# Mikka Mikka is a thin Ruby wrapper around Akka. It makes Akka's Java API more pleasing to the Rubyist's eye. ## Examples Here's a quick example: # first you need an ActorSystem, it contains configuration and coordinates actors actor_system = Mikka.create_actor_system('systam') # actors are created by the ActorSystem from an instance of Props, which is # a container for actor configuration properties -- here we assume there # exists a class called SomeActor actor = actor_system.actor_of(Mikka::Props[SomeActor], 'Sigourney Weaver') # send a message to an actor using the shovel operator, which is an alias for #tell actor << :hello # when you're done you can shut down your actor system, and wait for it to # complete the shutdown process -- don't do this too early, this won't wait # for your actors to complete processing of their mailboxes, it will just # tell them to stop actor_system.shutdown actor_system.await_termination that's how you create and communicate with an actor, here's how you create an actor class: class SomeActor < Mikka::Actor def receive(message) # do the thing end end that's the basics. v2.0 of Mikka is a work in progress, and there will hopefully be more examples in the future. Mikka is a thin wrapper and you should be able to do everything with it that you can with Akka's Java API. It's not always pretty in Ruby, but it kind of works. Mikka's job is to make it pretty. If you make something that can serve as a useful illustration of some concept, please contribute by sending a patch. ## Requirements Tested in JRuby 1.6.7+ and Ruby 1.9 mode (run with `jruby --1.9` or set `JRUBY_OPTS='--1.9`). The required Akka and Scala JARs are loaded from the [akka-actor-jars](https://rubygems.org/gems/akka-actor-jars) and [scala-library-jars](https://rubygems.org/gems/scala-library-jars) wrapper gems. ## Installation gem install mikka ## Contributors Theo Hultberg, [@iconara](http://twitter.com/iconara) Daniel Gaiottino, [@bantai](http://twitter.com/bantai) ## License Mikka is licensed under the Apache 2 license, the same as Akka. See http://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/2.0/project/licenses.html ## Mikka? Mikka is a glacier close to the Akka massive.