require 'rubygems' # The command method call for project # This sets the option parser and passes the parsed options to the subcommands def ticket(options) ARGV << '--help' if ARGV.length == 0 begin do |opts| opts.banner = 'Usage: tm -p PROVIDER -P PROJECT [options] ticket [ticket_options]' opts.separator '' opts.separator 'Options:' opts.on('-T', '--ticket TICKET', 'Sets the working ticket') do |id| options[:ticket] = id end opts.on('-C', '--create ATTRIBUTES', 'Create a new ticket') do |attribute| options[:ticket_attributes] = {attribute => ARGV.shift}.merge(attributes_hash(ARGV)) options[:subcommand] = 'create' end opts.on('-R', '--read', 'Read out ticket and its attributes. Requires --ticket to be set') do options[:subcommand] = 'read' end opts.on('-U', '--update ATTRIBUTES', 'Update ticket information. Requires --ticket to be set') do |attribute| options[:ticket_attributes] = {attribute => ARGV.shift}.merge(attributes_hash(ARGV)) options[:subcommand] = 'update' end opts.on('-D', '--destroy', 'Destroy/Delete the ticket. Not reversible! Requires --ticket to be set') do options[:subcommand] = 'destroy' end opts.on('-I', '--info', 'Get ticket info. Same as --read. ') do options[:subcommand] = 'read' end opts.on('-S', '--search [ATTRIBUTES]', 'Search for a ticket based on attributes') do |attribute| options[:ticket_attributes] = attribute ? {attribute => ARGV.shift}.merge(attributes_hash(ARGV)) : {} options[:subcommand] = 'search' end opts.on('-L', '--list-all', 'List all tickets. Same as --search without any parameters') do options[:ticket_attributes] = {} options[:subcommand] = 'search' end opts.separator '' opts.separator 'Other options:' opts.on_tail('-h', '--help', 'Show this message') do puts opts exit end end.order! rescue OptionParser::MissingArgument => exception puts "tm #{options[:original_argv].join(' ')}\n\n" puts "Error: An option was called that requires an argument, but was not given one" puts exception.message end parse_config!(options) begin require 'ticketmaster' require "ticketmaster-#{options[:provider]}" rescue require options[:provider] end send(options[:subcommand], options) end # The create subcommand def create(options) tm =[:provider], options[:authentication]) ticket = tm.ticket.create(options[:ticket_attributes].merge({:project_id => options[:project].to_i})) read_ticket ticket exit end # The read subcommand def read(options) tm =[:provider], options[:authentication]) project = tm.project(options[:project].to_i) ticket = project.ticket(options[:ticket].to_i) read_ticket ticket exit end # The update subcommand def update(options) tm =[:provider], options[:authentication]) project = tm.project(options[:project].to_i) ticket = project.ticket(options[:ticket].to_i) if ticket.update!(options[:ticket_attributes]) puts "Successfully updated Ticket #{ticket.title} (#{})" else puts "Sorry, it seems there was an error when trying to update the attributes" end read_ticket ticket exit end # The destroy subcommand. def destroy(options) tm =[:provider], options[:authentication]) project = tm.project(options[:project].to_i) ticket = project.ticket(options[:ticket].to_i) puts "Are you sure you want to delete Ticket #{ticket.title} (#{})? (yes/no) [no]" ARGV.clear confirm = readline.chomp.downcase if confirm != 'y' and confirm != 'yes' puts "Did not receive a 'yes' confirmation. Exiting..." exit elsif ticket.destroy puts "Successfully deleted Ticket #{ticket.title} (#{})" else puts "Sorry, it seems there was an error when trying to delete the project" end exit end # The search and list subcommands def search(options) tm =[:provider], options[:authentication]) project = tm.project(options[:project].to_i) tickets =[:ticket_attributes]) puts "Found #{tickets.length} tickets" tickets.each_with_index do |ticket, index| puts "#{index+1}) Ticket #{ticket.title} (#{})" read_ticket ticket puts end exit end # A utility method used to output project attributes def read_ticket(ticket) ticket.system_data[:client].attributes.sort.each do |key, value| puts "#{key} : #{value}" end end