# Resource Types [acm](#acm) | [alb](#alb) | [alb_listener](#alb_listener) | [alb_target_group](#alb_target_group) | [ami](#ami) | [apigateway](#apigateway) | [autoscaling_group](#autoscaling_group) | [batch_compute_environment](#batch_compute_environment) | [batch_job_definition](#batch_job_definition) | [batch_job_queue](#batch_job_queue) | [cloudformation_stack](#cloudformation_stack) | [cloudfront_distribution](#cloudfront_distribution) | [cloudtrail](#cloudtrail) | [cloudwatch_alarm](#cloudwatch_alarm) | [cloudwatch_event](#cloudwatch_event) | [cloudwatch_logs](#cloudwatch_logs) | [codebuild](#codebuild) | [codedeploy](#codedeploy) | [codedeploy_deployment_group](#codedeploy_deployment_group) | [customer_gateway](#customer_gateway) | [directconnect_virtual_interface](#directconnect_virtual_interface) | [dynamodb_table](#dynamodb_table) | [ebs](#ebs) | [ec2](#ec2) | [ecr_repository](#ecr_repository) | [ecs_cluster](#ecs_cluster) | [ecs_container_instance](#ecs_container_instance) | [ecs_service](#ecs_service) | [ecs_task_definition](#ecs_task_definition) | [efs](#efs) | [eip](#eip) | [eks](#eks) | [elasticache](#elasticache) | [elasticache_cache_parameter_group](#elasticache_cache_parameter_group) | [elasticsearch](#elasticsearch) | [elastictranscoder_pipeline](#elastictranscoder_pipeline) | [elb](#elb) | [emr](#emr) | [firehose](#firehose) | [iam_group](#iam_group) | [iam_policy](#iam_policy) | [iam_role](#iam_role) | [iam_user](#iam_user) | [internet_gateway](#internet_gateway) | [kinesis](#kinesis) | [kms](#kms) | [lambda](#lambda) | [launch_configuration](#launch_configuration) | [launch_template](#launch_template) | [mq](#mq) | [nat_gateway](#nat_gateway) | [network_acl](#network_acl) | [network_interface](#network_interface) | [nlb](#nlb) | [nlb_listener](#nlb_listener) | [nlb_target_group](#nlb_target_group) | [rds](#rds) | [rds_db_cluster_parameter_group](#rds_db_cluster_parameter_group) | [rds_db_parameter_group](#rds_db_parameter_group) | [redshift](#redshift) | [redshift_cluster_parameter_group](#redshift_cluster_parameter_group) | [route53_hosted_zone](#route53_hosted_zone) | [route_table](#route_table) | [s3_bucket](#s3_bucket) | [secretsmanager](#secretsmanager) | [security_group](#security_group) | [ses_identity](#ses_identity) | [sns_topic](#sns_topic) | [sqs](#sqs) | [ssm_parameter](#ssm_parameter) | [subnet](#subnet) | [vpc](#vpc) | [vpn_connection](#vpn_connection) | [vpn_gateway](#vpn_gateway) | [waf_web_acl](#waf_web_acl) | [wafregional_web_acl](#wafregional_web_acl) | [account](#account) ## acm Acm resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe acm('example.com') do it { should exist } end ``` ### be_pending_validation, be_issued, be_inactive, be_expired, be_validation_timed_out, be_revoked, be_failed ### have_domain_name ### have_domain_validation_option ```ruby describe acm('example.com') do it { should have_domain_validation_option(domain_name: 'example.com', validation_method: 'DNS', validation_status: 'SUCCESS') } it { should have_domain_validation_option(domain_name: 'mail.example.com', validation_method: 'EMAIL') } end ``` ### its(:certificate_arn), its(:domain_name), its(:subject_alternative_names), its(:serial), its(:subject), its(:issuer), its(:created_at), its(:issued_at), its(:imported_at), its(:status), its(:revoked_at), its(:revocation_reason), its(:not_before), its(:not_after), its(:key_algorithm), its(:signature_algorithm), its(:in_use_by), its(:failure_reason), its(:type), its(:renewal_summary), its(:key_usages), its(:extended_key_usages), its(:certificate_authority_arn), its(:renewal_eligibility), its(:options) ## alb ALB resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe alb('my-alb') do it { should exist } end ``` ### be_active, be_provisioning, be_failed ```ruby describe alb('my-alb') do it { should be_active } end ``` ### have_security_group ```ruby describe alb('my-alb') do it { should have_security_group('sg-1a2b3cd4') } end ``` ### have_subnet ```ruby describe alb('my-alb') do it { should have_subnet('subnet-1234a567') } end ``` ### have_tag ```ruby describe alb('my-alb') do it { should have_tag('environment').value('dev') } end ``` ### belong_to_vpc ```ruby describe alb('my-alb') do it { should belong_to_vpc('my-vpc') } end ``` ### its(:load_balancer_arn), its(:dns_name), its(:canonical_hosted_zone_id), its(:created_time), its(:load_balancer_name), its(:scheme), its(:vpc_id), its(:type), its(:security_groups), its(:ip_address_type) ## alb_listener AlbListener resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe alb_listener('arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:ap-northeast-1:1234567890:listener/app/my-alb/1aa1bb1cc1ddee11/f2f7dc8efc522ab2') do it { should exist } its(:port) { should eq 80 } its(:protocol) { should eq 'HTTP' } end ``` ### have_rule ```ruby describe alb_listener('arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:ap-northeast-1:1234567890:listener/app/my-alb/1aa1bb1cc1ddee11/f2f7dc8efc522ab2') do it { should have_rule('arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:ap-northeast-1:1234567890:listener-rule/app/my-alb/1aa1bb1cc1ddee11/f2f7dc8efc522ab2/9683b2d02a6cabee') } it do should have_rule.priority('10') .conditions(field: 'path-pattern', values: ['/img/*']) .actions(target_group_arn: 'arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:ap-northeast-1:1234567890:123456789012:targetgroup/73e2d6bc24d8a067/73e2d6bc24d8a067', type: 'forward') end it do should have_rule.priority('10') .if(field: 'path-pattern', values: ['/img/*']) .then(target_group_arn: 'arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:ap-northeast-1:1234567890:123456789012:targetgroup/73e2d6bc24d8a067/73e2d6bc24d8a067', type: 'forward') end it { should have_rule.conditions([{ field: 'path-pattern', values: ['/admin/*'] }, { field: 'host-header', values: ['admin.example.com'] }]) } it { should have_rule.actions(target_group_name: 'my-alb-target-group', type: 'forward') } end ``` ### its(:listener_arn), its(:load_balancer_arn), its(:port), its(:protocol), its(:certificates), its(:ssl_policy) ## alb_target_group AlbTargetGroup resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe alb_target_group('my-alb-target-group') do it { should exist } its(:health_check_path) { should eq '/' } its(:health_check_port) { should eq 'traffic-port' } its(:health_check_protocol) { should eq 'HTTP' } end ``` ### have_ec2 ```ruby describe alb_target_group('my-alb-target-group') do it { should have_ec2('my-ec2') } end ``` ### belong_to_alb ```ruby describe alb_target_group('my-alb-target-group') do it { should belong_to_alb('my-alb') } end ``` ### belong_to_vpc ```ruby describe alb_target_group('my-alb-target-group') do it { should belong_to_vpc('my-vpc') } end ``` ### its(:target_group_arn), its(:target_group_name), its(:protocol), its(:port), its(:vpc_id), its(:health_check_protocol), its(:health_check_port), its(:health_check_enabled), its(:health_check_interval_seconds), its(:health_check_timeout_seconds), its(:healthy_threshold_count), its(:unhealthy_threshold_count), its(:health_check_path), its(:load_balancer_arns), its(:target_type) ## ami AMI resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe ami('my-ami') do it { should exist } end ``` ### be_pending, be_available, be_invalid, be_deregistered, be_transient, be_failed, be_error ```ruby describe ami('my-ami') do it { should be_available } end ``` ### have_tag ### its(:architecture), its(:creation_date), its(:image_id), its(:image_location), its(:image_type), its(:public), its(:kernel_id), its(:owner_id), its(:platform), its(:platform_details), its(:usage_operation), its(:ramdisk_id), its(:state), its(:description), its(:ena_support), its(:hypervisor), its(:image_owner_alias), its(:name), its(:root_device_name), its(:root_device_type), its(:sriov_net_support), its(:state_reason), its(:virtualization_type) ### :unlock: Advanced use `ami` can use `Aws::EC2::Image` resource (see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdkforruby/api/Aws/EC2/Image.html). ## apigateway Apigateway resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe apigateway('my-apigateway') do it { should exist } end ``` ### have_integration_method ### have_integration_path ### have_method ### have_path ### its(:id), its(:name), its(:description), its(:created_date), its(:version), its(:warnings), its(:binary_media_types), its(:minimum_compression_size), its(:api_key_source), its(:policy), its(:tags) ## autoscaling_group AutoscalingGroup resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe autoscaling_group('my-auto-scaling-group') do it { should exist } end ``` ### have_alb_target_group ```ruby describe autoscaling_group('my-auto-scaling-group') do it { should have_alb_target_group('my-alb-target-group') } end ``` ### have_ec2 ```ruby describe autoscaling_group('my-auto-scaling-group') do it { should have_ec2('my-ec2') } end ``` ### have_elb ```ruby describe autoscaling_group('my-auto-scaling-group') do it { should have_elb('my-elb') } end ``` ### have_launch_configuration ```ruby describe autoscaling_group('my-auto-scaling-group') do it { should have_launch_configuration('my-lc') } end ``` ### have_nlb_target_group ### have_suspended_process ### have_tag ```ruby describe autoscaling_group('my-auto-scaling-group') do it { should have_tag('Name').value('my-group') } end ``` ### its(:auto_scaling_group_name), its(:auto_scaling_group_arn), its(:launch_configuration_name), its(:launch_template), its(:mixed_instances_policy), its(:min_size), its(:max_size), its(:desired_capacity), its(:default_cooldown), its(:availability_zones), its(:load_balancer_names), its(:target_group_arns), its(:health_check_type), its(:health_check_grace_period), its(:created_time), its(:placement_group), its(:vpc_zone_identifier), its(:enabled_metrics), its(:status), its(:termination_policies), its(:new_instances_protected_from_scale_in), its(:service_linked_role_arn), its(:max_instance_lifetime) ## batch_compute_environment BatchComputeEnvironment resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe batch_compute_environment('my-batch-compute-environment') do it { should exist } end ``` ### be_disabled ### be_enabled ### be_enabled, be_disabled ```ruby describe batch_compute_environment('my-batch-compute-environment') do it { should be_enabled } end ``` ### be_managed ### be_managed, be_unmanaged ```ruby describe batch_compute_environment('my-batch-compute-environment') do it { should be_managed } end ``` ### be_unmanaged ### its(:compute_environment_name), its(:compute_environment_arn), its(:ecs_cluster_arn), its(:type), its(:state), its(:status), its(:status_reason), its(:service_role) ## batch_job_definition BatchJobDefinition resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe batch_job_definition('my-batch-job-definition') do it { should exist } end ``` ### its(:job_definition_name), its(:job_definition_arn), its(:revision), its(:status), its(:type), its(:parameters), its(:retry_strategy), its(:timeout), its(:node_properties) ## batch_job_queue BatchJobQueue resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe batch_job_queue('my-batch-job-queue') do it { should exist } end ``` ### be_disabled ### be_enabled ### have_compute_environment_order ```ruby describe batch_job_queue('my-batch-job-queue') do it { should have_compute_environment_order('arn:aws:batch:us-east-1:012345678910:compute-environment/C4OnDemand', 1) } end ``` ### its(:job_queue_name), its(:job_queue_arn), its(:state), its(:status), its(:status_reason), its(:priority) ## cloudformation_stack