module Skeptic module Rules class LinesPerMethod DESCRIPTION = 'Limit the number of lines in each method' include SexpVisitor def initialize(limit = nil) env[:line_numbers] = [] @line_counts = {} @limit = limit end def apply_to(code, tokens, sexp) visit sexp self end def size_of(qualified_method_name) @line_counts[qualified_method_name] end def violations { |name, lines| lines > @limit }.map do |name, lines| "#{name} is #{lines} lines long" end end def name "Number of lines per method (#@limit)" end private on :class do |name, parent, body| class_name = [env[:class], extract_name(name)].compact.join('::') env.scoped :class => class_name do visit body end end on :def do |name, params, body| method_name = extract_name(name) env.scoped method: method_name, line_numbers: [] do visit body lines = env[:line_numbers].uniq.compact.length full_name = "#{env[:class]}##{env[:method]}" @line_counts[full_name] = lines + @line_counts.fetch(full_name, 0) end end on :@ident, :@const, :@gvar, :@ivar, :@cvar, :@int, :@float, :@tstring_content, :@kw do |text, location| env[:line_numbers] << location.first end end end end