module ProMotion module DelegateModule include ProMotion::Support include ProMotion::Tabs include ProMotion::SplitScreen if UIDevice.currentDevice.userInterfaceIdiom == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPad || (UIDevice.currentDevice.systemVersion.to_i >= 8 ) attr_accessor :window, :home_screen def application(application, willFinishLaunchingWithOptions:launch_options) will_load(application, launch_options) if respond_to?(:will_load) true end def application(application, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:launch_options) on_load application, launch_options # Requires 'ProMotion-push' gem. check_for_push_notification(launch_options) if respond_to?(:check_for_push_notification) super rescue true # Can cause error message if no super is found, but it's harmless. Ignore. end def applicationDidBecomeActive(application) try :on_activate end def applicationWillResignActive(application) try :will_deactivate end def applicationDidEnterBackground(application) try :on_enter_background end def applicationWillEnterForeground(application) try :will_enter_foreground end def applicationWillTerminate(application) try :on_unload end def application(application, openURL: url, sourceApplication:source_app, annotation: annotation) try :on_open_url, { url: url, source_app: source_app, annotation: annotation } end def application(application, continueUserActivity:user_activity, restorationHandler:restoration_handler) try :on_continue_user_activity, { user_activity: user_activity, restoration_handler: restoration_handler } end def ui_window (defined?(Motion) && defined?(Motion::Xray) && defined?(Motion::Xray::XrayWindow)) ? Motion::Xray::XrayWindow : UIWindow end def open(screen, args={}) screen = set_up_screen_for_open(screen, args) self.home_screen = screen self.window ||= self.ui_window.alloc.initWithFrame(UIScreen.mainScreen.bounds) self.window.rootViewController = (screen.navigationController || screen) self.window.tintColor = self.class.send(:get_tint_color) if self.window.respond_to?("tintColor=") self.window.makeKeyAndVisible screen end alias :open_screen :open alias :open_root_screen :open_screen def set_up_screen_for_open(screen, args={}) # Instantiate screen if given a class screen = if screen.respond_to?(:new) # Store screen options screen.screen_options.merge(args) if screen.respond_to?(:screen_options) # Set title & modal properties screen.title = args[:title] if args[:title] && screen.respond_to?(:title=) screen.modal = args[:modal] if args[:modal] && screen.respond_to?(:modal=) # Hide bottom bar? screen.hidesBottomBarWhenPushed = args[:hide_tab_bar] == true # Wrap in a PM::NavigationController? screen.add_nav_bar(args) if screen.respond_to?(:add_nav_bar) # Return modified screen instance screen end # DEPRECATED def status_bar? mp "The default behavior of `status_bar?` has changed. Calling `status_bar?` on AppDelegate may not return the correct result.", force_color: :yellow self.class.status_bar_style != :hidden end def status_bar_style self.class.status_bar_style end def status_bar_animation self.class.status_bar_animation end public module ClassMethods def status_bar(visible = true, opts = {}) info_plist_setting = NSBundle.mainBundle.objectForInfoDictionaryKey('UIViewControllerBasedStatusBarAppearance') if info_plist_setting == false && visible == false mp "The default behavior of `status_bar` has changed. Calling `status_bar` will have no effect until you remove the 'UIViewControllerBasedStatusBarAppearance' setting from info_plist.", force_color: :yellow end @status_bar_style = case visible when false then :hidden when true then :default else visible end @status_bar_animation = opts[:animation] || :default end def status_bar_style @status_bar_style end def status_bar_animation @status_bar_animation end def tint_color(c) @tint_color = c end def tint_color=(c) @tint_color = c end def get_tint_color @tint_color || nil end end def self.included(base) base.extend(ClassMethods) end end end