CloudformationStack resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe cloudformation_stack('my-cloudformation-stack') do it { should exist } its(:stack_status) { should eq 'UPDATE_COMPLETE' } end ``` ### its(:stack_id), its(:stack_name), its(:change_set_id), its(:description), its(:parameters), its(:creation_time), its(:deletion_time), its(:last_updated_time), its(:rollback_configuration), its(:stack_status), its(:stack_status_reason), its(:disable_rollback), its(:notification_arns), its(:timeout_in_minutes), its(:capabilities), its(:role_arn), its(:enable_termination_protection), its(:parent_id), its(:root_id), its(:drift_information) ## cloudfront_distribution CloudfrontDistribution resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe cloudfront_distribution('123456789zyxw.cloudfront.net') do it { should exist } end ``` ### be_in_progress, be_deployed ```ruby describe cloudfront_distribution('123456789zyxw.cloudfront.net') do it { should be_deployed } end ``` ### have_custom_response_error_code ```ruby describe cloudfront_distribution('123456789zyxw.cloudfront.net') do it do should have_custom_response_error_code(400) .error_caching_min_ttl(60) .response_page_path('/path/to/400.html') .response_code(400) end it do should have_custom_response_error_code(403) .error_caching_min_ttl(60) .response_page_path('/path/to/403.html') .response_code('403') end it do should have_custom_response_error_code(500) .error_caching_min_ttl(60) end end ``` ### have_origin ```ruby describe cloudfront_distribution('E2CLOUDFRONTXX') do it do should have_origin('cf-s3-origin-hosting.dev.example.com') .domain_name('cf-s3-origin-hosting.dev.example.com.s3.amazonaws.com') .origin_path('/img') .origin_access_identity('origin-access-identity/cloudfront/E2VVVVVVVVVVVV') end end ``` ### have_origin_domain_name ```ruby describe cloudfront_distribution('123456789zyxw.cloudfront.net') do it { should have_origin_domain_name('cf-s3-origin-hosting.dev.example.com.s3.amazonaws.com') } end ``` ### have_origin_domain_name_and_path ```ruby describe cloudfront_distribution('123456789zyxw.cloudfront.net') do it { should have_origin_domain_name_and_path('cf-s3-origin-hosting.dev.example.com.s3.amazonaws.com/img') } end ``` ### its(:id), its(:arn), its(:status), its(:last_modified_time), its(:domain_name), its(:origin_groups), its(:comment), its(:price_class), its(:enabled), its(:web_acl_id), its(:http_version), its(:is_ipv6_enabled), its(:alias_icp_recordals) ## cloudtrail Cloudtrail resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe cloudtrail('my-trail') do it { should exist } end ``` ### be_logging ```ruby describe cloudtrail('my-trail') do it { should be_logging } end ``` ### be_multi_region_trail ```ruby describe cloudtrail('my-trail') do it { should be_multi_region_trail } end ``` ### have_global_service_events_included ```ruby describe cloudtrail('my-trail') do it { should have_global_service_events_included } end ``` ### have_log_file_validation_enabled ```ruby describe cloudtrail('my-trail') do it { should have_log_file_validation_enabled } end ``` ### have_tag ```ruby describe cloudtrail('my-trail') do it { should have_tag('Name').value('my-trail') } end ``` ### its(:name), its(:s3_bucket_name), its(:s3_key_prefix), its(:sns_topic_name), its(:sns_topic_arn), its(:include_global_service_events), its(:is_multi_region_trail), its(:home_region), its(:trail_arn), its(:log_file_validation_enabled), its(:cloud_watch_logs_log_group_arn), its(:cloud_watch_logs_role_arn), its(:kms_key_id), its(:has_custom_event_selectors), its(:has_insight_selectors), its(:is_organization_trail) ## cloudwatch_alarm CloudwatchAlarm resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe cloudwatch_alarm('my-cloudwatch-alarm') do it { should exist } end ``` ### have_alarm_action ```ruby describe cloudwatch_alarm('my-cloudwatch-alarm') do it { should have_alarm_action('arn:aws:sns:ap-northeast-1:1234567890:sns_alert') } end ``` ### have_insufficient_data_action ```ruby describe cloudwatch_alarm('my-cloudwatch-alarm') do it { should have_insufficient_data_action('arn:aws:sns:ap-northeast-1:1234567890:sns_alert') } end ``` ### have_ok_action ```ruby describe cloudwatch_alarm('my-cloudwatch-alarm') do it { should have_ok_action('arn:aws:sns:ap-northeast-1:1234567890:sns_alert') } end ``` ### belong_to_metric ```ruby describe cloudwatch_alarm('my-cloudwatch-alarm') do it { should belong_to_metric('NumberOfProcesses').namespace('my-cloudwatch-namespace') } end ``` ### its(:alarm_name), its(:alarm_arn), its(:alarm_description), its(:alarm_configuration_updated_timestamp), its(:actions_enabled), its(:ok_actions), its(:alarm_actions), its(:insufficient_data_actions), its(:state_value), its(:state_reason), its(:state_reason_data), its(:state_updated_timestamp), its(:metric_name), its(:namespace), its(:statistic), its(:extended_statistic), its(:period), its(:unit), its(:evaluation_periods), its(:datapoints_to_alarm), its(:threshold), its(:comparison_operator), its(:treat_missing_data), its(:evaluate_low_sample_count_percentile), its(:metrics), its(:threshold_metric_id) ## cloudwatch_event CloudwatchEvent resource type. ### exist ### be_enable ### be_scheduled ### its(:name), its(:arn), its(:event_pattern), its(:state), its(:description), its(:schedule_expression), its(:role_arn), its(:managed_by), its(:event_bus_name) ## cloudwatch_logs CloudwatchLogs resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe cloudwatch_logs('my-cloudwatch-logs-group') do it { should exist } end ``` ### have_log_stream ```ruby describe cloudwatch_logs('my-cloudwatch-logs-group') do it { should have_log_stream('my-cloudwatch-logs-stream') } end ``` ### have_metric_filter ```ruby describe cloudwatch_logs('my-cloudwatch-logs-group') do it { should have_metric_filter('my-cloudwatch-logs-metric-filter') } end ``` ### have_subscription_filter ```ruby describe cloudwatch_logs('my-cloudwatch-logs-group') do it { should have_subscription_filter('my-cloudwatch-logs-subscription-filter') } end ``` or ```ruby describe cloudwatch_logs('my-cloudwatch-logs-group') do it do should have_subscription_filter('my-cloudwatch-logs-subscription-filter')\ .filter_pattern('[host, ident, authuser, date, request, status, bytes]') end end ``` ### have_tag ```ruby describe cloudwatch_logs('my-cloudwatch-logs-group') do it { should have_tag('Name').value('my-cloudwatch-logs-group') } end ``` ### its(:log_group_name), its(:creation_time), its(:retention_in_days), its(:metric_filter_count), its(:arn), its(:stored_bytes), its(:kms_key_id) ## codebuild Codebuild resource type. ### exist ## codedeploy Codedeploy resource type. ### exist ### its(:application_id), its(:application_name), its(:create_time), its(:linked_to_git_hub), its(:git_hub_account_name), its(:compute_platform) ## codedeploy_deployment_group CodedeployDeploymentGroup resource type. ### exist You can set the `application_name` (default: `default`). ```ruby describe codedeploy_deployment_group('my-codedeploy-deployment-group'), application_name: 'my-codedeploy-application' do it { should exist } end ``` ### have_autoscaling_group ```ruby describe codedeploy_deployment_group('my-codedeploy-deployment-group'), application_name: 'my-codedeploy-application' do it { should have_autoscaling_group('my-autoscaling-group') } end ``` ### its(:application_name), its(:deployment_group_id), its(:deployment_group_name), its(:deployment_config_name), its(:on_premises_instance_tag_filters), its(:service_role_arn), its(:target_revision), its(:trigger_configurations), its(:alarm_configuration), its(:deployment_style), its(:load_balancer_info), its(:last_successful_deployment), its(:last_attempted_deployment), its(:ec2_tag_set), its(:on_premises_tag_set), its(:compute_platform), its(:ecs_services) ## customer_gateway CustomerGateway resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe customer_gateway('my-customer-gateway') do it { should exist } end ``` ### be_pending, be_available, be_deleting, be_deleted ```ruby describe customer_gateway('my-customer-gateway') do it { should be_running } end ``` ### have_tag ```ruby describe customer_gateway('my-customer-gateway') do it { should have_tag('Name').value('my-customer-gateway') } end ``` ### its(:bgp_asn), its(:customer_gateway_id), its(:ip_address), its(:certificate_arn), its(:state), its(:type), its(:device_name), its(:tags) ## directconnect_virtual_interface DirectconnectVirtualInterface resource type. ```ruby describe directconnect_virtual_interface('my-directconnect-virtual-interface') do it { should exist } it { should be_available } its(:connection_id) { should eq 'dxcon-abcd5fgh' } its(:virtual_interface_id) { should eq 'dxvif-aabbccdd' } its(:amazon_address) { should eq '' } its(:customer_address) { should eq '123.456.789.2/30' } its(:virtual_gateway_id) { should eq 'vgw-d234e5f6' } end ``` ### exist ```ruby describe directconnect_virtual_interface('my-directconnect-virtual-interface') do it { should exist } end ``` ### be_confirming, be_verifying, be_pending, be_available, be_deleting, be_deleted, be_rejected ```ruby describe directconnect_virtual_interface('my-directconnect-virtual-interface') do it { should exist } it { should be_available } end ``` ### its(:owner_account), its(:virtual_interface_id), its(:location), its(:connection_id), its(:virtual_interface_type), its(:virtual_interface_name), its(:vlan), its(:asn), its(:amazon_side_asn), its(:auth_key), its(:amazon_address), its(:customer_address), its(:address_family), its(:virtual_interface_state), its(:customer_router_config), its(:mtu), its(:jumbo_frame_capable), its(:virtual_gateway_id), its(:direct_connect_gateway_id), its(:route_filter_prefixes), its(:bgp_peers), its(:region), its(:aws_device_v2), its(:tags) ## dynamodb_table DynamodbTable resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe dynamodb_table('my-dynamodb-table') do it { should exist } end ``` ### be_creating, be_updating, be_deleting, be_active ### have_attribute_definition ```ruby describe dynamodb_table('my-dynamodb-table') do it { should have_attribute_definition('my-dynamodb-table-attaribute1').attribute_type('S') } it { should have_attribute_definition('my-dynamodb-table-attaribute2').attribute_type('N') } end ``` ### have_key_schema ```ruby describe dynamodb_table('my-dynamodb-table') do it { should have_key_schema('my-dynamodb-table-key_schema1').key_type('HASH') } it { should have_key_schema('my-dynamodb-table-key_schema2').key_type('RANGE') } end ``` ### its(:table_name), its(:table_status), its(:creation_date_time), its(:table_size_bytes), its(:item_count), its(:table_arn), its(:table_id), its(:billing_mode_summary), its(:local_secondary_indexes), its(:global_secondary_indexes), its(:stream_specification), its(:latest_stream_label), its(:latest_stream_arn), its(:global_table_version), its(:replicas), its(:restore_summary), its(:sse_description), its(:archival_summary) ### :unlock: Advanced use `dynamodb_table` can use `Aws::DynamoDB::Table` resource (see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdkforruby/api/Aws/DynamoDB/Table.html). ```ruby describe dynamodb_table('my-dynamodb-table') do its('key_schema.first.key_type') { should eq 'HASH' } end ``` or ```ruby describe dynamodb_table('my-dynamodb-table') do its('resource.key_schema.first.key_type') { should eq 'HASH' } end ``` ## ebs EBS resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe ebs('my-volume') do it { should exist } end ``` ### be_attached_to ```ruby describe ebs('my-volume') do it { should be_attached_to('my-ec2') } end ``` ### be_creating, be_available, be_in_use, be_deleting, be_deleted, be_error ```ruby describe ebs('my-volume') do it { should be_in_use } end ``` ### have_tag ```ruby describe ebs('my-volume') do it { should have_tag('Name').value('my-volume') } end ``` ### its(:availability_zone), its(:create_time), its(:encrypted), its(:kms_key_id), its(:outpost_arn), its(:size), its(:snapshot_id), its(:state), its(:volume_id), its(:iops), its(:volume_type), its(:fast_restored), its(:multi_attach_enabled) ### :unlock: Advanced use `ebs` can use `Aws::EC2::Volume` resource (see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdkforruby/api/Aws/EC2/Volume.html). ```ruby describe ebs('my-volume') do its('attachments.first.instance_id') { should eq 'i-ec12345a' } end ``` or ```ruby describe ebs('my-volume') do its('resource.attachments.first.instance_id') { should eq 'i-ec12345a' } end ``` ## ec2 EC2 resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe ec2('my-ec2') do it { should exist } end ``` ### be_disabled_api_termination ```ruby describe ec2('my-ec2') do it { should be_disabled_api_termination } end ``` ### be_pending, be_running, be_shutting_down, be_terminated, be_stopping, be_stopped ```ruby describe ec2('my-ec2') do it { should be_running } end ``` ### have_classiclink ```ruby describe ec2('my-ec2-classic') do it { should have_classiclink('my-vpc') } end ``` ### have_classiclink_security_group ```ruby describe ec2('my-ec2-classic') do it { should have_classiclink_security_group('sg-2a3b4cd5') } it { should have_classiclink_security_group('my-vpc-security-group-name') } end ``` ### have_credit_specification The credit option for CPU usage of T2 or T3 instance. ```ruby describe ec2('my-ec2') do it { should have_credit_specification('unlimited') } end ``` ### have_ebs ```ruby describe ec2('my-ec2') do it { should have_ebs('vol-123a123b') } it { should have_ebs('my-volume') } end ``` ### have_eip ```ruby describe ec2('my-ec2') do it { should have_eip('123.0.456.789') } end ``` ### have_event ```ruby describe ec2('my-ec2') do it { should have_event('system-reboot') } end ``` ### have_events ```ruby describe ec2('my-ec2') do it { should_not have_events } end ``` ### have_iam_instance_profile ```ruby describe ec2('my-ec2') do it { should have_iam_instance_profile('Ec2IamProfileName') } end ``` ### have_network_interface ```ruby describe ec2('my-ec2') do it { should have_network_interface('my-eni') } it { should have_network_interface('eni-12ab3cde') } it { should have_network_interface('my-eni').as_eth0 } end ``` ### have_security_group ```ruby describe ec2('my-ec2') do it { should have_security_group('my-security-group-name') } it { should have_security_group('sg-1a2b3cd4') } end ``` ### have_security_groups ```ruby describe ec2('my-ec2') do it { should have_security_groups(['my-security-group-name-1', 'my-security-group-name-2']) } it { should have_security_groups(['sg-1a2b3cd4', 'sg-5e6f7gh8']) } end ``` ### have_tag ```ruby describe ec2('my-ec2') do it { should have_tag('Name').value('my-ec2') } end ``` ### belong_to_subnet ```ruby describe ec2('my-ec2') do it { should belong_to_subnet('subnet-1234a567') } it { should belong_to_subnet('my-subnet') } end ``` ### belong_to_vpc ```ruby describe ec2('my-ec2') do it { should belong_to_vpc('vpc-ab123cde') } it { should belong_to_vpc('my-vpc') } end ``` ### its(:ami_launch_index), its(:image_id), its(:instance_id), its(:instance_type), its(:kernel_id), its(:key_name), its(:launch_time), its(:monitoring), its(:placement), its(:platform), its(:private_dns_name), its(:private_ip_address), its(:product_codes), its(:public_dns_name), its(:public_ip_address), its(:ramdisk_id), its(:state_transition_reason), its(:subnet_id), its(:vpc_id), its(:architecture), its(:client_token), its(:ebs_optimized), its(:ena_support), its(:hypervisor), its(:instance_lifecycle), its(:elastic_gpu_associations), its(:elastic_inference_accelerator_associations), its(:outpost_arn), its(:root_device_name), its(:root_device_type), its(:source_dest_check), its(:spot_instance_request_id), its(:sriov_net_support), its(:state_reason), its(:virtualization_type), its(:cpu_options), its(:capacity_reservation_id), its(:capacity_reservation_specification), its(:hibernation_options), its(:licenses), its(:metadata_options) ### :unlock: Advanced use `ec2` can use `Aws::EC2::Instance` resource (see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdkforruby/api/Aws/EC2/Instance.html). ```ruby describe ec2('my-ec2') do its('vpc.id') { should eq 'vpc-ab123cde' } end ``` or ```ruby describe ec2('my-ec2') do its('resource.vpc.id') { should eq 'vpc-ab123cde' } end ``` #### Awspec::DuplicatedResourceTypeError exception EC2 resources might have the same tag value and if you try to search for a specific instance using that tag/tag value you might found multiples results and receive a `Awspec::DuplicatedResourceTypeError` exception as result. To avoid such situations, you will want to use EC2 instances ID's and then use those ID's to test whatever you need. There are several different ways to provide such ID's, like using [Terraform output](https://www.terraform.io/docs/configuration/outputs.html) or even the AWS SDK directly: ```ruby require 'awspec' require 'aws-sdk-ec2' tag_name = 'tag:Name' tag_value = 'foobar' servers = {} ec2 = Aws::EC2::Resource.new ec2.instances({filters: [{name: "#{tag_name}", values: ["#{tag_value}"]}]}).each do |i| servers.store(i.id, i.subnet_id) end if servers.size == 0 raise "Could not find any EC2 instance with #{tag_name} = #{tag_value}!" end servers.each_pair do |instance_id, subnet_id| describe ec2(instance_id) do it { should exist } it { should be_running } its(:image_id) { should eq 'ami-12345foobar' } its(:instance_type) { should eq 't2.micro' } it { should belong_to_subnet(subnet_id) } end end ``` ## ecr_repository EcrRepository resource type. ### exist ## ecs_cluster ECS Cluster resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe ecs_cluster('my-ecs-cluster') do it { should exist } end ``` ### be_active, be_inactive ```ruby describe ecs_cluster('my-ecs-cluster') do it { should be_active } end ``` ### have_container_instance ```ruby describe ecs_cluster('my-ecs-cluster') do it { have_container_instance('f2756532-8f13-4d53-87c9-aed50dc94cd7') } end ``` ### its(:cluster_arn), its(:cluster_name), its(:status), its(:registered_container_instances_count), its(:running_tasks_count), its(:pending_tasks_count), its(:active_services_count), its(:statistics), its(:tags), its(:settings), its(:capacity_providers), its(:default_capacity_provider_strategy), its(:attachments), its(:attachments_status) ## ecs_container_instance ECS Container Instance resource type. ### exist You can set `cluster` ( default: `default` ). ```ruby describe ecs_container_instance('my-container-instance'), cluster: 'my-ecs-cluster' do it { should exist } end ``` ### be_active, be_inactive ```ruby describe ecs_container_instance('my-container-instance'), cluster: 'my-ecs-cluster' do it { should be_active } end ``` ### its(:container_instance_arn), its(:ec2_instance_id), its(:capacity_provider_name), its(:version), its(:version_info), its(:status), its(:status_reason), its(:agent_connected), its(:running_tasks_count), its(:pending_tasks_count), its(:agent_update_status), its(:attributes), its(:registered_at), its(:attachments), its(:tags) ## ecs_service ECS Service resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe ecs_service('my-ecs-service') do it { should exist } end ``` ### be_active, be_draining, be_inactive ```ruby describe ecs_service('my-ecs-service') do it { should be_active } end ``` ### its(:service_arn), its(:service_name), its(:cluster_arn), its(:load_balancers), its(:service_registries), its(:status), its(:desired_count), its(:running_count), its(:pending_count), its(:launch_type), its(:capacity_provider_strategy), its(:platform_version), its(:task_definition), its(:task_sets), its(:role_arn), its(:created_at), its(:placement_constraints), its(:placement_strategy), its(:network_configuration), its(:health_check_grace_period_seconds), its(:scheduling_strategy), its(:deployment_controller), its(:tags), its(:created_by), its(:enable_ecs_managed_tags), its(:propagate_tags) ## ecs_task_definition ECS Task Definition resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe ecs_task_definition('my-ecs-task-definition') do it { should exist } end ``` ### be_active, be_inactive ```ruby describe ecs_task_definition('my-ecs-task-definition') do it { should be_active } end ``` ### its(:task_definition_arn), its(:family), its(:task_role_arn), its(:execution_role_arn), its(:network_mode), its(:revision), its(:volumes), its(:status), its(:requires_attributes), its(:placement_constraints), its(:compatibilities), its(:requires_compatibilities), its(:cpu), its(:memory), its(:inference_accelerators), its(:pid_mode), its(:ipc_mode), its(:proxy_configuration) ## efs EFS resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe efs('my-efs') do it { should exist } end ``` ### have_tag ```ruby describe efs('my-efs') do it { should have_tag('my-key').value('my-value') } end ``` ### its(:owner_id), its(:creation_token), its(:file_system_id), its(:creation_time), its(:life_cycle_state), its(:name), its(:number_of_mount_targets), its(:performance_mode), its(:encrypted), its(:kms_key_id), its(:throughput_mode), its(:provisioned_throughput_in_mibps) ## elastic_ip Elastic IP resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe eip('123.0.456.789') do it { should exist } end ``` ### be_associated_to ```ruby describe eip('123.0.456.789') do it { should be_associated_to('i-ec12345a') } end ``` ### belong_to_domain ```ruby describe eip('123.0.456.789') do it { should belong_to_domain('vpc') } end ``` ## eks Eks resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe eks('my-eks') do it { should exist } end ``` ### be_active, be_creating ```ruby describe eks('my-eks') do it { should be_active } end ``` ### its(:name), its(:arn), its(:created_at), its(:version), its(:endpoint), its(:role_arn), its(:logging), its(:identity), its(:status), its(:client_request_token), its(:platform_version), its(:tags), its(:encryption_config) ## elasticache Elasticache resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe elasticache('my-rep-group-001') do it { should exist } end ``` ### be_available, be_creating, be_deleted, be_deleting, be_incompatible_network, be_modifying, be_rebooting_cache_cluster_nodes, be_restore_failed, be_snapshotting ```ruby describe elasticache('my-rep-group-001') do it { should be_available } end ``` ### have_cache_parameter_group ```ruby describe elasticache('my-rep-group-001') do it { should have_cache_parameter_group('my-cache-parameter-group') } end ``` ### have_security_group ```ruby describe elasticache('my-rep-group-001') do it { should have_security_group('sg-da1bc2ef') } it { should have_security_group('group-name-sg') } it { should have_security_group('my-cache-sg') } end ``` ### belong_to_cache_subnet_group ```ruby describe elasticache('my-rep-group-001') do it { should belong_to_cache_subnet_group('my-cache-subnet-group') } end ``` ### belong_to_replication_group ```ruby describe elasticache('my-rep-group-001') do it { should belong_to_replication_group('my-rep-group') } end ``` ### belong_to_vpc ```ruby describe elasticache('my-rep-group-001') do it { should belong_to_vpc('my-vpc') } end ``` ### its(:cache_cluster_id), its(:configuration_endpoint), its(:client_download_landing_page), its(:cache_node_type), its(:engine), its(:engine_version), its(:cache_cluster_status), its(:num_cache_nodes), its(:preferred_availability_zone), its(:cache_cluster_create_time), its(:preferred_maintenance_window), its(:notification_configuration), its(:cache_security_groups), its(:cache_subnet_group_name), its(:cache_nodes), its(:auto_minor_version_upgrade), its(:replication_group_id), its(:snapshot_retention_limit), its(:snapshot_window), its(:auth_token_enabled), its(:auth_token_last_modified_date), its(:transit_encryption_enabled), its(:at_rest_encryption_enabled) ## elasticache_cache_parameter_group ElasticacheCacheParameterGroup resource type. ```ruby describe elasticache_cache_parameter_group('my-cache-parameter-group') do it { should exist } its(:activerehashing) { should eq 'yes' } its(:client_output_buffer_limit_pubsub_hard_limit) { should eq '33554432' } end ``` ### exist ```ruby describe elasticache_cache_parameter_group('my-cache-parameter-group') do it { should exist } end ``` ## elasticsearch Elasticsearch resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe elasticsearch('my-elasticsearch') do it { should exist } end ``` ### be_created ```ruby describe elasticsearch('my-elasticsearch') do it { should be_created } end ``` ### be_deleted ```ruby describe elasticsearch('my-elasticsearch') do it { should be_deleted } end ``` ### have_access_policies ```ruby describe elasticsearch('my-elasticsearch') do it do should have_access_policies <<-policy { "version": "2012-10-17", "statement": [ { "effect": "allow", "principal": "*", "action": [ "es:*" ], "resource": "arn:aws:es:ap-northeast-1:1234567890:domain/my-elasticsearch/*" } ] } policy end end ``` ### its(:domain_id), its(:domain_name), its(:arn), its(:created), its(:deleted), its(:endpoint), its(:endpoints), its(:processing), its(:upgrade_processing), its(:elasticsearch_version), its(:access_policies), its(:snapshot_options), its(:vpc_options), its(:cognito_options), its(:encryption_at_rest_options), its(:node_to_node_encryption_options), its(:advanced_options), its(:log_publishing_options), its(:service_software_options), its(:domain_endpoint_options), its(:advanced_security_options) ## elastictranscoder_pipeline ElastictranscoderPipeline resource type. ### exist ### be_active, be_paused ```ruby describe elastictranscoder_pipeline('my-elastictranscoder-pipeline') do it { should be_active } end ``` ## elb ELB resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe elb('my-elb') do it { should exist } end ``` ### be_cross_zone_load_balancing_enabled ```ruby describe elb('my-elb') do it { should be_cross_zone_load_balancing_enabled } end ``` ### have_access_log ```ruby describe elb('my-elb') do it { should have_access_log(s3_bucket_name: 'my-loadbalancer-logs', s3_bucket_prefix: 'my-app', emit_interval: 5) } end ``` ### have_connection_draining ```ruby describe elb('my-elb') do it { should have_connection_draining(timeout: 300) } end ``` ### have_ec2 ```ruby describe elb('my-elb') do it { should have_ec2('my-ec2') } end ``` ### have_listener http://docs.aws.amazon.com/en_us/ElasticLoadBalancing/latest/DeveloperGuide/elb-listener-config.html ```ruby describe elb('my-elb') do it { should have_listener(protocol: 'HTTPS', port: 443, instance_protocol: 'HTTP', instance_port: 80) } end ``` ### have_security_group ```ruby describe elb('my-elb') do it { should have_security_group('my-lb-security-group-tag-name') } end ``` ### have_subnet ```ruby describe elb('my-elb') do it { should have_subnet('my-subnet') } end ``` ### have_tag ```ruby describe elb('my-elb') do it { should have_tag('Name').value('my-elb') } it { should have_tag('my-tag-key').value('my-tag-value') } end ``` ### belong_to_vpc ```ruby describe elb('my-elb') do it { should belong_to_vpc('my-vpc') } end ``` ### its(:health_check_target), its(:health_check_interval), its(:health_check_timeout), its(:health_check_unhealthy_threshold), its(:health_check_healthy_threshold), its(:idle_timeout), its(:load_balancer_name), its(:dns_name), its(:canonical_hosted_zone_name), its(:canonical_hosted_zone_name_id), its(:backend_server_descriptions), its(:availability_zones), its(:subnets), its(:vpc_id), its(:security_groups), its(:created_time), its(:scheme) ## emr Emr resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe emr('my-emr') do it { should exist } end ``` ### be_healthy ```ruby describe emr('my-emr') do it { should be_healthy } end ``` ### be_ok ### be_ready ### be_running, be_waiting, be_starting, be_bootstrapping ```ruby describe emr('my-emr') do it { should be_running } end ``` ### its(:id), its(:name), its(:instance_collection_type), its(:log_uri), its(:requested_ami_version), its(:running_ami_version), its(:release_label), its(:auto_terminate), its(:termination_protected), its(:visible_to_all_users), its(:service_role), its(:normalized_instance_hours), its(:master_public_dns_name), its(:configurations), its(:security_configuration), its(:auto_scaling_role), its(:scale_down_behavior), its(:custom_ami_id), its(:ebs_root_volume_size), its(:repo_upgrade_on_boot), its(:cluster_arn), its(:step_concurrency_level), its(:outpost_arn) ## firehose Firehose resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe firehose('my-firehose') do it { should exist } end ``` ### be_active ```ruby describe firehose('my-firehose') do it { should be_active } end ``` ### be_creating ### be_deleting ### have_splunk_destination ```ruby describe firehose('my-firehose') do it { should have_splunk_destination } end ``` ### its(:delivery_stream_name), its(:delivery_stream_arn), its(:delivery_stream_status), its(:failure_description), its(:delivery_stream_encryption_configuration), its(:delivery_stream_type), its(:version_id), its(:create_timestamp), its(:last_update_timestamp), its(:source), its(:has_more_destinations) ### :unlock: Advanced use ```ruby describe firehose('my-firehose') do its(:delivery_stream_type) { should be_eql('DirectPut') } end ``` ## iam_group IamGroup resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe iam_group('my-iam-group') do it { should exist } end ``` ### be_allowed_action ```ruby describe iam_group('my-iam-group') do it { should be_allowed_action('ec2:DescribeInstances') } it { should be_allowed_action('s3:Put*').resource_arn('arn:aws:s3:::my-bucket-name/*') } end ``` ### have_iam_policy ```ruby describe iam_group('my-iam-group') do it { should have_iam_policy('ReadOnlyAccess') } end ``` ### have_iam_user ```ruby describe iam_group('my-iam-group') do it { should have_iam_user('my-iam-user') } end ``` ### have_inline_policy ```ruby describe iam_group('my-iam-group') do it { should have_inline_policy('InlineEC2FullAccess') } it do should have_inline_policy('InlineEC2FullAccess').policy_document(<<-'DOC') { "Statement": [ { "Action": "ec2:*", "Effect": "Allow", "Resource": "*" }, { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": "elasticloadbalancing:*", "Resource": "*" }, { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": "cloudwatch:*", "Resource": "*" }, { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": "autoscaling:*", "Resource": "*" } ] } DOC end end ``` You can test absence of inline policies. ```ruby describe iam_group('my-iam-group') do it { should_not have_inline_policy } end ``` ### its(:path), its(:group_name), its(:group_id), its(:arn), its(:create_date) ### :unlock: Advanced use `iam_group` can use `Aws::IAM::Group` resource (see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdkforruby/api/Aws/IAM/Group.html). ```ruby describe iam_group('my-iam-group') do its('users.count') { should eq 5 } end ``` or ```ruby describe iam_group('my-iam-group') do its('resource.users.count') { should eq 5 } end ``` ## iam_policy IamPolicy resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe iam_policy('my-iam-policy') do it { should exist } end ``` ### be_attachable ```ruby describe iam_policy('my-iam-policy') do it { should be_attachable } end ``` ### be_attached_to_group ```ruby describe iam_policy('my-iam-policy') do it { should be_attached_to_group('my-iam-group') } end ``` ### be_attached_to_role ```ruby describe iam_policy('my-iam-policy') do it { should be_attached_to_role('HelloIAmGodRole') } end ``` ### be_attached_to_user ```ruby describe iam_policy('my-iam-user') do it { should be_attached_to_user('my-iam-user') } end ``` ### its(:policy_name), its(:policy_id), its(:arn), its(:path), its(:default_version_id), its(:attachment_count), its(:permissions_boundary_usage_count), its(:is_attachable), its(:description), its(:create_date), its(:update_date) ## iam_role IamRole resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe iam_role('my-iam-role') do it { should exist } end ``` ### be_allowed_action ```ruby describe iam_role('my-iam-role') do it { should be_allowed_action('ec2:DescribeInstances') } it { should be_allowed_action('s3:Put*').resource_arn('arn:aws:s3:::my-bucket-name/*') } end ``` ### have_iam_policy ```ruby describe iam_role('my-iam-role') do it { should have_iam_policy('ReadOnlyAccess') } end ``` ### have_inline_policy ```ruby describe iam_role('my-iam-role') do it { should have_inline_policy('AllowS3BucketAccess') } it do should have_inline_policy('AllowS3BucketAccess').policy_document(<<-'DOC') { "Statement": [ { "Action": [ "s3:ListAllMyBuckets" ], "Effect": "Allow", "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::*" }, { "Action": "s3:*", "Effect": "Allow", "Resource": ["arn:aws:s3:::my-bucket", "arn:aws:s3:::my-bucket/*"] } ] } DOC end end ``` You can test absence of inline policies. ```ruby describe iam_role('my-iam-role') do it { should_not have_inline_policy } end ``` ### its(:path), its(:role_name), its(:role_id), its(:arn), its(:create_date), its(:assume_role_policy_document), its(:description), its(:max_session_duration), its(:permissions_boundary), its(:tags), its(:role_last_used) ### :unlock: Advanced use `iam_role` can use `Aws::IAM::Role` resource (see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdkforruby/api/Aws/IAM/Role.html). ```ruby describe iam_role('my-iam-role') do its('attached_policies.count') { should eq 5 } end ``` or ```ruby describe iam_role('my-iam-role') do its('resource.attached_policies.count') { should eq 5 } end ``` ## iam_user IamUser resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe iam_user('my-iam-user') do it { should exist } end ``` ### be_allowed_action ```ruby describe iam_user('my-iam-user') do it { should be_allowed_action('ec2:DescribeInstances') } it { should be_allowed_action('s3:Put*').resource_arn('arn:aws:s3:::my-bucket-name/*') } end ``` ### have_iam_policy ```ruby describe iam_user('my-iam-user') do it { should have_iam_policy('ReadOnlyAccess') } end ``` ### have_inline_policy ```ruby describe iam_user('my-iam-user') do it { should have_inline_policy('AllowS3BucketAccess') } it do should have_inline_policy('AllowS3BucketAccess').policy_document(<<-'DOC') { "Statement": [ { "Action": [ "s3:ListAllMyBuckets" ], "Effect": "Allow", "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::*" }, { "Action": "s3:*", "Effect": "Allow", "Resource": ["arn:aws:s3:::my-bucket", "arn:aws:s3:::my-bucket/*"] } ] } DOC end end ``` You can test absence of inline policies. ```ruby describe iam_user('my-iam-user') do it { should_not have_inline_policy } end ``` ### belong_to_iam_group ```ruby describe iam_user('my-iam-user') do it { should belong_to_iam_group('my-iam-group') } end ``` ### its(:path), its(:user_name), its(:user_id), its(:arn), its(:create_date), its(:password_last_used), its(:permissions_boundary), its(:tags) ### :unlock: Advanced use `iam_user` can use `Aws::IAM::User` resource (see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdkforruby/api/Aws/IAM/User.html). ```ruby