# -*- encoding : utf-8 -*- require "timecop" # noinspection RubyResolve class SharedData extend Card::Model::SaveHelper USERS = [ "Joe Admin", "Joe User", "Joe Camel", "Sample User", "No count", "u1", "u2", "u3", "Big Brother", "Optic fan", "Sunglasses fan", "Narcissist" ].freeze CARDTYPE_COUNT = 42 class << self def create_user name, args args[:subcards] = account_args args if args[:email] if name == "Joe Admin" super name, args else Card::Auth.with("joe_admin") { super name, args } end end def account_args hash { "+*account" => { "+*email" => hash.delete(:email), "+*password" => hash.delete(:password) || "joe_pass" } } end # noinspection RubyResolve def add_test_data Card::Cache.reset_all Card::Env.reset Card::Auth.as_bot user_and_role_cards # generic, shared attribute card ensure_card "color" create "signup alert email+*to", "signups@wagn.org" # CREATE A CARD OF EACH TYPE no_samples = %w[user sign_up set number mirror_list mirrored_list file image customized_bootswatch_skin] Card::Auth.createable_types.each do |type| next if no_samples.include? type.to_name.key create type: type, name: "Sample #{type}" end %w[c1 c2 c3].each do |name| create name end create_layout_type "lay out", "Greatest {{_main|title: Callahan!; view: labeled}}" create_pointer "stacks", ["horizontal", "vertical"] create_pointer "stacks+*self+*layout", "lay out" create "horizontal" create_pointer "vertical" create_pointer "friends+*right+*default" create_search_type "friends+*right+*content options", '{"type":"User"}' create_pointer "joes" create "joes+*self+*input type", "filtered list" create "joes+*self+*content options", ["Joe Admin", "Joe User", "Joe Camel"] # cards for rename_test # FIXME: could probably refactor these.. [ ["Z", "I'm here to be referenced to"], ["A", "Alpha [[Z]]"], ["B", "Beta {{Z}}"], ["T", "Theta"], ["X", "[[A]] [[A+B]] [[T]]"], ["Y", "{{B}} {{A+B}} {{A}} {{T}}"], ["A+B", "AlphaBeta"], ["A+B+Y+Z", "more letters"], ["Link to unknown", "[[Mister X]]"] ].each do |name, content| create name, content end create "One+Two+Three" create "Four+One+Five" create "basicname", "basiccontent" cardtype_cards # for template stuff Card.create! type_id: Card::CardtypeID, name: "UserForm" create "UserForm+*type+*structure", "{{+name}} {{+age}} {{+description}}" Card::Auth.signin "joe_user" create "JoeLater", "test" create "JoeNow", "test" Card::Auth.signin Card::WagnBotID create_cardtype "Book" create "Book+*type+*structure", "by {{+author}}, design by {{+illustrator}}" create_book "Iliad" create_cardtype "Author" create_author "Darles Chickens" create_author "Stam Broker" create_book "Parry Hotter" create_book "50 grades of shy" ## --------- Fruit: creatable by anyone but not readable --- Card.create! type: "Cardtype", name: "Fruit" Card.create! name: "Fruit+*type+*create", type: "Pointer", content: "[[Anyone]]" Card.create! name: "Fruit+*type+*read", type: "Pointer", content: "[[Administrator]]" # codenames for card_accessor tests Card.create! name: "*write", codename: :write # -------- For toc testing: ------------ create "OnneHeading", "

This is one heading


and some text

" create "TwwoHeading", "

One Heading


and some text

\r\n"\ "

And a Subheading


and more text

" create "ThreeHeading", "

A Heading


and text

\r\n"\ "

And Subhead



\r\n"\ "

