class RDInlineParser preclow nonassoc EX_LOW left QUOTE BAR SLASH BACK_SLASH URL OTHER REF_OPEN FOOTNOTE_OPEN FOOTNOTE_CLOSE nonassoc EX_HIGH prechigh token EM_OPEN EM_CLOSE CODE_OPEN CODE_CLOSE VAR_OPEN VAR_CLOSE KBD_OPEN KBD_CLOSE INDEX_OPEN INDEX_CLOSE REF_OPEN REF_CLOSE FOOTNOTE_OPEN FOOTNOTE_CLOSE VERB_OPEN VERB_CLOSE BAR QUOTE SLASH BACK_SLASH URL OTHER EX_LOW EX_HIGH rule content : elements ; elements : elements element { result.push(val[1]) } | element { result = val } ; element : emphasis | code | var | keyboard | index | reference | footnote | verb | normal_str_ele ; emphasis : EM_OPEN content EM_CLOSE { result = add_children_to_element(result, *val[1]) } ; code : CODE_OPEN content CODE_CLOSE { result = add_children_to_element(result, *val[1]) } ; var : VAR_OPEN content VAR_CLOSE { result = add_children_to_element(result, *val[1]) } ; keyboard : KBD_OPEN content KBD_CLOSE { result = add_children_to_element(result, *val[1]) } ; index : INDEX_OPEN content INDEX_CLOSE { result = add_children_to_element(result, *val[1]) } ; # Refernce # (()) reference : REF_OPEN substitute ref_label REF_CLOSE { result =[2]) add_children_to_element(result, *val[1]) } | REF_OPEN ref_label2 REF_CLOSE { result = make_reference_from_label(val[1]) } ; ref_label : URL ref_url_strings { result =[1]) } | filename element_label { result =[1], val[0]) } | element_label { result =[0]) } | filename { result =[], val[0]) } ; ref_label2 : URL ref_url_strings { result =[1]) } | filename element_label2 { result =[1], val[0]) } | element_label2 { result =[0]) } | filename { result =[], val[0]) } ; substitute : ref_subst_content BAR | QUOTE ref_subst_content_q QUOTE BAR { result = val[1] } | QUOTE ref_subst_strings_q QUOTE BAR { result = [[1])] } ; filename : ref_subst_strings_first SLASH | QUOTE ref_subst_strings_q QUOTE SLASH { result = val[1] } ; # when substitute part exists element_label : ref_subst_strings_first { result = [[0])] } | QUOTE ref_subst_strings_q QUOTE { result = [[1])] } ; # when substitute part doesn't exist # in this case, element label can contain Inlines element_label2 : ref_subst_content | QUOTE ref_subst_content_q QUOTE { result = val[1] } | QUOTE ref_subst_strings_q QUOTE { result = [[1])] } ; ref_subst_content : ref_subst_ele2 ref_subst_eles { result = val[1].unshift(val[0]) } | ref_subst_str_ele_first ref_subst_eles { result = val[1].unshift(val[0]) } | ref_subst_str_ele_first { result = val } | ref_subst_ele2 { result = val } ; ref_subst_content_q : ref_subst_eles_q ; ref_subst_eles : ref_subst_eles ref_subst_ele { result.push(val[1]) } | ref_subst_ele { result = val } ; ref_subst_eles_q : ref_subst_eles_q ref_subst_ele_q { result.push(val[1]) } | ref_subst_ele_q { result = val } ; ref_subst_ele2 : emphasis | code | var | keyboard | index | verb ; ref_subst_ele : ref_subst_ele2 | ref_subst_str_ele ; ref_subst_ele_q : ref_subst_ele2 | ref_subst_str_ele_q ; ref_subst_str_ele : ref_subst_strings = EX_LOW { result =[0]) } ; ref_subst_str_ele_first : ref_subst_strings_first { result =[0]) } ; ref_subst_str_ele_q : ref_subst_strings_q = EX_LOW { result =[0]) } ; ref_subst_strings : ref_subst_strings ref_subst_string3 { result << val[1] } | ref_subst_string3 ; # if it is first element of substitute, it can't contain # URL on head. ref_subst_strings_first : ref_subst_string ref_subst_strings = EX_HIGH { result << val[1] } | ref_subst_string = EX_LOW ; ref_subst_strings_q : ref_subst_strings_q ref_subst_string_q { result << val[1] } | ref_subst_string_q ; ref_subst_string : OTHER | BACK_SLASH | REF_OPEN | FOOTNOTE_OPEN | FOOTNOTE_CLOSE ; ref_subst_string2 : ref_subst_string | URL ; ref_subst_string3 : ref_subst_string2 | QUOTE ; ref_subst_string_q : ref_subst_string2 | BAR | SLASH ; # end subst # string in url ref_url_strings : ref_url_strings ref_url_string { result << val[1] } | ref_url_string ; ref_url_string : OTHER | BACK_SLASH BACK_SLASH | URL | SLASH | BAR | QUOTE | EM_OPEN | EM_CLOSE | CODE_OPEN | CODE_CLOSE | VAR_OPEN | VAR_CLOSE | KBD_OPEN | KBD_CLOSE | INDEX_OPEN | INDEX_CLOSE | REF_OPEN | FOOTNOTE_OPEN | FOOTNOTE_CLOSE | VERB_OPEN | VERB_CLOSE ; # end url # end Reference footnote : FOOTNOTE_OPEN content FOOTNOTE_CLOSE { result = add_children_to_element(result, *val[1]) } ; verb : VERB_OPEN verb_strings VERB_CLOSE { result =[1]) } ; # normal string # OTHER, QUOTE, BAR, SLASH, BACK_SLASH, URL normal_string : OTHER | QUOTE | BAR | SLASH | BACK_SLASH | URL ; normal_strings : normal_strings normal_string { result << val[1] } | normal_string ; normal_str_ele : normal_strings = EX_LOW { result =[0]) } ; # in verb verb_string : verb_normal_string | BACK_SLASH verb_normal_string { result = val[1] } | BACK_SLASH VERB_CLOSE { result = val[1] } | BACK_SLASH BACK_SLASH { result = val[1] } ; verb_normal_string : OTHER | QUOTE | BAR | SLASH | EM_OPEN | EM_CLOSE | CODE_OPEN | CODE_CLOSE | VAR_OPEN | VAR_CLOSE | KBD_OPEN | KBD_CLOSE | INDEX_OPEN | INDEX_CLOSE | REF_OPEN | REF_CLOSE | FOOTNOTE_OPEN | FOOTNOTE_CLOSE | VERB_OPEN | URL ; verb_strings : verb_strings verb_string { result << val[1] } | verb_string ; /* verb_str_ele : verb_strings ; */ end ---- inner include ParserUtility extend Forwardable EM_OPEN = '((*' EM_OPEN_RE = /\A#{Regexp.quote(EM_OPEN)}/ EM_CLOSE = '*))' EM_CLOSE_RE = /\A#{Regexp.quote(EM_CLOSE)}/ CODE_OPEN = '(({' CODE_OPEN_RE = /\A#{Regexp.quote(CODE_OPEN)}/ CODE_CLOSE = '}))' CODE_CLOSE_RE = /\A#{Regexp.quote(CODE_CLOSE)}/ VAR_OPEN = '((|' VAR_OPEN_RE = /\A#{Regexp.quote(VAR_OPEN)}/ VAR_CLOSE = '|))' VAR_CLOSE_RE = /\A#{Regexp.quote(VAR_CLOSE)}/ KBD_OPEN = '((%' KBD_OPEN_RE = /\A#{Regexp.quote(KBD_OPEN)}/ KBD_CLOSE = '%))' KBD_CLOSE_RE = /\A#{Regexp.quote(KBD_CLOSE)}/ INDEX_OPEN = '((:' INDEX_OPEN_RE = /\A#{Regexp.quote(INDEX_OPEN)}/ INDEX_CLOSE = ':))' INDEX_CLOSE_RE = /\A#{Regexp.quote(INDEX_CLOSE)}/ REF_OPEN = '((<' REF_OPEN_RE = /\A#{Regexp.quote(REF_OPEN)}/ REF_CLOSE = '>))' REF_CLOSE_RE = /\A#{Regexp.quote(REF_CLOSE)}/ FOOTNOTE_OPEN = '((-' FOOTNOTE_OPEN_RE = /\A#{Regexp.quote(FOOTNOTE_OPEN)}/ FOOTNOTE_CLOSE = '-))' FOOTNOTE_CLOSE_RE = /\A#{Regexp.quote(FOOTNOTE_CLOSE)}/ VERB_OPEN = "(('" VERB_OPEN_RE = /\A#{Regexp.quote(VERB_OPEN)}/ VERB_CLOSE = "'))" VERB_CLOSE_RE = /\A#{Regexp.quote(VERB_CLOSE)}/ BAR = "|" BAR_RE = /\A#{Regexp.quote(BAR)}/ QUOTE = '"' QUOTE_RE = /\A#{Regexp.quote(QUOTE)}/ SLASH = "/" SLASH_RE = /\A#{Regexp.quote(SLASH)}/ BACK_SLASH = "\\" BACK_SLASH_RE = /\A#{Regexp.quote(BACK_SLASH)}/ URL = "URL:" URL_RE = /\A#{Regexp.quote(URL)}/ # Workaround for Regexp option change of Ruby 1.5.x other_re_mode = Regexp::EXTENDED if RUBY_VERSION > "1.5" other_re_mode |= Regexp::MULTILINE else other_re_mode |= Regexp::POSIXLINE end OTHER_RE = "\\A.