# capistrano2-zabbix Tired of manually creating maintenance objects in your Zabbix monitoring system for every new release of your application ? This gem is for you! It automates creation and removal of necessary objects so that your code can be released without unnecessary false alerts. ## Compatibility capistrano2-zabbix works only with Capistrano v2. The gem for version 3 has not been released yet. ## Installation To install `capistrano2-zabbix` you need to add following to your `Gemfile` `gem 'capistrano2-zabbix', '~> 0.1'` Then in your `config/deploy.rb` you need to require the gem: `require 'capistrano2-zabbix'` ## Configuration * `:zabbix_url` - address of the Zabbix API endpoint. * `:zabbix_user` - user name that has permissions to edit maintenances * `:zabbix_password` - self explanatory * `:zabbix_period` - number of seconds that maintance is created for * `:zabbix_groupid` - ID of server group included in the maintenace * `:zabbix_auto_trigger` - if set to `true`, your deployment will automatically execute `zabbix:create` before deploying code and `zabbix:delete` when it's finished. If set to `false` (default) you have to hook those tasks up where you think it's appropriate. ### Configuration defaults ```ruby set :zabbix_url, '' set :zabbix_user, 'Admin' set :zabbix_password, 'zabbix' set :zabbix_period, 60 * 60 * 10 # 10 hours set :zabbix_groupid, 2 set :zabbix_auto_trigger, false ``` ## Usage As mentioned in 'Configuration' section you have at leasth three ways of using this gem: * automatically create maintenance before code deployment and delete it afterwards. If this is what you want, set `:zabbix_auto_trigger` to `true`. * modify your `deploy.rb` to invoke `zabbix:create` and/or `zabbix:delete` tasks anytime you want. For example, if you want to create maintenance only after code has been copied over to your severs you would want something like this: ```ruby set :zabbix_auto_trigger, false # This is default, can be skipped. after 'deploy:update_code', 'zabbix:create' ``` ## Contributing to capistrano2-zabbix * Check out the latest master to make sure the feature hasn't been implemented or the bug hasn't been fixed yet. * Check out the issue tracker to make sure someone already hasn't requested it and/or contributed it. * Fork the project. * Start a feature/bugfix branch. * Commit and push until you are happy with your contribution. * Feel free to submit PR :) ## Copyright Copyright (c) 2015 Marek Skrobacki. See LICENSE.txt for further details.