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E7 optparseE7 Print out all defined routes in match order, with names. Target specific controller with -c option, or grep routes using -g option7 1E7 block in
E7 !action_dispatch/routing/inspectorE7 block (2 levels) in
E7 Usage: rails routes [options]E7 block (3 levels) in
7 E7  -c CONTROLLER7 E7  -g PATTERNE7 routes7 'E7 RailsE7 ActionDispatchE7 RoutingE7 RoutesInspectorE7  OptionParserE7 RakeE7 argsE7 onE7  controllerE7 patternE7 optsE7 banner=E7  applicationE7 standard_rake_optionsE7 eachE7 ARGVE7 xE7 ==E7 ConsoleFormatterE7  all_routesE7  inspectorE7  routes_filterE7 routesE7 requireE7 newE7 rejectE7 parse!E7 formatE7 putsE7 exitE7 descE7 taskE7  environment%XdIUv?_w0Yq4Ni.