require "active_support/encrypted_file" module Credman class Conflicts < Credman::Base REGEXP = /^<{7} HEAD(\r?\n(?!={7}\r?\n).*)*\r?\n={7}(\r?\n(?!>{7} ).*)*\r?\n>{7} \S+/m def perform @environment_list.each do |env| puts"#{env}:") cred_content ="config/credentials/#{env}.yml.enc") parsed_conflict = REGEXP.match(cred_content) unless parsed_conflict puts "✅ No conflicts found" next end our_config = config_to_compare_for(env, parsed_conflict[1].strip) their_config = config_to_compare_for(env, parsed_conflict[2].strip) @merged_config = our_config.deep_merge(their_config) deep_print_diff(HashDiff.diff(their_config, our_config)) # removes "---\n" in the very beginning merged_config_as_string = @merged_config.deep_stringify_keys.to_yaml[4..] rewrite_config_for(env, merged_config_as_string) puts "✅ Merged config for #{env} has been saved" end end private def config_to_compare_for(environment, encripted_file_content) deserialize(decript(key_for(environment), encripted_file_content)).deep_symbolize_keys end def key_for(environment)"config/credentials/#{environment}.key").binread.strip end def decript(key, content)[key].pack("H*"), cipher: "aes-128-gcm") .decrypt_and_verify(content) end def deserialize(raw_config) # rubocop:disable Security/YAMLLoad YAML.respond_to?(:unsafe_load) ? YAML.unsafe_load(raw_config) : YAML.load(raw_config) # rubocop:enable Security/YAMLLoad end def deep_print_diff(diff, key_path = []) if diff.empty? puts "\t✅ No differences" return end diff.each do |current_key, values| if values.is_a?(Hash) values.each { |k, val| deep_print_diff({k => val}, key_path + [current_key]) } elsif values.is_a?(Array) prev_value, current_value = values print_diff_row(key_path + [current_key], prev_value, current_value) end end end def print_diff_row(key_path, prev_value, current_value) if prev_value == HashDiff::NO_VALUE if current_value.is_a?(Hash) current_value.each { |value_key, value| print_diff_row(key_path + [value_key], prev_value, value) } else puts "\tADDED #{pastel.cyan("THEIR")} new key #{"."))}: #{pastel.yellow(current_value.inspect)}" end elsif current_value == HashDiff::NO_VALUE if prev_value.is_a?(Hash) prev_value.each { |value_key, value| print_diff_row(key_path + [value_key], value, current_value) } else puts "\tADDED #{pastel.cyan("OUR")} new key #{"."))}: #{pastel.yellow(prev_value.inspect)}" end else # Changed puts "\t❗️ The key #{"."))} changed in both branches, their: #{pastel.yellow(prev_value.inspect)}, our: #{pastel.yellow(current_value.inspect)}" puts "Which one should we use? Please type `their` or `our` to apply particular change or enter to abort." print "> " value_to_use = $stdin.gets.chomp merge_input_handler(value_to_use, key_path, prev_value, current_value) end end def merge_input_handler(input_value, key_path, their, our) if input_value == "their" deep_set!(@merged_config, key_path, their) puts "✅ #{"."))} set as #{pastel.yellow(their.inspect)}" elsif input_value == "our" deep_set!(@merged_config, key_path, our) puts "✅ #{"."))} set as #{pastel.yellow(our.inspect)}" else abort("❌ Merge aborted. Config did not save.") end end def deep_set!(obj, keys, value) key = keys.first if keys.length == 1 obj[key] = value else obj[key] = {} unless obj[key] deep_set!(obj[key], keys.slice(1..-1), value) end end def rewrite_config_for(environment, new_config) content_path: "config/credentials/#{environment}.yml.enc", key_path: "config/credentials/#{environment}.key", env_key: "RAILS_MASTER_KEY", raise_if_missing_key: true ).write(new_config) end end end