AutomobileTypeFuelYear.class_eval do data_miner do schema Earth.database_options do string 'name' string 'type_name' string 'fuel_common_name' integer 'year' string 'type_year_name' float 'total_travel' string 'total_travel_units' float 'fuel_consumption' string 'fuel_consumption_units' float 'ch4_emission_factor' string 'ch4_emission_factor_units' float 'n2o_emission_factor' string 'n2o_emission_factor_units' end import "total vehicle miles travelled by gasoline passenger cars from the 2010 EPA GHG Inventory", :url => '', :filename => 'Annex Tables/Annex 3/Table A-87.csv', :skip => 1, :select => lambda { |row| row['Year'].to_i.to_s == row['Year'] } do key 'name', :synthesize => lambda { |row| "Passenger cars gasoline #{row['Year']}" } store 'type_name', :static => 'Passenger cars' store 'fuel_common_name', :static => 'gasoline' store 'year', :field_name => 'Year' store 'total_travel', :field_name => 'Passenger Cars', :units => :billion_miles end import "total vehicle miles travelled by gasoline light-duty trucks from the 2010 EPA GHG Inventory", :url => '', :filename => 'Annex Tables/Annex 3/Table A-87.csv', :skip => 1, :select => lambda { |row| row['Year'].to_i.to_s == row['Year'] } do key 'name', :synthesize => lambda { |row| "Light-duty trucks gasoline #{row['Year']}" } store 'type_name', :static => 'Light-duty trucks' store 'fuel_common_name', :static => 'gasoline' store 'year', :field_name => 'Year' store 'total_travel', :field_name => 'Light-Duty Trucks', :units => :billion_miles end import "total vehicle miles travelled by diesel passenger cars from the 2010 EPA GHG Inventory", :url => '', :filename => 'Annex Tables/Annex 3/Table A-88.csv', :skip => 1, :select => lambda { |row| row['Year'].to_i.to_s == row['Year'] } do key 'name', :synthesize => lambda { |row| "Passenger cars diesel #{row['Year']}" } store 'type_name', :static => 'Passenger cars' store 'fuel_common_name', :static => 'diesel' store 'year', :field_name => 'Year' store 'total_travel', :field_name => 'Passenger Cars', :units => :billion_miles end import "total vehicle miles travelled by diesel light-duty trucks from the 2010 EPA GHG Inventory", :url => '', :filename => 'Annex Tables/Annex 3/Table A-88.csv', :skip => 1, :select => lambda { |row| row['Year'].to_i.to_s == row['Year'] } do key 'name', :synthesize => lambda { |row| "Light-duty trucks diesel #{row['Year']}" } store 'type_name', :static => 'Light-duty trucks' store 'fuel_common_name', :static => 'diesel' store 'year', :field_name => 'Year' store 'total_travel', :field_name => 'Light-Duty Trucks', :units => :billion_miles end process "Convert total travel from billion miles to kilometres" do conversion_factor = connection.execute %{ UPDATE automobile_type_fuel_years SET total_travel = total_travel * #{conversion_factor}, total_travel_units = 'kilometres' WHERE total_travel_units = 'billion_miles' } end import "fuel consumption derived from the 2010 EPA GHG Inventory", :url => '' do key 'name' store 'fuel_consumption', :units_field_name => 'fuel_consumption_units' end process "Derive type year name for association with AutomobileTypeYear" do if ActiveRecord::Base.connection.adapter_name.downcase == 'sqlite' update_all "type_year_name = type_name || ' ' || year" else update_all "type_year_name = CONCAT(type_name, ' ', year)" end end process "Calculate CH4 and N2O emision factors from AutomobileTypeFuelYearControl and AutomobileTypeFuelControl" do AutomobileTypeFuelYearControl.run_data_miner! AutomobileTypeFuelControl.run_data_miner! AutomobileTypeFuelYear.all.each do |record| record.ch4_emission_factor = do |year_control| year_control.total_travel_percent * year_control.control.ch4_emission_factor end.sum * record.total_travel / record.fuel_consumption record.n2o_emission_factor = do |year_control| year_control.total_travel_percent * year_control.control.n2o_emission_factor end.sum * record.total_travel / record.fuel_consumption record.ch4_emission_factor_units = 'kilograms_per_litre' record.n2o_emission_factor_units = 'kilograms_per_litre' end end %w{ type_name fuel_common_name type_year_name }.each do |attribute| verify "#{attribute.humanize} should never be missing" do AutomobileTypeFuelYear.all.each do |record| value = record.send(:"#{attribute}") unless value.present? raise "Missing #{attribute.humanize.downcase} for AutomobileTypeFuelYear '#{}'" end end end end verify "Year should be from 1990 to 2008" do AutomobileTypeFuelYear.all.each do |record| year = record.send(:year) unless year > 1989 and year < 2009 raise "Invalid year for AutomobileTypeFuelYear '#{}': #{year} (should be from 1990 to 2008)" end end end %w{ total_travel fuel_consumption ch4_emission_factor n2o_emission_factor }.each do |attribute| verify "#{attribute.humanize} should be greater than zero" do AutomobileTypeFuelYear.all.each do |record| value = record.send(:"#{attribute}") unless value > 0 raise "Invalid #{attribute.humanize.downcase} for AutomobileTypeFuelYear '#{}': #{value} (should be > 0)" end end end end [["total_travel_units", "kilometres"], ["fuel_consumption_units", "litres"], ["ch4_emission_factor_units", "kilograms_per_litre"], ["n2o_emission_factor_units", "kilograms_per_litre"]].each do |pair| attribute = pair[0] proper_units = pair[1] verify "#{attribute.humanize} should be #{proper_units.humanize.downcase}" do AutomobileTypeFuelYear.all.each do |record| units = record.send(:"#{attribute}") unless units == proper_units raise "Invalid #{attribute.humanize.downcase} for AutomobileTypeFuelYear '#{}': #{units} (should be #{proper_units})" end end end end end end