# Copyright 2011 The Closure Script Authors # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. class Closure class Compiler class Error < StandardError end # Java won't let you change working directories and the Closure Compiler # doesn't allow setting a base path. No problem, we can do it. # These are filename options and will be expanded to a new base. OUTPUT_OPTIONS = %w{ --js_output_file --create_source_map --output_manifest --property_map_output_file --variable_map_output_file --module_output_path_prefix } # These are filename options and will be expanded to a new base. # These will have their modification times checked against js_output_file. INPUT_OPTIONS = %w{ --js --externs --property_map_input_file --variable_map_input_file } # Compile Javascript. Checks file modification times # but does not support namespaces like {Goog#compile} does. # @param (Array) args Arguments for the compiler. # @param (Array) dependencies Any other files to check mtime on, like makefiles. # @param (Hash) env Rack environment. Supply if you want a response that is cacheable. def self.compile(args, dependencies = [], env = {}) if Util.arg_values(args, '--js').empty? return Compilation.new env, nil, 'No source javascript specified' end # We don't bother compiling if we can detect that no sources were modified js_output_file = Util.arg_values(args, '--js_output_file').last if js_output_file js_mtime = File.mtime js_output_file rescue Errno::ENOENT compiled = !!File.size?(js_output_file) # catches empty files too files = Util.arg_values(args, INPUT_OPTIONS) + dependencies files.each do |filename| break unless compiled mtime = File.mtime filename compiled = false if !mtime or mtime > js_mtime end if compiled return Compilation.new env, js_output_file end File.unlink js_output_file rescue Errno::ENOENT end stdout, log = Closure.run_java Closure.config.compiler_jar, 'com.google.javascript.jscomp.CommandLineRunner', args if log.empty? log = nil else # Totals at the end make sense for the command line. But at # the start makes more sense for html and the Javascript console split_log = log.split("\n") if split_log.last =~ /^\d+ err/i error_message = split_log.pop else error_message = split_log.shift end if split_log.empty? log = error_message else log = error_message + "\n\n" + split_log.join("\n") end raise Error, log unless error_message =~ /^0 err/i end Compilation.new(env, js_output_file, log) << stdout end class Compilation attr_reader :log attr_reader :js_output_file def initialize(env, js_output_file=nil, log=nil) @javascript = [] @env = env @js_output_file = js_output_file @log = log end # True when compilation actually happened. # False when build was up to date. def compiled? !!@log end # Turn the compiled javascript into a Rack::Response object. # Success and warning messages, which aren't raised like errors, # will be logged to the javascript console. # @example # <% @response = goog.compile(args).to_response %> # @return (Rack::Response) def to_response if !log and @javascript.empty? and @js_output_file response = FileResponse.new @env, @js_output_file, 'application/javascript' else response = Rack::Response.new response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/javascript' response.headers["Cache-Control"] = 'max-age=0, private, must-revalidate' if log consolable_log = '"Closure Compiler: %s\n\n", ' + log.rstrip.dump if log.split("\n").first =~ / 0 warn/i response.write "try{console.log(#{consolable_log})}catch(err){};\n" else response.write "try{console.warn(#{consolable_log})}catch(err){};\n" end end response.write javascript end response end # Appends a string to the javascript. # @param [String] javascript def <<(javascript) @javascript << javascript self end # Always returns the compiled javascript (possibly an empty string). # @example # <%= goog.compile(args) %> def javascript if @js_output_file file_js = File.read(@js_output_file) rescue '' ([file_js] + @javascript).join nil else @javascript.join nil end end alias :to_s :javascript end # Closure Script extends compiler.jar by transforming the arguments in novel ways. # The most obvious augmentation is to support --ns for compiling namespaces. # We can also expand paths to a new base, work with modules, and much more. # These all will directly modify args. # @private This is a high value target for refactoring in minor version updates. class Util # Expands all filesystem argument values to a specified folder. # @param [Array] args # @return [Array] args def self.expand_paths(args, base) file_options = INPUT_OPTIONS + OUTPUT_OPTIONS args_index = 0 while args_index < args.length option, value = args[args_index, 2] value = File.expand_path value, base if file_options.include? option args[args_index+1] = value end args_index = args_index + 2 end args end # The javascript snippet for module info # @param [Array] mods def self.module_path(path, var = 'MODULE_PATH') js = "var #{var} = #{path.dump};\n" end # The javascript snippet for module info # @param [Array] mods def self.module_info(mods, var = 'MODULE_INFO') js = "var #{var} = {" js += mods.map