#global vars set(:can_configure_nginx, true) set(:nginx_user, 'nginx') set(:nginx_processes, 4) set(:nginx_gzip_on, true) set(:nginx_gzip_xml_on, false) # app specific vars set(:nginx_server_names, "_") set(:nginx_far_future, false) set(:nginx_default_app, true) #http auth vars set(:nginx_auth_ip_masks, ['']) set(:nginx_http_auth_app, false) set(:nginx_auth_locations, []) set(:nginx_http_auth_users, []) namespace :nginx do %w( start stop restart reload ).each do |cmd| desc "#{cmd} your nginx servers" task "#{cmd}".to_sym, :roles => :web do default_run_options[:pty] = true sudo "/etc/init.d/nginx #{cmd}" end end desc "Setup Nginx vhost config" task :vhost, :roles => :web do result = render_erb_template(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/templates/nginx.vhost.conf.erb") put result, "/tmp/nginx.vhost.conf" sudo "mkdir -p /etc/nginx/vhosts" sudo "cp /tmp/nginx.vhost.conf /etc/nginx/vhosts/#{application}.conf" inform "You must edit nginx.conf to include the vhost config file." end desc "Setup Nginx vhost auth config" task :vhost_auth, :roles => :web do result = render_erb_template(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/templates/nginx.auth.conf.erb") put result, "/tmp/nginx.auth.conf" sudo "mkdir -p /etc/nginx/vhosts" sudo "cp /tmp/nginx.vhost.conf /etc/nginx/vhosts/#{application}.auth.conf" end desc "Setup htpasswd file for nginx auth" task :create_htpasswd, :roles => :web do sudo "mkdir -p /etc/nginx/conf" for user in nginx_http_auth_users run "cd /etc/nginx/conf && htpasswd -b htpasswd #{user['name']} #{user['password']}" # run <<-CMD # cd /etc/nginx/conf; # if [ ! -e /etc/nginx/conf/htpasswd ] ; then # htpasswd -b -c htpasswd #{user['name']} #{user['password']}; # else # htpasswd -b htpasswd #{user['name']} #{user['password']}; # fi # CMD end end desc "Setup Nginx.config" task :conf, :roles => :web do if can_configure_nginx result = render_erb_template(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/templates/nginx.conf.erb") put result, "/tmp/nginx.conf" sudo "cp /tmp/nginx.conf /etc/nginx/nginx.conf" else inform "Nginx configuration tasks have been disabled. Most likely you are deploying to engineyard which has it's own nginx conf setup." end end desc "Setup Nginx vhost config and nginx.conf" task :configure, :roles => :web do if can_configure_nginx conf vhost vhost_auth if nginx_auth_locations.length > 0 || nginx_http_auth_app create_htpasswd if nginx_http_auth_users.length > 0 else inform "Nginx configuration tasks have been disabled. Most likely you are deploying to engineyard which has it's own nginx conf setup." end end end class Capistrano::Configuration ## # Print an informative message with asterisks. def inform(message) puts "#{'*' * (message.length + 4)}" puts "* #{message} *" puts "#{'*' * (message.length + 4)}" end ## # Read a file and evaluate it as an ERB template. # Path is relative to this file's directory. def render_erb_template(filename) template = File.read(filename) result = ERB.new(template).result(binding) end ## # Run a command and return the result as a string. # # TODO May not work properly on multiple servers. def run_and_return(cmd) output = [] run cmd do |ch, st, data| output << data end return output.to_s end end