module Ruco class Screen def initialize(options) @options = options @cache = [] end def, &block) new(options).open(&block) end def open(&block) Curses.noecho # do not show typed chars Curses.nonl # turn off newline translation Curses.stdscr.keypad(true) # enable arrow keys Curses.raw # give us all other keys Curses.stdscr.nodelay = 1 # do not block -> we can use timeouts Curses.init_screen yield self ensure Curses.clear # needed to clear the menu/status bar on windows Curses.close_screen end def columns Curses.stdscr.maxx end def lines Curses.stdscr.maxy end def clear_cache @cache.clear end def draw(view, style_map, cursor) draw_view(view, style_map) Curses.setpos(*cursor) end def debug_key(key) @key_line ||= -1 @key_line = (@key_line + 1) % lines write(@key_line, 0, "#{key.inspect}---") end private def write(line,row,text) Curses.setpos(line,row) Curses.addstr(text); end def draw_view(view, style_mask) lines = view.naive_split("\n") style_mask = style_mask.flatten lines.each_with_index do |line, line_number| styles = style_mask[line_number] # expand line with whitespace to overwrite previous content missing = columns - line.size raise line if missing < 0 line += " " * missing # display tabs as single-space -> nothing breaks line.gsub!("\t",' ') if_line_changes line_number, [line, styles] do # position at start of line and draw Curses.setpos(line_number,0) Ruco::StyleMap.styled(line, styles).each do |style, part| Curses.attrset self.class.curses_style(style) Curses.addstr part end if @options[:debug_cache] write(line_number, 0, (rand(899)+100).to_s) end end end end def if_line_changes(key, args) return if @cache[key] == args # would not change the line -> nothing to do @cache[key] = args # store current line yield # render the line end STYLES = { :normal => 0, :reverse => Curses::A_REVERSE } def self.curses_style(style) return 0 unless style STYLES[style] or raise("Unknown style #{style.inspect}") end end end