require "cgi"
require "digest/sha1"
require "logger"
require "net/http"
require "net/https"
require "stringio"
require "time"
require "zlib"
require "builder"
require "libxml"
unless ::LibXML::XML.respond_to?(:default_keep_blanks=)
raise LoadError, "The version of libxml that you're using is not compatible with the Braintree gem."
module Braintree # :nodoc:
# Super class for all Braintree exceptions.
class BraintreeError < ::StandardError; end
# Raised when authentication fails. This may be caused by an incorrect Braintree::Configuration
class AuthenticationError < BraintreeError; end
# Raised when the API key being used is not authorized to perform the attempted action according
# to the roles assigned to the user who owns the API key.
class AuthorizationError < BraintreeError; end
# Raised when the Braintree gem is not completely configured. See Braintree::Configuration.
class ConfigurationError < BraintreeError
def initialize(setting, message) # :nodoc:
super "Braintree::Configuration.#{setting} #{message}"
# Raised when the gateway is down for maintenance.
class DownForMaintenanceError < BraintreeError; end
# Raised from methods that confirm transparent request requests
# when the given query string cannot be verified. This may indicate
# an attempted hack on the merchant's transparent redirect
# confirmation URL.
class ForgedQueryString < BraintreeError; end
# Raised when a record could not be found.
class NotFoundError < BraintreeError; end
# Raised when an unexpected server error occurs.
class ServerError < BraintreeError; end
# Raised when the SSL certificate fails verification.
class SSLCertificateError < BraintreeError; end
# Raised when an error occurs that the client library is not built to handle.
# This shouldn't happen.
class UnexpectedError < BraintreeError; end
# Raised from bang methods when validations fail.
class ValidationsFailed < BraintreeError; end
require "braintree/base_module"
Dir.glob("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/braintree/**/*.rb").sort.each do |file|
next if file =~ /base_module/
load file