#------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright 2013 Microsoft Open Technologies, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- require 'azure/cloud_service_management/serialization' module Azure module CloudServiceManagement class CloudServiceManagementService < BaseManagementService def initialize super() end # Public: Creates a new cloud service in Windows Azure. # # ==== Attributes # # * +name+ - String. The name of the cloud service. # * +options+ - Hash. Optional parameters. # # ==== Options # # Accepted key/value pairs in options parameter are: # * +:label+ -String. The label for this cloud service. # * +:description+ - String. A description for the hosted service. (optional) # * +:location+ - String. The regional data center location where the # cloud service will be created. Required if affinity group not # specified (optional) # * +:affinity_group_name - String. Name of the affinity group with # which to assocate the cloud service. Required if location not # specified (optional) # * +:extended_properties+ - Hash. Key/Value pairs of extended # properties to add to the cloud service. The key is used as the # property name and the value as its value. (optional) # # See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windowsazure/gg441304.aspx # # Returns None def create_cloud_service(name, options = {}) Loggerx.error_with_exit 'Cloud service name is not valid ' unless name if get_cloud_service(name) Loggerx.warn "Cloud service #{name} already exists. Skipped..." else Loggerx.info "Creating cloud service #{name}." request_path = '/services/hostedservices' body = Serialization.cloud_services_to_xml(name, options) request = ManagementHttpRequest.new(:post, request_path, body) request.call end end # Public: Deploy a .cspkg hosted at a specific package_url to a a Cloud Service on a specific slot # # ==== Attributes # # * +deployment_name+ - String. Name of the deployment # * +cloud_service_name+ - String. Name of the Cloud Service where the deployment # needs to be created # * +package_url+ - String. URL of the blob storage where the .cspkg is being # stored # * +package_url+ - String. URL of the blob storage where the .cspkg is being # stored # * +service_configuration+ - Base64 encoded String. ServiceConfiguration.cscfg file # * +options+ - Hash. Optional parameters. # # ==== Options # # Accepted key/value pairs in options parameter are: # * +:slot+ - String. Deployment slot. Valid values are either # 'production'(default) or 'staging'. # * +:label+ - String. The label for this cloud service. # * +:start_deployment+ - String. A description for the hosted service. (optional) # * +:treat_warnings_as_error+ - String. # * +:extended_properties+ - Hash. Key/Value pairs of extended properties to add to # the cloud service. The key is used as the property name # and the value as its value. # * +fire_and_forget+ - Boolean(efault is false). If true, the client # does not wait until the request is completed. # * +:upgrade_if_exists+ - Boolean(default is false). If true, then if a deployment # already exists, then it is upgraded. Otherwise, an exception # is thrown. # # More details at http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/ee460813.aspx # # Returns None def create_deployment(deployment_name, cloud_service_name, package_url, service_configuration, options = {}) Loggerx.error_with_exit 'Cloud service name is not valid' unless cloud_service_name Loggerx.error_with_exit 'Deployment name is not valid' unless deployment_name Loggerx.error_with_exit 'Package url is not valid' unless package_url Loggerx.error_with_exit 'ServiceConfiguration.cscfg is not valid' unless service_configuration upgrade_if_exists = options[:upgrade_if_exists].nil? ? false : options[:upgrade_if_exists] slot = "production" unless options.nil? || options[:slot].nil? valid_slot = options[:slot].casecmp("staging") || options[:slot].casecmp("production") Loggerx.error_with_exit 'Deployment slot is not valid' unless valid_slot slot = options[:slot].downcase end # 2. Get the current deployment so one can verify that it can be upgraded deployment = get_deployment(cloud_service_name, {:slot => slot, :no_exit_on_failure => true}) # 3. Create or upgrade the deployment if deployment.exists? if upgrade_if_exists upgrade_deployment(cloud_service_name, package_url, service_configuration, options) else Loggerx.error_with_exit "#{slot.capitalize} deployment '#{deployment_name}' on cloud service #{cloud_service_name} already exist." end else slot = "production" unless options.nil? || options[:slot].nil? valid_slot = options[:slot].casecmp("staging") || options[:slot].casecmp("production") Loggerx.error_with_exit 'Deployment slot is not valid' unless valid_slot slot = options[:slot].downcase end Loggerx.info "Creating deployment #{deployment_name}." request_path = "/services/hostedservices/#{cloud_service_name}/deploymentslots/#{slot}" body = Serialization.create_deployment_to_xml(deployment_name, package_url, service_configuration, options) request = ManagementHttpRequest.new(:post, request_path, body) request.call(options) end end # Public: Upgrade an existing deployment with a new .cspkg hosted at a specific package_url. # You can choose to upgrade all roles within the deployment(default), or only select # specific ones # # ==== Attributes # # * +cloud_service_name+ - String. Name of the Cloud Service where the deployment # needs to be created # * +package_url+ - String. URL of the blob storage where the .cspkg is being # stored # * +service_configuration+ - Base64 encoded String. ServiceConfiguration.cscfg file # * +options+ - Hash. Optional parameters. # # ==== Options # # Accepted key/value pairs in options parameter are: # * +:slot+ - String. Deployment slot. Valid values are either # 'production'(default) or 'staging'. # * +:name+ - String. Deployment's name. # * +:mode+ - String. Specifies the type of update to initiate.Valid values # are either 'Auto'(default), 'Manual', or 'Simultaneous' # * +:label+ - String. The label for this cloud service. # * +:role_to_upgrade+ - String. Specifies the name of the specific role instance to update. # * +:force+ - Boolean(default false). Indicates whether the rollback should # proceed even when it will cause local data to be lost from some # role instances # * +:extended_properties+ - Hash. Key/Value pairs of extended properties to add to # the cloud service. The key is used as the property name # and the value as its value. # * +fire_and_forget+ - Boolean(efault is false). If true, the client # does not wait until the request is completed. # # More details at http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/ee460793.aspx # # Returns None def upgrade_deployment(cloud_service_name, package_url, service_configuration, options = {}) Loggerx.error_with_exit 'Cloud service name is not valid' unless cloud_service_name Loggerx.error_with_exit 'Package url is not valid' unless package_url Loggerx.error_with_exit 'ServiceConfiguration.cscfg is not valid' unless service_configuration # 1. Identify which type of query needs to be processes request_path = nil info_msg = nil error_msg_body = "nil" slot = (options[:slot].nil? && options[:name].nil?) ? "production" : options[:slot] if !slot.nil? invalid_slot = slot.casecmp("staging") != 0 && slot.casecmp("production") != 0 Loggerx.error_with_exit 'slot is not valid' if invalid_slot request_path = "/services/hostedservices/#{cloud_service_name}/deploymentslots/#{slot}/?comp=upgrade" info_msg = "Upgrading #{slot} deployment on #{cloud_service_name} cloud service." error_msg_body = "#{slot.capitalize} deployment on cloud service #{cloud_service_name}" else request_path = "/services/hostedservices/#{cloud_service_name}/deployments/#{options[:name]}/?comp=upgrade" info_msg = "Upgrading deployment #{options[:name]} on #{cloud_service_name} cloud service." error_msg_body = "Deployment #{options[:name]} on cloud service #{cloud_service_name}" end options[:label] = "#{slot} deployment #{cloud_service_name}" if options[:label].nil? # 2. Get the current deployment so one can verify that it can be upgraded options[:no_exit_on_failure] = true deployment = get_deployment(cloud_service_name, options) # 3. Upgrade the deployment if it is in a state where it can be upgraded if !deployment.exists? Loggerx.error_with_exit "#{error_msg_body} does not exist, and therefore cannot be upgraded." elsif deployment.is_transitioning? Loggerx.error_with_exit "#{error_msg_body} is currently transitioning. Wait until it is done transitioning before doing an upgrade." else Loggerx.info info_msg body = Serialization.upgrade_deployment_to_xml(package_url, service_configuration, options) request = ManagementHttpRequest.new(:post, request_path, body) request.call(options) end end # Public: Swap the staging and production deployment of a specific cloud service # # ==== Attributes # # * +cloud_service_name+ - String. Name of the Cloud Service where the deployments # are going to be swapped # * +options+ - Hash. Optional parameters. # # ==== Options # # Accepted key/value pairs in options parameter are: # # * +fire_and_forget+ - Boolean(efault is false). If true, the client # does not wait until the request is completed. # # More details at http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/ee460814.aspx # # Returns None def swap_deployment(cloud_service_name, options={}) Loggerx.error_with_exit 'Cloud service name is not valid' unless cloud_service_name staging_deployment = get_deployment(cloud_service_name, {:slot => "staging", :no_exit_on_failure => true}) Loggerx.error_with_exit "Staging deployment on cloud service #{cloud_service_name} is transitioning. Wait until transitioning is over before swapping." if (staging_deployment.exists? && staging_deployment.is_transitioning?) production_deployment = get_deployment(cloud_service_name, {:slot => "production", :no_exit_on_failure => true}) Loggerx.error_with_exit "Production deployment on cloud service #{cloud_service_name} is transitioning. Wait until transitioning is over before swapping." if (production_deployment.exists? && production_deployment.is_transitioning?) Loggerx.error_with_exit "There are no deployments on cloud service #{cloud_service_name}." unless (staging_deployment.exists? || production_deployment.exists?) Loggerx.info "Swapping deployments on cloud service #{cloud_service_name} starting" request_path = "/services/hostedservices/#{cloud_service_name}" body = Serialization.swap_deployments_to_xml(production_deployment.name, staging_deployment.name) request = ManagementHttpRequest.new(:post, request_path, body) request.call(options) end # Public: Gets a specific deployment of a Cloud Service based on either its name, or its slot # # ==== Attributes # # * +cloud_service_name+ - String. Name of the Cloud Service where the deployment lives # * +options+ - Hash. Optional parameters. # # ==== Options # # Accepted key/value pairs in options parameter are: # * +:slot+ - String. Deployment slot. Valid values are either 'production'(default) # or 'staging'. If not defined, and 'name' is also not defined, then # default slot is set to 'production' # * +:id+ - String. Deployment's id(aka deployment's name, or private id). # * +:no_exit_on_failure+ - Boolean(optional). Default is false. # # More details at http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/ee460804.aspx # def get_deployment(cloud_service_name, options={}) Loggerx.error_with_exit 'Cloud service name is not valid' unless cloud_service_name request_path = nil slot = (options[:slot].nil? && options[:id].nil?) ? "production" : options[:slot] if !slot.nil? invalid_slot = slot.casecmp("staging") != 0 && slot.casecmp("production") != 0 Loggerx.error_with_exit 'slot is not valid' if invalid_slot request_path = "/services/hostedservices/#{cloud_service_name}/deploymentslots/#{slot}" else request_path = "/services/hostedservices/#{cloud_service_name}/deployments/#{options[:id]}" end request = ManagementHttpRequest.new(:get, request_path, nil) response = request.call(options) #puts response Serialization.deployment_from_xml(response) end # Public: Gets a list of hosted services available under the current subscription. # # Returns an array of Azure::CloudServiceManagement::CloudService objects def list_cloud_services request_path = '/services/hostedservices' request = ManagementHttpRequest.new(:get, request_path, nil) response = request.call Serialization.cloud_services_from_xml(response) end # Public: Checks to see if the specified hosted service is available # # ==== Attributes # # * +name+ - String. Cloud service name. # # Returns: A boolean value indicating whether the cloud service exists. # If true, the cloud service is available. If false, the cloud service # does not exist. def get_cloud_service(name) list_cloud_services.select { |x| x.name.casecmp(name) == 0 }.first end def get_cloud_service_properties(name) request_path = "/services/hostedservices/#{name}?embed-detail=true" request = ManagementHttpRequest.new(:get, request_path) response = request.call Serialization.cloud_services_from_xml(response).first end # Public: Deletes the specified cloud service of given subscription id from Windows Azure. # # ==== Attributes # # * +name+ - String. Cloud service name. # # Returns: None def delete_cloud_service(cloud_service_name) request_path = "/services/hostedservices/#{cloud_service_name}" request = ManagementHttpRequest.new(:delete, request_path) Loggerx.info "Deleting cloud service #{cloud_service_name}. \n" request.call end # Public: Deletes the specified deployment. # # ==== Attributes # # * +cloud_service_name+ - String. Cloud service name. # * +slot+ - String. Either 'production' or 'staging'. Optional parameters. # Default if not specified is 'production' # # See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windowsazure/ee460815.aspx # # Returns NONE def delete_cloud_service_deployment(cloud_service_name, slot='production') slot = "production" unless slot request_path = "/services/hostedservices/#{cloud_service_name}/deploymentslots/#{slot}" request = ManagementHttpRequest.new(:delete, request_path) Loggerx.info "Deleting deployment of cloud service \"#{cloud_service_name}\" ..." request.call end def upload_certificate(cloud_service_name, ssh) data = export_der(ssh[:cert], ssh[:key]) request_path = "/services/hostedservices/#{cloud_service_name}/certificates" body = Serialization.add_certificate_to_xml(data) Loggerx.info "Uploading certificate to cloud service #{cloud_service_name}..." request = ManagementHttpRequest.new(:post, request_path, body) request.call end end end end