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eAssetSaveSpriteAssetm_PropSpriteAssetDrawSpriteAssetspriteAssetAssemblyDefinitionAssetAddObjectToAssetDefaultAssetSave_SDF_FontAssetTMP_FontAssetSave_Bitmap_FontAssetm_ReferencedFontAssetm_SelectedFontAssetUpgradeFontAssetCreateFontAssetRegenerateFontAssetFindMatchingFontAssetm_GlobalFontAssetSetGlobalFontAssetm_PropFontAssetSaveNewFontAssetm_LegacyFontAssetm_fontAssetImportAssetTextAssetalignLeftget_miniButtonLeftalignmentButtonLeftset_leftget_shifts_LightalignRightget_miniButtonRightalignmentButtonRightget_fixedHeightset_fixedHeightExpandHeightget_singleLineHeightID_TextureHeightget_pixelHeightk_AlignmentButtonHeightm_AtlasHeightset_atlasHeightGetHeightelementHeightGetPropertyHeightget_heightset_heightset_rightop_Implicitm_OnEndEditSplitm_LineLimitm_CharacterLimitInitFirstOrDefaultStringHexToIntGetIntSetIntCreateFontAssetVariantTMP_ColorGradientCreateColorGradientset_xPlacementset_yPlacementreplacementUnityEngine.SceneManagementUnityEditor.Experimental.SceneManagementUnityEditor.SceneManagementm_SelectedElementm_selectedElementTMP_TextElementMoveArrayElementelementDecrementget_verticalAlignmentget_horizontalAlignmentDrawAlignmentget_alignmentset_alignmentAddComponentparentLinkedComponentm_SubMeshComponentGetComponentm_TextComponentReleaseLinkedTextComponentm_PreviousLinkedTextComponentget_linkedTextComponentset_linkedTextComponentSetTransformParentGetComponentInParentSetParentget_parentSystem.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator.CurrentSystem.Collections.IEnumerator.CurrentSystem.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator.get_CurrentSystem.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current<>2__currentget_currentGUIContentset_titleContentcontentIsPersistentautoEventAutoResetEventUnityEventRepaintDrawFontset_fontget_Countget_spriteCounts_UndoRedoCounts_LastSeenUndoRedoCountm_CharacterCountget_prefabContentsRootPlaceUIElementRootget_pivotMonoScriptTrimStartm_PropEnableEmojiSupportget_enableEmojiSupportm_TextViewportSqrtFastLastSendCancellationRequestm_ListOptionDataListm_ReorderableListm_KerningTableSearchListm_GlyphSearchListm_CharacterSearchListRemoveGlyphFromListRemoveCharacterFromListRemoveAdjustmentPairFromListDoListToListm_SpriteInfoListspriteInfoListm_glyphInfoListm_ModifiedAssetListm_fallbackSpriteAssetListDoLayoutListArrayListm_listboldFoldoutm_foldoutget_foldoutEditorGUILayoutResetVertexLayoutm_HideMobileInputValidateInputm_PreviousInputDrawTextInputtextInputMoveNextTMP_Textm_TextCreateTextm_RichTextDrawRichTextset_richTextReadAllTextWriteAllTextm_RtlTextm_ItemTextm_CaptionTextk_ProjectScanReportDefaultTextget_textset_textsearchContextcontextTMP_FontAsset_CreationMenuImportProjectResourcesMenuTMPro_CreateObjectMenuTMP_StyleAssetMenuTMP_SpriteAssetMenuTMP_ColorGradientAssetMenuImportExamplesContentMenus_EnvStartNewget_lastActiveSceneViewSetPositionVisibleinSceneViewEndScrollViewBeginScrollViewGetGameviewDrawPreviewget_NowUpdateRenderFeedbackWindowShowConverterWindowShowFontAtlasCreatorWindowTMPro_FontAssetCreatorWindowEditorWindowFocusProjectWindowGetWindowtextAreaBoxWindows_GlowDrawWrappingOverflowset_overflowget_xset_xget_xMaxget_yMaxk_placeholderUnicodeHexID_FaceTexID_OutlineTexID_MainTexsrcIndexselectedIndexFindIndexm_ScanningCurrentFileIndexm_AtlasTextureIndexget_enumValueIndexprop_GlyphIndexTryGetGlyphIndexget_glyphIndexm_StyleSelectionIndexm_MaterialPresetSelectionIndexm_moveToIndexMoveGlyphToIndexMoveCharacterToIndexget_atlasIndexset_atlasIndexDeleteArrayElementAtIndexGetArrayElementAtIndexInsertArrayElementAtIndexm_FontAssetCreationSettingsCurrentIndexnewIndexget_indexset_indexRegexk_ProjectScanLabelPrefixHelpBoxget_helpBoxDrawBoxThenByOrderByget_yset_ys_UnderlayTexture2DArrayInitializeArrayTexturePacker_JsonArrayToArrayGetCharactersArrayTMP_TextElement_Legacyk_FontAssetCreationSettingsContainerKeyHasKeyContainsKeyk_FontAssetCreationSettingsCurrentIndexKeyget_activeInHierarchyget_Assemblym_ReadOnlyop_MultiplyApplyOnDestroym_GlyphPairAdjustmentRecordLookupDictionaryObjectFactoryDirectoryop_Equalityop_InequalityEditorGUIUtilityPrefabStageUtilityHandleUtilityRectTransformUtilityTMP_ProjectConversionUtilityJsonUtilityColorUtilityTMP_EditorUtilityInternalEditorUtilityGameObjectUtilityGUILayoutUtilityget_identitym_ScrollbarScrollSensitivityIsNullOrEmptyCopyGlyphSerializedPropertyCopyCharacterSerializedPropertyget_serializedPropertyEndPropertyFindPropertym_ScalePropertym_SpriteGlyphTablePropertym_SpriteCharacterTablePropertym_AscentLinePropertym_DescentLinePropertym_BaselinePropertym_PointSizePropertyUpdateGlobalPropertyMaterialPropertyDrawMaginPropertyBeginPropertyDrawMarginPropertyDrawDimensionPropertym_FaceInfoPropertyk_ColorPropertyDrawColorPropertyHasPropertym_LineHeightPropertypropertym_IsGlyphSearchDirtym_IsCharacterSearchDirtym_isSearchDirtym_IsSpriteAssetLookupTablesDirtyIsFontAssetLookupTablesDirtySetDirtym_IsStyleSheetDirtyisAssetDirtym_IsPresetListDirtyzA Font file must first be selected in order to create a Font Asset./! - Variant.asset SDF.asset=Unable to load font face for []. Make sure "Include Font Data" is enabled in the Font Import Settings. 1.1.0 Atlas5TextMeshPro/Distance Field MaterialConversion Tool%Scan Project Files5Press the <i>Scan Project Files</i> button to begin scanning your project for files & resources that were created with a previous version of TextMesh Pro.wProject folder to be scanned. Example "Assets/TextMesh Pro"3Folder Path: Assets/Assets/..AProject Settings Change Required-In menu options "Edit - Project Settings - Editor", please change Asset Serialization Mode to ForceText and Source Control Mode to Visible Meta Files.OKScan Progress ()X7Save Modified Project Files5Pressing the <i>Save Modified Project Files</i> button will update the files in the <i>Project Scan Results</i> listed above. <color=#FFFF80>Please make sure that you have created a backup of your project first</color> as these file modifications are permanent and cannot be undone. .fbx .blend /Save Modified Asset(s)?eAre you sure you want to save all modified assets?YESNO%Visible Meta Filesg<color=#FFFF80><b>Project Scan Results</b></color> Scanning: cThe version of this TextMesh Pro UPM package is ().k/Package Resources/TMP Examples & Extras.unitypackaget:TMP_Settingso/Package Resources/TMP Essential Resources.unitypackage;/Resources/TMP Settings.asset-Classes/UI/Keyboard.mm9FILTER_EMOJIS_IOS_KEYBOARD 19FILTER_EMOJIS_IOS_KEYBOARD 0=/Assets/TextMesh Pro/Resources'Assets/TextMesh ProTextMesh Pro/ResourcesSprite ImporterImport Settings%Sprite Data SourceImport Format)Sprite Texture Atlas'Create Sprite Asset;The Sprite Data Source file [c] appears to be invalid or incorrectly formatted.W<b>Import Results</b> -------------------- %<color=#C0ffff><b>[</b></color> Sprites were imported from file.