locales['foreman_theme_satellite'] = locales['foreman_theme_satellite'] || {}; locales['foreman_theme_satellite']['es'] = { "domain": "foreman_theme_satellite", "locale_data": { "foreman_theme_satellite": { "": { "Project-Id-Version": "foreman_theme_satellite 1.0.0", "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": "", "PO-Revision-Date": "2023-11-21 10:43+0000", "Last-Translator": "Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden , 2024", "Language-Team": "Spanish (https://app.transifex.com/foreman/teams/114/es/)", "MIME-Version": "1.0", "Content-Type": "text/plain; charset=UTF-8", "Content-Transfer-Encoding": "8bit", "Language": "es", "Plural-Forms": "nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;", "lang": "es", "domain": "foreman_theme_satellite", "plural_forms": "nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;" }, "(build: %{version})": [ "" ], "API Guide": [ "Guía API" ], "Administering Red Hat Satellite": [ "" ], "Blog": [ "Diario web" ], "Customer portal": [ "Portal del cliente" ], "Documentation": [ "Documentación" ], "Environment only": [ "Solo entorno" ], "Full trace": [ "Mensaje completo" ], "Host group and Environment": [ "Grupo del host y Entorno" ], "Host group only": [ "Solo Grupo del host" ], "IRC": [ "IRC" ], "If you feel this is an error with Satellite 6 itself, please open a new issue with": [ "Si cree que esto es un error de Satellite 6, por favor, reporte una incidencia con" ], "Includes %{system} © 2009-%{year} Paul Kelly and Ohad Levy": [ "" ], "More information": [ "" ], "On August 31, 2022, Red Hat Virtualization entered the Maintenance Support Phase. The Maintenance Support Phase runs until August 31, 2024, followed by the Extended Life Phase, which runs until August 31, 2026.": [ "" ], "Operating System": [ "Sistema operativo" ], "Operating system default": [ "Sistema operativo predeterminado" ], "RHEV integration is deprecated.": [ "" ], "Red Hat Satellite Blog": [ "Red Hat Satellite Blog" ], "Satellite ticketing system": [ "Sistema de tiquetes Satellite " ], "Show unsupported provisioning templates": [ "" ], "Show unsupported provisioning templates. When enabled, all the avaiable templates will be shown. When disabled, Red Hat supported templates will be shown only": [ "" ], "Support": [ "Soporte" ], "Supported by Red Hat": [ "" ], "The final entry, Operating System default, can be set by editing the %s page.": [ "La última entrada, sistema operativo predeterminado, puede configurarse al editar la página %s." ], "Theme changes for Satellite 6.": [ "Cambios de tema para Satellite 6." ], "Transitioning from Red Hat Satellite 5 to Red Hat Satellite 6": [ "" ], "Version %{version}": [ "" ], "Version %{version} © %{year} Red Hat Inc.": [ "" ], "When a Host requests a template (e.g. during provisioning), Foreman selects the optimal match from the available templates of that type, in the following order:": [ "Cuando un host solicita una plantilla (p. ej., durante el aprovisionamiento), Foreman selecciona la mejor coincidencia en las plantillas disponibles de ese tipo, en el siguiente orden:" ], "When editing a Template, you must assign a list of Operating Systems with which this Template can be used. Optionally, you can restrict a template to a list of Hostgroups or Environments.": [ "Cuando edita una plantilla, debe asignar una lista de sistemas operativos con los que esta plantilla puede usarse. De manera opcional, puede restringir una plantilla a una lista de grupos de hosts o entornos." ], "You can find us on %{liberachat} (irc.libera.chat) in #redhat-satellite.": [ "" ], "You would probably need to attach the": [ "Probablemente sea necesario añadir el" ], "and relevant log entries.": [ "y entradas relevantes de registros" ] } } };