# WebROaR - Ruby Application Server - http://webroar.in/ # Copyright (C) 2009 Goonj LLC # # This file is part of WebROaR. # # WebROaR is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # WebROaR is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with WebROaR. If not, see . require 'rubygems' require 'spec' require 'net/http' require 'uri' require 'socket' require 'yaml' require 'fileutils' require 'digest/sha1' require 'jcode' if RUBY_VERSION.gsub(/\D/,'').to_i < 187 SPEC_DIR = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)) unless defined? SPEC_DIR WEBROAR_ROOT = File.expand_path(File.join(SPEC_DIR,'..','..')) unless defined? WEBROAR_ROOT conf = YAML::load(File.read(File.join(WEBROAR_ROOT, 'conf', 'test_suite_config.yml')))['test_app_configuration'] HOST = 'localhost' PORT = conf['port'] RUN_AS_USER = conf['run_as_user'] APP_NAME = 'test_app' TEST_APP_PATH = File.join(WEBROAR_ROOT, 'test', 'spec', APP_NAME) CONF_FILE = File.join(SPEC_DIR,'config.yml') MESSAGING_CONF_FILE = File.join(SPEC_DIR,'server_internal_config.yml') MAIN_CONF_FILE = File.join(WEBROAR_ROOT,'conf','config.yml') MAIN_MESSAGING_CONF_FILE = File.join(WEBROAR_ROOT, 'conf', 'server_internal_config.yml') ACCESS_LOG_FILE = File.join('', 'var', 'log', 'webroar', 'access.log') TEST_RESULT = File.join(SPEC_DIR,'test.log') TEST_SETUP_LOG = File.join(SPEC_DIR, 'setup.log') TEST_RUN_LOG = File.join(SPEC_DIR, 'test-run.log') def test_setup(debug_build = false) Dir.chdir(SPEC_DIR) File.truncate(TEST_SETUP_LOG,0) if File.exists?(TEST_SETUP_LOG) File.truncate(TEST_RESULT,0) if File.exists?(TEST_RESULT) File.truncate(TEST_RUN_LOG,0) if File.exists?(TEST_RUN_LOG) if debug_build print "Building executables ... " Dir.chdir(WEBROAR_ROOT) system("echo 'debug_build' >>#{TEST_SETUP_LOG}") system("rake clobber>>#{TEST_SETUP_LOG} 2>>#{TEST_SETUP_LOG}") system("rake debug_build>>#{TEST_SETUP_LOG} 2>>#{TEST_SETUP_LOG}") puts "Done" end if !File.exists?(File.join(WEBROAR_ROOT, 'bin' ,'webroar-head')) or !File.exists?(File.join(WEBROAR_ROOT, 'bin','webroar-worker')) print "Building executables ... " Dir.chdir(WEBROAR_ROOT) system("rake clobber>>#{TEST_SETUP_LOG} 2>>#{TEST_SETUP_LOG}") system("rake >>#{TEST_SETUP_LOG} 2>>#{TEST_SETUP_LOG}") puts "Done" end Dir.chdir(SPEC_DIR) unless File.exists?(File.join(TEST_APP_PATH,'vendor','rails')) print "Creating link to admin_panel/vendor/rails ... " target = File.expand_path(File.join(WEBROAR_ROOT,'src','admin_panel','vendor','rails')) link_dir = File.expand_path(File.join(TEST_APP_PATH,'vendor')) system("ln -s #{target} #{link_dir} >>#{TEST_SETUP_LOG} 2>>#{TEST_SETUP_LOG}") puts "Done" end print "Setting up Admin-panel test database ... " Dir.chdir(File.join(WEBROAR_ROOT,'src','admin_panel')) system("rake db:drop RAILS_ENV=test >>#{TEST_SETUP_LOG} 2>>#{TEST_SETUP_LOG}") system("rake db:create RAILS_ENV=test >>#{TEST_SETUP_LOG} 2>>#{TEST_SETUP_LOG}") system("rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=test >>#{TEST_SETUP_LOG} 2>>#{TEST_SETUP_LOG}") puts "Done" print "Setting up test_app test database ... " Dir.chdir(TEST_APP_PATH) system("rake db:drop RAILS_ENV=test >>#{TEST_SETUP_LOG} 2>>#{TEST_SETUP_LOG}") system("rake db:create RAILS_ENV=test >>#{TEST_SETUP_LOG} 2>>#{TEST_SETUP_LOG}") system("rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=test >>#{TEST_SETUP_LOG} 2>>#{TEST_SETUP_LOG}") system("chown #{RUN_AS_USER} db/test.sqlite3") if $? == 0 puts "Done" else puts "Failed." puts " * Please make sure you have made relavent changes in conf/test_suite_config.yml * " return -1 end