#Save Sprite Asset-Save Sprite Asset File asset You're saving the font asset in a directory outside of this project folder. This is not supported. Please select a directory under "" .asset%TextMeshPro/Spritem_OptionsOptions m_Textm_Imagem_Widthm_Height)m_HorizontalBearingX)m_HorizontalBearingY'm_HorizontalAdvanceGlyph MetricsW:H:BX:BY:AD:m_Xm_YGlyph RectX:Y: m_textm_isRightToLeftm_fontAsset!m_sharedMaterialm_fontStylem_fontSizem_fontSizeBase%m_enableAutoSizingm_fontSizeMinm_fontSizeMax!m_lineSpacingMax#m_charWidthMaxAdjm_fontColor-m_enableVertexGradient'm_fontColorGradient3m_fontColorGradientPreset)m_overrideHtmlColors%m_characterSpacingm_wordSpacingm_lineSpacing%m_paragraphSpacingm_textAlignment+m_HorizontalAlignment'm_VerticalAlignment'm_horizontalMapping#m_verticalMappingm_uvLineOffset)m_enableWordWrapping)m_wordWrappingRatiosm_overflowModem_pageToDisplay+m_linkedTextComponent+parentLinkedComponentm_enableKerning)m_enableExtraPaddingm_isRichText)checkPaddingRequired+m_parseCtrlCharacters1m_useMaxVisibleDescender-m_geometrySortingOrder3m_IsTextObjectScaleStaticm_spriteAssetm_StyleSheet'm_TextStyleHashCodem_margin+m_hasFontAssetChangedm_colorModeMargin Changes#<b>Text Input</b>The Text Input Box is disabled due to this text component being linked to another.RTL Text Input)<b>Main Settings</b>topLefttopRightbottomLeftbottomRightcolorMode LeftTop Right Bottom#Enable RTL EditorsReverses text direction and allows right to left editing.Font AssetThe Font Asset containing the glyphs that can be rendered for this text.Material PresetThe material used for rendering. Only materials created from the Font Asset can be used.Text StyleoThe style from a style sheet to be applied to the text.Auto Size_Auto sizes the text to fit the available space.Font SizeaThe size the text will be rendered at in points.#Auto Size OptionsMin-The minimum font size.Max-The maximum font size.WD%Compresses character width up to this value before reducing font size. LineNegative value only. Compresses line height down to this value before reducing font size.Font StylegStyles to apply to the text such as Bold or Italic.B BoldI ItalicUUnderlineSStrikethroughabLowercaseABUppercaseSCSmallcapsColor Mode9The type of gradient to use.Vertex ColorIThe base color of the text vertices.Color PresetoA Color Preset which override the local color settings.Color GradientThe gradient color applied over the Vertex Color. Can be locally set or driven by a Gradient Asset. ColorsMThe color composition of the gradient.Override TagsiWhether the color settings override the <color> tag.)Spacing Options (em)Spacing adjustments between different elements of the text. Values are in font units where a value of 1 equals 1/100em.Character WordParagraphAlignmentHorizontal and vertical aligment of the text within its container.%Wrap Mix (W <-> C)How much to favor words versus characters when distributing the text.WrappingWraps text to the next line when reaching the edge of the container.DisabledEnabledOverflow}How to display text which goes past the edge of the container.MarginssThe space between the text and the edge of its container.!Geometry SortingThe order in which text geometry is sorted. Used to adjust the way overlapping characters are displayed.Is Scale StaticControls whether a text object will be excluded from the InteralUpdate callback to handle scale changes of the text object or its parent(s).Rich Text{Enables the use of rich text tags such as <color> and <font>./Parse Escape CharactersWhether to display strings such as "\n" as is or replace them by the character they represent.