# SignRequestClient::Document ## Properties Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **url** | **String** | | [optional] **team** | [**DocumentTeam**](DocumentTeam.md) | | [optional] **uuid** | **String** | | [optional] **user** | [**User**](User.md) | | [optional] **file_as_pdf** | **String** | Temporary URL to original file as PDF, expires in five minutes | [optional] **name** | **String** | Defaults to filename, including extension | [optional] **external_id** | **String** | ID used to reference document in external system | [optional] **frontend_id** | **String** | Shared secret used in conjunction with <a href=\"#section/Frontend-API/SignRequest-js-client-(beta)\">SignRequest-js client</a> to grant user access to a document that's not a member of the document's team | [optional] **file** | **String** | Temporary URL to original file, expires in five minutes | [optional] **file_from_url** | **String** | Publicly accessible URL of document to be downloaded by SignRequest | [optional] **events_callback_url** | **String** | URL at which to receive [event callbacks](#section/Events/Events-callback) for this document | [optional] **file_from_content** | **String** | Base64 encoded document content | [optional] **file_from_content_name** | **String** | Filename, including extension. Required when using `file_from_content`. | [optional] **template** | **String** | | [optional] **prefill_tags** | [**Array<InlinePrefillTags>**](InlinePrefillTags.md) | Prefill signer input data, see [prefill tags](#section/Preparing-a-document/Prefill-tags-templates) | [optional] **integrations** | [**Array<InlineIntegrationData>**](InlineIntegrationData.md) | | [optional] **file_from_sf** | [**FileFromSf**](FileFromSf.md) | | [optional] **auto_delete_days** | **Integer** | Number of days after which a finished document (signed/cancelled/declined) will be automatically deleted | [optional] **auto_expire_days** | **Integer** | Number of days after which a non finished document will be automatically expired | [optional] **pdf** | **String** | Temporary URL to signed document as PDF, expires in five minutes | [optional] **status** | **String** | `co`: converting, `ne`: new, `se`: sent, `vi`: viewed, `si`: signed, `do`: downloaded, `sd`: signed and downloaded, `ca`: cancelled, `de`: declined, `ec`: error converting, `es`: error sending, `xp`: expired | [optional] **signrequest** | [**DocumentSignrequest**](DocumentSignrequest.md) | | [optional] **api_used** | **BOOLEAN** | Indicates whether document was created using the API | [optional] **signing_log** | [**DocumentSigningLog**](DocumentSigningLog.md) | | [optional] **security_hash** | **String** | SHA256 hash of PDF contents | [optional] **attachments** | [**Array<DocumentAttachment>**](DocumentAttachment.md) | | [optional] **auto_delete_after** | **DateTime** | Date and time calculated using `auto_delete_days` after which a finished document (signed/cancelled/declined) will be automatically deleted | [optional] **sandbox** | **BOOLEAN** | Indicates whether document was created as part of a sandbox team | [optional] **auto_expire_after** | **DateTime** | Date and time calculated using `auto_expire_days` after which a non finished document will be automatically expired | [optional]