# encoding: UTF-8 require 'rubygems' require "thor" require 'json' require 'rest_client' require 'highline' require 'socialcast' require 'socialcast/command_line/message' require 'socialcast/command_line/provision' require 'logger' require 'fileutils' # uncomment to debug HTTP traffic # class ActiveResource::Connection # def configure_http(http) # http = apply_ssl_options(http) # # Net::HTTP timeouts default to 60 seconds. # if @timeout # http.open_timeout = @timeout # http.read_timeout = @timeout # end # http.set_debug_output STDOUT # http # end # end module Socialcast module CommandLine class CLI < Thor include Thor::Actions method_option :trace, :type => :boolean, :aliases => '-v' def initialize(*args); super; end desc "authenticate", "Authenticate using your Socialcast credentials" method_option :user, :type => :string, :aliases => '-u', :desc => 'email address for the authenticated user' method_option :password, :type => :string, :aliases => '-p', :desc => 'password for the authenticated user' method_option :domain, :type => :string, :default => 'api.socialcast.com', :desc => 'Socialcast community domain' method_option :proxy, :type => :string, :desc => 'HTTP proxy options for connecting to Socialcast server' def authenticate user = options[:user] || ask('Socialcast username: ') password = options[:password] || HighLine.new.ask("Socialcast password: ") { |q| q.echo = false }.to_s domain = options[:domain] url = ['https://', domain, '/api/authentication'].join say "Authenticating #{user} to #{url}" params = { :email => user, :password => password } RestClient.log = Logger.new(STDOUT) if options[:trace] RestClient.proxy = options[:proxy] if options[:proxy] resource = RestClient::Resource.new url response = resource.post params, :accept => :json say "API response: #{response.body.to_s}" if options[:trace] communities = JSON.parse(response.body.to_s)['communities'] domain = communities.detect {|c| c['domain'] == domain} ? domain : communities.first['domain'] Socialcast::CommandLine.credentials = {:user => user, :password => password, :domain => domain, :proxy => options[:proxy]} say "Authentication successful for #{domain}" end desc "share MESSAGE", "Posts a new message into socialcast" method_option :url, :type => :string, :desc => '(optional) url to associate to the message' method_option :message_type, :type => :string, :desc => '(optional) force an alternate message_type' method_option :attachments, :type => :array, :default => [] method_option :group_id, :type => :numeric, :desc => "(optional) ID of group to post into" def share(message = nil) message ||= $stdin.read_nonblock(100_000) rescue nil attachment_ids = [] options[:attachments].each do |path| Dir[File.expand_path(path)].each do |attachment| say "Uploading attachment #{attachment}..." uploader = Socialcast::CommandLine.resource_for_path '/api/attachments', {}, options[:trace] uploader.post({:attachment => File.new(attachment)}, {:accept => :json}) do |response, request, result| if response.code == 201 attachment_ids << JSON.parse(response.body)['attachment']['id'] else say "Error uploading attachment: #{response.body}" end end end end ActiveResource::Base.logger = Logger.new(STDOUT) if options[:trace] Socialcast::CommandLine::Message.configure_from_credentials Socialcast::CommandLine::Message.create :body => message, :url => options[:url], :message_type => options[:message_type], :attachment_ids => attachment_ids, :group_id => options[:group_id] say "Message has been shared" end desc 'provision', 'provision users from ldap compatible user repository' method_option :config, :default => 'ldap.yml', :aliases => '-c', :desc => 'Path to ldap config file' method_option :output, :default => Socialcast::CommandLine::Provision::DEFAULT_OUTPUT_FILE, :aliases => '-o', :desc => 'Name of the output file' method_option :setup, :type => :boolean, :desc => 'Create an example ldap config file and exit' method_option :delete_users_file, :type => :boolean, :desc => 'Delete the output file' method_option :test, :type => :boolean, :desc => 'Do not persist changes' method_option :skip_emails, :type => :boolean, :desc => 'Do not send signup emails to users' method_option :force, :type => :boolean, :aliases => '-f', :default => false, :desc => 'Proceed with provisioning even if no users are found, which would deactivate all users in the community' method_option :sanity_check, :type => :boolean, :default => false, :desc => 'Double check that users marked for termination really no longer exist' method_option :plugins, :type => :array, :desc => "Pass in an array of plugins. Can be either the gem require or the absolute path to a ruby file" def provision config = ldap_config options load_plugins options Socialcast::CommandLine::Provision.new(config, options).provision rescue Socialcast::CommandLine::Provision::ProvisionError => e Kernel.abort e.message end desc 'sync_photos', 'Upload default avatar photos from LDAP repository' method_option :config, :default => 'ldap.yml', :aliases => '-c' def sync_photos config = ldap_config options Socialcast::CommandLine::Provision.new(config).sync_photos end no_tasks do def load_plugins(options) Array.wrap(options[:plugins]).each do |plugin| begin require plugin rescue LoadError => e fail "Unable to load #{plugin}: #{e}" end end end def ldap_config(options) config_file = File.expand_path options[:config] if options[:setup] create_file config_file do File.read File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', '..', '..', 'config', 'ldap.yml') end say "Created config file: #{config_file}" Kernel.exit 0 end fail "Unable to load configuration file: #{config_file}" unless File.exists?(config_file) say "Using configuration file: #{config_file}" config = YAML.load_file config_file mappings = config.fetch 'mappings', {} required_mappings = %w{email first_name last_name} required_mappings.each do |field| unless mappings.has_key? field fail "Missing required mapping: #{field}" end end config end end end end end