#Visible DescenderCompute descender values from visible characters only. Used to adjust layout behavior when hiding and revealing characters dynamically.Sprite AssetThe Sprite Asset used when NOT specifically referencing one using <sprite="Sprite Asset Name">.#Style Sheet Asset_The Style Sheet Asset used by this text object.%Horizontal MappingHorizontal UV mapping when using a shader with a texture face option.!Vertical MappingVertical UV mapping when using a shader with a texture face option.Line OffsetAdds an horizontal offset to each successive line. Used for slanted texturing.KerningEnables character specific spacing between pairs of characters.Extra PaddingAdds some padding between the characters and the edge of the text mesh. Can reduce graphical errors when displaying small text.Extra Settings7<i>(Click to collapse)</i> 3<i>(Click to expand)</i> YW WidthH HeightLRTOff Front Back; - <i>Click to collapse</i> -9 - <i>Click to expand</i> - Tiling Offset Speed#Font Asset Change FaceDebug Settings_FaceColor Color_FaceTexTexture _Color_DiffusePowerDiffuse Power_MainTexFont Atlas_PaddingPadding_VertexOffsetXOffset X_VertexOffsetYOffset Y_MaskSoftnessXSoftness X_MaskSoftnessYSoftness Y_ClipRectClip Rect_StencilStencil ID_StencilCompStencil Comp_CullModeCull Modem_Unicodem_GlyphIndexm_Scale5Unicode: <color=#FFFF80>0x</color>1UTF32: <color=#FFFF80>\UX81UTF16: <color=#FFFF80>\uX43Glyph ID: <color=#FFFF80>-Scale: <color=#FFFF80>Unicode InputUnicode:Glyph ID:Edit Glyphm_GlyphTablem_Metricsm_GlyphRect Scale:m_AtlasIndexGAssets/New TMP Color Gradient.asset;/New TMP Color Gradient.assetm_Templatem_CaptionTextm_CaptionImagem_Placeholderm_ItemTextm_ItemImage!m_OnValueChangedm_Value!m_AlphaFadeSpeed!m_isOrthographic%m_isVolumetricText+<b>Extra Settings</b>)Sorting Layer ChangeSorting LayerKName of the Renderer's sorting layer.Order in LayerQRenderer's order within a sorting layer.#Orthographic ModeShould be enabled when using an orthographic camera. Instructs the shader to not perform any perspective correction.!Volumetric SetupUse cubes rather than quads to render the text. Allows for volumetric rendering when combined with a compatible shader.m_RaycastTargetm_MaskableRaycast TargetyWhether the text blocks raycasts from the Graphic Raycaster.MaskableuDetermines if the text object will be affected by UI Mask.)UnityEditor.GameViewAssets/t:Material =Packages/com.unity.textmeshproo/Assets/Packages/com.unity.TextMeshPro/Editor ResourcesKAssets/Packages/com.unity.TextMeshProK/Assets/TextMesh Pro/Editor ResourcesM/Assets/Packages/com.unity.TextMeshPro)/Assets/TextMesh Pro#/Editor Resources,-X2 #{0}Not FoundregularTypefaceitalicTypeface[Hidden/TMP/Internal/Editor/Distance Field SSDEHidden/Internal-GUITextureClipTextm_FaceInfom_AtlasTexturesmaterial+m_AtlasPopulationMode#m_AtlasRenderModem_PointSizem_AtlasPaddingm_AtlasWidthm_AtlasHeight;m_IsMultiAtlasTexturesEnabled#m_FontWeightTable1m_FallbackFontAssetTablenormalStyle'normalSpacingOffsetboldStyleboldSpacingitalicStyletabSize!m_CharacterTable%m_FontFeatureTable9m_GlyphPairAdjustmentRecords3glyphPairAdjustmentRecord)<b>Face Info</b> - v)Update Atlas Texturem_FamilyNamem_StyleNamem_LineHeightm_AscentLinem_CapLinem_MeanLinem_Baselinem_DescentLine#m_UnderlineOffset)m_UnderlineThickness+m_StrikethroughOffset'm_SuperscriptOffset#m_SuperscriptSize#m_SubscriptOffsetm_SubscriptSizem_TabWidth5<b>Generation Settings</b>!Source