+?(?=#{Regexp.quote(EM_OPEN)}|#{Regexp.quote(EM_CLOSE)}| #{Regexp.quote(CODE_OPEN)}|#{Regexp.quote(CODE_CLOSE)}| #{Regexp.quote(VAR_OPEN)}|#{Regexp.quote(VAR_CLOSE)}| #{Regexp.quote(KBD_OPEN)}|#{Regexp.quote(KBD_CLOSE)}| #{Regexp.quote(INDEX_OPEN)}|#{Regexp.quote(INDEX_CLOSE)}| #{Regexp.quote(REF_OPEN)}|#{Regexp.quote(REF_CLOSE)}| #{Regexp.quote(FOOTNOTE_OPEN)}|#{Regexp.quote(FOOTNOTE_CLOSE)}| #{Regexp.quote(VERB_OPEN)}|#{Regexp.quote(VERB_CLOSE)}| #{Regexp.quote(BAR)}| #{Regexp.quote(QUOTE)}| #{Regexp.quote(SLASH)}| #{Regexp.quote(BACK_SLASH)}| #{Regexp.quote(URL)})", other_re_mode) def initialize(bp) @blockp = bp end def_delegator(:@blockp, :tree) def parse(src) @src = @pre = "" @yydebug = true do_parse end def next_token return [false, false] if @src.eos? # p if @yydebug if ret = @src.scan(EM_OPEN_RE) @pre << ret [:EM_OPEN, ret] elsif ret = @src.scan(EM_CLOSE_RE) @pre << ret [:EM_CLOSE, ret] elsif ret = @src.scan(CODE_OPEN_RE) @pre << ret [:CODE_OPEN, ret] elsif ret = @src.scan(CODE_CLOSE_RE) @pre << ret [:CODE_CLOSE, ret] elsif ret = @src.scan(VAR_OPEN_RE) @pre << ret [:VAR_OPEN, ret] elsif ret = @src.scan(VAR_CLOSE_RE) @pre << ret [:VAR_CLOSE, ret] elsif ret = @src.scan(KBD_OPEN_RE) @pre << ret [:KBD_OPEN, ret] elsif ret = @src.scan(KBD_CLOSE_RE) @pre << ret [:KBD_CLOSE, ret] elsif ret = @src.scan(INDEX_OPEN_RE) @pre << ret [:INDEX_OPEN, ret] elsif ret = @src.scan(INDEX_CLOSE_RE) @pre << ret [:INDEX_CLOSE, ret] elsif ret = @src.scan(REF_OPEN_RE) @pre << ret [:REF_OPEN, ret] elsif ret = @src.scan(REF_CLOSE_RE) @pre << ret [:REF_CLOSE, ret] elsif ret = @src.scan(FOOTNOTE_OPEN_RE) @pre << ret [:FOOTNOTE_OPEN, ret] elsif ret = @src.scan(FOOTNOTE_CLOSE_RE) @pre << ret [:FOOTNOTE_CLOSE, ret] elsif ret = @src.scan(VERB_OPEN_RE) @pre << ret [:VERB_OPEN, ret] elsif ret = @src.scan(VERB_CLOSE_RE) @pre << ret [:VERB_CLOSE, ret] elsif ret = @src.scan(BAR_RE) @pre << ret [:BAR, ret] elsif ret = @src.scan(QUOTE_RE) @pre << ret [:QUOTE, ret] elsif ret = @src.scan(SLASH_RE) @pre << ret [:SLASH, ret] elsif ret = @src.scan(BACK_SLASH_RE) @pre << ret [:BACK_SLASH, ret] elsif ret = @src.scan(URL_RE) @pre << ret [:URL, ret] elsif ret = @src.scan(OTHER_RE) @pre << ret [:OTHER, ret] else ret = @pre << ret @src.terminate [:OTHER, ret] end end def make_reference_from_label(label) # Reference.new_from_label_under_document_struct(label, tree.document_struct) Reference.new_from_label_without_document_struct(label) end def on_error(et, ev, values) lines_of_rest = (RUBY_VERSION >= '1.9.0' ? : ) prev_words = prev_words_on_error(ev) at = 4 + prev_words.length message = <<-MSG RD syntax error: line #{@blockp.line_index - lines_of_rest}: ...#{prev_words} #{(ev||'')} #{next_words_on_error()} ... MSG message << " " * at + "^" * (ev ? ev.length : 0) + "\n" raise ParseError, message end def prev_words_on_error(ev) pre = @pre if ev and /#{Regexp.quote(ev)}$/ =~ pre pre = $` end last_line(pre) end def last_line(src) if n = src.rindex("\n") src[(n+1) .. -1] else src end end private :last_line def next_words_on_error if n ="\n")[0 .. (n-1)] else end end ---- header require "rd/parser-util" require "forwardable" require "strscan" module RD ---- footer end # end of module RD