module ROM module SQL class Relation < ROM::Relation module Writing # Add upsert option (only PostgreSQL >= 9.5) # Uses internal Sequel implementation # Default - ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING # more options: # # @example # users.upsert({ name: 'Jane', email: '' }, # { target: :email, update: { name: :excluded__name } }) # # @return [Integer] Number of affected rows # # @api public def upsert(*args, &block) if args.size > 1 && args[-1].is_a?(Hash) *values, opts = args else values = args opts = EMPTY_HASH end dataset.insert_conflict(opts).insert(*values, &block) end # Insert tuple into relation # # @example # users.insert(name: 'Jane') # # @param [Hash] args # # @return [Hash] Inserted tuple # # @api public def insert(*args, &block) dataset.insert(*args, &block) end # Multi insert tuples into relation # # @example # users.multi_insert([{name: 'Jane'}, {name: 'Jack'}]) # # @param [Array] args # # @return [Array] A list of executed SQL statements # # @api public def multi_insert(*args, &block) dataset.multi_insert(*args, &block) end # Update tuples in the relation # # @example # users.update(name: 'Jane') # users.where(name: 'Jane').update(name: 'Jane Doe') # # @return [Integer] Number of updated rows # # @api public def update(*args, &block) dataset.update(*args, &block) end # Delete tuples from the relation # # @example # users.delete # deletes all # users.where(name: 'Jane').delete # delete tuples # from restricted relation # # @return [Integer] Number of deleted tuples # # @api public def delete(*args, &block) dataset.delete(*args, &block) end # Insert tuples from other relation # # NOTE: The method implicitly uses a transaction # # @example # users.import(new_users) # # @overload import(other_sql_relation, options) # If both relations uses the same gateway # the INSERT ... SELECT statement will # be used for importing the data # # @param [SQL::Relation] other_sql_relation # # @option [Integer] :slice # Split loading into batches of provided size, # every batch will be processed in a separate # transaction block # # @overload import(other, options) # Import data from another relation. The source # relation will be materialized before loading # # @param [Relation] other # # @option [Integer] :slice # # @return [Integer] Number of imported tuples # # @api public def import(other, options = EMPTY_HASH) if other.gateway.eql?(gateway) columns = { |a| a.alias || } dataset.import(columns, other.dataset, options) else columns = { |a| a.alias || } keys = dataset.import(columns, { |record| record.to_h.values_at(*keys) }, options) end end end end end end