require 'stepmod/utils/stepmod_definition_converter' require 'stepmod/utils/bibdata' require 'stepmod/utils/concept' ReverseAdoc.config.unknown_tags = :bypass module Stepmod module Utils class TermsExtractor # TODO: we may want a command line option to override this in the future ACCEPTED_STAGES = %w(IS DIS FDIS TS) attr_reader :stepmod_path, :stepmod_dir, :general_concepts, :resource_concepts, :parsed_bibliography, :encountered_terms, :cvs_mode, :part_concepts, :part_resources, :part_modules, :stdout def, stdout = STDOUT) new(stepmod_dir, stdout).call end def initialize(stepmod_dir, stdout) @stdout = stdout @stepmod_dir = stepmod_dir @stepmod_path = @general_concepts = [] @resource_concepts = [] @parsed_bibliography = [] @part_concepts = [] @part_resources = [] @part_modules = [] @encountered_terms = {} end def log message stdout.puts "[stepmod-utils] #{message}" end def term_special_category(bibdata) case bibdata.part.to_i when 41,42,43,44,45,46,47,51 true when [56..112] true else false end end def call # If we are using the stepmod CVS repository, provide the revision number per file @cvs_mode = if Dir.exists?(stepmod_path.join('CVS')) require 'ptools' # ptools provides File.which File.which("cvs") end log "INFO: STEPmod directory set to #{stepmod_dir}." if cvs_mode log "INFO: STEPmod directory is a CVS repository and will detect revisions." log "INFO: [CVS] Detecting file revisions can be slow, please be patient!" else log "INFO: STEPmod directory is not a CVS repository, skipping revision detection." end log "INFO: Detecting paths..." repo_index = Nokogiri::XML('repository_index.xml'))).root files = [] # add module paths repo_index.xpath('//module').each do |x| path ="#{stepmod_dir}/modules/#{x['name']}/module.xml") files << path if File.exists? path end # add resource_docs paths repo_index.xpath('//resource_doc').each do |x| path ="#{stepmod_dir}/resource_docs/#{x['name']}/resource.xml") files << path if File.exists? path end # add business_object_models paths repo_index.xpath('//business_object_model').each do |x| path ="#{stepmod_dir}/business_object_models/#{x['name']}/business_object_model.xml") files << path if File.exists? path end # add application_protocols paths repo_index.xpath('//application_protocol').each do |x| path ="#{stepmod_dir}/application_protocols/#{x['name']}/application_protocol.xml") files << path if File.exists? path end files.sort!.uniq! process_term_files(files) [ general_concepts, resource_concepts, parsed_bibliography, part_concepts, part_resources, part_modules ] end private def process_term_files(files) parsed_schema_names = {} files.each do |file_path| file_path = file_path.realpath fpath = file_path.relative_path_from(stepmod_path) log "INFO: Processing XML file #{fpath}" current_document = Nokogiri::XML( bibdata = nil begin bibdata = current_document) rescue log "WARNING: Unknown file #{fpath}, skipped" next end unless ACCEPTED_STAGES.include? bibdata.doctype log "INFO: skipped #{bibdata.docid} as it is not one of (#{ACCEPTED_STAGES.join(", ")})." next end if bibdata.part.to_s.empty? log "FATAL: missing `part` attribute: #{fpath}" log "INFO: skipped #{bibdata.docid} as it is missing `part` attribute." next end revision_string = "\n// CVS: revision not detected" if cvs_mode # Run `cvs status` to find out version log "INFO: Detecting CVS revision..." Dir.chdir(stepmod_path) do status = `cvs status #{fpath}` unless status.empty? working_rev = status.split(/\n/).grep(/Working revision:/).first.match(/revision:\s+(.+)$/)[1] repo_rev = status.split(/\n/).grep(/Repository revision:/).first.match(/revision:\t(.+)\t/)[1] log "INFO: CVS working rev (#{working_rev}), repo rev (#{repo_rev})" revision_string = "\n// CVS working rev: (#{working_rev}), repo rev (#{repo_rev})\n" + "// CVS: revision #{working_rev == repo_rev ? 'up to date' : 'differs'}" end end end # read definitions current_part_concepts = [] definition_index = 0 current_document.xpath('//definition').each do |definition| definition_index += 1 term_id = definition['id'] unless term_id.nil? if encountered_terms[term_id] log "FATAL: Duplicated term with id: #{term_id}, #{fpath}" end encountered_terms[term_id] = true end # Assume that definition is located in clause 3 of the ISO document # in order. We really don't have a good reference here. ref_clause = "3.