module Pantograph module Actions class ImportFromGitAction < Action def # this is implemented in the pant_file.rb end ##################################################### # @!group Documentation ##################################################### def self.description 'Import another Pantfile from a remote git repository to use its lanes' end def self.details 'This is useful when sharing the same lanes across multiple projects' end def self.available_options [ key: :url, description: 'The URL of the repository to import the Pantfile from', default_value: nil, optional: false ), key: :branch, description: 'The branch or tag to check-out on the repository', default_value: 'master', optional: true ), key: :path, description: 'The path of the Pantfile in the repository', default_value: 'pantograph/Pantfile', optional: true ), key: :version, description: 'The version to checkout on the repository. Optimistic match operator or multiple conditions can be used to select the version within constraints', default_value: nil, is_string: false, optional: true ) ] end def self.authors ['fabiomassimo', 'KrauseFx', 'Liquidsoul', 'johnknapprs'] end def self.is_supported?(platform) true end def self.example_code [ ' # Simple import on master branch import_from_git( url: "" ) ', ' # Import a Pantfile with an Optimistic version match operator import_from_git( url: "", branch: "master", path: "pantograph/Pantfile", version: "~> 1.0.0" ) ', ' # Import a Pantfile with multiple version conditions import_from_git( url: "", # The URL of the repository to import the Pantfile from. branch: "development", # The branch to checkout on the repository version: [">= 1.1.0", "< 2.0.0"] ) ' ] end def self.category :misc end end end end