Trestle.Dialog = function() { this.el = Trestle.Dialog.getElement(); }; Trestle.Dialog.TEMPLATE = ''; Trestle.Dialog.getElement = function() { var el = $('#dialog'); if (el.length == 0) { el = $(Trestle.Dialog.TEMPLATE).appendTo('body'); el.modal({ show: false }); // Remove dialog elements once hidden el.on('', function() { el.remove(); }); // Set X-Trestle-Dialog header on AJAX requests initiated from the dialog el.on('ajax:beforeSend', '[data-remote]', function(e, xhr, options) { xhr.setRequestHeader("X-Trestle-Dialog", true); }); } return el; }; Trestle.Dialog.prototype.load = function(url) { var dialog = this;; dialog.setLoading(true); $.ajax({ url: url, dataType: 'html', headers: { "X-Trestle-Dialog": true }, complete: function() { dialog.setLoading(false); }, success: function(content) { dialog.setContent(content); }, error: function(xhr, status, error) { dialog.showError(error); } }); }; Trestle.Dialog.prototype.setLoading = function(loading) { if (loading) { this.el.addClass('loading'); } else { this.el.removeClass('loading'); } } Trestle.Dialog.prototype.setContent = function(content) { this.el.find('.modal-content').html(content); $(Trestle).trigger('init', this.el); }; Trestle.Dialog.prototype.showError = function(error) { this.el.addClass('error'); var container = this.el.find('.modal-content').empty(); var errorMessage = Trestle.i18n['trestle.dialog.error'] || 'The request could not be completed.'; $('