shared_examples "noteable" do |noteable_type| let(:scope) { mock } describe "#notes" do let(:fetch_scope) { mock } it "passes the token and applies the params" do subject. should_receive(:pass_headers). with(BaseCrm::Note). and_return(scope) scope.should_receive(:params). with({ :noteable_type => noteable_type, :noteable_id => }).and_return(fetch_scope) subject.notes.should == fetch_scope end end describe "#create_note" do let(:message) { mock } let(:note) { mock } it "creates a new note" do subject. should_receive(:pass_headers). with(BaseCrm::Note). and_return(scope) scope.should_receive(:create).with({ :content => message, :noteable_type => noteable_type, :noteable_id => }).and_return(note) subject.create_note(message).should == note end end end