describe iam_user('my-iam-user') do its('login_profile.password_reset_required') { should eq false } end ``` or ```ruby describe iam_user('my-iam-user') do its('resource.login_profile.password_reset_required') { should eq false } end ``` ## internet_gateway InternetGateway resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe internet_gateway('igw-1ab2cd3e') do it { should exist } end describe internet_gateway('my-internet-gateway') do it { should exist } end ``` ### be_attached_to ```ruby describe internet_gateway('igw-1ab2cd3e') do it { should be_attached_to('vpc-ab123cde') } end describe internet_gateway('igw-1ab2cd3e') do it { should be_attached_to('my-vpc') } end ``` ### have_tag ```ruby describe internet_gateway('igw-1ab2cd3e') do it { should have_tag('Name').value('my-internet-gateway') } end ``` ### its(:internet_gateway_id), its(:owner_id) ## kinesis Kinesis resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe kinesis('my-kinesis') do it { should exist } end ``` ### its(:stream_name), its(:stream_arn), its(:stream_status), its(:retention_period_hours), its(:stream_creation_timestamp), its(:encryption_type), its(:key_id), its(:open_shard_count), its(:consumer_count) ## kms Kms resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe kms('my-kms-key') do it { should exist } end ``` ### be_enabled ```ruby describe kms('my-kms-key') do it { should be_enabled } end ``` ### have_key_policy ```ruby describe kms('my-kms-key') do it { should exist } it { should be_enabled } it do should have_key_policy('default').policy_document(<<-'DOC') { "Version" : "2012-10-17", "Id" : "key-consolepolicy-2", "Statement" : [ { "Sid" : "Enable IAM User Permissions", "Effect" : "Allow", "Principal" : { "AWS" : "arn:aws:iam::1234567890:root" }, "Action" : "kms:*", "Resource" : "*" }, { "Sid" : "Allow access for Key Administrators", "Effect" : "Allow", "Principal" : { "AWS" : "arn:aws:iam::1234567890:user/test-user" }, "Action" : [ "kms:Create*", "kms:Describe*", "kms:Enable*", "kms:List*", "kms:Put*", "kms:Update*", "kms:Revoke*", "kms:Disable*", "kms:Get*", "kms:Delete*", "kms:ScheduleKeyDeletion", "kms:CancelKeyDeletion" ], "Resource" : "*" }, { "Sid" : "Allow use of the key", "Effect" : "Allow", "Principal" : { "AWS" : [ "arn:aws:iam::1234567890:user/test-user", "arn:aws:iam::1234567890:role/test-role" ] }, "Action" : [ "kms:Encrypt", "kms:Decrypt", "kms:ReEncrypt*", "kms:GenerateDataKey*", "kms:DescribeKey" ], "Resource" : "*" }, { "Sid" : "Allow attachment of persistent resources", "Effect" : "Allow", "Principal" : { "AWS" : [ "arn:aws:iam::1234567890:user/test-user", "arn:aws:iam::1234567890:role/test-role" ] }, "Action" : [ "kms:CreateGrant", "kms:ListGrants", "kms:RevokeGrant" ], "Resource" : "*", "Condition" : { "Bool" : { "kms:GrantIsForAWSResource" : "true" } } } ] } DOC end end ``` ### its(:aws_account_id), its(:key_id), its(:arn), its(:creation_date), its(:enabled), its(:description), its(:key_usage), its(:key_state), its(:deletion_date), its(:valid_to), its(:origin), its(:custom_key_store_id), its(:cloud_hsm_cluster_id), its(:expiration_model), its(:key_manager), its(:customer_master_key_spec), its(:encryption_algorithms), its(:signing_algorithms) ## lambda Lambda resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe lambda('my-lambda-function-name') do it { should exist } end ``` ### have_env_var Useful to validate if there is a specific environment variable declared in the Lambda. You probably will want to use it with `have_env_var_value`. ## have_env_var_value Validates if a specific environment variable has the expected value. More useful to use with `have_env_var` because if the variable isn't available, it will fail without notifying that the variable is missing. ```ruby expected.each_pair do |key, value| context "environment variable #{key}" do it { should have_env_var(key) } it { should have_env_var_value(key, value) } end end ``` `expected` would be a hash that has the environment variables names as keys. ### have_env_vars Useful to validate if there are environment variables configured in the Lambda: ```ruby describe lambda('my-lambda-function-name') do it { should have_env_vars() } end ``` ### have_event_source This matcher does not support Amazon S3 event sources ([see SDK doc](http://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdkforruby/api/Aws/Lambda/Client.html#list_event_source_mappings-instance_method)). ### its(:function_name), its(:function_arn), its(:runtime), its(:role), its(:handler), its(:code_size), its(:description), its(:timeout), its(:memory_size), its(:last_modified), its(:code_sha_256), its(:version), its(:vpc_config), its(:dead_letter_config), its(:kms_key_arn), its(:master_arn), its(:revision_id), its(:layers), its(:state), its(:state_reason), its(:state_reason_code), its(:last_update_status), its(:last_update_status_reason), its(:last_update_status_reason_code) ## launch_configuration LaunchConfiguration resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe launch_configuration('my-lc') do it { should exist } end ``` ### have_block_device_mapping ### have_security_group ```ruby describe launch_configuration('my-lc') do it { should have_security_group('my-security-group-name') } end ``` ### its(:launch_configuration_name), its(:launch_configuration_arn), its(:image_id), its(:key_name), its(:security_groups), its(:classic_link_vpc_id), its(:classic_link_vpc_security_groups), its(:user_data), its(:instance_type), its(:kernel_id), its(:ramdisk_id), its(:spot_price), its(:iam_instance_profile), its(:created_time), its(:ebs_optimized), its(:associate_public_ip_address), its(:placement_tenancy) ## launch_template LaunchTemplate resource type. ### exist You can set launch template version ( default: $Default ). ```ruby # launch_template_id or launch_template_name describe launch_template('my-launch-template') do it { should exist } its(:default_version_number) { should eq 1 } its(:latest_version_number) { should eq 2 } its('launch_template_version.launch_template_data.image_id') { should eq 'ami-12345foobar' } its('launch_template_version.launch_template_data.instance_type') { should eq 't2.micro' } end ``` #### specify version Specify "latest" or version_number. ```ruby # version_number describe launch_template('my-launch-template'), version: 2 do it { should exist } its('launch_template_version.launch_template_data.instance_type') { should eq 't2.micro' } end # latest describe launch_template('my-launch-template'), version: 'latest' do it { should exist } its('launch_template_version.launch_template_data.instance_type') { should eq 't2.micro' } end ``` ### have_tag ```ruby describe launch_template('my-launch-template') do it { should have_tag('env').value('dev') } end ``` ### have_version_number ```ruby describe launch_template('my-launch-template') do it { should have_version_number(2) } end ``` ### its(:launch_template_id), its(:launch_template_name), its(:create_time), its(:created_by), its(:default_version_number), its(:latest_version_number), its(:tags) ## mq MQ resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe mq('my-mq') do it { should exist } end ``` ### be_running, be_reboot_in_progress, be_creation_in_progress, be_creation_failed, be_deletion_in_progress ```ruby describe mq('my-mq') do it { should be_running } end ``` ### have_security_group ```ruby describe mq('my-mq') do it { should have_security_group('sg-788eab237e47f1472') } it { should have_security_group('mq-group-name-sg') } it { should have_security_group('my-mq-sg') } end ``` ### have_tag ```ruby describe mq('my-mq') do it { should have_tag('Name').value('my-mq') } end ``` ### its(:vpc_id), its(:auto_minor_version_upgrade), its(:broker_arn), its(:broker_id), its(:broker_name), its(:broker_state), its(:created), its(:deployment_mode), its(:encryption_options), its(:engine_type), its(:engine_version), its(:host_instance_type), its(:pending_engine_version), its(:pending_host_instance_type), its(:pending_security_groups), its(:publicly_accessible), its(:security_groups), its(:storage_type), its(:subnet_ids) ## nat_gateway NatGateway resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe nat_gateway('nat-7ff7777f') do it { should exist } end ``` ### be_pending, be_failed, be_available, be_deleting, be_deleted ```ruby describe nat_gateway('nat-7ff7777f') do it { should be_available } end ``` ### have_eip ```ruby describe nat_gateway('nat-7ff7777f') do it { should have_eip('123.0.456.789') } end ``` ### have_tag ```ruby describe nat_gateway('nat-7ff7777f') do it { should have_tag('Name').value('my-nat-gateway') } end ``` ### belong_to_vpc ```ruby describe nat_gateway('nat-7ff7777f') do it { should belong_to_vpc('my-vpc') } end ``` ### its(:create_time), its(:delete_time), its(:failure_code), its(:failure_message), its(:nat_gateway_id), its(:provisioned_bandwidth), its(:state), its(:subnet_id), its(:vpc_id) ## network_acl NetworkAcl resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe network_acl('my-network-acl') do it { should exist } end ``` ### have_subnet ```ruby describe network_acl('my-network-acl') do it { should have_subnet('my-subnet') } end ``` ### have_tag ```ruby describe network_acl('my-network-acl') do it { should have_tag('Name').value('my-network-acl') } end ``` ### belong_to_vpc ```ruby describe network_acl('my-network-acl') do it { should belong_to_vpc('my-vpc') } end ``` ### its(:inbound), its(:outbound), its(:inbound_entries_count), its(:outbound_entries_count) ```ruby describe network_acl('my-network-acl') do its(:inbound) { should be_allowed(80).protocol('tcp').source('123.0.456.789/32') } its(:inbound) { should be_denied.rule_number('*').source('') } its(:outbound) { should be_allowed.protocol('ALL').source('') } its(:inbound_entries_count) { should eq 3 } its(:outbound_entries_count) { should eq 2 } end ``` ### its(:inbound_entries_count), its(:outbound_entries_count), its(:is_default), its(:network_acl_id), its(:vpc_id), its(:owner_id) ### :unlock: Advanced use `network_acl` can use `Aws::EC2::NetworkAcl` resource (see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdkforruby/api/Aws/EC2/NetworkAcl.html). ```ruby describe network_acl('my-network-acl') do its('vpc.id') { should eq 'vpc-ab123cde' } end ``` or ```ruby describe network_acl('my-network-acl') do its('resource.vpc.id') { should eq 'vpc-ab123cde' } end ``` ## network_interface NetworkInterface resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe network_interface('eni-12ab3cde') do it { should exist } end ``` ### be_attached_to ```ruby describe network_interface('eni-12ab3cde') do it { should be_attached_to('my-ec2') } it { should be_attached_to('my-ec2').as_eth0 } end ``` ### be_available, be_attaching, be_in_use, be_detaching ```ruby describe network_interface('eni-12ab3cde') do it { should be_in_use } end ``` ### have_private_ip_address ```ruby describe network_interface('eni-12ab3cde') do it { should have_private_ip_address('').primary } it { should have_private_ip_address('') } its(:private_ip_addresses_count) { should eq 2 } end ``` ### have_security_group ```ruby describe network_interface('eni-12ab3cde') do it { should have_security_group('my-security-group-name') } end ``` ### have_tag ```ruby describe network_interface('eni-12ab3cde') do it { should have_tag('Name').value('my-eni') } end ``` ### belong_to_subnet ```ruby describe network_interface('eni-12ab3cde') do it { should belong_to_subnet('my-subnet') } end ``` ### belong_to_vpc ```ruby describe network_interface('eni-12ab3cde') do it { should