/* * Copyright 2018 Uber Technologies, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import mainpage from '../../docs/overview/mainpage.md'; import usecases from '../../docs/overview/usecases.md'; import overview from '../../docs/core-library/overview.md'; import usage from '../../docs/core-library/usage.md'; import coordsystems from '../../docs/core-library/coordsystems.md'; import filters from '../../docs/core-library/filters.md'; import geoToH3desc from '../../docs/core-library/geoToH3desc.md'; import h3Indexing from '../../docs/core-library/h3indexing.md'; import h3ToGeoBoundaryDesc from '../../docs/core-library/h3ToGeoBoundaryDesc.md'; import h3ToGeoDesc from '../../docs/core-library/h3ToGeoDesc.md'; import restable from '../../docs/core-library/restable.md'; import api_hierarchy from '../../docs/api/hierarchy.md'; import api_indexing from '../../docs/api/indexing.md'; import api_inspection from '../../docs/api/inspection.md'; import api_misc from '../../docs/api/misc.md'; import api_traversal from '../../docs/api/traversal.md'; import api_regions from '../../docs/api/regions.md'; import api_uniedge from '../../docs/api/uniedge.md'; import community_bindings from '../../docs/community/bindings.md'; import community_libraries from '../../docs/community/libraries.md'; import community_applications from '../../docs/community/applications.md'; import community_tutorials from '../../docs/community/tutorials.md'; export default [{ name: 'Documentation', path: '/documentation', data: [{ name: 'Overview', children: [ { name: 'Introduction', markdown: mainpage }, { name: 'Use Cases', markdown: usecases } ] }, { name: 'Core Library', children: [ { name: 'Overview', markdown: overview }, { name: 'Coordinate Systems', markdown: coordsystems }, { name: 'Unix-Style Filters', markdown: filters }, { name: 'H3 Index Representations', markdown: h3Indexing }, { name: 'Walkthrough of geoToH3', markdown: geoToH3desc }, { name: 'Walkthrough of h3ToGeoBoundary', markdown: h3ToGeoBoundaryDesc }, { name: 'Walkthrough of h3ToGeo', markdown: h3ToGeoDesc }, { name: 'Using H3', markdown: usage }, { name: 'Resolution Table', markdown: restable } ] }, { name: 'API Reference', children: [ { name: 'Indexing', markdown: api_indexing }, { name: 'Inspection', markdown: api_inspection }, { name: 'Traversal', markdown: api_traversal }, { name: 'Hierarchy', markdown: api_hierarchy }, { name: 'Regions', markdown: api_regions }, { name: 'Unidirectional Edges', markdown: api_uniedge }, { name: 'Miscellaneous', markdown: api_misc } ] }, { name: 'Community', children: [ { name: 'Bindings', markdown: community_bindings }, { name: 'Libraries Using H3', markdown: community_libraries }, { name: 'Applications Using H3', markdown: community_applications }, { name: 'Tutorials', markdown: community_tutorials } ] }] }];