/* -*-pgsql-c-*- */ /* * * $Header$ * * pgpool: a language independent connection pool server for PostgreSQL * written by Tatsuo Ishii * * Copyright (c) 2003-2013 PgPool Global Development Group * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and * its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby * granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all * copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission * notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of the * author not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to * distribution of the software without specific, written prior * permission. The author makes no representations about the * suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as * is" without express or implied warranty. * * pool.h.: master definition header file * */ #ifndef POOL_H #define POOL_H #include "config.h" #include "pool_type.h" #include "pool_signal.h" #include "parser/nodes.h" #include "libpq-fe.h" #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef USE_SSL #include #include #include #endif #include /* undef this if you have problems with non blocking accept() */ #define NONE_BLOCK #define POOLMAXPATHLEN 8192 /* configuration file name */ #define POOL_CONF_FILE_NAME "pgpool.conf" /* PCP user/password file name */ #define PCP_PASSWD_FILE_NAME "pcp.conf" /* HBA configuration file name */ #define HBA_CONF_FILE_NAME "pool_hba.conf" /* pid file directory */ #define DEFAULT_LOGDIR "/tmp" /* Unix domain socket directory */ #define DEFAULT_SOCKET_DIR "/tmp" /* pid file name */ #define DEFAULT_PID_FILE_NAME "/var/run/pgpool/pgpool.pid" /* status file name */ #define STATUS_FILE_NAME "pgpool_status" /* default string used to identify pgpool on syslog output */ #define DEFAULT_SYSLOG_IDENT "pgpool" typedef enum { POOL_CONTINUE = 0, POOL_IDLE, POOL_END, POOL_ERROR, POOL_FATAL, POOL_DEADLOCK } POOL_STATUS; /* protocol major version numbers */ #define PROTO_MAJOR_V2 2 #define PROTO_MAJOR_V3 3 /* Cancel packet proto major */ #define PROTO_CANCEL 80877102 /* * In protocol 3.0 and later, the startup packet length is not fixed, but * we set an arbitrary limit on it anyway. This is just to prevent simple * denial-of-service attacks via sending enough data to run the server * out of memory. */ #define MAX_STARTUP_PACKET_LENGTH 10000 typedef struct StartupPacket_v2 { int protoVersion; /* Protocol version */ char database[SM_DATABASE]; /* Database name */ char user[SM_USER]; /* User name */ char options[SM_OPTIONS]; /* Optional additional args */ char unused[SM_UNUSED]; /* Unused */ char tty[SM_TTY]; /* Tty for debug output */ } StartupPacket_v2; /* startup packet info */ typedef struct { char *startup_packet; /* raw startup packet without packet length (malloced area) */ int len; /* raw startup packet length */ int major; /* protocol major version */ int minor; /* protocol minor version */ char *database; /* database name in startup_packet (malloced area) */ char *user; /* user name in startup_packet (malloced area) */ char *application_name; /* not malloced are. pointing to in startup_packet */ } StartupPacket; typedef struct CancelPacket { int protoVersion; /* Protocol version */ int pid; /* backend process id */ int key; /* cancel key */ } CancelPacket; #define MAX_PASSWORD_SIZE 1024 typedef struct { int num; /* number of entries */ char **names; /* parameter names */ char **values; /* values */ } ParamStatus; /* * stream connection structure */ typedef struct { int fd; /* fd for connection */ char *wbuf; /* write buffer for the connection */ int wbufsz; /* write buffer size */ int wbufpo; /* buffer offset */ #ifdef