Font File+Atlas Population ModeMAtlas Population mode set to [Static].!Please set the [] font to dynamic mode as this is required for Dynamic SDF support.OAtlas Population mode set to [Dynamic].'Sampling Point SizeAtlas WidthAtlas Height)Multi Atlas TexturesDetermines if the font asset will store glyphs in multiple atlas textures.Changing these settings will clear the font asset's character, glyph and texture data. Apply Revert/<b>Atlas & Material</b>Font Material'<b>Font Weights</b> The Font Assets that will be used for different font weights and the settings used to simulate a typeface when no asset is available.!Regular TypefaceItalic Typeface100 - Thin#200 - Extra-Light300 - Light400 - Regular500 - Medium600 - Semi-Bold700 - Bold800 - Heavy900 - BlackNormal Weight#UndoRedoPerformed_WeightNormalBold Weight_WeightBoldSpacing OffsetBold SpacingItalic StyleTab Multiple7<b>Fallback Font Assets</b>Select the Font Assets that will be searched and used as fallback when characters are missing from this font asset.5<b>Character Table</b> [] CharactersaList of characters contained in this font asset.!Character SearchSearchTextField%SearchCancelButton/SearchCancelButtonEmpty1<i>New Unicode (Hex)</i>Copy to#CharacterID_InputaThe Unicode (Hex) ID of the duplicated Character RemoveWThe Destination Character ID already exists-<b>Glyph Table</b> [ GlyphsYList of glyphs contained in this font asset.Glyph SearchGlyphID_InputIThe Glyph ID of the duplicated Glyph'<i>New Glyph ID</i>OThe Destination Glyph ID already existsC<b>Glyph Adjustment Table</b> [ RecordseList of glyph adjustment / advanced kerning pairs.-Adjustment Pair SearchSelectable?Add New Glyph Adjustment Record/m_FirstAdjustmentRecord1m_SecondAdjustmentRecord%m_GlyphValueRecordgKerning Pair already <color=#ffff00>exists!</color>m_Glyphm_IndexPrevious Page Page  / Next Pagem_XPlacementm_YPlacementm_XAdvancem_YAdvancex8163264128256512 1024 2048 4096 8192)m_FeatureLookupFlags ID: 'ID: <color=#FFFF80>OX:OY:AX:'FirstCharacterFieldID:OXOYAX)SecondCharacterFieldOptions:\u\U Char:%Enter the character or its UTF16 or UTF32 Unicode character escape sequence. For UTF16 use "\uFF00" and for UTF32 use "\UFF00FF00" representation.Atlas Index:m_TextViewportm_TextComponentm_ContentTypem_LineTypem_LineLimitm_InputType+m_CharacterValidation!m_InputValidatorm_RegexValuem_KeyboardType!m_CharacterLimit!m_CaretBlinkRatem_CaretWidthm_CaretColor%m_CustomCaretColor!m_SelectionColor%m_HideSoftKeyboard#m_HideMobileInput'm_VerticalScrollbar'm_ScrollSensitivitym_OnEndEditm_OnSelectm_OnDeselectm_ReadOnlym_RichText5m_isRichTextEditingAllowed+m_ResetOnDeActivation;m_RestoreOriginalTextOnEscape%m_OnFocusSelectAll#m_GlobalPointSize#m_GlobalFontAsset)Input Field SettingsSet the Font Asset for both Placeholder and Input Field text object.Point SizeSet the point size of both Placeholder and Input Field text object.!Control Settings)OnFocus - Select AllShould all the text be selected when the Input Field is selected.+Reset On DeActivationShould the Text and Caret position be reset when Input Field is DeActivated.%Restore On ESC KeyoShould the original text be restored when pressing ESC.%Hide Soft KeyboardoControls the visibility of the mobile virtual keyboard.#Hide Mobile InputControls the visibility of the editable text field above the mobile virtual keyboard./Allow Rich Text Editing_FaceUVSpeedX_FaceUVSpeedY!_OutlineUVSpeedX!