Feature: It's Where You Can Find Me Scenario: print out the working directory Given a git repo in directory "foo/bar/qux_blegga" When I run `git-semaphore --working-dir` in "foo/bar/qux_blegga" directory Then the exit status should be 0 And the output should contain "foo/bar" Scenario: print out the project name Given a git repo in directory "foo/bar/qux_blegga" When I run `git-semaphore --project-name` in "foo/bar/qux_blegga" directory Then the exit status should be 0 And the output should contain "qux_blegga" Scenario: print out the branch name Given a git repo in directory "foo/bar/qux_blegga" When I run `git-semaphore --branch-name` in "foo/bar/qux_blegga" directory Then the exit status should be 0 And the output should contain "master"