do |mod| reqs = mod[:requires].map{ |r| r.dump } "#{mod[:name].dump}: [#{reqs.join ', '}]" end.join ', ' js += "};\n" end # The javascript snippet for raw module file locations # @param [Array] mods def self.module_uris_raw(mods, sources, var = 'MODULE_URIS') js = "var #{var} = {\n" js += mods.map do |mod| files = mod[:files].map{ |r| (sources.src_for r).dump } "#{mod[:name].dump}: [\n#{files.join ",\n"}]" end.join ",\n" js += "\n};\n" end # The javascript snippet for compiled module file locations # @param [Array] mods def self.module_uris_compiled(mods, sources, prefix, var = 'MODULE_URIS') js = "var #{var} = {\n" js += mods.map do |mod| file = sources.src_for prefix + mod[:name] + '.js' "#{mod[:name].dump}: [#{file.dump}]" end.join ",\n" js += "\n};\n" end # Main function to convert --ns arguments into --js arguments. # Returns module info when modules are processed. # @param [Array] args # @return [Array] mods def self.augment(args, sources, env={}) mods = extract_modules args if mods module_augment args, sources, mods, env else namespace_augment args, sources, [], env end mods end # Extracts the values for a options in the arguments. # Use Array#last to emulate compiler.jar for single options. # Will collect from an array of options. # @param [Array] args # @param [String|Array] options One or more options. # @return [Array] def self.arg_values(args, options) options = [options].flatten unless options.kind_of? Array values = [] args_index = 0 while args_index < args.length if options.include? args[args_index] values << args[args_index+1] end args_index = args_index + 2 end values end private # Converts --ns arguments into --js arguments # @param [Array] args def self.module_augment(args, sources, mods, env) walk_modules sources, mods, env files = [] mods.each do |mod| mod_args = mod[:args] mod_files = (mod[:files] ||= []) # We are adding the bubbled namespaces to the end. # This allows moduleManager.setLoaded to fire earlier # since the bubbled files are needed only for the children. (mod[:bubble]||[]).each do |mod_bubble| namespaces = sources.namespaces_for mod_bubble, env namespaces.each do |ns| mod_args << '--ns' << ns end end namespace_augment(mod_args, sources, files, env) args << '--module' args << "#{mod[:name]}:#{mod_args.size / 2}:#{mod[:requires].join(',')}" mod_args.each_slice(2) do |a,b| args << a << b mod_files << b end end end # Converts --ns arguments into --js arguments # @param [Array] args def self.namespace_augment(args, sources, files, env) files_index = files.length args_index = 0 while args_index < args.length option, value = args[args_index, 2] if option == '--ns' sources.files_for(value, files, env) replacement = [] while files_index < files.length replacement.push '--js' replacement.push files[files_index] files_index = files_index + 1 end args[args_index, 2] = replacement else args_index = args_index + 2 end end end # Insanity-inducing recursive explorer to find common files in child modules. # Try every branch in the tree and bubble up common files as we see them. def self.walk_modules(sources, mods, env, seek=nil, mods_seen=[], files_seen=[]) files = [] mods_seen << seek mods.each do |mod| if (!seek and mod[:requires].empty?) or mod[:requires].include? seek next if mods_seen.include? mod[:name] # Find the needed files for this module's --ns args files_seen_dup = files_seen.dup mod[:args].each_slice(2) do |option, value| if option == '--ns' sources.files_for value, files_seen_dup, env end end mod_files = files_seen_dup[files_seen.size..-1] # Get the needed files for each of the modules requiring this mod files_sets = walk_modules sources, mods, env, mod[:name], mods_seen, files_seen_dup # Find the common files that will bubble up common_files = [] child_files = files_sets.reduce([]){|memo, v|common_files |= memo&v; memo|v} mod[:bubble] = common_files # Clear bubbling files from children mods.each do |child_mod| if child_mod[:requires].include? mod[:name] child_mod[:bubble] -= common_files end end # Add to result array files << (mod_files + child_files).uniq end end files end # @param [Array] args # @return [Array] mods def self.extract_modules(args) found_starred = false found_numeric = false mod_args = [] mods = [] args_index = args.length while args_index > 0 args_index = args_index - 2 option, value = args[args_index, 2] if %w{--js --ns}.include? option mod_args.unshift args.delete_at args_index + 1 mod_args.unshift args.delete_at args_index elsif option == '--module' if mod_args.empty? raise "No --js or --ns files for --module #{value}" end mod = value.split ':' if mod[1] == '*' found_starred = true else found_numeric = true end mods.unshift({ :name => mod[0], :requires => (mod[2]||'').split(','), :args => mod_args }) mod_args = [] 2.times {args.delete_at args_index} end end unless mod_args.empty? or mods.empty? raise 'Automatic --module must appear before first --js or --ns option.' end if found_starred and found_numeric raise 'Static and automatic --module options can not be mixed.' end if mods.empty? args.insert(-1, *mod_args) nil else mods end end end end end