Dir.chdir(SPEC_DIR) end def create_config(server_conf = {}, app_conf = {}) s = {'port' => PORT, 'min_worker' => 1, 'max_worker' => 2, 'log_level' => "SEVERE"}.update(server_conf) a = Array.new a[0] = {'name'=>APP_NAME, 'path'=>TEST_APP_PATH, 'run_as_user'=>RUN_AS_USER, 'type'=>'rails', 'analytics'=> 'disabled', 'environment'=>'test', 'min_worker'=>1, 'max_worker'=>2}.update(app_conf) yaml_obj=YAML::dump({'Server Specification' => s, 'Application Specification' => a }) file = File.open(CONF_FILE,"w") file.puts yaml_obj file.close true end def create_messaging_config s = {'host' => '', 'port' => '22122', 'profiler_queue_name' => 'profiler_queue', 'exception_queue_name'=>'exception_queue', 'pid_queue_name' => 'pid_queue', 'max_queue_items' => 1000} a = { 'pid_file' => '/var/run/webroar_analyzer.pid', 'daemonize' => true, 'log_file' => '/var/log/webroar/analyzer.log', 'sampling_rate' => 1, 'environment' => 'test' } yaml_obj = YAML::dump({'starling' => s, 'webroar_analyzer_script' => a}) file = File.open(MESSAGING_CONF_FILE, "w") file.puts yaml_obj file.close true end def move_config if File.exists?(CONF_FILE) FileUtils.move(MAIN_CONF_FILE, MAIN_CONF_FILE+'.backup') if File.exists?(MAIN_CONF_FILE) FileUtils.copy(CONF_FILE, MAIN_CONF_FILE) return true end return false end def move_messaging_config if File.exists?(MESSAGING_CONF_FILE) FileUtils.move(MAIN_MESSAGING_CONF_FILE, MAIN_MESSAGING_CONF_FILE+'.backup') FileUtils.copy(MESSAGING_CONF_FILE, MAIN_MESSAGING_CONF_FILE) return true end return false end def remove_config begin File.delete(CONF_FILE) rescue Exception => e puts e puts e.backtrace end FileUtils.move(MAIN_CONF_FILE+'.backup', MAIN_CONF_FILE) if File.exists?(MAIN_CONF_FILE+'.backup') true end def remove_messaging_config begin File.delete(MESSAGING_CONF_FILE) rescue Exception => e puts e puts e.backtrace end FileUtils.move(MAIN_MESSAGING_CONF_FILE+'.backup', MAIN_MESSAGING_CONF_FILE) true end def start_server cmd = "#{File.join(WEBROAR_ROOT,'bin','webroar')} start" system("#{cmd} >>#{TEST_RUN_LOG} 2>>#{TEST_RUN_LOG}") if $? != 0 return false end sleep(15) true end def stop_server cmd = "#{File.join(WEBROAR_ROOT,'bin','webroar')} stop" system("#{cmd} >>#{TEST_RUN_LOG} 2>>#{TEST_RUN_LOG}") end def open_connection conn = TCPSocket.new(HOST,PORT) end def write_data(connection, data) connection.write(data) end def read_data(connection,bytes) connection.read end # Mongrel's lame random garbage maker def rand_data(min, max, readable=true) count = min + ((rand(max)+1) *10).to_i res = count.to_s + "/" if readable res << Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(rand(count * 100).to_s) * (count / 40) else res << Digest::SHA1.digest(rand(count * 100).to_s) * (count / 20) end return res end # Thin's on the fly response parser def parse_response(response) raw_headers, body = response.split("\r\n\r\n", 2) raw_status, raw_headers = raw_headers.split("\r\n", 2) status = raw_status.match(%r{\AHTTP/1.1\s+(\d+)\b}).captures.first.to_i headers = Hash[ *raw_headers.split("\r\n").map { |h| h.split(/:\s+/, 2) }.flatten ] [ status, headers, body ] end shared_examples_for "Server Setup" do before(:all) do create_config({},{'baseuri' => '/test_app'}).should be_true move_config.should be_true create_messaging_config.should be_true move_messaging_config.should be_true start_server.should be_true end after(:all) do stop_server remove_config.should be_true remove_messaging_config.should be_true end end shared_examples_for "Connection Setup" do before(:each) do @conn = open_connection end after(:each) do @conn.close end end