_OutlineUVSpeedYOuter BevelInner BevelOutlineOUTLINE_ONUnderlayUNDERLAY_ONUNDERLAY_INNERUnderlay Type None Normal Inner BevelBEVEL_ON GlowGLOW_ON MaskMASK_HARDMASK_SOFTMask OffMask HardMask SoftOutline 2_SpecularColorLightingLocal LightingBump MapEnvironment Map_SpecColor!Surface Lighting!_OutlineSoftnessSoftness_FaceDilate Dilate_FaceShininess Gloss_OutlineColor_OutlineTex_OutlineWidthThickness#_OutlineShininess_Outline2Color_Outline2Width_UnderlayColor!_UnderlayOffsetX!_UnderlayOffsetY_UnderlayDilate#_UnderlaySoftness_ShaderFlags Type _Bevel Amount_BevelOffset_BevelWidth_BevelRoundnessRoundness_BevelClamp Clamp_LightAngleLight AngleSpecular Color_SpecularPowerSpecular Power_Reflectivity%Reflectivity Power_DiffuseDiffuse Shadow_AmbientAmbient Shadow_BumpMap_BumpFace_BumpOutline#_ReflectFaceColorFace Color)_ReflectOutlineColorOutline Color _Cube%_EnvMatrixRotationRotation_GlowColor_GlowOffset_GlowInner_GlowOuter Outer_GlowPower Power_GradientScaleGradient Scale_TextureWidthTexture Width_TextureHeightTexture Height_ScaleXScale X_ScaleYScale Y_SharpnessSharpness%_PerspectiveFilter%Perspective Filter_MaskTexUse RatiosRATIOS_OFF_ScaleRatioAScale Ratio A_ScaleRatioBScale Ratio B_ScaleRatioCScale Ratio C_MaskCoordMask Bounds+Match Renderer BoundsMask Texture_MaskInverseInverse Mask_MaskEdgeColorEdge Color#_MaskEdgeSoftnessEdge Softness!_MaskWipeControlWipe Position%m_defaultFontAsset-m_defaultFontAssetPath#m_defaultFontSize3m_defaultAutoSizeMinRatio3m_defaultAutoSizeMaxRatioKm_defaultTextMeshProTextContainerSizeOm_defaultTextMeshProUITextContainerSize/m_autoSizeTextContainer+m_EnableRaycastTarget)m_defaultSpriteAsset?m_MissingCharacterSpriteUnicode)m_enableEmojiSupport1m_defaultSpriteAssetPath'm_defaultStyleSheet3m_StyleSheetsResourcePathCm_defaultColorGradientPresetsPath)m_fallbackFontAssets+m_matchMaterialPreset-m_enableTintAllSprites;m_enableParseEscapeCharacters/m_missingGlyphCharacter%m_warningsDisabled5m_GetFontFeaturesAtRuntime'm_leadingCharacters+m_followingCharactersEm_UseModernHangulLineBreakingRules1Use Modern Line BreakingDetermines if traditional or modern line breaking rules will be used to control line breaking. Traditional line breaking rules use the Leading and Following Character rules whereas Modern uses spaces for line breaking.)Project/TextMesh ProTMP Settings;Project/TextMesh Pro/SettingsspriteSheet-m_SpriteCharacterTable%m_SpriteGlyphTable)fallbackSpriteAssets'Update Sprite AssetSprite Atlas!Default Material;<b>Fallback Sprite Assets</b>Select the Sprite Assets that will be searched and used as fallback when a given sprite is missing from this sprite asset.;<b>Sprite Character Table</b>sList of sprite characters contained in this sprite asset.Sprite SearchUp Down Goto+3<b>Sprite Glyph Table</b>uA list of the SpriteGlyphs contained in this sprite asset.-Global Offsets & Scale ADV.SF. m_Namem_HashCode;Sprite Asset <color=#FFFF80>[]</color>'s atlas texture does not appear to have any sprites defined in it. Use the Unity Sprite Editor to define sprites for this texture.A texture must first be selected in order to create a TextMesh Pro Sprite Asset.-Index: <color=#FFFF80>+Name: <color=#FFFF80> Name:gPlease assign a valid Sprite Atlas texture to the [] Sprite Asset.