# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- module Apipie module Validator # to create new validator, inherit from Apipie::Validator::Base # and implement class method build and instance method validate class BaseValidator attr_accessor :param_description def initialize(param_description) @param_description = param_description end def self.inherited(subclass) @validators ||= [] @validators.insert 0, subclass end # find the right validator for given options def self.find(param_description, argument, options, block) @validators.each do |validator_type| validator = validator_type.build(param_description, argument, options, block) return validator if validator end return nil end # check if value is valid def valid?(value) if self.validate(value) @error_value = nil true else @error_value = value false end end def param_name @param_description.name end # validator description def description "TODO: validator description" end def error ParamInvalid.new(param_name, @error_value, description) end def to_s self.description end def to_json self.description end # what type is expected, mostly string # this information is used in cli client # thor supported types :string, :hash, :array, :numeric, or :boolean def expected_type 'string' end def merge_with(other_validator) raise NotImplementedError, "Dont know how to merge #{self.inspect} with #{other_validator.inspect}" end def params_ordered nil end end # validate arguments type class TypeValidator < BaseValidator def initialize(param_description, argument) super(param_description) @type = argument end def validate(value) return false if value.nil? value.is_a? @type end def self.build(param_description, argument, options, block) if argument.is_a?(Class) && (argument != Hash || block.nil?) self.new(param_description, argument) end end def description "Must be #{@type}" end def expected_type if @type.ancestors.include? Hash 'hash' elsif @type.ancestors.include? Array 'array' elsif @type.ancestors.include? Numeric 'numeric' else 'string' end end end # validate arguments value with regular expression class RegexpValidator < BaseValidator def initialize(param_description, argument) super(param_description) @regexp = argument end def validate(value) value =~ @regexp end def self.build(param_description, argument, options, proc) self.new(param_description, argument) if argument.is_a? Regexp end def description "Must match regular expression /#{@regexp.source}/." end end # arguments value must be one of given in array class EnumValidator < BaseValidator def initialize(param_description, argument) super(param_description) @array = argument end def validate(value) @array.include?(value) end def self.build(param_description, argument, options, proc) self.new(param_description, argument) if argument.is_a?(Array) end def description string = @array.map { |value| "#{value}" }.join(', ') "Must be one of: #{string}." end end # arguments value must be an array class ArrayValidator < Apipie::Validator::BaseValidator def initialize(param_description, argument, options={}) super(param_description) @type = argument @items_type = options[:of] @items_enum = options[:in] end def validate(values) return false unless process_value(values).respond_to?(:each) && !process_value(values).is_a?(String) process_value(values).all? { |v| validate_item(v)} end def process_value(values) values || [] end def description "Must be an array of #{items}" end def expected_type "array" end def self.build(param_description, argument, options, block) if argument == Array && !block.is_a?(Proc) self.new(param_description, argument, options) end end private def enum if @items_enum.kind_of?(Proc) @items_enum = Array(@items_enum.call) end @items_enum end def validate_item(value) has_valid_type?(value) && is_valid_value?(value) end def has_valid_type?(value) if @items_type value.kind_of?(@items_type) else true end end def is_valid_value?(value) if enum enum.include?(value) else true end end def items unless enum @items_type || "any type" else enum.inspect end end end class ArrayClassValidator < BaseValidator def initialize(param_description, argument) super(param_description) @array = argument end def validate(value) @array.include?(value.class) end def self.build(param_description, argument, options, block) if argument.is_a?(Array) && argument.first.class == Class && !block.is_a?(Proc) self.new(param_description, argument) end end def description "Must be one of: #{@array.join(', ')}." end end class ProcValidator < BaseValidator def initialize(param_description, argument) super(param_description) @proc = argument end def validate(value) (@help = @proc.call(value)) === true end def self.build(param_description, argument, options, proc) self.new(param_description, argument) if argument.is_a?(Proc) && argument.arity == 1 end def error ParamInvalid.new(param_name, @error_value, @help) end def description "" end end class HashValidator < BaseValidator include Apipie::DSL::Base include Apipie::DSL::Param def self.build(param_description, argument, options, block) self.new(param_description, block, options[:param_group]) if block.is_a?(Proc) && block.arity <= 0 && argument == Hash end def initialize(param_description, argument, param_group) super(param_description) @proc = argument @param_group = param_group self.instance_exec(&@proc) # specifying action_aware on Hash influences the child params, # not the hash param itself: assuming it's required when # updating as well if param_description.options[:action_aware] && param_description.options[:required] param_description.required = true end prepare_hash_params end def params_ordered @params_ordered ||= _apipie_dsl_data[:params].map do |args| options = args.find { |arg| arg.is_a? Hash } options[:parent] = self.param_description Apipie::ParamDescription.from_dsl_data(param_description.method_description, args) end end def validate(value) return false if !value.is_a? Hash if @hash_params @hash_params.each do |k, p| if Apipie.configuration.validate_presence? raise ParamMissing.new(p) if p.required && !value.has_key?(k) end if Apipie.configuration.validate_value? p.validate(value[k]) if value.has_key?(k) end end end return true end def process_value(value) if @hash_params && value return @hash_params.each_with_object({}) do |(key, param), api_params| if value.has_key?(key) api_params[param.as] = param.process_value(value[key]) end end end end def description "Must be a Hash" end def expected_type 'hash' end # where the group definition should be looked up when no scope # given. This is expected to return a controller. def _default_param_group_scope @param_group && @param_group[:scope] end def merge_with(other_validator) if other_validator.is_a? HashValidator @params_ordered = ParamDescription.unify(self.params_ordered + other_validator.params_ordered) prepare_hash_params else super end end def prepare_hash_params @hash_params = params_ordered.reduce({}) do |h, param| h.update(param.name.to_sym => param) end end end # special type of validator: we say that it's not specified class UndefValidator < BaseValidator def validate(value) true end def self.build(param_description, argument, options, block) if argument == :undef self.new(param_description) end end def description nil end end class NumberValidator < BaseValidator def validate(value) self.class.validate(value) end def self.build(param_description, argument, options, block) if argument == :number self.new(param_description) end end def description "Must be a number." end def self.validate(value) value.to_s =~ /\A(0|[1-9]\d*)\Z$/ end end class BooleanValidator < BaseValidator def validate(value) %w[true false 1 0].include?(value.to_s) end def self.build(param_description, argument, options, block) if argument == :bool || argument == :boolean self.new(param_description) end end def expected_type 'boolean' end def description "Must be 'true' or 'false' or '1' or '0'" end end class NestedValidator < BaseValidator def initialize(param_description, argument, param_group) super(param_description) @validator = Apipie::Validator:: HashValidator.new(param_description, argument, param_group) @type = argument end def validate(value) value ||= [] # Rails convert empty array to nil return false if value.class != Array value.each do |child| return false unless @validator.validate(child) end true end def process_value(value) value ||= [] # Rails convert empty array to nil @values = [] value.each do |child| @values << @validator.process_value(child) end @values end def self.build(param_description, argument, options, block) # in Ruby 1.8.x the arity on block without args is -1 # while in Ruby 1.9+ it is 0 self.new(param_description, block, options[:param_group]) if block.is_a?(Proc) && block.arity <= 0 && argument == Array end def expected_type 'array' end def description "Must be an Array of nested elements" end def params_ordered @validator.params_ordered end end end end