# frozen_string_literal: true require 'tmpdir' class LicenseeCLI < Thor desc 'diff [PATH]', 'Compare the given license text to a known license' option :license, type: :string, desc: 'The SPDX ID or key of the license to compare' def diff(_path = nil) say "Comparing to #{expected_license.name}:" rows = [] left = expected_license.content_normalized(wrap: 80) right = license_to_diff.content_normalized(wrap: 80) similarity = expected_license.similarity(license_to_diff) similarity = Licensee::ContentHelper.format_percent(similarity) rows << ['Input Length:', license_to_diff.length] rows << ['License length:', expected_license.length] rows << ['Similarity:', similarity] print_table rows if left == right say 'Exact match!', :green exit end Dir.mktmpdir do |dir| path = File.expand_path 'LICENSE', dir Dir.chdir(dir) do `git init` File.write(path, left) `git add LICENSE` `git commit -m 'left'` File.write(path, right) say `git diff --word-diff` end end end private def license_to_diff return options[:license_to_diff] if options[:license_to_diff] return project.license_file if remote? || $stdin.tty? && project.license_file @license_to_diff ||= begin Licensee::ProjectFiles::LicenseFile.new($stdin.read, 'LICENSE') end end def expected_license if options[:license] @expected_license ||= Licensee::License.find options[:license] end return @expected_license if @expected_license if options[:license] error "#{options[:license]} is not a valid license" else error 'Usage: provide a license to diff against with --license (spdx name)' end error "Valid licenses: #{Licensee::License.all(hidden: true).map(&:key).join(', ')}" exit 1 end end