MAKEFLAGS += --warn-undefined-variables -j1 SHELL := bash .SHELLFLAGS := -eu -o pipefail -c .DEFAULT_GOAL := all .DELETE_ON_ERROR: .SUFFIXES: .PHONY: # Environment switches MAKE_ENV ?= docker COMPOSE_RUN_SHELL_FLAGS ?= --rm # Directories VENDOR_DIR ?= vendor/bundle # Host binaries AWK ?= awk BASH ?= bash COMPOSE ?= docker-compose DOCKER ?= docker GREP ?= grep ID ?= id MKDIR ?= mkdir RM ?= rm XARGS ?= xargs # Container binaries BUNDLE ?= bundle GEM ?= gem RAKE ?= rake RUBOCOP ?= rubocop YARD ?= yard # Define a generic shell run wrapper # $1 - The command to run ifeq ($(MAKE_ENV),docker) define run-shell $(COMPOSE) run $(COMPOSE_RUN_SHELL_FLAGS) \ -e LANG=en_US.UTF-8 -e LANGUAGE=en_US.UTF-8 -e LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 \ -e HOME=/home/web -e BUNDLE_APP_CONFIG=/app/.bundle \ -u `$(ID) -u` test bash -c 'sleep 0.1; echo; $(1)' endef else ifeq ($(MAKE_ENV),baremetal) define run-shell $(1) endef endif all: # Billomat # # install Install the dependencies # update Update the local Gemset dependencies # clean Clean the dependencies # # test Run the whole test suite # test-style Test the code styles # # docs Generate the Ruby documentation of the library # stats Print the code statistics (library and test suite) # notes Print all the notes from the code # release Release a new Gem version (maintainers only) # # shell Run an interactive shell on the container # shell-irb Run an interactive IRB shell on the container install: # Install the dependencies @$(MKDIR) -p $(VENDOR_DIR) @$(call run-shell,$(BUNDLE) check || $(BUNDLE) install --path $(VENDOR_DIR)) @$(call run-shell,GEM_HOME=vendor/bundle/ruby/$${RUBY_MAJOR}.0 \ $(GEM) install bundler -v "~> 1.0") test: \ test-specs \ test-style test-specs: # Run the whole test suite @$(call run-shell,$(BUNDLE) exec $(RAKE) stats spec) test-style: \ test-style-ruby test-style-ruby: # Run the static code analyzer (rubocop) @$(call run-shell,$(BUNDLE) exec $(RUBOCOP) -a) clean: # Clean the dependencies @$(RM) -rf $(VENDOR_DIR) @$(RM) -rf $(VENDOR_DIR)/Gemfile.lock @$(RM) -rf pkg @$(RM) -rf coverage clean-containers: # Clean running containers ifeq ($(MAKE_ENV),docker) @$(COMPOSE) down endif clean-images: # Clean build images ifeq ($(MAKE_ENV),docker) @-$(DOCKER) images | $(GREP) rimless \ | $(AWK) '{ print $$3 }' \ | $(XARGS) -rn1 $(DOCKER) rmi -f endif distclean: clean clean-containers clean-images shell: # Run an interactive shell on the container @$(call run-shell,$(BASH) -i) shell-irb: # Run an interactive IRB shell on the container @$(call run-shell,bin/console) docs: # Build the API documentation @$(call run-shell,$(BUNDLE) exec $(YARD) -q && \ $(BUNDLE) exec $(YARD) stats --list-undoc --compact) notes: # Print the code statistics (library and test suite) @$(call run-shell,$(BUNDLE) exec $(RAKE) notes) stats: # Print all the notes from the code @$(call run-shell,$(BUNDLE) exec $(RAKE) stats) release: # Release a new gem version @$(BUNDLE) exec $(RAKE) release