# frozen-string-literal: true
class Roda
module RodaPlugins
# The content_for plugin is designed to be used with the
# render plugin, allowing you to store content inside one
# template, and retrieve that content inside a separate
# template. Most commonly, this is so view templates
# can set content for the layout template to display outside
# of the normal content pane.
# In the template in which you want to store content, call
# content_for with a block:
# <% content_for :foo do %>
# Some content here.
# <% end %>
# or:
# <% content_for :foo do "Some content here." end %>
# You can also set the raw content as the second argument,
# instead of passing a block:
# <% content_for :foo, "Some content" %>
# In the template in which you want to retrieve content,
# call content_for without the block or argument:
# <%= content_for :foo %>
# Note that when storing content by calling content_for
# with a block and embedding template code, the return
# value of the block is used as the content (after being
# converted to a string). This can cause issues in some
# cases, such as:
# <% content_for :foo do %>
# <% [1,2,3].each do |i| %>
# Content <%= i %>
# <% end %>
# <% end %>
# In the above example, the return value of the block is
# [1,2,3], as Array#each returns the receiver.
# If whitespace is not important, you can work around this by
# adding an empty line before the end of the content_for block.
# If content_for is used multiple times with the same key,
# by default, the last call will append previous calls.
# If you want to overwrite the previous content, pass the
# append: false option when loading the plugin:
# plugin :content_for, append: false
module ContentFor
# Depend on the capture_erb plugin, since it uses capture_erb
# to capture the content.
def self.load_dependencies(app, _opts = OPTS)
app.plugin :capture_erb
# Configure whether to append or overwrite if content_for
# is called multiple times with the same key.
def self.configure(app, opts = OPTS)
app.opts[:append_content_for] = opts.fetch(:append, true)
module InstanceMethods
# If called with a block, store content enclosed by block
# under the given key. If called without a block, retrieve
# stored content with the given key, or return nil if there
# is no content stored with that key.
def content_for(key, value=nil, &block)
append = opts[:append_content_for]
if block || value
if block
value = capture_erb(&block)
@_content_for ||= {}
if append
(@_content_for[key] ||= []) << value
@_content_for[key] = value
elsif @_content_for && (value = @_content_for[key])
if append
value = value.join
register_plugin(:content_for, ContentFor)