# Assets-/Text StyleSheet.asset'm_OpeningDefinition'm_ClosingDefinition#m_OpeningTagArray#m_ClosingTagArrayHashCodeOpening TagsClosing Tagsm_StyleListPrevious Next+DoTextAligmentControlY/Editor Resources/Textures/btn_AlignLeft.psd]/Editor Resources/Textures/btn_AlignCenter.psd[/Editor Resources/Textures/btn_AlignRight.psdc/Editor Resources/Textures/btn_AlignJustified.psd[/Editor Resources/Textures/btn_AlignFlush.psdc/Editor Resources/Textures/btn_AlignCenterGeo.psdW/Editor Resources/Textures/btn_AlignTop.psd]/Editor Resources/Textures/btn_AlignMiddle.psd]/Editor Resources/Textures/btn_AlignBottom.psda/Editor Resources/Textures/btn_AlignBaseLine.psd_/Editor Resources/Textures/btn_AlignMidLine.psd_/Editor Resources/Textures/btn_AlignCapLine.psdc/Editor Resources/Textures/SectionHeader_Dark.psde/Editor Resources/Textures/btn_AlignLeft_Light.psdi/Editor Resources/Textures/btn_AlignCenter_Light.psdg/Editor Resources/Textures/btn_AlignRight_Light.psdo/Editor Resources/Textures/btn_AlignJustified_Light.psdg/Editor Resources/Textures/btn_AlignFlush_Light.psdo/Editor Resources/Textures/btn_AlignCenterGeo_Light.psdc/Editor Resources/Textures/btn_AlignTop_Light.psdi/Editor Resources/Textures/btn_AlignMiddle_Light.psdi/Editor Resources/Textures/btn_AlignBottom_Light.psdm/Editor Resources/Textures/btn_AlignBaseLine_Light.psdk/Editor Resources/Textures/btn_AlignMidLine_Light.psdk/Editor Resources/Textures/btn_AlignCapLine_Light.psde/Editor Resources/Textures/SectionHeader_Light.psd CenterJustified FlushGeometry Center MiddleBaselineMidlineCaplineMaterial is an instance and cannot be converted into a persistent asset.Material Preset cannot be created from a material that is located outside the project. .matNo Material Properties to Paste. Use Copy Material Properties first.Paste MaterialReset MaterialPaste Texture Atlas.pngm_IsReadableText (TMP)Sample textCreate Parent New Text)UI/Skin/UISprite.psd-UI/Skin/Background.psdAUI/Skin/InputFieldBackground.psd!UI/Skin/Knob.psd+UI/Skin/Checkmark.psd3UI/Skin/DropdownArrow.psd%UI/Skin/UIMask.psd CanvasUIEventSystem%Font Asset CreatorFont Asset [] does not contain any previous "Font Asset Creation Settings". This usually means [m] was created before this new functionality was added.TextMeshPro.FontAssetCreator.RecentFontAssetCreationSettings.ContainerTextMeshPro.FontAssetCreator.RecentFontAssetCreationSettings.CurrentIndexIAssets/TextMesh Pro/Glyph Report.txtSAssets/TextMesh Pro/Glyph Report.txt.meta9Glyph packing completed in: 0.000 ms.IFont Atlas generation completed in: 3Generation completed in: 0.00 ms.SNo characters selected or invalid format.Font Settings'Font Settings [{0}]Packing Method!Atlas ResolutionCharacter Set?32 - 126, 160, 8203, 8230, 9633e32 - 126, 160 - 255, 8192 - 8303, 8364, 8482, 9633-32 - 64, 91 - 126, 160/32 - 96, 123 - 126, 160A32 - 64, 91 - 96, 123 - 126, 160 Enter a sequence of decimal values to define the characters to be included in the font asset or retrieve one from another font asset.#Select Font Asset9Character Sequence (Decimal)Enter a sequence of Unicode (hex) values to define the characters to be included in the font asset or retrieve one from another font asset.1Character Sequence (Hex)Type the characters to be included in the font asset or retrieve them from another font asset.+Custom Character ListCharacter File](?<!\\)(?:\\u[0-9a-fA-F]{4}|\\U[0-9a-fA-F]{8})Render Mode#Get Kerning Pairs'Generate Font Atlas9Font Asset Creator - Error [o] has occurred while Initializing the FreeType Library.CFont Asset Creator - Error Code [G] has occurred trying to load the [] font file. This typically results from the use of an incompatible or corrupted font file. SaveSave as...