require 'spec_helper' module Kangaroo module Model describe Relation do before do @target = mock 'target' @relation = @target end it 'delegates array methods via target#all' do array_mock = mock 'array' array_mock.should_receive :each @target.should_receive(:search_and_read).and_return array_mock @relation.send :each end it 'stores conditions via where() and hands them over to target#all' do @target.should_receive(:search_and_read).with [{:a => :b}], anything, anything @relation.where(:a => :b).all end it 'merges chained where() conditions' do @target.should_receive(:search_and_read).with [{:a => :b}, {:b => :c}], anything, anything @relation.where(:a => :b).where(:b => :c).all end it 'doesnt change the relation on chaining' do @target.should_receive(:search_and_read).with [{:a => :b}], anything, anything chained_relation = @relation.where(:a => :b) chained_relation.where(:b => :c) chained_relation.all end it 'stores limit and hands it over to target#all' do @target.should_receive(:search_and_read).with [], hash_including(:limit => 10), anything @relation.limit(10).all end it 'overwrites limit clauses when chained' do @target.should_receive(:search_and_read).with [], hash_including(:limit => 10), anything @relation.limit(20).limit(10).all end it 'stores offset and hands it over to target#all' do @target.should_receive(:search_and_read).with [], hash_including(:offset => 10), anything @relation.offset(10).all end it 'overwrites offset clauses when chained' do @target.should_receive(:search_and_read).with [], hash_including(:offset => 10), anything @relation.offset(20).offset(10).all end it 'stores select and hands it over to target#all' do @target.should_receive(:search_and_read). with [], anything, hash_including(:fields => ["a", "b"]), :b).all end it 'stores context hands it over to target#all' do @target.should_receive(:search_and_read). with [], hash_including(:context => {:lang => 'de_DE'}), hash_including(:context => {:lang => 'de_DE'}) @relation.context(:lang => 'de_DE').all end it 'merges chained contexts' do @target.should_receive(:search_and_read). with [], hash_including(:context => {:lang => 'de_DE', :tz => 'de'}), hash_including(:context => {:lang => 'de_DE', :tz => 'de'}) @relation.context(:lang => 'de_DE').context(:tz => 'de').all end describe '#reverse' do it 'adds descending id order if no order was specified' do @relation.reverse.order_clause.should == ['id desc'] end it 'reverses previously specified orders' do @relation.order('name').reverse.order_clause.should == ['name desc'] @relation.order('name', true).reverse.order_clause.should == ['name'] @relation.order('name').order('code', true).reverse.order_clause.should == ['name desc', 'code'] end end describe '#[]' do it 'doesnt touch existing limit clause' do @target.should_receive(:search_and_read). with([], hash_including(:limit => 2), anything). and_return [] @relation.limit(2)[1] end it 'doesnt touch existing offset clause' do @target.should_receive(:search_and_read). with([], hash_including(:offset => 40), anything). and_return [] @relation.offset(40)[10] end it '[n] returns the n-th record' do @target.should_receive(:search_and_read). with([], hash_including(:limit => 1, :offset => 21), anything). and_return [] @relation[21] end it '[n, m] return m records skipping n' do @target.should_receive(:search_and_read). with [], hash_including(:limit => 4, :offset => 21), anything @relation[21, 4] end it '[n..m] returns records n to m' do @target.should_receive(:search_and_read). with [], hash_including(:limit => 5, :offset => 21), anything @relation[21..25] end end end end end