require 'sequel' shared_examples_for(:evaluator) do let(:evaluator) { } it "should respond to evaluate" do expect(evaluator.respond_to?(:evaluate)).to be true end it "should respond to query" do expect(evaluator.respond_to?(:query)).to be true end it "shoudl respond to types" do expect(evaluator.respond_to?(:types)).to be true end end shared_examples_for(:source_vocabulary_operator) do let(:source_vocabulary_operator) { } it_behaves_like :evaluator it "should respond to #table" do expect(source_vocabulary_operator.respond_to?(:table)).to be true end it "should respond to #concept_column" do expect(source_vocabulary_operator.respond_to?(:concept_column)).to be true end it "should respond to #source_column" do expect(source_vocabulary_operator.respond_to?(:source_column)).to be true end it "should respond to #vocabulary_id" do expect(source_vocabulary_operator.respond_to?(:vocabulary_id)).to be true end end shared_examples_for(:standard_vocabulary_operator) do let(:standard_vocabulary_operator) { } it_behaves_like :evaluator it "should respond to #table" do expect(standard_vocabulary_operator.respond_to?(:table)).to be true end it "should respond to #concept_column" do expect(standard_vocabulary_operator.respond_to?(:concept_column)).to be true end it "should respond to #vocabulary_id" do expect(standard_vocabulary_operator.respond_to?(:vocabulary_id)).to be true end end shared_examples_for(:operator) do let(:operator) { } it "should respond to #values" do expect(operator.respond_to?(:values)).to be true end it "should respond to #arguments" do expect(operator.respond_to?(:arguments)).to be true end it "should respond to #upstreams" do expect(operator.respond_to?(:upstreams)).to be true end end shared_examples_for(:temporal_operator) do let(:temporal_operator) { } it "should respond to #where_clause" do expect(temporal_operator.respond_to?(:where_clause)).to be true end end shared_examples_for(:casting_operator) do let(:casting_operator) { } it_behaves_like(:evaluator) it "should respond to #my_type" do expect(casting_operator.respond_to?(:my_type)).to be true end it "should respond to #i_point_at" do expect(casting_operator.respond_to?(:i_point_at)).to be true end it "should respond to #these_point_at_me" do expect(casting_operator.respond_to?(:these_point_at_me)).to be true end end def require_double(double_name) p ='.') p = p + 'spec' + 'doubles' + (double_name + '_double') require(p.expand_path) end