module Origen module Features extend ActiveSupport::Concern autoload :Feature, 'origen/features/feature' module ClassMethods def features @features ||= {} end # Creates a Feature if it deos not already exists. # Returns the Feature object if it already exists. # Returns an array of features if no argument is provided. private def feature(name, options = {}) name = name.to_s.downcase.to_sym if !features.key?(name) # Add the feature if it does not already exists # Read desciption from the caller if the description of feature # is not provided unless options.key?(:description) @file = define_file(caller[0]) options[:description] = fetch_description(name) end features[name] =, options) else # if feature with given name already exists fail "Feature #{name} already added!" end end def fetch_description(name) parse_description unless description_lookup[@file] begin desc = description_lookup[@file][name] rescue desc = [] end desc end def define_file(file) if Origen.running_on_windows? fields = file.split(':') "#{fields[0]}:#{fields[1]}" else file.split(':').first end end def description_lookup @@description_lookup ||= {} end def parse_description desc = [] File.readlines(@file).each do |line| if line =~ /^\s*#(.*)/ desc << Regexp.last_match[1].strip elsif line =~ /(\s|:)feature(\s*)(=?>?)(\s?):(\w*)/ description_lookup[@file] ||= {} description_lookup[@file][Regexp.last_match[5].to_sym] = desc desc = [] else desc = [] end end end end def has_features?(name = nil) if !name if feature.size == 0 false else true end else feature.include?(name) end end alias_method :has_feature?, :has_features? # Returns an array of the names of all associated features def feature(name = nil) if !name self.class.features.keys else if self.class.features.key?(name) self.class.features[name] else fail "Feature #{name} does not exist!" end end end alias_method :features, :feature end end