belong_to_vpc('my-vpc') } end ``` ### its(:association), its(:availability_zone), its(:description), its(:interface_type), its(:ipv_6_addresses), its(:mac_address), its(:network_interface_id), its(:outpost_arn), its(:owner_id), its(:private_dns_name), its(:private_ip_address), its(:requester_id), its(:requester_managed), its(:source_dest_check), its(:status), its(:subnet_id), its(:vpc_id) ## nlb NLB resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe nlb('my-nlb') do it { should exist } end ``` ### be_active, be_provisioning, be_failed ```ruby describe nlb('my-nlb') do it { should be_active } end ``` ### have_security_group Note that NLBs never have security groups. The have_security_group() function always returns false. See https://forums.aws.amazon.com/thread.jspa?threadID=263245 for discussion about the security-group-less-ness of NLBs. ```ruby describe nlb('my-nlb') do it { should_not have_security_group('sg-1a2b3cd4') } end ``` ### have_subnet ```ruby describe nlb('my-nlb') do it { should have_subnet('subnet-1234a567') } end ``` ### belong_to_vpc ```ruby describe nlb('my-nlb') do it { should belong_to_vpc('my-vpc') } end ``` ### its(:load_balancer_arn), its(:dns_name), its(:canonical_hosted_zone_id), its(:created_time), its(:load_balancer_name), its(:scheme), its(:vpc_id), its(:type), its(:security_groups), its(:ip_address_type) ## nlb_listener NlbListener resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe nlb_listener('arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:ap-northeast-1:1234567890:listener/app/my-nlb/1aa1bb1cc1ddee11/f2f7dc8efc522ab2') do it { should exist } its(:port) { should eq 80 } its(:protocol) { should eq 'HTTP' } end ``` ### have_rule ```ruby describe nlb_listener('arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:ap-northeast-1:1234567890:listener/app/my-nlb/1aa1bb1cc1ddee11/f2f7dc8efc522ab2') do it { should have_rule('arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:ap-northeast-1:1234567890:listener-rule/app/my-nlb/1aa1bb1cc1ddee11/f2f7dc8efc522ab2/9683b2d02a6cabee') } it do should have_rule.priority('10') .conditions(field: 'path-pattern', values: ['/img/*']) .actions(target_group_arn: 'arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:ap-northeast-1:1234567890:123456789012:targetgroup/73e2d6bc24d8a067/73e2d6bc24d8a067', type: 'forward') end it do should have_rule.priority('10') .if(field: 'path-pattern', values: ['/img/*']) .then(target_group_arn: 'arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:ap-northeast-1:1234567890:123456789012:targetgroup/73e2d6bc24d8a067/73e2d6bc24d8a067', type: 'forward') end it { should have_rule.conditions([{ field: 'path-pattern', values: ['/admin/*'] }, { field: 'host-header', values: ['admin.example.com'] }]) } it { should have_rule.actions(target_group_name: 'my-nlb-target-group', type: 'forward') } end ``` ### its(:listener_arn), its(:load_balancer_arn), its(:port), its(:protocol), its(:certificates), its(:ssl_policy) ## nlb_target_group NlbTargetGroup resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe nlb_target_group('my-nlb-target-group') do it { should exist } its(:health_check_path) { should eq '/' } its(:health_check_port) { should eq 'traffic-port' } its(:health_check_protocol) { should eq 'HTTP' } end ``` ### have_ec2 ```ruby describe nlb_target_group('my-nlb-target-group') do it { should have_ec2('my-ec2') } end ``` ### belong_to_nlb ```ruby describe nlb_target_group('my-nlb-target-group') do it { should belong_to_nlb('my-nlb') } end ``` ### belong_to_vpc ```ruby describe nlb_target_group('my-nlb-target-group') do it { should belong_to_vpc('my-vpc') } end ``` ### its(:target_group_arn), its(:target_group_name), its(:protocol), its(:port), its(:vpc_id), its(:health_check_protocol), its(:health_check_port), its(:health_check_enabled), its(:health_check_interval_seconds), its(:health_check_timeout_seconds), its(:healthy_threshold_count), its(:unhealthy_threshold_count), its(:health_check_path), its(:load_balancer_arns), its(:target_type) ## rds RDS resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe rds('my-rds') do it { should exist } end ``` ### be_available, be_backing_up, be_creating, be_deleting, be_failed, be_inaccessible_encryption_credentials, be_incompatible_credentials, be_incompatible_network, be_incompatible_option_group, be_incompatible_parameters, be_incompatible_restore, be_maintenance, be_modifying, be_rebooting, be_renaming, be_resetting_master_credentials, be_restore_error, be_storage_full, be_upgrading ```ruby describe rds('my-rds') do it { should be_available } end ``` ### have_db_parameter_group ```ruby describe rds('my-rds') do it { should have_db_parameter_group('my-db-parameter-group') } it do should have_db_parameter_group('custom.mysql5.6')\ .parameter_apply_status('in-sync') end end ``` ### have_option_group ```ruby describe rds('my-rds') do it { should have_option_group('default:mysql-5-6') } it do should have_option_group('default:mysql-5-6')\ .status('in-sync') end end ``` ### have_security_group ```ruby describe rds('my-rds') do it { should have_security_group('sg-5a6b7cd8') } it { should have_security_group('my-db-sg') } end ``` ### have_tag ```ruby describe rds('my-rds') do it { should have_tag('Name').value('my-rds') } end ``` ### belong_to_db_subnet_group ```ruby describe rds('my-rds') do it { should belong_to_db_subnet_group('my-db-subnet-group') } end ``` ### belong_to_subnet ```ruby describe rds('my-rds') do it { should belong_to_subnet('subnet-8901b123') } it { should belong_to_subnet('db-subnet-a') } end ``` ### belong_to_vpc ```ruby describe rds('my-rds') do it { should belong_to_vpc('vpc-ab123cde') } it { should belong_to_vpc('my-vpc') } end ``` ### its(:vpc_id), its(:db_instance_identifier), its(:db_instance_class), its(:engine), its(:db_instance_status), its(:master_username), its(:db_name), its(:endpoint), its(:allocated_storage), its(:instance_create_time), its(:preferred_backup_window), its(:backup_retention_period), its(:db_security_groups), its(:availability_zone), its(:preferred_maintenance_window), its(:pending_modified_values), its(:latest_restorable_time), its(:multi_az), its(:engine_version), its(:auto_minor_version_upgrade), its(:read_replica_source_db_instance_identifier), its(:read_replica_db_instance_identifiers), its(:read_replica_db_cluster_identifiers), its(:license_model), its(:iops), its(:character_set_name), its(:secondary_availability_zone), its(:publicly_accessible), its(:status_infos), its(:storage_type), its(:tde_credential_arn), its(:db_instance_port), its(:db_cluster_identifier), its(:storage_encrypted), its(:kms_key_id), its(:dbi_resource_id), its(:ca_certificate_identifier), its(:domain_memberships), its(:copy_tags_to_snapshot), its(:monitoring_interval), its(:enhanced_monitoring_resource_arn), its(:monitoring_role_arn), its(:promotion_tier), its(:db_instance_arn), its(:timezone), its(:iam_database_authentication_enabled), its(:performance_insights_enabled), its(:performance_insights_kms_key_id), its(:performance_insights_retention_period), its(:enabled_cloudwatch_logs_exports), its(:processor_features), its(:deletion_protection), its(:associated_roles), its(:listener_endpoint), its(:max_allocated_storage) ### :unlock: Advanced use `rds` can use `Aws::RDS::DBInstance` resource (see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdkforruby/api/Aws/RDS/DBInstance.html). ```ruby describe rds('my-rds') do its('db_subnet_group.db_subnet_group_name') { should eq 'my-db-subnet-group' } end ``` or ```ruby describe rds('my-rds') do its('resource.db_subnet_group.db_subnet_group_name') { should eq 'my-db-subnet-group' } end ``` ## rds_db_cluster_parameter_group RdsDbClusterParameterGroup resource type. ```ruby describe rds_db_cluster_parameter_group('my-rds-db-cluster-parameter-group') do its(:time_zone) { should eq 'US/Central' } its(:binlog_format) { should eq 'ROW' } its(:character_set_server) { should eq 'utf8mb4' } end ``` ### exist ```ruby describe rds_db_cluster_parameter_group('my-rds-db-cluster-parameter-group') do it { should exist } end ``` ## rds_db_parameter_group RdsDbParameterGroup resource type. ```ruby describe rds_db_parameter_group('my-rds-db-parameter-group') do its(:basedir) { should eq '/rdsdbbin/mysql' } its(:innodb_buffer_pool_size) { '{DBInstanceClassMemory*3/4}' } end ``` ### exist ```ruby describe rds_db_parameter_group('my-rds-db-parameter-group') do it { should exist } end ``` ## redshift Redshift resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe redshift('my-redshift') do it { should exist } end ``` ### be_available, be_cancelling_resize, be_creating, be_deleting, be_final_snapshot, be_hardware_failure, be_incompatible_hsm, be_incompatible_network, be_incompatible_parameters, be_incompatible_restore, be_modifying, be_rebooting, be_renaming, be_resizing, be_rotating_keys, be_storage_full, be_updating_hsm ```ruby describe redshift('my-redshift') do it { should be_available } end ``` ### have_cluster_parameter_group ```ruby describe redshift('my-redshift') do it { should have_cluster_parameter_group('my-pg') } it do should have_cluster_parameter_group('my-pg')\ .parameter_apply_status('in-sync') end end ``` ### have_security_group ```ruby describe redshift('my-redshift') do it { should have_security_group('sg-1a2b3c4d') } it { should have_security_group('group-name-sg') } end ``` ### have_tag ```ruby describe redshift('my-redshift') do it { should have_tag('Name').value('my-cluster') } end ``` ### belong_to_cluster_subnet_group ```ruby describe redshift('my-redshift') do it { should belong_to_cluster_subnet_group('my-sg') } end ``` ### belong_to_vpc ```ruby describe redshift('my-redshift') do it { should belong_to_vpc('vpc-ab123cde') } it { should belong_to_vpc('my-vpc') } end ``` ### its(:vpc_id), its(:cluster_identifier), its(:node_type), its(:cluster_status), its(:cluster_availability_status), its(:modify_status), its(:master_username), its(:db_name), its(:endpoint), its(:cluster_create_time), its(:automated_snapshot_retention_period), its(:manual_snapshot_retention_period), its(:cluster_security_groups), its(:cluster_subnet_group_name), its(:vpc_id), its(:availability_zone), its(:preferred_maintenance_window), its(:pending_modified_values), its(:cluster_version), its(:allow_version_upgrade), its(:number_of_nodes), its(:publicly_accessible), its(:encrypted), its(:restore_status), its(:data_transfer_progress), its(:hsm_status), its(:cluster_snapshot_copy_status), its(:cluster_public_key), its(:cluster_nodes), its(:elastic_ip_status), its(:cluster_revision_number), its(:kms_key_id), its(:enhanced_vpc_routing), its(:iam_roles), its(:pending_actions), its(:maintenance_track_name), its(:elastic_resize_number_of_node_options), its(:deferred_maintenance_windows), its(:snapshot_schedule_identifier), its(:snapshot_schedule_state), its(:expected_next_snapshot_schedule_time), its(:expected_next_snapshot_schedule_time_status), its(:next_maintenance_window_start_time), its(:resize_info) ## redshift_cluster_parameter_group RedshiftClusterParameterGroup resource type. ```ruby describe redshift_cluster_parameter_group('my-redshift-cluster-parameter-group') do its(:datestyle) { should eq 'ISO, MDY' } its(:query_group) { should eq 'default' } its(:require_ssl) { should eq 'false' } end ``` ### exist ```ruby describe redshift_cluster_parameter_group('my-redshift-cluster-parameter-group') do it { should exist } end ``` ## route53_hosted_zone Route53HostedZone resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe route53_hosted_zone('example.com.') do it { should exist } end ``` ### have_record_set ```ruby describe route53_hosted_zone('example.com.') do its(:resource_record_set_count) { should eq 6 } it { should have_record_set('example.com.') } it { should have_record_set('example.com.').type('a') } it { should have_record_set('example.com.').a('123.456.7.890') } it { should have_record_set('*.example.com.').cname('example.com') } it { should have_record_set('example.com.').mx('10 mail.example.com') } it { should have_record_set('mail.example.com.').a('123.456.7.890').ttl(3600) } ns = 'ns-123.awsdns-45.net. ns-6789.awsdns-01.org. ns-2345.awsdns-67.co.uk. ns-890.awsdns-12.com.' it { should have_record_set('example.com.').ns(ns) } it { should have_record_set('s3.example.com.').alias('s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com.', 'Z2ABCDEFGHIJKL') } end ``` ### its(:id), its(:name), its(:caller_reference), its(:config), its(:resource_record_set_count), its(:linked_service) ## route_table RouteTable resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe route_table('my-route-table') do it { should exist } end ``` ### have_route ```ruby describe route_table('my-route-table') do it { should have_route('').target(gateway: 'local') } it { should have_route('').target(gateway: 'igw-1ab2345c') } it { should have_route('').target(instance: 'my-ec2') } it { should have_route('').target(vpc_peering_connection: 'my-pcx') } it { should have_route('').target(nat: 'nat-7ff7777f') } end ``` ### have_subnet ```ruby describe route_table('my-route-table') do it { should have_subnet('my-subnet') } end ``` ### have_tag ```ruby describe route_table('my-route-table') do it { should have_tag('Name').value('my-route-table') } end ``` ### its(:propagating_vgws), its(:route_table_id), its(:vpc_id), its(:owner_id) ### :unlock: Advanced use `route_table` can use `Aws::EC2::RouteTable` resource (see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdkforruby/api/Aws/EC2/RouteTable.html). ```ruby describe route_table('my-route-table') do its('vpc.id') { should eq 'vpc-ab123cde' } end ``` or ```ruby describe s3_bucket('my-bucket') do its('resource.vpc.id') { should eq 'vpc-ab123cde' } end ``` ## s3_bucket S3Bucket resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe s3_bucket('my-bucket') do it { should exist } end ``` ### have_acl_grant ```ruby describe s3_bucket('my-bucket') do its(:acl_owner) { should eq 'my-bucket-owner' } its(:acl_grants_count) { should eq 3 } it { should have_acl_grant(grantee: 'my-bucket-owner', permission: 'FULL_CONTROL') } it { should have_acl_grant(grantee: 'http://acs.amazonaws.com/groups/s3/LogDelivery', permission: 'WRITE') } it { should have_acl_grant(grantee: '68f4bb06b094152df53893bfba57760e', permission: 'READ') } end ``` ### have_cors_rule ```ruby describe s3_bucket('my-bucket') do it do should have_cors_rule( allowed_methods: ['GET'], allowed_origins: ['*'] ) end it do should have_cors_rule( allowed_headers: ['*'], allowed_methods: ['GET'], allowed_origins: ['https://example.org', 'https://example.com'], expose_headers: ['X-Custom-Header'], max_age_seconds: 3600 ) end end ``` ### have_lifecycle_rule ```ruby describe s3_bucket('my-bucket') do it do should have_lifecycle_rule( id: 'MyRuleName', noncurrent_version_expiration: { noncurrent_days: 1 }, expiration: { days: 2 }, transitions: [{ days: 3, storage_class: 'GLACIER' }], status: 'Enabled' ) end it do should have_lifecycle_rule( id: 'MyRuleName2', prefix: '123/', noncurrent_version_expiration: { noncurrent_days: 2 }, expiration: { days: 3 }, transitions: [{ days: 5, storage_class: 'STANDARD_IA' }, { days: 10, storage_class: 'GLACIER' }], status: 'Enabled' ) end end ``` ### have_logging_enabled ```ruby describe s3_bucket('my-bucket') do it { should have_logging_enabled(target_bucket: 'my-log-bucket', target_prefix: 'logs/') } end ``` ### have_mfa_delete_enabled ```ruby describe s3_bucket('my-bucket') do it { should have_mfa_delete_enabled } end ``` ### have_object ```ruby describe s3_bucket('my-bucket') do it { should have_object('path/to/object') } end ``` ### have_policy ```ruby describe s3_bucket('my-bucket') do it do should have_policy <<-POLICY { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "AllowPublicRead", "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": "*", "Action": "s3:GetObject", "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::my-bucket/*" } ] } POLICY end end ``` ### have_server_side_encryption ``` describe s3_bucket('my-bucket') do it { should have_server_side_encryption(algorithm: "AES256") } it { should have_server_side_encryption(algorithm: "aws:kms") } end ``` ### have_tag ```ruby describe s3_bucket('my-bucket') do it { should have_tag('env').value('dev') } end ``` ### have_versioning_enabled ```ruby describe s3_bucket('my-bucket') do it { should have_versioning_enabled } end ``` ### its(:acl_grants_count), its(:acl_owner), its(:cors_rules_count), its(:name), its(:creation_date) ### :unlock: Advanced use `s3_bucket` can use `Aws::S3::Bucket` resource (see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdkforruby/api/Aws/S3/Bucket.html). ```ruby describe s3_bucket('my-bucket') do its('acl.owner.display_name') { should eq 'my-bucket-owner' } end ``` or ```ruby describe s3_bucket('my-bucket') do its('resource.acl.owner.display_name') { should eq 'my-bucket-owner' } end ``` ## secretsmanager Secretsmanager resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe secretsmanager('my-secret') do it { should exist } end ``` ### have_tag ```ruby describe secretsmanager('my-secret') do it { should have_tag('Name').value('my-secret') } end ``` ### its(:arn), its(:name), its(:description), its(:kms_key_id), its(:rotation_enabled), its(:rotation_lambda_arn), its(:last_rotated_date), its(:last_changed_date), its(:last_accessed_date), its(:deleted_date), its(:owning_service) ## security_group SecurityGroup resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe security_group('my-security-group-name') do it { should exist } end ``` ### be_inbound_opened_only ### be_opened_only ### be_outbound_opened_only ### have_tag ```ruby describe security_group('my-security-group-name') do it { should have_tag('env').value('dev') } end ``` ### its(:inbound), its(:outbound) ```ruby describe security_group('my-security-group-name') do its(:outbound) { should be_opened } its(:inbound) { should be_opened(80) } its(:inbound) { should be_opened(80).protocol('tcp').for('') } its(:inbound) { should be_opened(22).protocol('tcp').for('sg-5a6b7cd8') } end ``` ### its(:inbound_rule_count), its(:outbound_rule_count), its(:inbound_permissions_count), its(:outbound_permissions_count), its(:description), its(:group_name), its(:owner_id), its(:group_id), its(:vpc_id) ### :unlock: Advanced use `security_group` can use `Aws::EC2::SecurityGroup` resource (see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdkforruby/api/Aws/EC2/SecurityGroup.html). ```ruby describe security_group('my-security-group-name') do its('group_name') { should eq 'my-security-group-name' } end ``` or ```ruby describe security_group('my-security-group-name') do its('resource.group_name') { should eq 'my-security-group-name' } end ``` ## ses_identity SesIdentity resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe ses_identity('example.com') do it { should exist } end ``` ### have_dkim_tokens ### have_identity_policy ```ruby describe ses_identity('example.com') do it { should have_identity_policy('my-identity-policy-name') } end ``` ### its(:dkim_enabled), its(:dkim_verification_status), its(:bounce_topic), its(:complaint_topic), its(:delivery_topic), its(:forwarding_enabled), its(:verification_status), its(:verification_token) ## sns_topic SnsTopic resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe sns_topic(topic_arn) do it { should exist } end ``` ### have_subscription ```ruby describe sns_topic(topic_arn) do let(:subscription_arn) do subscription_arn: subscribed, # this is required end describe '#subscribed' do it do should have_subscription(subscribed) end end end ``` An [automatic matcher](https://www.rubydoc.info/github/rspec/rspec-expectations/RSpec/Matchers) created due the predicate `has_subscription?` existing method of `Awspec::Type::SnsTopic` class. It validates if a given AWS SNS ARN subscription exists in the SNS Topic. ### have_subscription_attributes ```ruby describe sns_topic(topic_arn) do let(:expected_attribs) do { protocol: 'lambda', owner: '123456789', subscription_arn: subscribed, # this is required endpoint: 'arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789:function:foobar' } end describe '#subscribed' do it do should have_subscription_attributes(expected_attribs) end end end ``` Where `:expected_attribs` is a hash with keys as properties that are part of a SNS Topic subscription: * subscription_arn * owner * protocol * endpoint * topic_arn You can use any combinations of key/values that will be used by `have_subscription_attributes`, but the `subscription_arn` is required and if it is missing, an exception will be generated. ### include_subscribed ```ruby describe sns_topic(topic_arn) do it { should include_subscribed(subscribed) } end ``` ### its(:policy), its(:owner), its(:pending_subscriptions), its(:topic_arn), its(:effective_delivery_policy), its(:display_name), its(:confirmed_subscriptions), its(:deleted_subscriptions), its(:name) ### :unlock: Advanced use You may want to validate the subscriptions too. For that, you probably will want to use the methods `subscriptions` (that will return a list of the subscriptions ARN as symbols) and `has_subscription?` (that expects a SNS Topic subscription as parameter and will return `true` of `false` if it exists as a subscription) of the class `Awspec::Type::SnsTopic` to build the fixture in order to use the matcher `have_subscription_attributes`. ## sqs SQS resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe sqs('my-queue') do it { should exist } end ``` ### have_tag ### its(:queue_arn), its(:approximate_number_of_messages), its(:approximate_number_of_messages_not_visible), its(:approximate_number_of_messages_delayed), its(:created_timestamp), its(:last_modified_timestamp), its(:visibility_timeout), its(:maximum_message_size), its(:message_retention_period), its(:delay_seconds), its(:receive_message_wait_time_seconds), its(:queue_url) ## ssm_parameter SsmParameter resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe ssm_parameter('my-parameter') do it { should exist } end ``` ### be_encrypted ```ruby describe ssm_parameter('my-parameter') do it { should be_encrypted } end ``` ### have_tag ```ruby describe ssm_parameter('my-parameter') do it { should have_tag('my-key').value('my-value') } end ``` ### its(:name), its(:type), its(:key_id), its(:last_modified_date), its(:last_modified_user), its(:description), its(:allowed_pattern), its(:version), its(:tier), its(:policies) ### :unlock: Advanced use ```ruby describe ssm_parameter('my-parameter') do its(:key_id) { should be_eql('6a81f446-27b0-4d51-a04f-af7ddeea2e22') } its(:description) { should be_eql('Some string description') } its(:version) { should be_eql(1) } end ``` ## subnet Subnet resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe subnet('my-subnet') do it { should exist } end ``` ### be_associated_to ### be_available, be_pending ```ruby describe subnet('my-subnet') do it { should be_available } end ``` ### have_tag ```ruby describe subnet('my-subnet') do it { should have_tag('Environment').value('QA') } end ``` ### its(:availability_zone), its(:availability_zone_id), its(:available_ip_address_count), its(:cidr_block), its(:default_for_az), its(:map_public_ip_on_launch), its(:state), its(:subnet_id), its(:vpc_id), its(:owner_id), its(:assign_ipv_6_address_on_creation), its(:ipv_6_cidr_block_association_set), its(:subnet_arn), its(:outpost_arn) ### :unlock: Advanced use `subnet` can use `Aws::EC2::Subnet` resource (see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdkforruby/api/Aws/EC2/Subnet.html). ```ruby describe subnet('my-subnet') do its('vpc.id') { should eq 'vpc-ab123cde' } end ``` or ```ruby describe subnet('my-subnet') do its('resource.vpc.id') { should eq 'vpc-ab123cde' } end ``` ## vpc VPC resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe vpc('my-vpc') do it { should exist } end ``` ### be_available, be_pending ```ruby describe vpc('vpc-ab123cde') do it { should be_available } end ``` ### be_connected_to_vpc ```ruby describe vpc('vpc-ab123cde') do it { should be_connected_to_vpc('vpc-bcd1235e') } it { should be_connected_to_vpc('vpc-bcd1235e').as_accepter } it { should_not be_connected_to_vpc('vpc-bcd1235e').as_requester } end ``` ### have_network_acl ```ruby describe vpc('vpc-ab123cde') do it { should have_network_acl('acl-1abc2d3e') } it { should have_network_acl('my-network-acl') } end ``` ### have_route_table ```ruby describe vpc('vpc-ab123cde') do it { should have_route_table('rtb-ab123cde') } it { should have_route_table('my-route-table') } end ``` ### have_tag ```ruby describe vpc('vpc-ab123cde') do it { should have_tag('Stack').value('Networking') } end ``` ### have_vpc_attribute ```ruby describe vpc('vpc-ab123cde') do it { should have_vpc_attribute('enableDnsHostnames') } it { should_not have_vpc_attribute('enableDnsSupport') } end ``` ### have_vpc_peering_connection ```ruby describe vpc('vpc-ab123cde') do it { should have_vpc_peering_connection('pcx-c56789de') } it { should have_vpc_peering_connection('pcx-c56789de').as_accepter } it { should_not have_vpc_peering_connection('pcx-c56789de').as_requester } end ``` ### its(:cidr_block), its(:dhcp_options_id), its(:state), its(:vpc_id), its(:owner_id), its(:instance_tenancy), its(:ipv_6_cidr_block_association_set), its(:cidr_block_association_set), its(:is_default) ### :unlock: Advanced use `vpc` can use `Aws::EC2::Vpc` resource (see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdkforruby/api/Aws/EC2/Vpc.html). ```ruby describe vpc('my-vpc') do its('route_tables.first.route_table_id') { should eq 'rtb-a12bcd34' } end ``` or ```ruby describe vpc('my-vpc') do its('resource.route_tables.first.route_table_id') { should eq 'rtb-a12bcd34' } end ``` ## vpn_connection VpnConnection resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe vpn_connection('my-vpn-connection') do it { should exist } end ``` ### be_pending, be_available, be_deleting, be_deleted ```ruby describe vpn_connection('my-vpn-connection') do it { should be_running } end ``` ### have_tag ```ruby describe vpn_connection('my-vpn-connection') do it { should have_tag('Name').value('my-vpn-connection') } end ``` ### its(:customer_gateway_configuration), its(:customer_gateway_id), its(:category), its(:state), its(:type), its(:vpn_connection_id), its(:vpn_gateway_id), its(:transit_gateway_id), its(:options), its(:routes), its(:vgw_telemetry) ## vpn_gateway VpnGateway resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe vpn_gateway('my-vpn-gateway') do it { should exist } end ``` ### be_pending, be_available, be_deleting, be_deleted ```ruby describe vpn_gateway('my-vpn-gateway') do it { should be_running } end ``` ### have_tag ```ruby describe vpn_gateway('my-vpn-gateway') do it { should have_tag('Name').value('my-vpn-gateway') } end ``` ### its(:availability_zone), its(:state), its(:type), its(:vpc_attachments), its(:vpn_gateway_id), its(:amazon_side_asn), its(:tags) ## waf_web_acl WafWebAcl resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe waf_web_acl('my-waf-web-acl') do it { should exist } its(:default_action) { should eq 'BLOCK' } it { should have_rule('my-waf-web-acl-allowed-ips') } it { should have_rule('my-waf-web-acl-allowed-ips').order(2).action('BLOCK') } end ``` ### have_rule ```ruby describe waf_web_acl('my-waf-web-acl') do it { should have_rule('my-waf-web-acl-allowed-ips') } it { should have_rule('my-waf-web-acl-allowed-ips').order(2).action('BLOCK') } end ``` ### its(:default_action), its(:web_acl_id), its(:name), its(:metric_name), its(:web_acl_arn) ## wafregional_web_acl WafregionalWebAcl resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe wafregional_web_acl('my-wafregional-web-acl') do it { should exist } its(:default_action) { should eq 'BLOCK' } it { should have_rule('my-wafregional-web-acl-allowed-ips') } it { should have_rule('my-wafregional-web-acl-allowed-ips').order(2).action('BLOCK') } end ``` ### have_rule ```ruby describe wafregional_web_acl('my-wafregional-web-acl') do it { should have_rule('my-wafregional-web-acl-allowed-ips') } it { should have_rule('my-wafregional-web-acl-allowed-ips').order(2).action('BLOCK') } end ``` ### its(:default_action), its(:web_acl_id), its(:name), its(:metric_name), its(:web_acl_arn) # Account and Attributes ## account Account resource type. ```ruby describe account do its(:user_id) { should eq 'AKIAI44QH8DHBEXAMPLE' } its(:account) { should eq '123456789012' } its(:arn) { should eq 'arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/Alice' } its('ec2.supported_platforms') { should eq ["EC2", "VPC"] } its('ec2.vpc_max_security_groups_per_interface') { should eq 5 } its('ec2.max_elastic_ips') { should eq 5 } its('ec2.max_instances') { should eq 20 } its('ec2.vpc_max_elastic_ips') { should eq 5 } its('ec2.default_vpc') { should eq 'none' } its('rds.DBInstances.used') { should eq 0 } its('rds.DBInstances.max') { should eq 40 } its('rds.ReservedDBInstances.used') { should eq 0 } its('rds.ReservedDBInstances.max') { should eq 40 } its('rds.AllocatedStorage.used') { should eq 0 } its('rds.AllocatedStorage.max') { should eq 100000 } its('rds.DBSecurityGroups.used') { should eq 0 } its('rds.DBSecurityGroups.max') { should eq 25 } its('rds.AuthorizationsPerDBSecurityGroup.used') { should eq 0 } its('rds.AuthorizationsPerDBSecurityGroup.max') { should eq 20 } its('rds.DBParameterGroups.used') { should eq 1 } its('rds.DBParameterGroups.max') { should eq 50 } its('rds.ManualSnapshots.used') { should eq 0 } its('rds.ManualSnapshots.max') { should eq 100 } its('rds.EventSubscriptions.used') { should eq 0 } its('rds.EventSubscriptions.max') { should eq 20 } its('rds.DBSubnetGroups.used') { should eq 1 } its('rds.DBSubnetGroups.max') { should eq 50 } its('rds.OptionGroups.used') { should eq 0 } its('rds.OptionGroups.max') { should eq 20 } its('rds.SubnetsPerDBSubnetGroup.used') { should eq 2 } its('rds.SubnetsPerDBSubnetGroup.max') { should eq 20 } its('rds.ReadReplicasPerMaster.used') { should eq 0 } its('rds.ReadReplicasPerMaster.max') { should eq 5 } its('rds.DBClusters.used') { should eq 0 } its('rds.DBClusters.max') { should eq 40 } its('rds.DBClusterParameterGroups.used') { should eq 0 } its('rds.DBClusterParameterGroups.max') { should eq 50 } its('rds.DBClusterRoles.used') { should eq 0 } its('rds.DBClusterRoles.max') { should eq 5 } its('lambda.total_code_size.limit') { should eq 80530636800 } its('lambda.total_code_size.usage') { should eq 2034651562 } its('lambda.code_size_unzipped.limit') { should eq 262144000 } its('lambda.code_size_zipped.limit') { should eq 52428800 } its('lambda.concurrent_executions.limit') { should eq 200 } its('lambda.unreserved_concurrent_executions.limit') { should eq 50 } its('lambda.function_count.usage') { should eq 8 } its('ses.max_24_hour_send') { should eq 200.0 } its('ses.max_send_rate') { should eq 1.0 } its('ses.sent_last_24_hours') { should eq 1.0 } end ``` ## :unlock: Another way: Test with account_attribute type ## account_attribute Account Attribute resource type. ```ruby describe account_attribute('ec2') do its('supported_platforms') { should eq ["EC2", "VPC"] } its('vpc_max_security_groups_per_interface') { should eq 5 } its('max_elastic_ips') { should eq 5 } its('max_instances') { should eq 20 } its('vpc_max_elastic_ips') { should eq 5 } its('default_vpc') { should eq 'none' } end describe account_attribute('rds') do its('DBInstances.used') { should eq 0 } its('DBInstances.max') { should eq 40 } its('ReservedDBInstances.used') { should eq 0 } its('ReservedDBInstances.max') { should eq 40 } its('AllocatedStorage.used') { should eq 0 } its('AllocatedStorage.max') { should eq 100000 } its('DBSecurityGroups.used') { should eq 0 } its('DBSecurityGroups.max') { should eq 25 } its('AuthorizationsPerDBSecurityGroup.used') { should eq 0 } its('AuthorizationsPerDBSecurityGroup.max') { should eq 20 } its('DBParameterGroups.used') { should eq 1 } its('DBParameterGroups.max') { should eq 50 } its('ManualSnapshots.used') { should eq 0 } its('ManualSnapshots.max') { should eq 100 } its('EventSubscriptions.used') { should eq 0 } its('EventSubscriptions.max') { should eq 20 } its('DBSubnetGroups.used') { should eq 1 } its('DBSubnetGroups.max') { should eq 50 } its('OptionGroups.used') { should eq 0 } its('OptionGroups.max') { should eq 20 } its('SubnetsPerDBSubnetGroup.used') { should eq 2 } its('SubnetsPerDBSubnetGroup.max') { should eq 20 } its('ReadReplicasPerMaster.used') { should eq 0 } its('ReadReplicasPerMaster.max') { should eq 5 } its('DBClusters.used') { should eq 0 } its('DBClusters.max') { should eq 40 } its('DBClusterParameterGroups.used') { should eq 0 } its('DBClusterParameterGroups.max') { should eq 50 } its('DBClusterRoles.used') { should eq 0 } its('DBClusterRoles.max') { should eq 5 } end describe account_attribute('lambda') do its('total_code_size.limit') { should eq 80530636800 } its('total_code_size.usage') { should eq 2034651562 } its('code_size_unzipped.limit') { should eq 262144000 } its('code_size_zipped.limit') { should eq 52428800 } its('concurrent_executions.limit') { should eq 200 } its('unreserved_concurrent_executions.limit') { should eq 50 } its('function_count.usage') { should eq 8 } end describe account_attribute('ses') do its('max_24_hour_send') { should eq 200.0 } its('max_send_rate') { should eq 1.0 } its('sent_last_24_hours') { should eq 1.0 } end ``` ## :unlock: Another way: Test with separated resource types [ec2_account_attributes](#ec2_account_attributes) | [rds_account_attributes](#rds_account_attributes) | [lambda_account_settings](#lambda_account_settings) | [ses_send_quota](#ses_send_quota) ## ec2_account_attributes Ec2AccountAttributes account attributes. ```ruby describe ec2_account_attributes do its(:supported_platforms) { should include 'VPC' } its(:max_instances) { should eq 20 } end ``` ### its(:supported_platforms), its(:vpc_max_security_groups_per_interface), its(:max_elastic_ips), its(:max_instances), its(:vpc_max_elastic_ips), its(:default_vpc) ## rds_account_attributes RdsAccountAttributes account attributes. ```ruby describe rds_account_attributes do its('DBInstances.used') { should eq 0 } its('DBInstances.max') { should eq 40 } end ``` ## lambda_account_settings LambdaAccountSettings account attributes. ```ruby describe lambda_account_settings do its('total_code_size.limit') { should eq 80_530_636_800 } its('total_code_size.usage') { should eq 2_034_651_562 } its('function_count.usage') { should eq 8 } end ``` ## ses_send_quota SesSendQuota account attributes. ```ruby describe ses_send_quota do its(:max_24_hour_send) { should eq 200.0 } its(:max_send_rate) { should eq 1.0 } its(:sent_last_24_hours) { should eq 1.0 } end ``` ### its(:max_24_hour_send), its(:max_send_rate), its(:sent_last_24_hours)