-- redis.replicate_commands(); local exists_key = KEYS[1] local grabbed_key = KEYS[2] local available_key = KEYS[3] local version_key = KEYS[4] local unique_keys = KEYS[5] local unique_digest = KEYS[6] local job_id = ARGV[1] local expiration = tonumber(ARGV[2]) local api_version = ARGV[3] local concurrency = tonumber(ARGV[4]) -- redis.log(redis.LOG_DEBUG, "create.lua - investigate possibility of locking jid: " .. job_id) local stored_token = redis.call('GET', exists_key) if stored_token and stored_token ~= job_id then -- redis.log(redis.LOG_DEBUG, "create.lua - jid: " .. job_id .. " - returning existing jid: " .. stored_token) return stored_token end redis.call('SET', exists_key, job_id) ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- TODO: Legacy support (Remove in v6.1) local old_token = redis.call('GET', unique_digest) if old_token then if old_token == job_id or old_token == '2' then -- No need to return, we just delete the old key redis.call('DEL', unique_digest) else return old_token end end ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- redis.log(redis.LOG_DEBUG, "create.lua - creating locks for jid: " .. job_id) redis.call('SADD', unique_keys, unique_digest) redis.call('EXPIRE', exists_key, 5) redis.call('DEL', grabbed_key) redis.call('DEL', available_key) if concurrency and concurrency > 1 then for index = 1, concurrency do redis.call('RPUSH', available_key, index) end else redis.call('RPUSH', available_key, job_id) end -- redis.log(redis.LOG_DEBUG, "create.lua - persisting locks for jid: " .. job_id) redis.call('PERSIST', exists_key) redis.call('GETSET', version_key, api_version) return job_id