal_zone [OpenStudio::Model::ThermalZone] thermal zone # @return [Double] the design internal load, in watts def thermal_zone_design_internal_load(thermal_zone) load_w = 0.0 thermal_zone.spaces.each do |space| load_w += space_design_internal_load(space) end return load_w end # Returns the space type that represents a majority of the floor area. # # @param thermal_zone [OpenStudio::Model::ThermalZone] thermal zone # @return [Boost::Optional<OpenStudio::Model::SpaceType>] an optional SpaceType def thermal_zone_majority_space_type(thermal_zone) space_type_to_area = thermal_zone.spaces.each do |space| if space.spaceType.is_initialized space_type = space.spaceType.get space_type_to_area[space_type] += space.floorArea end end # If no space types, return empty optional SpaceType if return end # Sort by area biggest_space_type = space_type_to_area.sort_by { |st, area| area }.reverse[0][0] return end # Returns the building type that represents the majority of floor area # # @param thermal_zone [OpenStudio::Model::ThermalZone] thermal zone # @return [String] the building type def thermal_zone_building_type(thermal_zone) # determine areas of each building type building_type_areas = {} thermal_zone.spaces.each do |space| # ignore space if not part of total area next unless space.partofTotalFloorArea if space.spaceType.is_initialized space_type = space.spaceType.get if space_type.standardsBuildingType.is_initialized building_type = space_type.standardsBuildingType.get if building_type_areas[building_type].nil? building_type_areas[building_type] = space.floorArea else building_type_areas[building_type] += space.floorArea end end end end # return largest building type area building_type = building_type_areas.key(building_type_areas.values.max) if building_type.nil? OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.Standards.ThermalZone', "Thermal zone #{} does not have standards building type.") end return building_type end # Determine the thermal zone's occupancy type category. # Options are: residential, nonresidential # # @param thermal_zone [OpenStudio::Model::ThermalZone] thermal zone # @return [String] the occupancy type category # @todo Add public assembly building types def thermal_zone_occupancy_type(thermal_zone) occ_type = if thermal_zone_residential?(thermal_zone) 'residential' else 'nonresidential' end # OpenStudio::logFree(OpenStudio::Info, "openstudio.Standards.ThermalZone", "For #{}, occupancy type = #{occ_type}.") return occ_type end # Determine if demand control ventilation (DCV) is # required for this zone based on area and occupant density. # Does not account for System requirements like ERV, economizer, etc. # Those are accounted for in the AirLoopHVAC method of the same name. # # @param thermal_zone [OpenStudio::Model::ThermalZone] thermal zone # @param climate_zone [String] ASHRAE climate zone, e.g. 'ASHRAE 169-2013-4A' # @return [Bool] Returns true if required, false if not # @todo Add exception logic for 90.1-2013 # for cells, sickrooms, labs, barbers, salons, and bowling alleys def thermal_zone_demand_control_ventilation_required?(thermal_zone, climate_zone) dcv_required = false # Get the limits min_area_m2, min_area_m2_per_occ = thermal_zone_demand_control_ventilation_limits(thermal_zone) # Not required if both limits nil if min_area_m2.nil? && min_area_m2_per_occ.nil? return dcv_required end # Get the area served and the number of occupants area_served_m2 = 0 num_people = 0 thermal_zone.spaces.each do |space| area_served_m2 += space.floorArea num_people += space.numberOfPeople end area_served_ft2 = OpenStudio.convert(area_served_m2, 'm^2', 'ft^2').get # Check the minimum area if there is a limit if min_area_m2 # Convert limit to IP min_area_ft2 = OpenStudio.convert(min_area_m2, 'm^2', 'ft^2').get # Check the limit if area_served_ft2 < min_area_ft2 OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.ThermalZone', "For #{}: DCV is not required since the area is #{area_served_ft2.round} ft2, but the minimum size is #{min_area_ft2.round} ft2.") return dcv_required end end # Check the minimum occupancy density if there is a limit if min_area_m2_per_occ # Convert limit to IP min_area_ft2_per_occ = OpenStudio.convert(min_area_m2_per_occ, 'm^2', 'ft^2').get min_occ_per_ft2 = 1.0 / min_area_ft2_per_occ min_occ_per_1000_ft2 = min_occ_per_ft2 * 1000 # Check the limit occ_per_ft2 = num_people / area_served_ft2 occ_per_1000_ft2 = occ_per_ft2 * 1000 if occ_per_1000_ft2 < min_occ_per_1000_ft2 OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.ThermalZone', "For #{}: DCV is not required since the occupant density is #{occ_per_1000_ft2.round} people/1000 ft2, but the minimum occupant density is #{min_occ_per_1000_ft2.round} people/1000 