= Introduction One sentence summary: "Everything is a gem, most things work from within the gem, and all dependencies are accounted for." More details can be found on http://revolutiononrails.blogspot.com/2007/05/release-plugems-runtime.html = Installation Guide: == Install it on your box: As a gem: gem install plugems == Create your plugem configuration: Add config/manifest.yml describing your plugem and its dependencies: :version: [1, 0] :name: "cool_application" :description: "My First Plugemified Application" :dependencies: - ['some_gem', '~> 1.0'] - ['other_gem', '> 2.0'] - ['one_more', '2.0.1'] == Bootstrap the plugems: Add the plugems requirement to config/boot.rb at the bottom right before the initializer call: # Add this line: require_gem 'plugems', '~> 1.0' Rails::Initializer.run(:set_load_path) end = License Plugems released under the MIT license. = Support The plugin RubyForge page is http://rubyforge.org/projects/plugems