module Fastlane module Actions class XctoolAction < Action def UI.important("Have you seen the new 'scan' tool to run tests?") unless Helper.test? UI.user_error!("xctool not installed, please install using `brew install xctool`") if `which xctool`.length == 0 end params = [] if params.kind_of?(FastlaneCore::Configuration)'xctool ' + params.join(' ')) end def self.description "Run tests using xctool" end def self.details [ "You can run any `xctool` action. This will require having [xctool]( installed through [Homebrew](", "It is recommended to store the build configuration in the `.xctool-args` file.", "More information: [](" ].join("\n") end def "KrauseFx" end def self.is_supported?(platform) [:ios, :mac].include?(platform) end def self.example_code [ 'xctool(:test)', '# If you prefer to have the build configuration stored in the `Fastfile`: xctool(:test, [ "--workspace", "\'AwesomeApp.xcworkspace\'", "--scheme", "\'Schema Name\'", "--configuration", "Debug", "--sdk", "iphonesimulator", "--arch", "i386" ].join(" "))' ] end def self.category :testing end end end end