/** * @depend ../sinon.js */ /*jslint eqeqeq: false, onevar: false*/ /*global module, require, sinon, process, setImmediate, setTimeout*/ /** * Stub behavior * * @author Christian Johansen (christian@cjohansen.no) * @author Tim Fischbach (mail@timfischbach.de) * @license BSD * * Copyright (c) 2010-2013 Christian Johansen */ "use strict"; (function (sinon) { var commonJSModule = typeof module !== "undefined" && module.exports && typeof require == "function"; if (!sinon && commonJSModule) { sinon = require("../sinon"); } if (!sinon) { return; } var slice = Array.prototype.slice; var join = Array.prototype.join; var proto; var nextTick = (function () { if (typeof process === "object" && typeof process.nextTick === "function") { return process.nextTick; } else if (typeof setImmediate === "function") { return setImmediate; } else { return function (callback) { setTimeout(callback, 0); }; } })(); function throwsException(error, message) { if (typeof error == "string") { this.exception = new Error(message || ""); this.exception.name = error; } else if (!error) { this.exception = new Error("Error"); } else { this.exception = error; } return this; } function getCallback(behavior, args) { var callArgAt = behavior.callArgAt; if (callArgAt < 0) { var callArgProp = behavior.callArgProp; for (var i = 0, l = args.length; i < l; ++i) { if (!callArgProp && typeof args[i] == "function") { return args[i]; } if (callArgProp && args[i] && typeof args[i][callArgProp] == "function") { return args[i][callArgProp]; } } return null; } return args[callArgAt]; } function getCallbackError(behavior, func, args) { if (behavior.callArgAt < 0) { var msg; if (behavior.callArgProp) { msg = sinon.functionName(behavior.stub) + " expected to yield to '" + behavior.callArgProp + "', but no object with such a property was passed."; } else { msg = sinon.functionName(behavior.stub) + " expected to yield, but no callback was passed."; } if (args.length > 0) { msg += " Received [" + join.call(args, ", ") + "]"; } return msg; } return "argument at index " + behavior.callArgAt + " is not a function: " + func; } function callCallback(behavior, args) { if (typeof behavior.callArgAt == "number") { var func = getCallback(behavior, args); if (typeof func != "function") { throw new TypeError(getCallbackError(behavior, func, args)); } if (behavior.callbackAsync) { nextTick(function() { func.apply(behavior.callbackContext, behavior.callbackArguments); }); } else { func.apply(behavior.callbackContext, behavior.callbackArguments); } } } proto = { create: function(stub) { var behavior = sinon.extend({}, sinon.behavior); delete behavior.create; behavior.stub = stub; return behavior; }, isPresent: function() { return (typeof this.callArgAt == 'number' || this.exception || typeof this.returnArgAt == 'number' || this.returnThis || this.returnValueDefined); }, invoke: function(context, args) { callCallback(this, args); if (this.exception) { throw this.exception; } else if (typeof this.returnArgAt == 'number') { return args[this.returnArgAt]; } else if (this.returnThis) { return context; } return this.returnValue; }, onCall: function(index) { return this.stub.onCall(index); }, onFirstCall: function() { return this.stub.onFirstCall(); }, onSecondCall: function() { return this.stub.onSecondCall(); }, onThirdCall: function() { return this.stub.onThirdCall(); }, withArgs: function(/* arguments */) { throw new Error('Defining a stub by invoking "stub.onCall(...).withArgs(...)" is not supported. ' + 'Use "stub.withArgs(...).onCall(...)" to define sequential behavior for calls with certain arguments.'); }, callsArg: function callsArg(pos) { if (typeof pos != "number") { throw new TypeError("argument index is not number"); } this.callArgAt = pos; this.callbackArguments = []; this.callbackContext = undefined; this.callArgProp = undefined; this.callbackAsync = false; return this; }, callsArgOn: function callsArgOn(pos, context) { if (typeof pos != "number") { throw new TypeError("argument index is not number"); } if (typeof context != "object") { throw new TypeError("argument context is not an object"); } this.callArgAt = pos; this.callbackArguments = []; this.callbackContext = context; this.callArgProp = undefined; this.callbackAsync = false; return this; }, callsArgWith: function callsArgWith(pos) { if (typeof pos != "number") { throw new TypeError("argument index is not number"); } this.callArgAt = pos; this.callbackArguments = slice.call(arguments, 1); this.callbackContext = undefined; this.callArgProp = undefined; this.callbackAsync = false; return this; }, callsArgOnWith: function callsArgWith(pos, context) { if (typeof pos != "number") { throw new TypeError("argument index is not number"); } if (typeof context != "object") { throw new TypeError("argument context is not an object"); } this.callArgAt = pos; this.callbackArguments = slice.call(arguments, 2); this.callbackContext = context; this.callArgProp = undefined; this.callbackAsync = false; return this; }, yields: function () { this.callArgAt = -1; this.callbackArguments = slice.call(arguments, 0); this.callbackContext = undefined; this.callArgProp = undefined; this.callbackAsync = false; return this; }, yieldsOn: function (context) { if (typeof context != "object") { throw new TypeError("argument context is not an object"); } this.callArgAt = -1; this.callbackArguments = slice.call(arguments, 1); this.callbackContext = context; this.callArgProp = undefined; this.callbackAsync = false; return this; }, yieldsTo: function (prop) { this.callArgAt = -1; this.callbackArguments = slice.call(arguments, 1); this.callbackContext = undefined; this.callArgProp = prop; this.callbackAsync = false; return this; }, yieldsToOn: function (prop, context) { if (typeof context != "object") { throw new TypeError("argument context is not an object"); } this.callArgAt = -1; this.callbackArguments = slice.call(arguments, 2); this.callbackContext = context; this.callArgProp = prop; this.callbackAsync = false; return this; }, "throws": throwsException, throwsException: throwsException, returns: function returns(value) { this.returnValue = value; this.returnValueDefined = true; return this; }, returnsArg: function returnsArg(pos) { if (typeof pos != "number") { throw new TypeError("argument index is not number"); } this.returnArgAt = pos; return this; }, returnsThis: function returnsThis() { this.returnThis = true; return this; } }; // create asynchronous versions of callsArg* and yields* methods for (var method in proto) { // need to avoid creating anotherasync versions of the newly added async methods if (proto.hasOwnProperty(method) && method.match(/^(callsArg|yields)/) && !method.match(/Async/)) { proto[method + 'Async'] = (function (syncFnName) { return function () { var result = this[syncFnName].apply(this, arguments); this.callbackAsync = true; return result; }; })(method); } } sinon.behavior = proto; if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { define(["module"], function(module) { module.exports = proto; }); } else if (commonJSModule) { module.exports = proto; } }(typeof sinon == "object" && sinon || null));