#{definition_index}" concept = Stepmod::Utils::Concept.parse( definition, reference_anchor: bibdata.anchor, reference_clause: ref_clause, file_path: fpath + revision_string ) next unless concept unless term_special_category(bibdata) # log "INFO: this part is generic" general_concepts << concept else # log "INFO: this part is special" current_part_concepts << concept end parsed_bibliography << bibdata end current_part_resources = [] current_part_modules_arm = {} current_part_modules_mim = {} log "INFO: FILE PATH IS #{file_path}" case file_path.to_s when /resource.xml$/ log "INFO: Processing resource.xml for #{file_path}" # Assumption: every schema is only linked by a single resource_docs document. current_document.xpath('//schema').each do |schema_node| schema_name = schema_node['name'] if parsed_schema_names[schema_name] log "ERROR: We have encountered this schema before: #{schema_name} from path #{parsed_schema_names[schema_name]}, now at #{file_path}" next else parsed_schema_names[schema_name] = file_path end Dir["#{stepmod_path}/resources/#{schema_name}/descriptions.xml"].each do |description_xml_path| log "INFO: Processing resources schema #{description_xml_path}" description_document = Nokogiri::XML( description_document.xpath('//ext_description').each do |ext_description| # log "INFO: Processing linkend[#{ext_description['linkend']}]" concept = Stepmod::Utils::Concept.parse( ext_description, reference_anchor: bibdata.anchor, reference_clause: nil, file_path: ) next unless concept unless term_special_category(bibdata) # log "INFO: this part is generic" resource_concepts << concept else # log "INFO: this part is special" current_part_resources << concept end parsed_bibliography << bibdata end end end when /module.xml$/ log "INFO: Processing module.xml for #{file_path}" # Assumption: every schema is only linked by a single module document. # puts current_document.xpath('//module').length schema_name = current_document.xpath('//module').first['name'] if parsed_schema_names[schema_name] log "ERROR: We have encountered this schema before: #{schema_name} from path #{parsed_schema_names[schema_name]}, now at #{file_path}" next else parsed_schema_names[schema_name] = file_path end description_xml_path = "#{stepmod_path}/modules/#{schema_name}/arm_descriptions.xml" log "INFO: Processing modules schema #{description_xml_path}" if File.exists?(description_xml_path) description_document = Nokogiri::XML( description_document.xpath('//ext_description').each do |ext_description| linkend_schema = ext_description['linkend'].split('.').first concept = Stepmod::Utils::Concept.parse( ext_description, reference_anchor: bibdata.anchor, reference_clause: nil, file_path: ) next unless concept current_part_modules_arm[linkend_schema] ||= [] current_part_modules_arm[linkend_schema] << concept # puts part_modules_arm.inspect parsed_bibliography << bibdata end end description_xml_path = "#{stepmod_path}/modules/#{schema_name}/mim_descriptions.xml" log "INFO: Processing modules schema #{description_xml_path}" if File.exists?(description_xml_path) description_document = Nokogiri::XML( description_document.xpath('//ext_description').each do |ext_description| linkend_schema = ext_description['linkend'].split('.').first concept = Stepmod::Utils::Concept.parse( ext_description, reference_anchor: bibdata.anchor, reference_clause: nil, file_path: ) next unless concept current_part_modules_mim[linkend_schema] ||= [] current_part_modules_mim[linkend_schema] << concept parsed_bibliography << bibdata end end end log "INFO: Completed processing XML file #{fpath}" if current_part_concepts.empty? log "INFO: Skipping #{fpath} (#{bibdata.docid}) because it contains no concepts." elsif current_part_concepts.length < 3 log "INFO: Skipping #{fpath} (#{bibdata.docid}) because it only has #{current_part_concepts.length} terms." current_part_concepts.each do |x| general_concepts << x end else part_concepts << [bibdata, current_part_concepts] unless current_part_concepts.empty? end part_resources << [bibdata, current_part_resources] unless current_part_resources.empty? part_modules << [bibdata, current_part_modules_arm, current_part_modules_mim] if current_part_modules_arm.size + current_part_modules_mim.size > 0 end end end end end