require_relative '../test_helper' class TestBEREncoding < Test::Unit::TestCase def test_empty_array assert_equal [], [].to_ber.read_ber end def test_array ary = [1,2,3] encoded_ary = { |el| el.to_ber }.to_ber assert_equal ary, encoded_ary.read_ber end # def test_true assert_equal "\x01\x01\xFF".b, true.to_ber end def test_false assert_equal "\x01\x01\x00", false.to_ber end # Sample based { 0 => "\x02\x01\x00", 1 => "\x02\x01\x01", 127 => "\x02\x01\x7F", 128 => "\x02\x02\x00\x80", 255 => "\x02\x02\x00\xFF", 256 => "\x02\x02\x01\x00", 65535 => "\x02\x03\x00\xFF\xFF", 65536 => "\x02\x03\x01\x00\x00", 8388607 => "\x02\x03\x7F\xFF\xFF", 8388608 => "\x02\x04\x00\x80\x00\x00", 16_777_215 => "\x02\x04\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF", 0x01000000 => "\x02\x04\x01\x00\x00\x00", 0x3FFFFFFF => "\x02\x04\x3F\xFF\xFF\xFF", 0x4FFFFFFF => "\x02\x04\x4F\xFF\xFF\xFF", # Some odd samples... 5 => "\x02\x01\x05", 500 => "\x02\x02\x01\xf4", 50_000 => "\x02\x03\x00\xC3\x50", 5_000_000_000 => "\x02\x05\x01\x2a\x05\xF2\x00", # negatives -1 => "\x02\x01\xFF", -127 => "\x02\x01\x81", -128 => "\x02\x01\x80", -255 => "\x02\x02\xFF\x01", -256 => "\x02\x02\xFF\x00", -65535 => "\x02\x03\xFF\x00\x01", -65536 => "\x02\x03\xFF\x00\x00", -65537 => "\x02\x03\xFE\xFF\xFF", -8388607 => "\x02\x03\x80\x00\x01", -8388608 => "\x02\x03\x80\x00\x00", -16_777_215 => "\x02\x04\xFF\x00\x00\x01", }.each do |number, expected_encoding| define_method "test_encode_#{number}" do assert_equal expected_encoding.b, number.to_ber end define_method "test_decode_encoded_#{number}" do assert_equal number, expected_encoding.b.read_ber end end # Round-trip encoding: This is mostly to be sure to cover Bignums well. def test_powers_of_two 100.times do |p| n = 2 << p assert_equal n, n.to_ber.read_ber end end def test_powers_of_ten 100.times do |p| n = 5 * 10**p assert_equal n, n.to_ber.read_ber end end if "Ruby 1.9".respond_to?(:encoding) def test_encode_utf8_strings assert_equal "\x04\x02\xC3\xA5".b, "\u00e5".force_encoding("UTF-8").to_ber end def test_utf8_encodable_strings assert_equal "\x04\nteststring", "teststring".encode("US-ASCII").to_ber end def test_encode_binary_data # This is used for searching for GUIDs in Active Directory assert_equal "\x04\x10" + "j1\xB4\xA1*\xA2zA\xAC\xA9`?'\xDDQ\x16".b, ["6a31b4a12aa27a41aca9603f27dd5116"].pack("H*").to_ber_bin end def test_non_utf8_encodable_strings assert_equal "\x04\x01\x81".b, "\x81".to_ber end end end class TestBERDecoding < Test::Unit::TestCase def test_decode_number assert_equal 6, "\002\001\006".read_ber(Net::LDAP::AsnSyntax) end def test_decode_string assert_equal "testing", "\004\007testing".read_ber(Net::LDAP::AsnSyntax) end def test_decode_ldap_bind_request assert_equal [1, [3, "Administrator", "ad_is_bogus"]], "0$\002\001\001`\037\002\001\003\004\rAdministrator\200\vad_is_bogus".read_ber(Net::LDAP::AsnSyntax) end end class TestBERIdentifiedString < Test::Unit::TestCase def test_binary_data data = ["6a31b4a12aa27a41aca9603f27dd5116"].pack("H*").force_encoding("ASCII-8BIT") bis = assert bis.valid_encoding?, "should be a valid encoding" assert_equal "ASCII-8BIT", end def test_ascii_data_in_utf8 data = "some text".force_encoding("UTF-8") bis = assert bis.valid_encoding?, "should be a valid encoding" assert_equal "UTF-8", end def test_umlaut_data_in_utf8 data = "Müller".force_encoding("UTF-8") bis = assert bis.valid_encoding?, "should be a valid encoding" assert_equal "UTF-8", end def test_utf8_data_in_utf8 data = ["e4b8ad"].pack("H*").force_encoding("UTF-8") bis = assert bis.valid_encoding?, "should be a valid encoding" assert_equal "UTF-8", end end