USE_SSL SSL_CTX *ssl_ctx; /* SSL connection context */ SSL *ssl; /* SSL connection */ #endif int ssl_active; /* SSL is failed if < 0, off if 0, on if > 0 */ char *hp; /* pending data buffer head address */ int po; /* pending data offset */ int bufsz; /* pending data buffer size */ int len; /* pending data length */ char *sbuf; /* buffer for pool_read_string */ int sbufsz; /* its size in bytes */ char *buf2; /* buffer for pool_read2 */ int bufsz2; /* its size in bytes */ char *buf3; /* buffer for pool_push/pop */ int bufsz3; /* its size in bytes */ int isbackend; /* this connection is for backend if non 0 */ int db_node_id; /* DB node id for this connection */ char tstate; /* Transaction state (V3 only) 'I' if idle * (not in a transaction block); 'T' if in a * transaction block; or 'E' if in a failed * transaction block */ /* True if an internal transaction has already started */ bool is_internal_transaction_started; /* * following are used to remember when re-use the authenticated connection */ int auth_kind; /* 3: clear text password, 4: crypt password, 5: md5 password */ int pwd_size; /* password (sent back from frontend) size in host order */ char password[MAX_PASSWORD_SIZE]; /* password (sent back from frontend) */ char salt[4]; /* password salt */ /* * following are used to remember current session parameter status. * re-used connection will need them (V3 only) */ ParamStatus params; int no_forward; /* if non 0, do not write to frontend */ char kind; /* kind cache */ /* * frontend info needed for hba */ int protoVersion; SockAddr raddr; UserAuth auth_method; char *auth_arg; char *database; char *username; } POOL_CONNECTION; /* * connection pool structure */ typedef struct { StartupPacket *sp; /* startup packet info */ int pid; /* backend pid */ int key; /* cancel key */ POOL_CONNECTION *con; time_t closetime; /* absolute time in second when the connection closed * if 0, that means the connection is under use. */ } POOL_CONNECTION_POOL_SLOT; typedef struct { ConnectionInfo *info; /* connection info on shmem */ POOL_CONNECTION_POOL_SLOT *slots[MAX_NUM_BACKENDS]; } POOL_CONNECTION_POOL; typedef struct { SystemDBInfo *info; PGconn *pgconn; /* persistent connection to the system DB */ POOL_CONNECTION_POOL_SLOT *connection; BACKEND_STATUS *system_db_status; } POOL_SYSTEMDB_CONNECTION_POOL; /* * for pool_clear_cache() in pool_query_cache.c * * used to specify the time which cached data created before it to be deleted. */ typedef enum { second, seconds, minute, minutes, hour, hours, day, days, week, weeks, month, months, year, years, decade, decades, century, centuries, millennium, millenniums } UNIT; typedef struct { int quantity; UNIT unit; } Interval; /* NUM_BACKENDS now always returns actual number of backends */ #define NUM_BACKENDS (pool_config->backend_desc->num_backends) #define BACKEND_INFO(backend_id) (pool_config->backend_desc->backend_info[(backend_id)]) #define LOAD_BALANCE_STATUS(backend_id) (pool_config->load_balance_status[(backend_id)]) /* * This macro returns true if: * current query is in progress and the DB node is healthy OR * no query is in progress and the DB node is healthy */ extern bool pool_is_node_to_be_sent_in_current_query(int node_id); extern int pool_virtual_master_db_node_id(void); extern BACKEND_STATUS* my_backend_status[]; extern int my_master_node_id; #define VALID_BACKEND(backend_id) \ ((RAW_MODE && (backend_id) == REAL_MASTER_NODE_ID) || \ (pool_is_node_to_be_sent_in_current_query((backend_id)) && \ ((*(my_backend_status[(backend_id)]) == CON_UP) || \ (*(my_backend_status[(backend_id)]) == CON_CONNECT_WAIT)))) /* * For raw mode failover control */ #define VALID_BACKEND_RAW(backend_id) \ ((*(my_backend_status[(backend_id)]) == CON_UP) || \ (*(my_backend_status[(backend_id)]) == CON_CONNECT_WAIT)) #define CONNECTION_SLOT(p, slot) ((p)->slots[(slot)]) #define CONNECTION(p, slot) (CONNECTION_SLOT(p, slot)->con) /* * The first DB node id appears in pgpool.conf or the first "live" DB * node otherwise. */ #define REAL_MASTER_NODE_ID (Req_info->master_node_id) /* * The primary node id in streaming replication mode. If not in the * mode or there's no primary node, this macro returns * REAL_MASTER_NODE_ID. */ #define PRIMARY_NODE_ID (Req_info->primary_node_id >=0?\ Req_info->primary_node_id:REAL_MASTER_NODE_ID) /* * Real primary node id. If not in the mode or there's no primary * node, this macro returns -1. */ #define REAL_PRIMARY_NODE_ID (Req_info->primary_node_id) /* * "Virtual" master node id. It's same as REAL_MASTER_NODE_ID if not * in load balance mode. If in load balance, it's the first load * balance node. */ #define MASTER_NODE_ID (pool_virtual_master_db_node_id()) #define IS_MASTER_NODE_ID(node_id) (MASTER_NODE_ID == (node_id)) #define MASTER_CONNECTION(p) ((p)->slots[MASTER_NODE_ID]) #define MASTER(p) MASTER_CONNECTION(p)->con #define REPLICATION (pool_config->replication_mode) #define MASTER_SLAVE (pool_config->master_slave_mode) #define DUAL_MODE (REPLICATION || MASTER_SLAVE) #define PARALLEL_MODE (pool_config->parallel_mode) #define RAW_MODE (!REPLICATION && !PARALLEL_MODE && !MASTER_SLAVE) #define MAJOR(p) MASTER_CONNECTION(p)->sp->major #define TSTATE(p, i) (CONNECTION(p, i)->tstate) #define INTERNAL_TRANSACTION_STARTED(p, i) (CONNECTION(p, i)->is_internal_transaction_started) #define SYSDB_INFO (system_db_info->info) #define SYSDB_CONNECTION (system_db_info->connection) #define SYSDB_STATUS (*system_db_info->system_db_status) #define Max(x, y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y)) #define Min(x, y) ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y)) #define LOCK_COMMENT "/*INSERT LOCK*/" #define LOCK_COMMENT_SZ (sizeof(LOCK_COMMENT)-1) #define NO_LOCK_COMMENT "/*NO INSERT LOCK*/" #define NO_LOCK_COMMENT_SZ (sizeof(NO_LOCK_COMMENT)-1) #define NO_LOAD_BALANCE "/*NO LOAD BALANCE*/" #define NO_LOAD_BALANCE_COMMENT_SZ (sizeof(NO_LOAD_BALANCE)-1) #define MAX_NUM_SEMAPHORES 4 #define CONN_COUNTER_SEM 0 #define REQUEST_INFO_SEM 1 #define SHM_CACHE_SEM 2 #define QUERY_CACHE_STATS_SEM 3 /* * number specified when semaphore is locked/unlocked */ typedef enum SemNum { SEMNUM_CONFIG, SEMNUM_NODES, SEMNUM_PROCESSES } SemNum; /* * up/down request info area in shared memory */ typedef enum { NODE_UP_REQUEST = 0, NODE_DOWN_REQUEST, NODE_RECOVERY_REQUEST, CLOSE_IDLE_REQUEST, PROMOTE_NODE_REQUEST } POOL_REQUEST_KIND; typedef struct { POOL_REQUEST_KIND kind; /* request kind */ int node_id[MAX_NUM_BACKENDS]; /* request node id */ int master_node_id; /* the youngest node id which is not in down status */ int primary_node_id; /* the primary node id in streaming replication mode */ int conn_counter; bool switching; /* it true, failover or failback is in progress */ } POOL_REQUEST_INFO; /* description of row. corresponding to RowDescription message */ typedef struct { char *attrname; /* attribute name */ int oid; /* 0 or non 0 if it's a table object */ int attrnumber; /* attribute number starting with 1. 