<color=#C0ffff>Font: <b>1</color></b> Style: <b></color></b>! Point Size: <b>?</color></b> SP/PD Ratio: <b>!0.0%</color></b>S Characters included: <color=#ffff00><b></b></color>O Missing characters: <color=#ffff00><b>Q Excluded characters: <color=#ffff00><b> <b><color=#ffff00>Characters missing from font file:</color></b>S ----------------------------------------) ID: <color=#C0ffff>; </color>Hex: <color=#C0ffff>= </color>Char [<color=#C0ffff></color>] <b><color=#ffff00>Characters excluded from packing:</color></b> <color=#ffff00>Report truncated.</color> <color=#c0ffff>See</color> "TextMesh Pro\Glyph Report.txt"<[^>]*>ESave TextMesh Pro! Font Asset File SDF%TextMeshPro/BitmapAuto SizingCustom Size ASCIIExtended ASCIIASCII LowercaseASCII Uppercase#Numbers + SymbolsCustom Range'Unicode Range (Hex)#Custom Characters)Characters from File!m_anchorPositionm_pivot m_rectm_marginsPivot PositionDimensionsyzw7/PackageConversionData.jsont:Object9<b>Phase 1 - Filtering:</b> 7<b>Phase 2 - Scanning:</b> Fallback List%Default Font AssetThe Font Asset that will be assigned by default to newly created text objects when no Font Asset is specified./Path: Resources/The relative path to a Resources folder where the Font Assets and Material Presets are located. Example "Fonts & Materials/")Fallback Font AssetsThe Font Assets that will be searched to locate and replace missing characters from a given Font Asset.3Fallback Font Assets List5Fallback Material Settings-Match Material Presets?Text Container Default SettingsTextMeshProTextMeshPro UI+Enable Raycast Target1Auto Size Text ContainerkSet the size of the text container to match the text.-Is Object Scale StaticDisables calling InternalUpdate() when enabled. This can improve performance when text object scale is static.?Text Component Default Settings#Default Font Size+Text Auto Size RatiosWord Wrapping!Tint All Sprites+Parse Escape Sequence9Dynamic Font System Settings9Get Font Features at RuntimeDetermines if Glyph Adjustment Data will be retrieved from font files at runtime when new characters and glyphs are added to font assets.7Dynamic Atlas Texture Group3Missing Character UnicodeThe character to be displayed when the requested character is not found in any font asset or fallbacks.!Disable warningsQDisable warning messages in the Console.)Default Sprite AssetThe Sprite Asset that will be assigned by default when using the <sprite> tag when no Sprite Asset is specified.-Missing Sprite UnicodeThe unicode value for the sprite character to be displayed when the requested sprite character is not found in any sprite assets or fallbacks.#iOS Emoji SupportEnables Emoji support for Touch Screen Keyboards on target devices.The relative path to a Resources folder where the Sprite Assets are located. Example "Sprite Assets/"'Default Style SheetThe Style Sheet that will be used for all text objects in this project.The relative path to a Resources folder where the Style Sheets are located. Example "Style Sheets/"-Color Gradient PresetsThe relative path to a Resources folder where the Color Gradient Presets are located. Example "Color Gradient Presets/"CLine Breaking for Asian languagesThe text assets that contain the Leading and Following characters which define the rules for line breaking with Asian languages./Korean Language Options5Fallback Sprite Asset List/Packing glyphs - Pass (#Packing glyphs...'Rendering glyphs...4/U֓E_Tg     I i   I  !! II-II ! 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