And another top Heading

" # -------- For history testing: ----------- first = create "First", "egg" first.update! content: "chicken" first.update! content: "chick" # -------- For rename testing: ----------- [ ["Blue", ""], ["blue includer 1", "{{Blue}}"], ["blue includer 2", "{{blue|closed;other:stuff}}"], ["blue linker 1", "[[Blue]]"], ["blue linker 2", "[[blue]]"] ].each do |name, content| create name, content end create_cardtype "self aware", "[[/new/{{_self|name}}|new]]" notification_cards create "42", TEXT create_pointer "items", content: ["Parry Hotter", "42", "Stam Broker", "First", "yeti skin+image", "*all+*script+*machine output"] # Card['*all+*style' ].ensure_machine_output # Card['*all+*script'].ensure_machine_output # (ie9 = Card[:script_html5shiv_printshiv]) && ie9.ensure_machine_output end def user_and_role_cards Card::Auth.instant_account_activation do create_user "Joe Admin", content: "I'm number one", email: "joe@admin.com" create_user "Joe User", content: "I'm number two", email: "joe@user.com" create_user "Joe Camel", content: "Mr. Buttz", email: "joe@camel.com" # data for testing users and account requests create_user "No Count", content: "I got no account" create_user "Sample User", email: "sample@user.com", password: "sample_pass" end # noinspection RubyResolve Card["Joe Admin"].fetch(:roles, new: { type_code: "pointer" }) .items = [Card::AdministratorID, Card::SharkID, Card::HelpDeskID] Card["Joe User"].fetch(:roles, new: { type_code: "pointer" }) .items = [Card::SharkID] create_user "u1", email: "u1@user.com", password: "u1_pass" create_user "u2", email: "u2@user.com", password: "u2_pass" create_user "u3", email: "u3@user.com", password: "u3_pass" r1 = create_role "r1" r2 = create_role "r2" r3 = create_role "r3" r4 = create_role "r4" Card["u1"].fetch(:roles, new: { type_code: "pointer" }).items = [r1, r2, r3] Card["u2"].fetch(:roles, new: {}).items = [r1, r2, r4] Card["u3"].fetch(:roles, new: {}).items = [r1, r4, Card::AdministratorID] end def cardtype_cards # for wql & permissions %w[A+C A+D A+E C+A D+A F+A A+B+C].each {|name| create name} ("A".."F").each do |ch| create "Cardtype #{ch}", type_code: "cardtype", codename: "cardtype_#{ch.downcase}" end Card::Codename.reset_cache ("a".."f").each do |ch| create "type-#{ch}-card", type_code: "cardtype_#{ch}", content: "type_#{ch}_content" end create_pointer "Cardtype B+*type+*create", "[[r3]]" create_pointer "Cardtype B+*type+*update", "[[r1]]" ## --------- create templated permissions ------------- create "Cardtype E+*type+*default" end def notification_cards Timecop.freeze(Cardio.future_stamp - 1.day) do # fwiw Timecop is apparently limited by ruby Time object, # which goes only to 2037 and back to 1900 or so. # whereas DateTime can represent all dates. followers = { "John" => ["John Following", "All Eyes On Me"], "Sara" => ["Sara Following", "All Eyes On Me", "Optic+*type", "Google Glass"], "Big Brother" => ["All Eyes on Me", "Look at me+*self", "Optic+*type", "lens+*right", "Optic+tint+*type plus right", ["*all", "*created"], ["*all", "*edited"]], "Optic fan" => ["Optic+*type"], "Sunglasses fan" => ["Sunglasses"], "Narcissist" => [["*all", "*created"], ["*all", "*edited"]] } followers.each do |name, _follow| create_user name, email: "#{name.parameterize}@user.com", password: "#{name.parameterize}_pass" end create "All Eyes On Me" create "No One Sees Me" create "Look At Me" create_cardtype "Optic" create "Sara Following" create "John Following", "{{+her}}" create "John Following+her" magnifier = create "Magnifier+lens" Card::Auth.signin "Narcissist" magnifier.update! content: "zoom in" create_optic "Sunglasses", "{{+tint}}{{+lens}}" Card::Auth.signin "Optic fan" create_optic "Google glass", "{{+price}}" Card::Auth.signin Card::WagnBotID create "Google glass+*self+*follow_fields", "" create "Sunglasses+*self+*follow_fields", "[[#{Card[:nests].name}]]\n[[_self+price]]\n[[_self+producer]]" create "Sunglasses+tint" create "Sunglasses+price" followers.each do |name, follow| user = Card[name] follow.each do |f| user.follow(*f) end end end # capitalized names so that they don't interfere with checks for the verbs create "Created card", content: "new content" update "Created card", name: "Updated card", content: "changed content", type: :pointer, skip: :validate_renaming create "Created card", content: "new content" card = create "Deleted card", content: "old content" card.delete Card::Auth.with "Joe User" do [ ["card with fields", "field 1", "field 2"], ["card with fields and admin fields", "field 1", "admin field 1"], ["admin card with fields and admin fields", "field 1", "admin field 1"], ["admin card with admin fields", "admin field 1", "admin field 2"], ].each do |name, f1, f2| create name, content: "main content {{+#{f1}}} {{+#{f2}}}", subcards: { "+#{f1}" => "content of #{f1}", "+#{f2}" => "content of #{f2}" } end end Card::Auth.as_bot do [ ["admin card with fields and admin fields", :self], ["admin card with admin fields", :self], ["admin field 1", :right], ["admin field 2", :right] ].each do |name, rule_set| create [name, rule_set, :read], type: "Pointer", content: "[[Administrator]]" end create ["field 1", :right, :read], type: "Pointer", content: "[[Anyone]]" end end end TEXT = <<-TXT.strip_heredoc.freeze Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small unregarded yellow sun. Orbiting this at a distance of roughly ninety-two million miles is an utterly insignificant little blue green planet whose ape- descended life forms are so amazingly primitive that they still think digital watches are a pretty neat idea. This planet has - or rather had - a problem, which was this: most of the people living on it were unhappy for pretty much of the time. Many solutions were suggested for this problem, but most of these were largely concerned with the movements of small green pieces of paper, which is odd because on the whole it wasn't the small green pieces of paper that were unhappy. TXT end