ft2.") return dcv_required end end # If here, DCV is required if min_area_m2 && min_area_m2_per_occ OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.ThermalZone', "For #{}: DCV is required since the occupant density of #{occ_per_1000_ft2.round} people/1000 ft2 is above minimum occupant density of #{min_occ_per_1000_ft2.round} people/1000 ft2 and the area of #{area_served_ft2.round} ft2 is above the minimum size of #{min_area_ft2.round} ft2.") elsif min_area_m2 OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.ThermalZone', "For #{}: DCV is required since the area of #{area_served_ft2.round} ft2 is above the minimum size of #{min_area_ft2.round} ft2.") elsif min_area_m2_per_occ OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.ThermalZone', "For #{}: DCV is required since the occupant density of #{occ_per_1000_ft2.round} people/1000 ft2 is above minimum occupant density of #{min_occ_per_1000_ft2.round} people/1000 ft2.") end dcv_required = true return dcv_required end # Determine the area and occupancy level limits for demand control ventilation. # No DCV requirements by default. # # @param thermal_zone [OpenStudio::Model::ThermalZone] thermal zone # @return [Array<Double>] the minimum area, in m^2 and the minimum occupancy density in m^2/person. # Returns nil if there is no requirement. def thermal_zone_demand_control_ventilation_limits(thermal_zone) min_area_m2 = nil min_area_per_occ = nil return [min_area_m2, min_area_per_occ] end # Add Exhaust Fans based on space type lookup. # This measure doesn't look if DCV is needed. # Others methods can check if DCV needed and add it. # # @param thermal_zone [OpenStudio::Model::ThermalZone] thermal zone # @param exhaust_makeup_inputs [Hash] has of makeup exhaust inputs # @return [Hash] Hash of newly made exhaust fan objects along with secondary exhaust and zone mixing objects # @todo combine availability and fraction flow schedule to make zone mixing schedule def thermal_zone_add_exhaust(thermal_zone, exhaust_makeup_inputs = {}) exhaust_fans = {} # key is primary exhaust value is hash of arrays of secondary objects # hash to store space type information space_type_hash = {} # key is space type value is floor_area_si # get space type ratio for spaces in zone, making more than one exhaust fan if necessary thermal_zone.spaces.each do |space| next unless space.spaceType.is_initialized next unless space.partofTotalFloorArea space_type = space.spaceType.get if space_type_hash.key?(space_type) space_type_hash[space_type] += space.floorArea # excluding space.multiplier since used to calc loads in zone else next unless space_type.standardsBuildingType.is_initialized next unless space_type.standardsSpaceType.is_initialized space_type_hash[space_type] = space.floorArea # excluding space.multiplier since used to calc loads in zone end end # loop through space type hash and add exhaust as needed space_type_hash.each do |space_type, floor_area| # get floor custom or calculated floor area for max flow rate calculation makeup_target = [space_type.standardsBuildingType.get, space_type.standardsSpaceType.get] if exhaust_makeup_inputs.key?(makeup_target) && exhaust_makeup_inputs[makeup_target].key?(:target_effective_floor_area) # pass in custom floor area floor_area_si = exhaust_makeup_inputs[makeup_target][:target_effective_floor_area] / thermal_zone.multiplier.to_f floor_area_ip = OpenStudio.convert(floor_area_si, 'm^2', 'ft^2').get else floor_area_ip = OpenStudio.convert(floor_area, 'm^2', 'ft^2').get end space_type_properties = space_type_get_standards_data(space_type) exhaust_per_area = space_type_properties['exhaust_per_area'] next if exhaust_per_area.nil? maximum_flow_rate_ip = exhaust_per_area * floor_area_ip maximum_flow_rate_si = OpenStudio.convert(maximum_flow_rate_ip, 'cfm', 'm^3/s').get if space_type_properties['exhaust_availability_schedule'].nil? exhaust_schedule = thermal_zone.model.alwaysOnDiscreteSchedule exhaust_flow_schedule = exhaust_schedule else sch_name = space_type_properties['exhaust_availability_schedule'] exhaust_schedule = model_add_schedule(thermal_zone.model, sch_name) flow_sch_name = space_type_properties['exhaust_flow_fraction_schedule'] exhaust_flow_schedule = model_add_schedule(thermal_zone.model, flow_sch_name) unless exhaust_schedule OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.Standards.ThermalZone', "Could not find an exhaust schedule called #{sch_name}, exhaust fans will run continuously.") exhaust_schedule = thermal_zone.model.alwaysOnDiscreteSchedule end end # add exhaust fans zone_exhaust_fan = zone_exhaust_fan.setName( + ' Exhaust Fan') zone_exhaust_fan.setAvailabilitySchedule(exhaust_schedule) zone_exhaust_fan.setFlowFractionSchedule(exhaust_flow_schedule) # not using zone_exhaust_fan.setFlowFractionSchedule. Exhaust fans are on when available zone_exhaust_fan.setMaximumFlowRate(maximum_flow_rate_si) zone_exhaust_fan.setEndUseSubcategory('Zone Exhaust Fans') zone_exhaust_fan.addToThermalZone(thermal_zone) exhaust_fans[zone_exhaust_fan] = {} # keys are :zone_mixing and :transfer_air_source_zone_exhaust # set fan pressure rise fan_zone_exhaust_apply_prototype_fan_pressure_rise(zone_exhaust_fan) # update efficiency and pressure rise prototype_fan_apply_prototype_fan_efficiency(zone_exhaust_fan) # add and alter objectxs related to zone exhaust makeup air if exhaust_makeup_inputs.key?