class ActionView::Helpers::FormBuilder include ActionView::Helpers::FormTagHelper def assets_upload(key = nil, options = {}) papermill_upload_tag key, { :thumbnail => false }.update(options) end def asset_upload(key = nil, options = {}) papermill_upload_tag key, { :gallery => false, :thumbnail => false }.update(options) end def images_upload(key = nil, options = {}) papermill_upload_tag key, options end def image_upload(key = nil, options = {}) papermill_upload_tag key, { :gallery => false }.update(options) end end module ActionView::Helpers::FormTagHelper def assets_upload_tag(assetable, key = nil, options = {}) papermill_upload_tag key, { :thumbnail => false, :assetable => assetable }.update(options) end def asset_upload_tag(assetable, key = nil, options = {}) papermill_upload_tag key, { :gallery => false, :thumbnail => false, :assetable => assetable }.update(options) end def images_upload_tag(assetable, key = nil, options = {}) papermill_upload_tag key, { :assetable => assetable }.update(options) end def image_upload_tag(assetable, key = nil, options = {}) papermill_upload_tag key, { :gallery => false, :assetable => assetable }.update(options) end private def papermill_upload_tag(key, options) if key.nil? && [String, Symbol].include?(options[:assetable].class) key = options[:assetable].to_s options[:assetable] = nil end assetable = @object || options[:object] || options[:assetable] || @template.instance_variable_get("@#{@object_name}") raise"Your form instance object is not @#{@object_name}, and therefor cannot be found. \nPlease provide your object name in your form_for initialization. \nform_for :my_object_name, @my_object_name, :url => { :action => 'create'/'update'}") if @object_name && !assetable assetable_id = assetable && ( || assetable.timestamp) || nil assetable_type = assetable && || nil options = PapermillAsset.papermill_options(assetable &&, key).deep_merge(options) dom_id = "papermill_#{assetable_type}_#{assetable_id}_#{key}" if ot = options[:thumbnail] w = ot[:width] || ot[:height] && ot[:aspect_ratio] && (ot[:height] * ot[:aspect_ratio]).to_i || nil h = ot[:height] || ot[:width] && ot[:aspect_ratio] && (ot[:width] / ot[:aspect_ratio]).to_i || nil computed_style = ot[:style] || (w || h) && "#{w}x#{h}>" || "original" set_papermill_inline_css(dom_id, w, h, options) end set_papermill_inline_js(dom_id, compute_papermill_create_url(assetable_id, assetable_type, key, computed_style, options), options) html = {} html[:upload_button] = %{
} html[:container] = @template.content_tag(:div, :id => dom_id, :class => "papermill-#{key.to_s} #{(options[:thumbnail] ? "papermill-thumb-container" : "papermill-asset-container")} #{(options[:gallery] ? "papermill-multiple-items" : "papermill-unique-item")}") do conditions = {:assetable_type => assetable_type, :assetable_id => assetable_id} conditions.merge!({:assetable_key => key.to_s}) if key @template.render :partial => "papermill/asset", :collection => PapermillAsset.all(:conditions => conditions), :locals => { :thumbnail_style => computed_style, :targetted_size => options[:targetted_size] } end if options[:gallery] html[:dashboard] = {} html[:dashboard][:mass_edit] = %{#{I18n.t("papermill.modify-all")}} html[:dashboard][:mass_delete] = %{#{I18n.t("papermill.delete-all")}} html[:dashboard][:mass_thumbnail_reset] = %{#{I18n.t("papermill.mass-thumbnail-reset")}} html[:dashboard] = @template.content_tag(:ul, options[:dashboard].map{|action| @template.content_tag(:li, html[:dashboard][action], :class => action.to_s) }.join("\n"), :class => "dashboard") end if assetable && assetable.new_record? && !@timestamped @timestamp_field = @template.hidden_field(assetable_type.underscore, :timestamp, :value => assetable.timestamp) @timestamped = true end %{
#{@timestamp_field.to_s + options[:form_helper_elements].map{|element| html[element] || ""}.join("\n")}
} end def compute_papermill_create_url(assetable_id, assetable_type, key, computed_style, options) create_url_options = { :escape => false, :controller => "/papermill", :action => "create", :asset_class => (options[:class_name] || PapermillAsset).to_s, :gallery => !!options[:gallery], :thumbnail_style => computed_style, :targetted_size => options[:targetted_size] } create_url_options.merge!({ :assetable_id => assetable_id, :assetable_type => assetable_type }) if assetable_id create_url_options.merge!({ :assetable_key => key }) if key @template.url_for(create_url_options) end def set_papermill_inline_js(dom_id, create_url, options) return unless options[:inline_css] @template.content_for :papermill_inline_js do %{ jQuery("##{dom_id}").sortable({ update:function(){ jQuery.ajax({ async: true, data: jQuery(this).sortable('serialize'), dataType: 'script', type: 'post', url: '#{@template.controller.send("sort_papermill_path")}' }) } }) } if options[:gallery] end @template.content_for :papermill_inline_js do %{ new SWFUpload({ post_params: { "#{ ActionController::Base.session_options[:key] }": "#{ @template.cookies[ActionController::Base.session_options[:key]] }" }, upload_id: "#{ dom_id }", upload_url: "#{ @template.escape_javascript create_url }", file_types: "#{ options[:images_only] ? '*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.png;*.gif' : '' }", file_queue_limit: "#{ !options[:gallery] ? '1' : '0' }", file_queued_handler: Papermill.file_queued, file_dialog_complete_handler: Papermill.file_dialog_complete, upload_start_handler: Papermill.upload_start, upload_progress_handler: Papermill.upload_progress, file_queue_error_handler: Papermill.file_queue_error, upload_error_handler: Papermill.upload_error, upload_success_handler: Papermill.upload_success, upload_complete_handler: Papermill.upload_complete, button_placeholder_id: "browse_for_#{dom_id}", #{ options[:swfupload].map { |key, value| "#{key}: #{value}" if value }.compact.join(",\n") } }); } end end def set_papermill_inline_css(dom_id, width, height, options) html = ["\n"] size = [width && "width:#{width}px", height && "height:#{height}px"].compact.join("; ") if og = options[:gallery] vp, hp, vm, hm, b = [og[:vpadding], og[:hpadding], og[:vmargin], og[:hmargin], og[:border_thickness]].map &:to_i gallery_width = (og[:width] || width) && "width:#{og[:width] || og[:columns]*(width.to_i+(hp+hm+b)*2)}px;" || "" gallery_height = (og[:height] || height) && "min-height:#{og[:height] || og[:lines]*(height.to_i+(vp+vm+b)*2)}px;" || "" html << %{##{dom_id} { #{gallery_width} #{gallery_height} }} html << %{##{dom_id} .asset { margin:#{vm}px #{hm}px; border-width:#{b}px; padding:#{vp}px #{hp}px; #{size}; }} else html << %{##{dom_id}, ##{dom_id} .asset { #{size} }} end html << %{##{dom_id} .name { width:#{width || "100"}px; }} @template.content_for :papermill_inline_css do html.join("\n") end end end