0 if it's not a table */ int typeoid; /* data type oid */ int size; /* data length minus means variable data type */ int mod; /* data type modifier */ } AttrInfo; typedef struct { int num_attrs; /* number of attributes */ AttrInfo *attrinfo; } RowDesc; typedef struct { RowDesc *rowdesc; /* attribute info */ int numrows; /* number of rows */ int *nullflags; /* if NULL, -1 or length of the string excluding termination null */ char **data; /* actual row character data terminated with null */ } POOL_SELECT_RESULT; /* * recovery mode */ typedef enum { RECOVERY_INIT = 0, RECOVERY_ONLINE, RECOVERY_DETACH, RECOVERY_PROMOTE } POOL_RECOVERY_MODE; /* * global variables */ extern pid_t mypid; /* parent pid */ extern bool run_as_pcp_child; extern POOL_CONNECTION_POOL *pool_connection_pool; /* connection pool */ extern volatile sig_atomic_t backend_timer_expired; /* flag for connection closed timer is expired */ extern volatile sig_atomic_t health_check_timer_expired; /* non 0 if health check timer expired */ extern long int weight_master; /* normalized weight of master (0-RAND_MAX range) */ extern int my_proc_id; /* process table id (!= UNIX's PID) */ extern POOL_SYSTEMDB_CONNECTION_POOL *system_db_info; /* systemdb */ extern ProcessInfo *process_info; /* shmem process information table */ extern ConnectionInfo *con_info; /* shmem connection info table */ extern POOL_REQUEST_INFO *Req_info; extern volatile sig_atomic_t *InRecovery; extern char remote_ps_data[]; /* used for set_ps_display */ extern volatile sig_atomic_t got_sighup; extern volatile sig_atomic_t exit_request; #define QUERY_STRING_BUFFER_LEN 1024 extern char query_string_buffer[]; /* last query string sent to simpleQuery() */ extern BACKEND_STATUS private_backend_status[MAX_NUM_BACKENDS]; extern char remote_host[]; /* client host */ extern char remote_port[]; /* client port */ /* * public functions */ extern char *get_config_file_name(void); extern char *get_hba_file_name(void); #ifdef __GNUC__ extern void pool_error(const char *fmt,...) __attribute__((format (printf, 1, 2))); extern void pool_debug(const char *fmt,...) __attribute__((format (printf, 1, 2))); extern void pool_log(const char *fmt,...) __attribute__((format (printf, 1, 2))); #else extern void pool_error(const char *fmt,...); extern void pool_debug(const char *fmt,...); extern void pool_log(const char *fmt,...); #endif extern void do_child(int unix_fd, int inet_fd); extern void pcp_do_child(int unix_fd, int inet_fd, char *pcp_conf_file); extern int select_load_balancing_node(void); extern int pool_init_cp(void); extern POOL_STATUS pool_process_query(POOL_CONNECTION *frontend, POOL_CONNECTION_POOL *backend, int reset_request); extern int pool_do_auth(POOL_CONNECTION *frontend, POOL_CONNECTION_POOL *backend); extern int pool_do_reauth(POOL_CONNECTION *frontend, POOL_CONNECTION_POOL *cp); /* SSL functionality */ extern void pool_ssl_negotiate_serverclient(POOL_CONNECTION *cp); extern void pool_ssl_negotiate_clientserver(POOL_CONNECTION *cp); extern void pool_ssl_close(POOL_CONNECTION *cp); extern int pool_ssl_read(POOL_CONNECTION *cp, void *buf, int size); extern int pool_ssl_write(POOL_CONNECTION *cp, const void *buf, int size); extern bool pool_ssl_pending(POOL_CONNECTION *cp); extern POOL_STATUS ErrorResponse(POOL_CONNECTION *frontend, POOL_CONNECTION_POOL *backend); extern POOL_STATUS NoticeResponse(POOL_CONNECTION *frontend, POOL_CONNECTION_POOL *backend); extern void notice_backend_error(int node_id); extern void degenerate_backend_set(int *node_id_set, int count); extern void promote_backend(int node_id); extern void send_failback_request(int node_id); extern void pool_set_timeout(int timeoutval); extern int pool_check_fd(POOL_CONNECTION *cp); extern void pool_send_frontend_exits(POOL_CONNECTION_POOL *backend); extern int pool_read_message_length(POOL_CONNECTION_POOL *cp); extern int *pool_read_message_length2(POOL_CONNECTION_POOL *cp); extern signed char pool_read_kind(POOL_CONNECTION_POOL *cp); extern int pool_read_int(POOL_CONNECTION_POOL *cp); extern POOL_STATUS SimpleForwardToFrontend(char kind, POOL_CONNECTION *frontend, POOL_CONNECTION_POOL *backend); extern POOL_STATUS SimpleForwardToBackend(char kind, POOL_CONNECTION *frontend, POOL_CONNECTION_POOL *backend, int len, char *contents); extern POOL_STATUS ParameterStatus(POOL_CONNECTION *frontend, POOL_CONNECTION_POOL *backend); extern int pool_init_params(ParamStatus *params); extern void pool_discard_params(ParamStatus *params); extern char *pool_find_name(ParamStatus *params, char *name, int *pos); extern int pool_get_param(ParamStatus *params, int index, char **name, char **value); extern int pool_add_param(ParamStatus *params, char *name, char *value); extern void pool_param_debug_print(ParamStatus *params); extern void pool_send_error_message(POOL_CONNECTION *frontend, int protoMajor, char *code, char *message, char *detail, char *hint, char *file, int line); extern void pool_send_fatal_message(POOL_CONNECTION *frontend, int protoMajor, char *code, char *message, char *detail, char *hint, char *file, int line); extern void pool_send_severity_message(POOL_CONNECTION *frontend, int protoMajor, char *code, char *message, char *detail, char *hint, char *file, char *severity, int line); extern void pool_send_readyforquery(POOL_CONNECTION *frontend); extern int send_startup_packet(POOL_CONNECTION_POOL_SLOT *cp); extern void pool_free_startup_packet(StartupPacket *sp); extern void child_exit(int code); extern void init_prepared_list(void); extern void *pool_shared_memory_create(size_t size); extern void pool_shmem_exit(int code); extern int pool_semaphore_create(int numSems); extern void pool_semaphore_lock(int semNum); extern void pool_semaphore_unlock(int semNum); extern BackendInfo *pool_get_node_info(int node_number); extern int pool_get_node_count(void); extern int *pool_get_process_list(int *array_size); extern ProcessInfo *pool_get_process_info(pid_t pid); extern SystemDBInfo *pool_get_system_db_info(void); extern POOL_STATUS OneNode_do_command(POOL_CONNECTION *frontend, POOL_CONNECTION *backend, char *query, char *database); /* child.c */ extern POOL_CONNECTION_POOL_SLOT *make_persistent_db_connection( char *hostname, int port, char *dbname, char *user, char *password, bool retry); extern void discard_persistent_db_connection(POOL_CONNECTION_POOL_SLOT *cp); /* define pool_system.c */ extern POOL_CONNECTION_POOL_SLOT *pool_system_db_connection(void); extern DistDefInfo *pool_get_dist_def_info (char * dbname, char * schema_name, char * table_name); extern RepliDefInfo *pool_get_repli_def_info (char * dbname, char * schema_name, char * table_name); extern int pool_get_id (DistDefInfo *info, const char * value); extern int system_db_connect (void); extern int pool_memset_system_db_info (SystemDBInfo *info); extern void pool_close_libpq_connection(void); /* pool_query_cache.c */ extern POOL_STATUS pool_query_cache_lookup(POOL_CONNECTION *frontend, char *query, char *database, char tstate); extern int pool_query_cache_register(char kind, POOL_CONNECTION *frontend, char *database, char *data, int data_len, char *query); extern int pool_query_cache_table_exists(void); extern int pool_clear_cache_by_time(Interval *interval, int size); extern POOL_STATUS pool_execute_query_cache_lookup(POOL_CONNECTION *frontend, POOL_CONNECTION_POOL *backend, Node *node); /* pool_hba.c */ extern int load_hba(char *hbapath); extern void ClientAuthentication(POOL_CONNECTION *frontend); /* pool_ip.c */ extern void pool_getnameinfo_all(SockAddr *saddr, char *remote_host, char *remote_port); /* strlcpy.c */ extern size_t strlcpy(char *dst, const char *src, size_t siz); /* ps_status.c */ extern bool update_process_title; extern char **save_ps_display_args(int argc, char **argv); extern void init_ps_display(const char *username, const char *dbname, const char *host_info, const char *initial_str); extern void set_ps_display(const char *activity, bool force); extern const char *get_ps_display(int *displen); extern void pool_ps_idle_display(POOL_CONNECTION_POOL *backend); /* recovery.c */ extern int start_recovery(int recovery_node); extern void finish_recovery(void); extern int wait_connection_closed(void); /* child.c */ extern void cancel_request(CancelPacket *sp); extern void check_stop_request(void); extern void pool_initialize_private_backend_status(void); /* pool_process_query.c */ extern void reset_variables(void); extern void reset_connection(void); extern void per_node_statement_log(POOL_CONNECTION_POOL *backend, int node_id, char *query); extern void per_node_error_log(POOL_CONNECTION_POOL *backend, int node_id, char *query, char *prefix, bool unread); extern int pool_extract_error_message(bool read_kind, POOL_CONNECTION *backend, int major, bool unread, char **message); extern int pool_extract_error_message_with_errcode(bool read_kind, POOL_CONNECTION *backend, int major, bool unread, char **message, char **errcode); extern POOL_STATUS do_command(POOL_CONNECTION *frontend, POOL_CONNECTION *backend, char *query, int protoMajor, int pid, int key, int no_ready_for_query); extern POOL_STATUS do_query(POOL_CONNECTION *backend, char *query, POOL_SELECT_RESULT **result, int major); extern POOL_STATUS do_query_or_get_error_message(POOL_CONNECTION *backend, char *query, POOL_SELECT_RESULT **result, int major, char **error_message, char **errcode); extern void free_select_result(POOL_SELECT_RESULT *result); extern int compare(const void *p1, const void *p2); extern POOL_STATUS do_error_execute_command(POOL_CONNECTION_POOL *backend, int node_id, int major); extern POOL_STATUS pool_discard_packet_contents(POOL_CONNECTION_POOL *cp); extern void pool_dump_valid_backend(int backend_id); /* pool_auth.c */ extern void pool_random_salt(char *md5Salt); /* main.c */ extern void pool_sleep(unsigned int second); /* pool_worker_child.c */ extern void do_worker_child(void); /* md5.c */ extern bool pg_md5_encrypt(const char *passwd, const char *salt, size_t salt_len, char *buf); /* pool_connection_pool.c */ extern int pool_init_cp(void); extern POOL_CONNECTION_POOL *pool_create_cp(void); extern POOL_CONNECTION_POOL *pool_get_cp(char *user, char *database, int protoMajor, int check_socket); extern void pool_discard_cp(char *user, char *database, int protoMajor); extern void pool_backend_timer(void); extern void pool_connection_pool_timer(POOL_CONNECTION_POOL *backend); extern RETSIGTYPE pool_backend_timer_handler(int sig); extern int connect_inet_domain_socket(int slot, bool retry); extern int connect_unix_domain_socket(int slot, bool retry); extern int connect_inet_domain_socket_by_port(char *host, int port, bool retry); extern int connect_unix_domain_socket_by_port(int port, char *socket_dir, bool retry); extern int pool_pool_index(void); /* Presto session information used by this PostgreSQL session */ extern const char* presto_server; extern const char* presto_user; extern const char* presto_catalog; extern const char* presto_schema; extern const char* presto_external_auth_prog; int send_md5auth_request(POOL_CONNECTION *frontend, int protoMajor, char *salt); int read_password_packet(POOL_CONNECTION *frontend, int protoMajor, char *password, int *pwdSize); void pool_prestogres_set_defaults(StartupPacket *sp); #endif /* POOL_H */