(makeup_target) && exhaust_makeup_inputs[makeup_target][:source_zone] # add balanced schedule to zone_exhaust_fan balanced_sch_name = space_type_properties['balanced_exhaust_fraction_schedule'] balanced_exhaust_schedule = model_add_schedule(thermal_zone.model, balanced_sch_name).to_ScheduleRuleset.get zone_exhaust_fan.setBalancedExhaustFractionSchedule(balanced_exhaust_schedule) # use max value of balanced exhaust fraction schedule for maximum flow rate max_sch_val = schedule_ruleset_annual_min_max_value(balanced_exhaust_schedule)['max'] transfer_air_zone_mixing_si = maximum_flow_rate_si * max_sch_val # add dummy exhaust fan to a transfer_air_source_zones transfer_air_source_zone_exhaust = transfer_air_source_zone_exhaust.setName( + ' Transfer Air Source') transfer_air_source_zone_exhaust.setAvailabilitySchedule(exhaust_schedule) # not using zone_exhaust_fan.setFlowFractionSchedule. Exhaust fans are on when available transfer_air_source_zone_exhaust.setMaximumFlowRate(transfer_air_zone_mixing_si) transfer_air_source_zone_exhaust.setFanEfficiency(1.0) transfer_air_source_zone_exhaust.setPressureRise(0.0) transfer_air_source_zone_exhaust.setEndUseSubcategory('Zone Exhaust Fans') transfer_air_source_zone_exhaust.addToThermalZone(exhaust_makeup_inputs[makeup_target][:source_zone]) exhaust_fans[zone_exhaust_fan][:transfer_air_source_zone_exhaust] = transfer_air_source_zone_exhaust # @todo make zone mixing schedule by combining exhaust availability and fraction flow zone_mixing_schedule = exhaust_schedule # add zone mixing zone_mixing = zone_mixing.setSchedule(zone_mixing_schedule) zone_mixing.setSourceZone(exhaust_makeup_inputs[makeup_target][:source_zone]) zone_mixing.setDesignFlowRate(transfer_air_zone_mixing_si) exhaust_fans[zone_exhaust_fan][:zone_mixing] = zone_mixing end end return exhaust_fans end # returns adjacent zones that share a wall with the zone # # @param thermal_zone [OpenStudio::Model::ThermalZone] thermal zone # @param same_floor [Bool] only valid option for now is true # @return [Array<OpenStudio::Model::ThermalZone>] array of adjacent thermal zones def thermal_zone_get_adjacent_zones_with_shared_wall_areas(thermal_zone, same_floor = true) adjacent_zones = [] thermal_zone.spaces.each do |space| adj_spaces = space_get_adjacent_spaces_with_shared_wall_areas(space) adj_spaces.each do |k, v| # skip if space is in current thermal zone. next unless space.thermalZone.is_initialized next if k.thermalZone.get == thermal_zone adjacent_zones << k.thermalZone.get end end adjacent_zones = adjacent_zones.uniq return adjacent_zones end # returns true if DCV is required for exhaust fan for specified tempate # # @param thermal_zone [OpenStudio::Model::ThermalZone] thermal zone # @return [Bool] returns true if DCV is required for exhaust fan for specified template, false if not def thermal_zone_exhaust_fan_dcv_required?(thermal_zone); end # Add DCV to exhaust fan and if requsted to related objects # # @param thermal_zone [OpenStudio::Model::ThermalZone] thermal zone # @param change_related_objects [Bool] change related objects # @param zone_mixing_objects [Array<OpenStudio::Model::ZoneMixing>] array of zone mixing objects # @param transfer_air_source_zones [Array<OpenStudio::Model::ThermalZone>] array thermal zones that transfer air # @return [Bool] returns true if successful, false if not # @todo this method is currently empty def thermal_zone_add_exhaust_fan_dcv(thermal_zone, change_related_objects = true, zone_mixing_objects = [], transfer_air_source_zones = []) # set flow fraction schedule for all zone exhaust fans and then set zone mixing schedule to the intersection of exhaust availability and exhaust fractional schedule # are there associated zone mixing or dummy exhaust objects that need to change when this changes? # How are these objects identified? # If this is run directly after thermal_zone_add_exhaust(thermal_zone) it will return a hash where each key is an exhaust object and hash is a hash of related zone mixing and dummy exhaust from the source zone return true end end